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(Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:47 am) Reply
Hot sexy women having sex with men |
SuperPsaturn SuperPSaturn Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 2111 (Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:07 pm) Reply

Re: Hot sexy women having sex with men |
Potatoes Joined: 06 Jan 2007 Posts: 3037 (Thu Jul 03, 2008 1:25 pm) Reply

Re: Hot sexy women having sex with men |
The Nappa lovers
It was calm in the girlzpalace. The air carried the scent of fresh grass and cherrey blossoms with him over to the garden. Most of the girls were in the garden. Jinchi was laying under one of the Sakura trees, holded tightly by TC. Jinks was chasing Trunchi through the garden, disturbing Sayanbrat in her attempt to get Kakeru away from her Raditz. Muzai was drawing the posing France, Dana was grilling some sausages and Krillins android was thinking about the things she liked at Krillin. Kanki was trying to get Goten wear his new pink pants, but he was always hiding from her. Some of the other girls were relaxing at the other side of the garden, and some of them were in the swimming pool. Princess vegeta was reading a newspaper. "Girls, theres an ANIME EXPO!!!" Suddemly everybody was quiet. "Where? When?" "Its in Sa..." "YEAH! LETS GO!!!" Sayanbrat disturbed her and ran out of the garden. A bunch of the others followed her, so there were only Jinchi and family, Kanki, Kakeru, Ice queen and Raditz left. Since it was getting darker and colder they decided to get in, and do their daily work. Just Icequeen and Kakeru had nothing to do, so they decided to make a drinking-contest. They had long no drinking contest, since most of the girlz arent old enough to drink alcohol and it would make they jealus if they drank in front of them. After some bottles of cheap beer, Kakeru started, a lil bit drunk, singing and soon they both were singing all the song they knew. As they didnt know any more songs, they started to create a new one. It was about Nappa and Vegeta, how they came to earth and what they did. Suddenly Muzai came in, searching something. "What are you looking for?" "I guess she looks for her hentai comics, arent you?" "Ahh, Icequeen, thats not of your business!" Muai said, but she blushed and left the room. "What were we singing? Oh yeah... Nappa" started Icequeen, but the very drunk Kakeru was kinda paralyzed. "Nappa... Hentai.." she exclaimed. "I want to have a Nappa hentai!" "Go back to your pansy, Radditz! Nappa is MINE!" "Wahaha! Nappa? Yours? Oh, Am I scared!" "You should be!" nods Ice Queen empahtically, realizing Kakerus smirk. "Wait... You were beeing sarcastic!" Shu pulled a glock from out of the hammer space and chased Kakeru out of the room and downstars. "Waaah!" Kakeru screamined, holding both hands up to protect her head from beeing hit. "Leave me alone! I didnt do anything! He is just too sexy!" "Who is too sexy?" Both turned around as Radditz came out of the bathing room. His face turned red and his hair blond. Kakerus face went white. "Uhoh.." she started running away from both Radditz and Ice Queen. "Only I am allowed to call him sexy! This calls for the big guns!" She grinned and pulled out her secret weapon, the infamous Bonk Stick. "Guess whats time it is, Kakeru?" Kakeru looked at her watch. "Um... Seven?" "No! Its Bonk time!" "Noo, not that! Not again! Waaah! Nimbus... oh no.. I have no Jindujun... wahh!" She grabbed Radditz by his tail. "Fly! Start flying! NOW!" "Woman, what do you think are you doing?" "Err..." And I ce Queen keeped coming closer. "No... nooo.. wai, I have an idea!" she pulled out a little Pokéball. "Psyduuuuck! Gooooo!" Psyduck stared blanky at Ice, who burst out laughing. "Psy?" he asked stupidly. All that time Kakeru was steadily backing up. Then Nappa came from out of the kitchen, chewing on a turkey leg. "Whats going on here?" Both girls got hearts in their eyes. "NAPPA!!" The both were screaming Nappa and started running in his direction. "What the heck..." he started, but Kakeru interrupted him. "Nappa, I love you!" "No I love you!" added Ice Queen. Nappa got a weird look on his face. "Uhoh..." Raditz, without any attention, got jealous and turned around. "Hey, girlz, look at me!" He pulled down his pants and showed them his godlike butt, but both just sweatdropped. As they turned back to their objext of desire, Nappa was gone. "Oh no," Ice Queen said. "Wheres Nappa?" "He disappeared!" "But he CANT disappear right now!" Kakeru started looking around, then realized a Sayan tail behind the armchair. "Here are you, Bappa!" She pulled the tail and an evil voice started screaming. "Uh oh... err.. hi Vegeta..." ice Queen looked around confused. "Since when did he have a tail?" Kakeru just grinned. "It makes him look sexier!" The entire room fell on their faces in shock. "Well... Where did Nappa go?"
In a wide angle of the dungeon Nappa is chained to the wall, anti-moonbeam rays surrounding him. A leather clad Penguin came towards him, weilding a viscious looking whip. "Nappa... MMMmmmm." "HEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!"
"So, Ice Queen, I think in this case, we should work together." "I think so, too. But after we found him we will go on fighting!" "Okay! Lets go!" She took something out of her pocket. "Whats that?" "Thats my Sayan-radar!" "Kewl stuff! But why do you need me?" "Well... uh... I have no... I can't... err... you know what I mean!" "No?" "I dont have a car and I dont have a drivers license!" "Huar huar huar.... Okay, lets go!" "And what about us," Radditz asked. "You can come with us, but shut up and be quit!" Vegeta nodded. "Then lets go!" The entire group jumped into Ice's beat up old SAAB. Ice grinned in the rear-view mirror at Vegeta and Radditz. "I suggest you put on your seatbelts." "What? We are Saiyans! We don't need your little trappin-AHHHH! SLOW DOWN WOMAN!!!!!" Kakeru and Ice ignored them, discussing in leangth Ice's CD collection. "So... Does anybody know where we're going?" Ice asked casually. The rest of the car face-faulted. "You... You mean, You don't?" Kakeru asked, hesitantly.
"Guess what?" "What?" "Lets drive home. Nappa can't sleep without our self-made pancakes. he will come back soon and then we will be prepared!" She smirked: Can we stop at the mall first? I saw this cute pink dress..." "No, you WONT go to the mall! Today comes "Pocahontas" in TV and I dont want to miss it!" said Vegeta and Radditz nodded. "SHUT UP MEN! WE DIDNT ASK YOU TO COME WITH US!" She smacked both with a plastic hammer and took Vegetas creditcard away from him.
Kakeru: "Lets go, Ice! I have his gold card!" "Wohay!" "SHOPPING!!!!" The two girls screamed, as they entered the huge mall. They went through the place buying everything they saw until they were distracted by a huge... Wondorous sign. "SHOE SALE!" They both screamed and headed inside, leaving two over-burdaned Saiyans in their wake. "I can't help but get the feeling that We are forgetting something..." Kakeru said off-hand. Just when Ice started to say something they were both distracted by a really cute pair of sandels.
Once the whiny Saiyans were relieved of their burdans the girls went back to shopping. "Hey! Come check this out!" Ice said to Kakeru. She held up a shirt saying "Does not work well with others" and grinned. "Doesn't this remind you of someone?" The two girls looked up at each other, shocked. "NAPPA!!!" They raced out of the store and grabbed the saiyans. "We have to save Nappa!" The saiyans shrugged and followed docily... Right.
"So here we are." "Yeps." "And can someone of you useless Sayans feel Nappa somewhere around here?" Insulted Vegeta just shook his shoulders. "Radizuuuu?" asked Kakeru with THAT look. "No, dont use that look... Thats mean!" "Oh pleeeeease tell me where Nappa is! I will give you something VERY special!" Raditz eyes widened. "Two streets in this direction, I think he is in a cellar or in the...canalisation??" "Lets find out. Come on, Ice Queen!" "Hey, whats with my gift?"
"Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that!" She came closer to his fac, then hugged him, putting her hands on his butt and kissing him on his cheek. "Wou, Radizu... if Nappa wasn't that hot..." "Wait a second! Just I am allowed to say, Nappas hot!" "Ice Queen?" "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Lets go!" They walked into the room slowly, glancing around to see what type of horrible creature could apprehend the Saiyan of steel. "HELP! SOMEBODY MAKE HER STOP!!!!!" They walked in to see Daisy the penguin dressed in leather weilding a cat of nine tails on the back of the poor saiyan. "I knew I should have never let her borrow my Metallica S&M CDs... It seems to have given her ideas..." Everyone turned and stared at Ice after this comment. "What?" "You did WHAT?" Kakeru exclaimed "You know she is so easy to influence!" She slowly walked towards Daisy. "Come on, give me that whip, Daisy!" The penguin shaked her head. "Come on, if you give it to me... you get... Err..." She looked around, her eyes were slowly looking over the three and stopped at Vegeta. "Vegeta.." she took him by his arm. "You can have this handsome, young man! He is strong, cute, beautiful and he can clean your dirty plates!" Vegeta was too surprised to say something. Daisy handled Kakeru the whip out and Ice Queen opened Nappas chains. As they finished, Daisy was sitting on Vegetas back, riding him through the room. "Lets go," said Kakeru. "She is happy, we are happy, but we have still to do something.." "Yeah... lets got... I just cant wait to defeat you!" They stood in the middle of the room, the two saiyans silently watching... Silent because their mouths were full of food... Again. Ice glared menacingly at Kakeru. "You shall suffer for your attempt to steal my Nappa!" "Oh yeah? What are you going to do to me, little girl?" Kakeru scoffed. Ice smirked evilly. "I think this calls for my one and only... BONK STICK!!!" Nappa and Radditz burst out laughing. The girls turned to them and scowled. "I suppose you could do better?" The saiyans gulped and looked at each other fearfully."U..Um... How about a r-real fight?" Radditz suggested hesitantly. Kakerus face went red. "You little wannabe monkey want to tell us, HOW TO FIGHT?" she shouted out agrily. "Err... yes?" he answered. Kakeru got even more angry and little lightings came out of her eyes. "Okay, Ice. Lets fight real!" "Okaaaay!" Ice screamed and both came towards each other. Kakeru hold up her right hand and you could feel the tension in the air. The two Sayjans were calm as Ice Queen hold her hand up too and in the same moment they screamed: "Papers, scissors, stone!"
"Scissors cut paper! I win!!!!!" Ice crowed, jumping up and down. Kakaeru pouted and turned towards Radditz. "Come on, Radditz. Let's get out of here." She was about to walk away when SB came from out of nowhere with a glock. "My Raddy!!!!" She screamed and began chasing Kakeru again. Everything was back to normal. "That is not fair!" Kakeru screamed as she was running away from SB. "Why do I always have to fight for my love?" Suddenly she ran into a tall person. "Vegeta?" At the same moment she realized that Vegeta was always smaller than her... but he was actually looking like him. "Err..." The guy smirked. "Rebell. Second son of Vegeta. I come from the future!" Hearts appeared in Kakerus eyes. SB stood in front of Radditz. With an evil glint in her eyes. "Yeeeees Kakeru...you just go for Rebell....leave Radditz ALLLL to me..." She shoved Kakeru over to Rebell and grinned. "My Raddy!" SB giggled as she hopped onto Radditz's shoulder.
The end |
Servbot Overrated faggot Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 9020 (Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:25 am) Reply

Re: Hot sexy women having sex with men |
(Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:01 pm) Reply
Re: Hot sexy women having sex with men |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:26 pm) Reply

Re: Hot sexy women having sex with men |
Well, I'm done |
Potatoes Joined: 06 Jan 2007 Posts: 3037 (Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:57 pm) Reply

Re: Hot sexy women having sex with men |
You've barely started! |
Servbot Overrated faggot Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 9020 (Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:46 pm) Reply

Re: Hot sexy women having sex with men |
I actually thought I posted that until I continued to scroll down. |
Supah Ted Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 863 (Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:23 pm) Reply

Re: Hot sexy women having sex with men |
incredible |
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