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Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags*
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The Great Jon
Joined: 05 Feb 2007
Posts: 344
(Thu May 03, 2007 1:03 pm)

Post     Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags*

Odds are no one was gonna do this here anyway, just wanna tell my fucking story.

So I was watching Attack of the Show, and one of those hot bitches had a story about Mycomicshop buying pretty much any comics. So im like fuck, I have about 40-50 comics that sucked balls that have no place in my Vast collection, let me unload those things and get a few dollars.

I end up selling 22 Comics to them for store credit (you get more that way) at about $40 even. Pack em up, ship them out. All my comics are Cherry, fucking Near Mint, I know this, no question. They get their and those god damn ass fuckers downgrade half the fucking books to Very Fine and even went so far as to downgrade one to Very Good. Obviously, this impacts the Value of my Collection, after I read the Email saying all this shit, I was so fucking Pissed off that I was going to go back to the website and cancel the whole thing (You have to approve everything before they pay you)

So I go to the site and I click on the invoice page and low and behold, I notice that aparently, the fags made a mistake and put the quanity of one of my comics at 14 instead of one, which ment they were paying me for 14 copies of one comics instead of one. I look at the payment sum and is says $50. Im like, yes, sweet justice, they were trying to fucking screw me, but in return, there now screwing themself.

So I approve the trade instead of canceling it. I get home today and guess what? Those fuckers aparently noticed their mistake and only paid me $35. Which is total bullshit, that was their plan all along.

Absolute fucking animal rape.
The Great Jon
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(Thu May 03, 2007 1:05 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

I got screwed, Plain and simple.
Joined: 07 Feb 2007
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(Thu May 03, 2007 1:22 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

tell them they are jerks in emails then mail them a bomb
L Ron Butterfly
I take pop music pretty seriously.
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(Thu May 03, 2007 3:49 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

You are unscrupulous for not having called the mistake to their attention, and you got what you deserved.
Derek Payne
huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke*
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(Thu May 03, 2007 4:00 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

Punkasss is right. If you had stuck to your principles instead of trying to be a sleazy fuck this wouldn't have happened.
Joined: 04 Jan 2007
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(Thu May 03, 2007 4:17 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

Why don't you just cancel the transaction, if you no longer approved?
Joined: 22 Jan 2007
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(Thu May 03, 2007 7:08 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

This thread is now about Jon getting his shit pushed in.
Big Fagot
Alpha ape
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(Thu May 03, 2007 7:23 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

That theme is implicit in every thread on every message board.
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(Thu May 03, 2007 7:30 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

Jon, are we ever gonna fucking do that comic?
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(Thu May 03, 2007 7:31 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

More like do each other.
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(Thu May 03, 2007 11:34 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

"Jon, are we ever gonna fuck"
The Great Jon
Joined: 05 Feb 2007
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(Fri May 04, 2007 1:57 am)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

Clotho's rational faculties are not estimated to be at optimal capacity for a sapient specimen
Joined: 20 Jan 2007
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(Fri May 04, 2007 12:45 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

I get the most for the comic books I sell at the fair, Jon. Have you tried that, yet?
The Great Jon
Joined: 05 Feb 2007
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(Fri May 04, 2007 1:27 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

No Idea what yer talking about, explain.
At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did.
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(Fri May 04, 2007 1:31 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

Hey Jon, why don't you sell your comics at the Gay Pride Parade that you attend every year?
Clotho's rational faculties are not estimated to be at optimal capacity for a sapient specimen
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(Fri May 04, 2007 1:33 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

Well, the fair and the flea market at held at the same place in Raleigh N.C, sorry, I typed that subconsciously.

I mean, I get the most money for my comics when I sell them to collectors at flea markets. Of course, they will try to low ball you if you go in there un armed and don't know what you're selling.
Ryoko's Biatch
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(Fri May 04, 2007 2:22 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

I have a copy of that Captain America/Iron Man one-shot where they meet at Avengers Mansion and yell crap out their mouths signed by the penciler.

No doubt that decreased the value of it.
The Great Jon
Joined: 05 Feb 2007
Posts: 344
(Fri May 04, 2007 5:10 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

Real funny Jason.

Your a homosexual, and I dont mean to do that funny thing where you call someone gay just to insult them, I call you that because you have admitted to liking dudes asses and sticking your cock inside them.

When you look at a man Jason, your brain processes weather or not your attracted to them, then it processes weather you think they are a homosexual like you, then, you make a decision as to weather you should approch them for sex.

Then you take your penis and stick it in their asshole, the part of the body where shit comes out, you know, digested food, energy waste. It also just so happens that energy waste smeels fucking awful and is generally considered disgusting.

All fags have shit fetishes.

If god is real, then your going to go to hell and be tortured for all eternity. Your brain has processed that the wonderfull feeling that you get from sticking your dick into a mans shitty ass for 75 years (minus 15-20 years) is worth spending all of eternity in pain.

Their is almost no doubt that you have also sucked a mans cock, that man was gay, and unless hes a virgin, hes had his cock in mens asses to, which means their's shit crust on his dick, which means their shit crust in your mouth. Did it taste good?

Nobody wants their children to be gay, even gay people, which means your mother and father and siblings and cousins are dissapointed in you, you failed their bloodline.

If this was almost any other period in history, or if you lived in one of many countires today, you would have been exicuted.

Your lucky at least.

Hey Jon, why don't you sell your comics at the Gay Pride Parade that you attend every year?

No Jason, I did not. As I said in my orginal post, I sold them to mycomicshop.com, further more, I would not attend such an event because I am Heterosexual.[/quote]
Let My Love Open The Door
I do God's work of raping BITCHES!
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(Fri May 04, 2007 5:34 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

What, is your boyfriend watching? Does all this tuff talk get him off?
At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did.
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(Fri May 04, 2007 5:46 pm)

Post     Re: Never Sell Comics to Mycomicshop.com *Those fucking Fags

Was it hard to type that post while licking your own shit off of a dude's dick, Jon?
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