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Yogurtman Odin Joined: 03 Jan 2007 Posts: 2248 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:59 am) Reply

I am a tremendous nerd |
This was entertaining to me.
BunsandBurner: Oh my God, someone made a fucking gay themed Necromunda Goliath gang
BunsandBurner: I am only showing you this because Vinny isn't online to write this into an FTUW story
yogurtman42: Chainsaw dick is awesome.
yogurtman42: But gay themed Necromunda is obviously terrible.
BunsandBurner: Ues
BunsandBurner: Is Necromunda exactly 40K on a smaller scale?
yogurtman42: No, there's more to it.
yogurtman42: But that's the main premise.
BunsandBurner: So I played D&D on Thursday
BunsandBurner: 3.5 seems like it was designed to make broken characters
yogurtman42: I haven't even played it
BunsandBurner: I played a rogue who used a greatsword
BunsandBurner: :O
yogurtman42: But every edition has allowed retardedly broken shit
yogurtman42: o god
BunsandBurner: Haha
BunsandBurner: YEAH
yogurtman42: in 2nd edition
yogurtman42: my friend had this samurai
yogurtman42: and we used all these optional rules
yogurtman42: he had so many initiative bonuses, that regardless of what you rolled for initiative
yogurtman42: he would go two rounds BEFORE THE BATTLE ACTUALLY BEGAN
BunsandBurner: Hahahahahahaha
BunsandBurner: Fuck!
yogurtman42: It was like the Matrix or something.
yogurtman42: The guy was God.
BunsandBurner: Yeah, that is some Looney Toons shit
BunsandBurner: And you could justify it?
yogurtman42: It was valid.
BunsandBurner: Man
BunsandBurner: And I thought doing 2d8+3d6 per attack was awesome
yogurtman42: Also, here's an actual conversation I had once regarding another friend of mine's Minotaur warrior
yogurtman42: DM: A mouse runs across the floor
yogurtman42: Player: I hit it.
yogurtman42: DM: It dies.
BunsandBurner: Hahaha
yogurtman42: Me: Suddenly, the mouse turns into an adult red dragon
yogurtman42: DM: (rolls a bunch of dice) (pause): It still dies.
BunsandBurner: That should be in some geek movie
yogurtman42: That campaign was epic.
yogurtman42: His whole goal was to conquer the world.
BunsandBurner: Hahahaha
BunsandBurner: Fuck
yogurtman42: You know how fighters get followers at lvl 9?
BunsandBurner: No, but that's awesome
yogurtman42: I was one of his followers.
BunsandBurner: fuk
yogurtman42: I had a fucking broadsword +6 defender
BunsandBurner: unghghh
yogurtman42: And he was fighting this vampire with a +4 vorpal greatsword or some insane shit
yogurtman42: and lost his sword
yogurtman42: and I threw him my broadsword
yogurtman42: and they clashed swords and then they both exploded
BunsandBurner: FUCK
yogurtman42: I WAS NOT PLEASED.
BunsandBurner: Hahahahaha
yogurtman42: I can go on all day with this shit.
BunsandBurner: Ah, the art of powergaming
yogurtman42: Like the longest campaign we ever ran
yogurtman42: I had a CONJURER
yogurtman42: So I could learn spells from every school except EVOCATION
yogurtman42: meaning no magic missile, fireball, lightning bolt, etc.
yogurtman42: so my character was basically useless
yogurtman42: GOD, I DON'T KNOW
BunsandBurner: Let's just close off the school with all the best spells
yogurtman42: But anyway, at one point when we had played up from lvl 1 to level 13 or so
yogurtman42: ie a long time
yogurtman42: we played this Dragonlance scenario
yogurtman42: and we bought this mechanized Big Wheel Cart from some Tinker Gnomes
yogurtman42: and then, when I WASN'T THERE
yogurtman42: and killed me
BunsandBurner: How the fuck did that happen?
yogurtman42: That was ten years ago and I have still not gotten over it whatsoever.
BunsandBurner: The 3.5 DM manual actually describes that and says that it sucks
BunsandBurner: It says it's ok to occasionally fudge rolls because it's no fun to get run over by a cart
BunsandBurner: Anyways, that's the best thing ever
yogurtman42: I'm really not exaggerating, I have not forgiven my friends for that to this day
yogurtman42: I still bring it up
BunsandBurner: Did they just decide to sent it at your guy?
yogurtman42: No, I fell out or something
BunsandBurner: Haha, man
BunsandBurner: It's doubly awesome that you stuck with such an ineffective character for so long
yogurtman42: What made it worse
yogurtman42: was that one guy had a 6'7" female paladin who had 3 scores over 18
BunsandBurner: unghgh
yogurtman42: and the DM played an elf ranger/necromancer (I don't know why this was allowed) who used two longswords and had three 20+ ability scores and carried 8 swords and basically was the most unstoppable god creature ever
BunsandBurner: Jesus
BunsandBurner: That is seriously some Mary Sue shit
yogurtman42: ALTHOUGH
yogurtman42: we fought this ogre thing
yogurtman42: it had EIGHT HUNDRED HP
BunsandBurner: Jesus!
yogurtman42: took 1/4 damage from EVERYTHING
yogurtman42: was immune to ALL MAGIC
BunsandBurner: Hahahaha
BunsandBurner: FUCK
yogurtman42: and every time you hit it, your weapon got stuck in its SUPER THICK SKIN SO YOU LOST IT
BunsandBurner: The Super Saiyan Tarrasque
yogurtman42: The thing was literally designed to be three times tougher than the Tarrasque.
BunsandBurner: Did you ever manage to kill it?
yogurtman42: By casting Magic Jar and teleporting my soul into the body of a squirrel that I saw outside.
BunsandBurner: Hahahahhahahaa
yogurtman42: Then these pixies that were with us somehow PUT IT TO SLEEP
yogurtman42: and hey, sleeping foe = 1 hit kill
BunsandBurner: Hahahahaha
BunsandBurner: That's so retarded
yogurtman42: Jesus
yogurtman42: The thing had literally 20 magic swords sticking out of it
yogurtman42: because everyone in my party carried a retarded number of weapons
BunsandBurner: Did you even get it down any in HP before you put it to sleep?
yogurtman42: Yeah, we had probably knocked it from 800 to 300
yogurtman42: We were ungodly badass
BunsandBurner: That's pretty fucking impressive
yogurtman42: but this thing was just stupid
BunsandBurner: Were you a squirrel forever?
yogurtman42: No, the pixies killed it and I went back to my body and then paid to get everyone else resurrected
yogurtman42: Then to show their thanks they ran me over with a cart.
BunsandBurner: Hahahahahaha
BunsandBurner: Did you try to argue it
BunsandBurner: Were they just all like "NO HE'S DEAD"
yogurtman42: I think we pretty much stopped playing that campaign because of it.
BunsandBurner: Haha
BunsandBurner: That's horrible |
Yogurtman Odin Joined: 03 Jan 2007 Posts: 2248 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:00 am) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
Nothing good can come of this thread. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:04 am) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
necromunda was clearly the best Gamesworkshop property, and needs to be turned into a computer game of some sort. |
SuperPsaturn SuperPSaturn Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 2111 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:56 am) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
So do you just calculate how much experience you get for killing what beforehand or does the DUNGEON MASTER decide on the spot? |
Servbot Overrated faggot Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 9020 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:55 am) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
Depends on the DM. But its supposed to be beforehand. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:40 am) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
Hahahaha! A conjurer is useless because 90% of the good spells are evocation. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:16 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
It's weird because if you mention D&D to a group of people who aren't all thick necked Kappa Kappa Kappa brothers, at least a couple of them will be intimately familiar, but neither I nor my meatspace friends know anything about it. |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:23 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
yogurtman42: and the DM played an elf ranger/necromancer (I don't know why this was allowed) who used two longswords and had three 20+ ability scores and carried 8 swords and basically was the most unstoppable god creature ever |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:49 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
There's nothing wrong with a Ranger/Necromancer. That's just a dual Ranger/Specialist Mage, and that's allowed for whatever.
Necromancers are underpowered, though. Generalists are basically the only way to go. Maybe evokers, but then you miss out on some good stuff. It's worse with d20, because you lose 2 schools, rather than just one. |
Servbot Overrated faggot Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 9020 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:21 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
Why was he allowed to roll such a character? |
Yogurtman Odin Joined: 03 Jan 2007 Posts: 2248 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:48 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
He was the DM.
The big issue was that he used two longswords with no penalty of any kind.
Also, he actually rolled 3 or 4 18s, and then they ended up at 20 over the course of leveling up and getting various magic crap. |
Clotho Clotho's rational faculties are not estimated to be at optimal capacity for a sapient specimen Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 1850 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:00 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
God damn, I hate ad&d past 2nd edition. |
Clotho Clotho's rational faculties are not estimated to be at optimal capacity for a sapient specimen Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 1850 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:01 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:14 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
I've played D&D twice and each time was an absolute disaster. I don't think anyone I played with (including myself) knew what the fuck we were doing. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:27 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
2nd Edition is much more complicated than 3rd edition, but 3rd edition is much more fantastic.
A 20 is a lot more special in 2nd Edition, whereas in 3rd, with circlets of Intelligence +10 and whatnot it's actually not a very good score at all. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:13 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
Are there any computer versions? It seems like that should have been accomplished within the first five minutes of the first PC's release, but I've never heard of it. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:24 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
You can read almost the complete rules online.
There aren't any true computer versions, because the DM has basically full discretion over everything, and when playing you're basically free to attempt almost any course of action imaginable.
There are tools that assist you in using the rules that are available.
The closest matching computer game is NWN2, and that's still incredibly limited and gay. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:26 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
Peter, making a computer version of D&D would be like creating a computer version of the FTUW, where you're able to create your own wrestler. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:30 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
GURPS Lite is also available on the Internet. It's another RPG system that uses a point system for characters.
You can go to the checkout without registering and it's actually free. |
Action Hank Yes, I fart dicks. Dicks actually come out of my anus when I fart. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 8600 (Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:33 pm) Reply

Re: I am a tremendous nerd |
FTUW should incorporate 20-sided dice. |