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Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:05 pm) Reply

(#23) I thumbed my Thunderballs into Octopussy |
Status report
Subject: Harry Underwood
It seems Harry is hunting down Creations from Byodine Labs. He took out the cereal killers creations commissioned by The Murder Killers. The murder killers all have also been taken out cause by the destruction Harry caused in their home base of Hogwash. We must assume he is looking for “IT” maybe to take down Caligula. We lost Contact with “IT” around the same time Harry came back on the grid.
Harry also won His match at Slaughter Serenade against Lunar Plexus. Lunar Plexus looked to be more of a problem but Harry’s power is surpassing even our expectations.
He is showing the ability to use the Ninja bear jitsu, making him even more powerful than first thought. Our agents have been instructed to help Harry on his quest whatever that may be he still is not letting our agents in on his motives.
The Byodine labs are still up and running we have contacted Dr. Jacobs and told him about Harry being back and his current status. He has informed me that Harry’s DNA can adapt to survive and his Contact and with the Bear clan must have triggered a change. He also went on to say if Harry encountered “IT” there combined power could not be stopped. Harry Was Dr. Jacobs biggest success “IT” was his biggest failure. Harry was the only thing “IT” respected and it thought of Harry as a brother. Lets pray “IT” finds Harry and does not fall into the wrong hands. Contact me for further instructions
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:40 pm) Reply

Re: I thumbed my Thunderballs into Octopussy |
It was the summer of 2000 when they recruited me In the Agency. An agency so top secret the President has no Idea we exist. We are funded through the NSA who budget was so inflated no one would really care. I was in record only still a NSA black OP. The Agency did special missions. Think of us like the Men in black we handled cases involving Demons, Aliens, but some times just the run of the mill psychos. The Agency was founded by the USA but it was a multi national Organization that had OPS in from 5 different countries. I was the one of 5 Super Agents that leads a cell of 10 Agents. I earned the Rank of Super Agent due to my perfect service record and my perfect score on the all the tests I had to endure. The other 4 Super agents are from the other countries England, Germany, Russia, And Japan.
England’s Super Agent Was Tibias Wentworth the 3rd a 00 agent that was upgraded to super agent after he uncovered a plot by a terrorist group who tried to raise a Evil Jin that would cause the End of Days. He was a Stuck up little fuck who was killed By Bin Destruction in 2005.we found out he was behind 9/11 Osama was just a front man puppet.
Germanys Super Agent Hans Uberschnitzel was a Old Nazi bastard who found a way be young forever. He was killed in the Moloch Arsloch uprising in 2005 his whole cell was turned into zombies. Hans was a crazy fuck.
Vladimir Koozinof Russia’s best KGB is the Russian Super Agent. His status is unknown my last contact with him was in 2006. He was on working on Guan Fei case trying to take him out. Like everyone who was in FTUW Guan Fei was a huge threat. He had failed many times to take him out.
Japan’s Super Agent went by the name Sakura Kazanaki. Japan is full of fags that can’t really fight but make a big deal about the simplest of punches and moves. The women on the other hand are killing machines that fuck like champs. Sakura was with me when she was killed By Theldorrion in 2005. When he took over China it’s going to be a matter of time before the rest of the world would fallow. We were sent out my team and hers. We did not stand a chance. I was wounded and escaped she was killed.
I was part of Project Kratos before taking control of my Cell. Byodine Labs a genetics lab that used alien technology to build weapons and make monsters gave me my power. I was altered to be the perfect spy. I was even made smarter. Project Kratos was the brain child of Dr. Jacobs a Brilliant man who was trained by the Aliens in Genetics. Aliens bet on us and see us as amusement. Wars, Politics, The FTUW were all bet on. Some even helped out nations and people they had invested in. Dr. Jacobs was one such man. He was made smarter and was sent to the USA to make better soldiers so the alien helping would win the bet. They wont invade they make way too much Money or whatever they call it. FTUW was there favorite sport.
Dr. Jacobs made a few other things The Cereal Killers had Jacobs written all over them. The Masterson Clone as well. Jacobs made something else when he made me. It was to be my partner a beast that was smart and deadly, My Dog of war so to speak, evil looking to scare enemies when they see it. It was made from many different animals DNA but the foundation was Chimp. It was fast strong and could blend into any background. It was called “IT” by the scientist because Jacobs had yet to name it. I called it Mojo after the powerpuff girls villain. Mojo could talk using sign language and was able to read. He also had a blood lust like no other. He killed many scientists and workers at the lab. One time skinning a young doctor and using her skin a decoration. He looked ape like but with huge yellow eyes, sharp claws, sharp teeth, and no hair. His skin when not doing his chameleon trick was grey. He also had webbed feet for swimming.
I was only person that Mojo respected. I trained Mojo to fight and to use weapons. Twice he tried to kill me. Twice Nano healers had to bring him back from near death. I was in no better shape after his attempts. I earned his respect for beating him. I was his only friend. When I was done at the labs Mojo was kept there because he was uncontrollable. They feared he would just start killing and not stop. I have go to Byodine and get Mojo with him I can beat anyone.
After harry finishes his story Harry looks at rick and mike they look at each oher and back at harry.
"Well we are going to need stuff so let head to base" Agent rick said
"Killer monkey monsters at a crazy Doc lab that made the freaks we killed. sounds like fun Harry" Says Agent Mike |
My Head Hurts 90 Joined: 19 Jan 2007 Posts: 3445 (Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:43 pm) Reply

Re: I thumbed my Thunderballs into Octopussy |
If I ever write something I want Mautty to come up with a title for it. |
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:29 pm) Reply

Re: I thumbed my Thunderballs into Octopussy |
Neues Osterreich some ware in the Red Wood forest.
By looking at it, it looks like a normal Giant Red Wood tree. Tall red thick with moss growing on it, But this tree is not a tree but the secret entrance to Byodines North American research Lab. The tree Opens up at the base to an elevator that take you down 10 Miles to a Vast cavern system that’s Home too Byodine. The elevator ride takes about 2 minutes. Byodine makes everything from Combat fatigues that keep you cool, warm, and dry no matter what to 20 foot giant Frankenberry monsters. After the fall of American the corporation that owns Byodine started making Monsters and Weapons to anyone who would pay for them. Before the Apocalypse they had various military contracts.
Dr. Jacobs is one of the world most brilliant men. She has more scientific break troughs the word will never know of or give him credit too. He cloned the first Human, Invented the teleportation device that is still being tested, made a suit that make the user stronger, faster, and more agile, and made a Harry the monster he is today. Dr. Jacobs or Nathaniel to his friend was a last of his class at MIT. He was not a bright as his other classmates and was in danger of failing out of school. On his 23rd birthday aliens took him from bed probed him and fucked with his brain waves. When they were done Nathaniel Jacobs was one of the world smartest men. Maybe only Theldorrion was smarter. Over the years his passion has and always been genetic engineering. His favorite pet is a 6 inch dolphin that he keeps in a 100 gallon fish tank named Tuna than he made him self. Tuna is one of 5 that he keeps in that tank.
“So tuna it seems Harry is back from his adventures across the world” Dr. Jacobs talking to his pet feeds the dolphin’s small fish.
“They told me he would be looking for “IT”. That Harry wants to use him to fight Caligula’s monsters. I can’t have that the emperor is our best customer. Besides “TI” escaped a year ago when opened up the hanger to let that cereal monster out. “IT” Killed a hundred of my best men”. The dolphin jumps and squeaks delighted his master is talking to him then the dolphin freezes and hides under a rock
“Is that so Doc tell me how did it get out of his enclosure”
The doc Stunned looks Behind him to find Harry and his side kicks Agents Rick and Mike.
“Wait how did you get in here the place has been in lock down for a year no one in or out with out my permission. The elevator needs two over rides to work my key and General Jackson’s key”. The Doc says a little annoyed
“Doc I’m a super spy remember I could get into anything any time any place”. Harry says smiling
“Yes, yes I know but you think a Lab 10 miles under the earth could keep out even you. But that’s why I picked you for project Kratos you surprise me all the time so sit down tell me how you have been”.
“I have been good killing things becoming a man bear same old stuff. But Doc I’m not here to catch up on old times, I need MoJo tell me what you know”. Harry tells the good doctor
“After I made the monsters for the emperor “IT” started getting more aggressive, well more than usual. On the day Caligula’s men came to pick up his order “IT” broke the computer lock rewired it with a hand held computer he stole form god knows ware and opened all the doors in the lab. In the chaos he killed a hundred men and escaped. We found a note in his room, written in blood”. The doc gets up and opens his desk drawer and takes out a folded up pice of paper and hands it to harry
“This is one smart fucking killer monkey, a little twisted fuck, but smart”. Agent mike says after reading the note
“Yes I imagine he is a lot smarter than the likes of you Mr? I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name young man”. The doc tells agent Mike
“You can call me Agent Mike and the queer looking pretty boy is Agent Rick”. Mike says with a smug shit eating grin
“Yes well anyway Harry I have no idea ware “IT” went but I’m sure he is long gone looking for you. Now if you excuse me I have work to do”. The doc turns and walks out the room.
“Just one second doc I need Gear for my men and I need the dog”. Harry tells the doc
“Gear you can have I have suits that will make it easy for your “men” to keep up. But Albert is out of the question”. The doc says shaking his head
“Who or what is Albert?” asks agent Rick
“A spy dog who is smarter than Mojo and will help us find him”. Harry tells his men
“Smarter than Mojo fucking Christ this place is nuts” Says Agent Mike
“Doc I need Albert so One way or another I’m taking him so what’s it going to be old friend”
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:33 pm) Reply

Re: I thumbed my Thunderballs into Octopussy |
At first glance Albert looks like you run of the mill every day golden retriever. Long silky golden fur and big intelligent eyes. But normal Albert is anything but, Albert is the first in a group of spy dogs that have been enhanced a great deal. They see in color, and there core senses (sight, hearing, and smell) are 4x more powerful than a normal dog. They are also smart, Very smart. So smart that Dr. Jacobs believes that Albert has an IQ of about 145. There are made to me moles inside of enemy countries. Given as pets to World leaders as a show of good will, sitting in war rooms and secret meetings gathering Intel, they would then sneak out and report to a field agent. They also are very strong and fast for a dog, about twice that of a timber wolf.
“Albert you have a guest you remember Agent Underwood” Dr, Jacobs asks the dog
“Yes I remember, Harry how are you doing its nice to see you” A soft electronic Voice emits from the dogs collar.
“What the fuck its fucking talking holy shit balls. Man this place is nuts” Agent Mike says excited and surprised.
“I’m not really talking dip shit this device on my collar speaks for me. It says what I want it to say. Doc who are there shit heads” says Albert
“I’m Agent Mike this faggot to my right is Agent Rick. Wow I always wanted a talking dog. if this place has a pig with a human vagina Ill cream my fucking pants” Agent mike says
“Shut the fuck up Agent. Albert I need your help I need you in the field a real mission are you up to it” Harry asks the dog
“A real mission yes I’m up to it I really hate this place the food is just dreadful. But what kind of mission?” Albert says wagging his tail
“Mojo I need you to help me find him. You are the only one who can.” Said Harry
Albert stops wagging his tail and thinks for a moment. Pacing back and forth he contemplates what he should do. He stops looks up at Harry and stares at him.
“You better play ball with me and take me swimming” Says Albert
“You Have a deal” Says Harry.
Albert raises his paw and him and Harry shake.
“Well then I guess Albert is going. Very well Gentleman follow me to the armory and ill get you outfitted with Exoskeleton power suits and Weapons”. Said Dr. Jacobs
The armory is huge, a massive ware house with rows and rows of weapons and ammo. Enough weapons to take over most advanced 1st world countries, all advanced state of the art assault riffles small arms and explosives. In the center of the ware house is a large machine that makes the Exo-Suits.
“Ok take off your cloths and stand on the platform. The machine will scan you then your suits will come out and you will put them on. Any thing special you want on them? Names, rank, affiliation? “ The doc asks
“Nothing just make them black” Says Harry
One by one Harry, Agent Rick, and agent mike stand on the platform and get scanned. In about 30 seconds there suits are ready. They aren’t shinny or bulky like one would expect. They feel like cotton and breathe real well. They look like wet suits all black with the boots at the bottom. Bullet proof and fire proof they will also keep you dry and warm. In hot places the suits will keep you cool and comfortable. A black utility belt for extra ammo and other thing goes around your waist.
“We look like fucking super heroes! They feel great so what do they call them power suits they don’t feel like anything special.” Agent mike asks
“They enhance your strength by 400% making you able to lift a truck over your head and throw it 100 yards. You will also run faster and your agility will improve as well. You might be able to keep up with Harry and Mojo when the time comes.” The doc says
“Fucking sweet” says agent Rick.
“Grab some guns and what ever you need then we leave. Docs have my helicopter ready to go. We have a monkey to find.” Said Harry
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Tue May 01, 2007 11:54 am) Reply

Re: I thumbed my Thunderballs into Octopussy |
Sacramento Capital of California back in the good ole days. Now it’s over run with fucking Nazis. Back In 2003 a son of a Nazi solider and kick ass action star Arnold Schwarzegger was elected governor of California in a special recall election. When America fell after the events at death race 2007 Arnold took control of California and made it his own country under his Nazi rule. All the Jews in Hollywood were killed in the months following His take over. Paying high price to Byodine labs he has made an army of real supermen. His own scientists have replicated the process that made Underwood a Super Agent but not to the same degree Byodine has. Next to The Empire Neues Osterreich is the most power nation in all of Neo America (some people argue that Nouveau Richonia is more powerful those people are faggots).
“Of all the fucking places this monkey could be it would have to be In Sacramento” Says agent Mike
“My nose is never wrong dip shit so quit being a pussy I mean Sacramento is not that bad” Says Albert
“Hey dog Fucking Nazis Under the control of the fucking Terminator rule all of what you know as California. Brutal sick Evil fucking Nazis, Sacramento makes Murder look like fucking Disney land”. Says Agent Mike
“Hey I have been to Disney Land lately trust me its not the happiest place on earth any more” Says Agent Rick
“So what can we expect as far as guard in the Governors’ mansion?” Asks Harry
“It’s now Manor Schwarzenegger it also sits in the middle of town surrounded by Nazi Supermen. They big strong and evil.” Says agent Rick
“Sound like fun! lets move out Rick you take the east side, Mike I want you to take Albert and navigate the sewers and find away in and secure and exit for us. Ill take a more direct approach and storm the fucking gates my self. Rick while they are busy you find Mojo and call me and give me your 20. Ill come right away” Explains Harry
“Lets go mutt time to earn your keep” Says Agent Mike.
Schwarzenegger manor is massive and well guarded. About 1000 men patrol the grounds and inside the compound. Tonight they are going to have to deal with a Super agent.
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Tue May 01, 2007 11:56 am) Reply

Re: I thumbed my Thunderballs into Octopussy |
I hope you are all ready for an Out of control Crazy nazi Arnold Schwarzenegger! Also a Blood crazy Super Monkey Mojo is going to rip shit up too. |
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Thu May 03, 2007 6:29 pm) Reply

Re: I thumbed my Thunderballs into Octopussy |
The sound of the alarms going off could be herd from miles. The air raid horn broke the silence of the night like your moms hymen when I slammed my cock into her when she was just a young lady. The guards enter the court yard only to find the first wave of men torn limb from limb. Blood stains the ground over a hundred men are dead, the front gates have been ripped from there hinges.
“What the hell happened here?” asks one of the guards
“I don’t know but the Gates have been breached some thing is in side the compound” Says the other guard
With out warning Harry jumps from his hiding place and starts fucking up fuckers left and right. Knifes in hand Harry like a whirl wind of blades is cutting off arms, slicing tendons, and slashing throats all before a single shot can be fired. With in only a few minutes Harry has racked up a body count of over 200.
Mean while under the compound.
“So how close are we mutt we need to grab that monkey fast before the whole Nazi guard is on our ass?” Agent Mike asks
“Just around that bend the used the plasma cutters to make a hole and we are in”. Says Albert
But just as the round the corner A HUGE FUCKING ALIGATOR FUCKING ATTACKS THEM. Agent Mike With surprising speed dodges the attack and starts to wrestle the alligator! With sewer water splashing, the Man and gator fight both trying to gain the upper hand. Albert just stares at the combat with his head coked to the side wondering why he did not just shoot the gator in the head with his high powered hand gun.
Just as the gator was about getting the upper hand Mike Twists the gators head and Breaks its neck. Mike covered in shit and piss from the sewer water looks down to the gator with pride.
“If you are done playing in human shit and piss can you start cutting the hole? We will be right under a the holding area ware I smell Mojo get started Ill be on look out” Says Albert.
Meanwhile at the east side of the compound
Agent Rick with his new found speed enters the building and races to the holding area. Running down a flight of stairs he is meet on the landing with a boot to the face. Standing over Agent Rick is a large German man dressed in full Nazi uniform.
“You think you can just come in here and take what belongs to the Fuhrer. I’m going to rip your fucking head off” The Nazi says in a think German accent
“Is that so well WHATS THAT BEHIND YOU” Agent Rick screams. The German being a huge dumb ass look behind him. In that time Agent Rick jumps up and when the Nazi turns around is round house kick to the face. The kick sends him flying down the hallway.
“Stupid Nazi’ Agent Rick says
The Nazi gets up and runs towards Agent Rick screaming some shit in germen. The Nazi starts unloading a barrage of punches and kicks. Agent Rick is getting his ass kicked at everyone of the attacks hit there mark. Getting mad Agent Rick catches the German’s fist and crushes his hand, the German ignoring the pain swing with his other arm and Rick catches that one and crushes it.
With both hands crushed and Rick still holding on the German Head butts Rick. Rick not backing down twists the Germans arm pulls back and RIPS HIS FUCKING ARMS OFF.
Twin fountains of blood gush out of the holes and the German faints. More guard fill the hallway Agent Rick upholsters his gun and takes aim.
“BRING IT ON NAZI BITCHES” agent Rick Screams
Back to Harry
Harry done with all the out side guards is making his way through the Manor killing anyone who gets in his way. Harry finishing up killing a few Nazi guards hears laughing.
“Hahahahaha Very Nice work Underwood. But I would not expect any thing less from a Super Agent. I have seen your fights I know your moves you can not win” Harry looks up to see Arnold Schwarzenegger atop a balcony.
“Is that right” Harry says. Harry wasting no time Launches two throwing knifes right at Arnolds face! But as if reading his mind Arnold swats them away.
Arnold Schwarzenegger looks very different than his did as a ageing action star turned Governor. His youth has been restored he is a big as he was in the 70’s. Wearing full Nazi uniform complete with hat, he looks menacing.
“Is that the best you can do Harry then this should be easy” Arnold says then jumps down from the balcony
Just as Arnold lands Harry rushes The Austrian Oak and shoulder blocks him through like five walls. From the hole a desk comes flying hitting Harry in the chest. Harry not phased by the desk runs towards ware it was thrown. As he enters the last hole in the wall Arnold grabs him and fucking power bombs him through the floor. Looking in to the hole he just made with Harry’s body he sees nothing.
“You can’t hide from Me Harry I will kill you” Says Arnold. But just as he says that Harry’s arms crash from under Arnold and grab him by the legs. Harry pulls Arnold through the floor swings his body around over his head and slams him on the ground.
Still holding on to Schwarzenegger’s legs Harry starts to spin him around and around and hammer throws him into a statue of Hitler.
“This is great I’m going to have fun killing the man who made jingle all the way that move sucked” Harry says.
Arnold gets up and dusts him self off then looks at Harry and smiles
“This has just begun Harry, I will kill you” Arnold says
“Bring it on Kindergarten Cop” Harry says while doing the “bring it on” hand motion
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Sat May 05, 2007 7:05 pm) Reply

Re: I thumbed my Thunderballs into Octopussy |
From the looks of Schwarzenegger Manor one would think a bull elephant went insane and started fucking shit up. Gapping holes big enough to drive a Mack truck threw, furniture destroyed, and hundreds of dead bodies. The sound of Fist hitting flesh and the grunts and growls of two titanic men engaged in mortal combat. The manor is a war zone and only one man will raise his fist in victory.
On the third lower level (like the great bunkers in Berlin the manor has more levels below ground than above) one silence is herd for a second. The walls have stopped vibrating and the lights hanging from the ceiling have stopped swaying. A deserted hallway it al of a sudden a war zone again, Out hero and The Nazi leader burst threw a wall punching and head butting each other. The fight has been going on for 20 minutes now. Both combatants are full of blood and rubble from the Mansion that is coming down around there fight.
“I have had enough of this Underwood it time to end this” Arnold says. Arnold rips off his shirt revealing a small puncture hold in his chest and arms. He reaches into a pouch on his belt and brings out several syringes, and ejects him self in all the puncture holes.
“NOW IT TIME TO DIE” Arnold says in a loud booming voice. Instantly his muscles begin to bulge and grow. Veins on his chest and arms bulge and his whole body balloons twice his normal size, he looks like a Nazi Hulk.
“Oh shit” Harry says and is meet with a Monster right followed by a axe handle and knee to the belly.
The monster picks up Underwood by the hair and starts to slam him into statures and walls and shit. Like a baseball pitcher Arnold throws Harry into a wall but it dose not give way but leaves a Harry sized indention in it.
“RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Arnold screams and starts to run at Underwood. Harry just stares at him unable to move while the man mountain gets closer. With a might punch Arnold slams into the wall ware Harry is. But when he pulls his hand back expecting a bloody mess instead only sees splintered wood.
“What is this?” Arnold questions.
“SHADOW CLONE BEAR-JITSU” Harry screams and 10 Harry clones appear all around Arnold.
In an instant they all descend on the Former Governor, all ten of them moving with great speed beating punching and kicking. Arnold swings wildly but with no luck he is too disoriented to get a fix on any of the Harrys.
Mean while six stories down in the detention block.
“That’s the last of them” Agent Rick says to him self as he Shoots the last of the Nazi soldiers.
“Now to find Mojo so we can get the fuck out of here” He says.
The hallway if filled with Cell doors. Men who have committed only the most brutal crimes are kept here. The Manor serves as The court house as well as command center and capital. With over 12 levels 4 above 8 below. Each Cell has a psycho or terrorist in them. The worst of the worst waited to be shipped to Alcatraz 2 the most brutal prison in New America. At the end of a hallway a huge metal door with the words “Gefahrdung” which means danger in German.
Picking up a hand and a head of a high ranking solider he used the body parts to open the door via retinal and hand print scan. The door opens to reveal a huge room with lab equipment and in the corner in a glass cage is Mojo.
“Harry come in Harry” Agent Rick says into his com
“Damn it Harry this is Agent Rick do you read me” nothing still
“Mike this is Rick what’s your 20” Rick says in the com again
“I’m about 400 yard south of you held up in the western cell block over” Mike replies
“Do you have a way out for us over” Rick replies
“Yes ill up load the map to your com I have hacked into the system and have a detail map of every thing our local is on the map over.” Mike replies
“10 4 I have located Mojo but Harry wont respond but from the sounds I’m hearing he is busy over.” Rick Replies
Back To the action
Fighting one Harry was a handful but ten have proven to be more than a match for Arnold Schwarzenegger. But Arnold is starting to get his bearings and has taken out 3 clones.
“How much Longer Arnold how much longer can you keep up” Harry gloats as two of him take turns batting him to each other.
But as one Harry flies at Arnold he ducks grabs hi legs and rips the clone apart.
“I HAVE HAD ENOUGH” Arnold screams and his skin starts to turn red. His veins in his neck pulse and his eyes turn blood shot. One after one Arnold starts rip the heads off the Harrys.
As he pounds one into pulp the real Harry spears Arnold into a wall and starts pounding his face.
“AHHHHHHHHH” Harry screams
But with brute force Arnold back hands Harry off him. Arnold gets up and looks at Harry who is getting up him self. The two men run at each other and collide with both fists meeting both faces. The impact sends ripples of energy and is followed by a thunder clap the walls explode around them.
Punch after Punch is exchanged But Harry quickly is losing ground. With each hit he is closer to losing. But he fights on ignoring the pain and the fatigue. But with one might punch from Arnold sends him reeling and he falls down defeated. He can’t move.
“Asta la vista Harry” Arnold say as he raises his huge boot ready to squash his head like a grape.
But as the boot is brought down on Harry’s head he disappears in a puff of smoke another clone.
“WHAT?! HOW?! RUGAHHHHHHHHHH” Arnold screams
Meanwhile back to Mojo
Chained to the wall Mojo looks up at Agent Rick and starts to struggle. He breaks the chains and throws him self into the bomb proof glass wall. Realizing he cant break it her paces back and forth.
“Come down Mojo I’m a friend of Harry I’m here to bust you out” Agent Rick says
“Harry come for Mojo?” Mojo asks
“Wait you can talk no one said you could talk” said Agent Rick
“Yes Me talk me learn how me smart” says Mojo
“Fine well if I get you out promise not to kill me” Asks Agent Rick
“Me no Kill you, you friend of Harry” Says Mojo
With the same head and hand print Agent Rick opens Mojo’s cell door. But just as the Dorr opens Mojo runs out and into the hall. Running after Agent Rick is too late Mojo is gone. With no way of tracking him Agent Rick calls for Albert.
“Mike come to my local with Albert I lost Mojo he took off on me” Says Agent Rick
“10 4 be right there bout time I see some action” Says Agent Mike
Back to the real action
Harry is tired and almost out of energy. He is out of options but it will take time of him near death to change. Making up his Mind He comes out of his hiding spot.
“I am Right Hear Come get some” Harry says
Like a freight train he comes down on Harry fast and hard (like when I came down on your mom). He savagely beats Harry Punch after punch kick after kick Arnold pounds Harry. But as he about to hit Harry with a double axe handle something hit him from behind and sends him flying.
Its Mojo standing over Harry pounding his Chest.
“YOU DIE NOW” Mojo screams
“I am sick of you Monkey. You have killed my best men I think Ill break your neck” says Arnold
Mojo Screams flashing his huge sharp teeth. Mojo walks forward and pounds the ground and leaps in the Air. Hits the wall and using his chameleon trick vanishes. Arnold looks around and Mojo Reappears and rocks him with a Wicked fast combo. A flurry of attacks sends Arnold smashing threw a wall. Mojo goes after him Slashing with his claws.
“YOU HURT FRIEND HARRY YOU DIE” Mojo says and jumps on his chest and starts to bite his Arnold neck.
Arnold screaming in pain grabs a hold of Mojo and slams into the ground. Before Mojo can get up Arnold kicks him into a wall. Wasting no time He run at the monkey and grabs him by the throat choking the life out of him.
The Mojo Squirms and fights clawing and scratching Arnold but he won’t let go.
“You are a tough little fucker” Arnold says.
But as he is about to snap Mojo’s neck a Fierce roar echoes throw the manor shaking the building. Ceiling tiles fall and the building shakes harder as a second roar is herd. Just then Harry in full Bear transformation burst threw the wall and smacks Arnold who lets go of Mojo.
“No I have to get out of here” Arnold says
Bear Harry with super fast Ninja Bear speed Attacks Arnold. But Arnold Fights back. The two trade blows the impact of there hits breaks glass miles away. The whole compound might come down at any minute.
Mojo wanting in on the action jumps and rolls into a ball hitting Arnold into Harry and Harry uppercuts him threw the ceiling. 5 floors Arnold breaks threw and lands finale on the first upper level. Harry Jumps threw the floor right next to him.
Harry starts the beat on Arnold who can’t fight back his body is broken and bleeding. In a last desperation with all his might punches bear Harry and rockets him across the big entry way. Taking one more syringe out of his pouch he injects him self not to fight but to run.
Arnold wants to get away knowing that Harry will Kill and eat him if he sticks around. The leader of the Nazi’s can die tonight so he has to get away. Running down halls to his escape pod Harry is in full pursuit behind him. Arnold Runs faster trying to get to the escape pod before he Harry catches up.
Only 10 yard from the pod he looks back but sees nothing he turns around and run smack into Mojo who round house kicks him in the face. Arnold not wanting to waste time gets up and jump kicks the monkey but misses and is meet with a spin kick to the ribs. Monkey and furher trade blows.
Just then Harry burst threw a wall and slashes Arnold with his Bear claws.
“Good Job Mojo but I got it from here go back to Agent Mike and Rick and get the hell out of here” Harry says
“Yes Harry” says mojo.
In that little time Arnold taking full advantage runs for the Pod Harry runs after him. Right before the Pod Arnold turns around and boots Harry in the face and gets in the pod.
“Ill be Back” Arnold says and the pod takes off Schwarzenegger escapes.
Harry Exhausted turns back to normal and passes out. Mojo carries him and goes back to Agent Rick. They make there way out in sewers. Harry has to win a Championship and has his new partner.
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