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My Head Hurts 90 Joined: 19 Jan 2007 Posts: 3445 (Sat May 26, 2007 2:58 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
Derek is out of his mind if he thinks the combat in 3 is that much different, and it's certainly not good enough to cover up every other facet of that game. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Sat May 26, 2007 3:30 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
The skill and spell systems are better done in 3 than in any of the other games. The playhouse feature is pretty awesome. The main villain and his storyline wrap up a lot of the loose ends from 2. Monsters are actually useful characters in this game because they can be used as mounts by certain characters. The boss battles are more challenging than in any of the other games, and the battles have a positioning system that requires far more strategy than any of the gay crap seen in the other Suikodens. The graphics are also better than those of 4 and probably a significant portion of five mostly because the character designs are by and large better.
The game's problems lie in that the trinity system gets kind of old (fortunately it doesn't take up the whole game) and makes several story moments repetitive and hinders the games replay value. There are too many true runes. The main characters don't really fit into the formula of the series other than Hugo. Thomas's chapters are pretty boring (fortunately they're optional and everyone you can recruit with Thomas can be recruited with other characters). The battle system is somewhat complex and can be somewhat confusing for those used to just hitting the X button over and over again like in the previous Suikoden games. The strategic battles were more interesting in 2 (but still significantly better than the shit with the boats in 4). There really aren't 108 stars (this game really only has 104), and the loss of the cooking game was really gay.
In all honesty though, Suikoden 3 is significantly better than 4 and probably superior to 5 in a lot of ways (it also happens to be the last one written by the series creator). The game recieved great reviews and in general most critics would probably consider it the best of the series. The big problems were that the story had a lot of twists that were only significant if you played the first two which made the game somewhat of a turnoff for newcomers to the series, and the game significantly upped the difficulty and dropped a lot of the story conventions of the first two games which upset fans of the series. One of the major complaints was about the switch to 3d as well, but honestly whining about that is pretty faggy, Suikoden 2 is one of my favorite console rpgs of all time, but it's graphics were already looking dated when the game was released. 3 graphically actually kept more true to the style of previous games than any other entry, but somehow people had a hard-on for the forced perspective and simplified battles of 5 since it was essentially a rehash of 2 (with a less interesting story, no cooking battle mini-game and a gayer main character than the hero of 4 who wore hot pants). 1, 2, and 3 are the must plays of the series. 4 is garbage produced by people who had nothing to do with the series that makes significant leaps backwards even from the second and first game of the series(thus all the plot holes and inconsistencies it creates), and 5 is just making a simplistic game to appease fans of the first 2 (I admit that I still really liked it, but honestly Konami could slap the name Suikoden on a turd, and I'd probably buy it). |
My Head Hurts 90 Joined: 19 Jan 2007 Posts: 3445 (Sat May 26, 2007 4:38 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
The graphics and animations in the game were pretty bad (everyone moved like a robot). Take into the fact that combat always grows old in an rpg, having a horrible story and no good characters makes for a pretty bad game. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Sat May 26, 2007 4:57 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
There are plenty of good characters and the animations are superior by an large to the two sequels. Unfortunately the game's three main characters were somewhat bland compared to other series protagonists.
That said it still has a better story than 4 and arguably as good a story as 5. Really the only people who criticize 3 are fanboy fags who basically wanted a game exactly like 2 with slightly better sprites for the PS2 which is hardly progress in a game series. There's a reason the games after the third have had considerable drops in sales(it's somewhat ironic to me that 4 sold more than 5, but that's probably because a lot of the people who got 4 wanted nothing to do with the series afterwards). Konami tried something different with the third game that was critically acclaimed and brought the game to mainstream popularity but series fanboys bitched. Since then Konami has tried to placate them and has for the most part stagnated the series. There's a reason only rumors have been released about Suikoden VI and there haven't been any real announcements. |
My Head Hurts 90 Joined: 19 Jan 2007 Posts: 3445 (Sat May 26, 2007 12:15 pm) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
The more you talk about this game, the more I think you've never played it. |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Sat May 26, 2007 12:32 pm) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
You're fucking with the wrong guy! |
My Head Hurts 90 Joined: 19 Jan 2007 Posts: 3445 (Sat May 26, 2007 1:16 pm) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
Tell me about it! |
FancyMichael A lonely fellow who couldn't bag a CHICKEN! Joined: 08 May 2007 Posts: 3694 (Sat May 26, 2007 1:56 pm) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
I'm a big fan of discussions where one person makes multi-paragraph posts on the topic and THE OTHER PERSON responds with mostly one-sentence BARBS. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Sat May 26, 2007 2:03 pm) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
Most RPGs are just combat. |
Let My Love Open The Door I do God's work of raping BITCHES! Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 6666 (Sat May 26, 2007 3:08 pm) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
Look at Mike coming to his baby brother's rescue! |
SuperPsaturn SuperPSaturn Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 2111 (Sat May 26, 2007 3:10 pm) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
I think it might be the other way around. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Sat May 26, 2007 5:53 pm) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
God, he's not even making a fucking argument. I'm just going to declare myself the victor and say that it's over.
You should play through Suikoden 3, Seru. |
funnelcake Joined: 14 May 2007 Posts: 26 (Thu May 31, 2007 2:12 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
Synopsis by Zindryr:
Take yourself back to the 1880s where the KKK is thriving and the African American community lives in fear. The African Americans don't fear the KKK simply because they beat, rape, and kill them. No. They fear the KKK because the KKK eats them. They are the aptly named man-eaters, a kind of mix between werewolves and vampires. They consume human flesh, can shapeshift into various forms, and are practically immortal. Only one man, an ex-heavyweight boxer named Victor Freeman, dares to stand up to them. Equipped with a small arsenal and a set of modified brass knuckles, can our hero defend his people and avenge his past?
This manga is amazing. |
Rice Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3474 (Thu May 31, 2007 2:14 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
funnelcake Joined: 14 May 2007 Posts: 26 (Thu May 31, 2007 2:25 am) Reply

Rice Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3474 (Thu May 31, 2007 2:39 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
I'm disappointed he doesn't have huge lips and his skin is made out of shadow element but this looks pretty grate nonetheless. |
Matthew Outland The sum of all the arguments Theldorrin makes for not having children. Joined: 30 Jan 2007 Posts: 2669 (Thu May 31, 2007 6:19 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
Does it haefv very slanty looking asians beating their wives for not fixing enough wonton soup |
Roy Joined: 28 Jan 2007 Posts: 1605 (Thu May 31, 2007 6:59 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
There's an anime about black people called Tokyo Tribe. There's a scene where a Jabba the Hutt esque fatass ass rapes a guy so hard that he dies. |
Vinny [00:10] How can you get an erect dick into your own ass? Joined: 16 Jan 2007 Posts: 5181 (Thu May 31, 2007 9:32 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
This is a pretty awesome series. I hope the KKK leader looks like either Shin or Raoh. |
Servbot Overrated faggot Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 9020 (Thu May 31, 2007 9:46 am) Reply

Re: Vinny Hates Manga (just kidding!) |
More blacks should move to Japan. |