Triple Life > the uLtRa KeWl forum > Quotes |
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ImmortalBubbles Official TL Slut (7/26/01 1:39 am) ![]() |
![]() Any good ones? I know a few... "Masturbation is like procastination. At first it feels good, but after awhile you realize you're just screwing yourself." Damnit...if my sister hadn't gone to bed so early I could've gotten a bunch off her poster in the basement...mabye tomarrow. |
MADali Official TL Slut (7/26/01 9:35 am) ![]() |
Derek Payne Official TL Slut (7/26/01 3:44 pm) |
![]() I have a quote for you: "Gay Gay Gay!" |
JebusofNazareth Official TL Slut (7/26/01 3:47 pm) ![]() |
![]() Why dont you go in your sisters bedroom while shes asleep? "Gonna burn Jews for Easter tradition." What it calls Knowledge is not a union with the not-Self, but a set of Prejudices, habits, and Desires, making an impenetrable veil between us and the world beyond. The man who finds pleasure in such a theory of Knowledge is like a man who never leaves the domestic circle for fear his word might not be law. |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Official TL Slut (7/26/01 5:55 pm) |
![]() Good god! The greatest forum ever is gone from my life. Ritualistic suicide here I come. Anywho here are quotes from my God, Dennis Leary. "Never do a drug that's named after a part of your own ass." DL talking about crack. "Here's a fact you vegetarians have to live with the rest of your life. That red meat tastes like murder, and murder tastes pretty damn good." |
Hey Dumbshit Probably Zapd (7/26/01 8:03 pm) |
![]() The greatest forum of YOUR life? YOUR FUCKING PATHETIC LIFE??? What the fuck is that? And just who the hell do you think you are? For all we know, it was some general fuckhead like you that got the place shut down anyway. AND if all the gay little fuckers who couldn't make a worthwhile post to save their shiteating little lives hadn't made it downright unpleasant for anyone worth their salt to post there, then IT WOULD STILL BE THERE, AND YOU WOULDN'T HAVE THE BALLS TO SHOW YOUR FACE HERE. So don't piss on the grave of something YOU helped to kill. Or at least, don't do it where I can find it. I really don't want to hear it. In mourning, Z.B. |
Triple Life H-N-I-C (7/26/01 8:15 pm) ![]() |
![]() Zapd, that gave me an orgasm. Really. |
MADali Not Arab, IRANESE (7/26/01 8:54 pm) ![]() |
![]() Calm down, soldier. |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Official TL Slut (7/27/01 12:28 am) |
![]() Zapd, put down the gun and take some Prozac. Geez did you ever learn the art of sarcasm? Calm down ZB. Sheesh, I never knew someone would rant like that over a lousy message board. |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Official TL Slut (7/27/01 12:31 am) |
![]() Zapd, put down the gun and take some Prozac. Geez did you ever learn the art of sarcasm? Calm down ZB. Sheesh, I never knew someone would rant like that over a lousy message board. Save your angst for someone else who cares. |
Zapd Bloo Fuck Queen (7/27/01 12:32 am) |
![]() Why do people assume that just because I can write with a little "vitality" that I must be excited? Baby, my ass is in my favorite chair, my beer is cold, and the movie was great. I don't need to get upset to write a little ditty about your stupidity. I can do that with a smile, and usually do. I play at the message boards. Sometimes, I just play a little rougher than most.
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Official TL Slut (7/27/01 12:44 am) |
![]() "YOUR FUCKING PATHETIC LIFE??? What the fuck is that? And just who the hell do you think you are? For all we know, it was some general fuckhead like you that got the place shut down anyway. " I'm sorry Zapd but that was a little more than "excitement". You blew a fuse typing that post. If I insulted a person like that I don't think the first thing he/she would think would be,"Man that person is excited" rather the person would think, "That the person is P.O'ed". There is a clear line between excitement, and anger. You obviously crossed that line. |
Zapd Bloo Fuck Queen (7/27/01 12:54 am) |
![]() And you know me so well as to know where that line is? Are you TELEPATHIC? Or just ignorant? I was displeased. Your comment did not find favor in my eyes, and I decided to let you know why in one succint paragraph. Now, if you are going to continue to profess understanding of my state of mind, you are in for a rough ride, because you obviously don't know me, or you would have let this lie after the first comment. IF you want to see me pissed, and you should know that it would be a very superficial kind of pissed because this is a message board on the internet and just not that important in a general scheme of things, keep it up. Tell me what I think and who I am and how I feel. I love that. Like I love having needles shoved under my fingernails. SEE? WORDS. WRITING WORDS WITH A SMILE! Just because I type it out here doesn't mean I feel it. I could type that I am banging myself silly right now, but that doesn't mean my fingers are sticky. Just like you typed about ritualistic suicide, but obviously didn't go through with it. Get it? Good. Fucking newbie retards.
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Official TL Slut (7/27/01 1:26 am) ![]() |
![]() Now it's true that I don't know anything about your persona but when you use profanity in my eyes you are angry. I don't know where you live but I don't think people normally debate like this, "YOUR OPINION FUCKING SUCKS WHAT KIND OF FUCKHEAD WOULD CHOOSE TO HAVE AN ABORTION". Do you follow me Zapd? The use of profanity directed towards someone in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS=anger towards that person. And until you convice me otherwise I am going to stand by my opinion. That's ghetto. Edited by: My Head Hurts 90![]() |
ChrisPsaros ![]() dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11 (7/27/01 2:13 am) ![]() |
![]() Sorry Zapd, I have to agree with this guy somewhat. If you appear on the surface to be a certain way, you can't just assume people will know what you're "really" thinking or feeling. What you say and do on the surface counts for a lot. Especially on the internet where they can't hear your tone of voice, or see your facial expressions, etc. And ESPECIALLY if you don't ever stop to clarify exactly what you're really feeling. You and I had a similar problem in the past. Then there's the fact that he might not think you're as mad as you think that HE thinks you are. Which would then be a misunderstanding on YOUR part. Fuck, this is hard to explain. It's like sarcasm. You can't just expect people to get it. You'll tend to appreciate those who do, but even people who are very experienced with each other's sense of sarcasm sometimes misunderstand each other and take things "on the level" when they shouldn't. I had to deal with this a lot with regard to stuff I would write on my site, or on message boards, or whatever. I came to realize that for someone who doesn't know me like I know myself, I could really be justifiably misunderstood. I would assume that people knew certain things, even though there was no way they possibly could. Yes, I never liked having to explain myself, but I learned to stop looking down on people who needed the explanation. And I think you've got it backwards, as far as any "assumptions" are concerned. What this guy just said about your level of anger was totally reasonable. He called it as it appeared on the surface. The true assumption would have been for him to see through your post as you simply "writing with vitality." Edited by: ChrisPsaros ![]() |
ChrisPsaros ![]() dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11 (7/27/01 2:18 am) ![]() |
![]() Actually, yeah. Now that I reread this, I really can't blame him at all. That first thing you wrote was ACID. And it was TOTALLY unprovoked. Madali seemed to think so too. |
Cheeba Cell Don't say it (7/27/01 2:53 am) ![]() |
![]() that's why I get this mad rush of lust in my blood evertime that Zapd posts something. she's one fiery hot demon goddess of retri-fucking-bution, and I'm trying not to fall in love with her.
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Official TL Slut (7/27/01 10:39 am) ![]() |
![]() Here's a good Chris Rock quote. "There are two types of black people; black people & niggers." That's ghetto. |
AmazingJustin ![]() AmazingFaggot (7/27/01 12:53 pm) ![]() |
![]() Here's a good quote. "You are a blatant disregard for heterosexuality." ![]() "My parents said I could be anything I wanted, so I became an asshole" |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Official TL Slut (7/27/01 2:09 pm) |
![]() Thanks for the memory AJ. I almost forgot that piece of brilliance. |
prosthetic forehead Slut or just enjoys sex? You decide. (7/27/01 2:25 pm) |
![]() I was actually sitting in the room when Zapd read and responded. Standing up for her mood before hand she was relaxed, having a good time, waiting for pizza, all and all in a very good mood. During the post she was having fun and after the post she was still happy go lucky. So boys take her posts into context, knowing her personality and the such, you should not even question her response. I do understand as a newbie that it may have felt a bit your homework. In defense, who would have more right to be upset about Popo's then Zapd? Of course what do I know, I didn't even have the op to see all of those grandiose flames.
ChrisPsaros ![]() dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11 (7/27/01 3:39 pm) ![]() |
![]() WELL, OF COURSE IT ALL MAKES SENSE IN CONTEXT! BUT THAT'S MY WHOLE POINT! WE DON'T KNOW THE CONTEXT! And it's not fair to just expect people to. We WEREN'T standing in the room with her. As for Zapd's reputaion, sure she's like that. AT POPO's. But this is not a flaming board, and she never acts that way here. |
Triple Life H-N-I-C (7/27/01 3:41 pm) ![]() |
![]() Chris, you are such a cock. |
prosthetic forehead Slut or just enjoys sex? You decide. (7/27/01 4:19 pm) |
![]() Do your fucking homework then! You should never judge something before you have the facts. A newbie should always know they are on new grounds and should be up for whatever is thrown there way. If they aren't then they get what they deserve. You do have to remember one thing, this is ZAPD'S BOARD... and she can and most likely will act whatever way she likes. Don't expect anything other then that, thats forsure!
ryanz19 Official TL Slut (7/27/01 5:00 pm) |
![]() It's true, a post filled with anger tends to give the person it's directed at a feeling that the person would be mad in real life. However, Zapd stated that she does not get angry over a message board, so that should be the end of MHH's argument. Some people take the message board thing seriously, she, obviously, does not. It's the same with me: If somebody insults me over the internet, it doesn't affect me very much, in real life. I may express anger on the board, but I don't carry that anger with me in the real world. The internet is something to relieve boredom for me, that's it. It's probably the same with Zapd, as we know that she has a life outside of the message boards. |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Official TL Slut (7/27/01 5:22 pm) |
![]() "However, Zapd stated that she does not get angry over a message board, so that should be the end of MHH's argument." Sir I could say that I'm God and that's the end of that according to your logic. Yes just because a person says so it must be the TRUTH!!! Wow you're right guys I guess calling someone a fuckhead fifteen times for no apparent reason other than pure "excitement" and "vitaity" is a gesture of peace. Silly me, what was I thinking? Zapd your lies are horrible. Now typing with excitement is fine but there are better ways to express your excitement. I could have come up with a million ways for you respond without resorting to profanity. I'm looking at your post right now and clearly you let your emotions get the best of you. The only thing you proved to me in that post is that you are easily agitated. Come up with something better than your denial defense or just be "big enough" to admit that you snapped at me. It wasn't like I was saying,"SUPER POPO RULEZ THIS PLACE SUX. HEY ZAPD KISS MY ASS" because if I did we wouldn't be having this little argument now would we??????? |
Triple Life H-N-I-C (7/27/01 5:32 pm) ![]() |
![]() Shut up, you're gay. My two cents. |
Zapd Bloo Fuck Queen (7/27/01 5:36 pm) |
![]() THE MAN WHO DISCOVERED CAFFEINE, and had the foresight to put them in tasty little mint form. Chris, you are too fucking cute when you defent the blatantly clueless from the big bad mean bitch that is ME. I mean, SHIT, sure, you have 'preferred person' status MOST OF THE TIME, but to put me in my place takes some fucking balls. So I just thought I would tell you how fucking cool you really are. Hey, Head-job, Profanity in a non angry context. (I wanted to work something in about tummy rubbing, but between the time I thought of it and the time I typed it, I forgot what.) Language is very subjective. And as I have said many many times, it is the job of the author to get their point across. I wanted that post to sound pissed. I wanted to see your reaction. And I wanted to remind myself of my roots now that every trace of the orinigal ZB has been totally obliterated. SO, If I say DANCE, PUPPET, DANCE, I am sure you will understand. But my beloved Chrissy is right too. I don't generally flame here. I tend to protect the newbies and unpopular with something akin to MOTHERLY LOVE. So yeah, it was totally out of the bloo. But then I wanted to stir the pot. YOU BOYS BOIL REAL NICE LIKE. Here is the main scoop. Chris nailed it, only I don't know if he knows it. This pseudo-community that we have created has some serious limitations. You have no way to know the intentions behind another's words. AND AS SUCH, YOU HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY NOT TO TAKE THOSE WORDS TOO SERIOUSLY, or to coin a phrase, ACE KENDOIZE. (no offense Ace, you know I love you like that guy in that movie who was really cool and had the sweet sunglasses, hell, I HAVE COINED A PHRASE AFTER YOU. If that isn't love...) Now see, I like contrasts. And I use the internet to feed that particular pleasure, including contrasting myself. READ CONTRAST, NOT CONTRADICT. I am not saying that the post wasn't angry, I am just saying I WASN'T ANGRY. Separating the words from the writer in this particular atmosphere isn't a very nice thing to do to you, I know, but then I am not always a nice person. AND I know you were there when I wrote my last flame on MPP, Hedehert, so ignorance is no excuse for you. (Dammit, explaining to a dog that you will play fetch in 30 MINUTES is absolutely pointless.) Does this mean you are off the hook? HELL NO. I nursed my message board infancy at the teat of MPP. And it didn't deserve to go down the way it did. But I am not going to harrass you either, unless you be TOO STUPID. Then I have to pull my power trip. You know, nothing personal. OK, and Chris, this time I have to think a little. YOU LOOPED ME! UNPREDICTABLE, and LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT, Zappy De (fresh breath) Bloo P.S. A Bloo job for anybody who can guess my frame of mind now. HAHAHA EDIT EDIT EDIT. YOU STOOPID FUCKHEAD. Hehehe. This board may be my home now, but it wasn't my first home. ANd I have no reason to lie to you or anyone else, AS ANYONE WHO HAS EVER TALKED TO ME KNOWS. And if you don't want to believe it, THEN FINE O FINE. But you don't want to pick a fight with me either by Thinking you can call my bluff. I CREATED THAT TECHNIQUE, and the chances of you being better at it than I are so slim as to make a razorblade seem FAT. So this is clue time for you. Either you get one, or you don't. BUT IF YOU CALL ME OUT, know that it will not go well for you. Just because Ryanz is right, if for no other reason. Edited by: Zapd Bloo at: 7/27/01 5:41:16 pm |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Do these pants make me look fat? (7/27/01 5:46 pm) |
![]() "However, Zapd stated that she does not get angry over a message board, so that should be the end of MHH's argument." Sir I could say that I'm God and that's the end of that according to your logic. Yes just because a person says so it must be the TRUTH!!! Wow you're right guys I guess calling someone a fuckhead fifteen times for no apparent reason other than pure "excitement" and "vitaity" is a gesture of peace. Silly me, what was I thinking? Zapd your lies are horrible. Now typing with excitement is fine but there are better ways to express your excitement. I could have come up with a million ways for you respond without resorting to profanity. I'm looking at your post right now and clearly you let your emotions get the best of you. The only thing you proved to me in that post is that you are easily agitated. Come up with something better than your denial defense or just be "big enough" to admit that you snapped at me. It wasn't like I was saying,"SUPER POPO RULEZ THIS PLACE SUX. HEY ZAPD KISS MY ASS" because if I did we wouldn't be having this little argument now would we??????? Now I'm going to dissect her post into one broad aspect 1) It was a insult directed at me. PERIOD. Whether you used that one moment in time as a outlet I will never know. People don't seem to realize that anger is anger. Whether you carry it with you or not. Whether you have a life outside of the message board (which we all do) isn't relevant. What matters is that for the one instant when you typed you were obviously upset doesn't matter if you were "relaxed" when you were typing it because you full well knew what the intentions of the post were. Writing always reflects a piece of yourself. When I write an insult I'm not frothing at the mouth out of anger. BUT I do know what I type is meant to be seen as an insult and that when a person reads this they'll know that I'm P.O.'ed. So either your intentions were completley different or you're the type of person who throws around those insults nonchalantly in which case I would pity you. |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Do these pants make me look fat? (7/27/01 5:53 pm) |
![]() ZAPD if you insult someone you HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CAUSES OF YOUR OWN ACTIONS. And KUDOS to whoever changed my, "TL slut" name to "do these pants make me look fat?" it's not funny but at least it's a change. |
Zapd Bloo Fuck Queen (7/27/01 6:07 pm) |
![]() And your point of responsibility over insults is ridiculous in this medium, not to mention borderline incoherent. Your thing about having to posess an emotion at the time of expression is also bullshit. An author writes a novel with all sorts of emotions in it, some of which he may not completely identify with. It would be stupid to assume he had to feel each emotion at the moment of expression in order to write about it. Oh, and do not cut and paste. It irritates me. And it will make me edit you. Heh, I like your green guy.
ImmortalBubbles Official TL Slut (7/27/01 7:36 pm) ![]() |
![]() Damnit, this thread didn't turn out like I wanted it to. |
JebusofNazareth Official TL Slut (7/27/01 7:43 pm) ![]() |
![]() you were expcetingsomething better? What it calls Knowledge is not a union with the not-Self, but a set of Prejudices, habits, and Desires, making an impenetrable veil between us and the world beyond. The man who finds pleasure in such a theory of Knowledge is like a man who never leaves the domestic circle for fear his word might not be law. |
Matthew Outland Official TL Slut (7/27/01 11:26 pm) |
![]() If you tell Zapd blatantly untrue compliments, she will start acting like a six year old. |
prosthetic forehead Slut or just enjoys sex? You decide. (7/28/01 3:43 am) |
![]() Yeah and you would actually know this how? Your words have been filled with bs tonight and so this is not a valid comment.
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Do these pants make me look fat? (7/28/01 11:59 am) |
![]() "We're here to solve the mystery that has been on everyone's mind...that's right, who let the dogs out and where they at?" If I knew who said that I would kill them. I saw this quote in someone's signature. |
prosthetic forehead Slut or just enjoys sex? You decide. (7/28/01 1:56 pm) |
![]() "Reap the whirlwind" or from the same movie "Hello Bob..... Goodbye Bob"
ImmortalBubbles Official TL Slut (7/28/01 3:07 pm) ![]() |
![]() You gypsy dildo punks. |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Do these pants make me look fat? (7/28/01 10:25 pm) |
![]() Thanks for the compliment Zapd, I like the icon too. Still Zapd, you haven't convinced me why you would curse me off without angst or anger at least being a factor. I'm sure along with everyone else that the post made you looked pissed (or at least to me). 1) Lots of profanity 2) VERY Limited Word Usage- ex.fuckhead. Usually anger will degenerate your vocabuary. Unless you were intoxicated. 3) Completly UNCALLED for. Zapd I did nothing wrong. I made a sarcastic joke and I posted a quote. I'm sorry if my humor is too subtle for you. However the BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS suicide joke should have tipped you off. AND you're the one who said don't take the posts too seriously. So why did you rant? Follow your own advice Zapd. Zapd so far all you have is the "I wasn't" or "I didn't" defense. P.S. Do not threaten me with edits. To me this shows that you are losing. Quoting is a good form of evidence mamn. Edited by: My Head Hurts 90 ![]() |
zb Probably Zapd (7/29/01 10:59 pm) |
![]() You picked the wrong night to continue this. You said you were done. So I will detail it out for you in very PLAIN language. First of all, I pointed out that profanity is not necessarily a sign of anger. Go reread the first paragraph of my long post and then congratulate yourself for applying a little reading comprehension. I proved you wrong. Second, I replied to every point you have made in that post. You either don't know how to read, or you were too lazy to actually apply the words to the situation. Third, I WARNED that I would edit you because I HATE REPETITION. IF you can't reply to me without cutting and pasting my words OR WORSE, YOUR WORDS, then you are the one who is feeling threatened. And along those lines, if you do insist on cutting and pasting, then I will play your game. And you will look stupid for it. You aren't the first FUCKHEAD to come around thinking he can challenge the 'stupid bitch' and raise himself in the pecking order for it. Fourth, I did not resort to profanity because I couldn't think of anything better, I did it because I wanted to. Because YOU, in your misplaced arrogance, referred to something that you know nothing about. I knew what your 'subtle' (stupid) joke was. It was neither funny or effective. You are treading on thin ice. Fifth, I am not defending anything. YOU claimed to know my state of mind. I decided to correct you. YOU DEFENDED YOUR ASININE CLAIM. Careful, I think you are starting to confuse yourself. Sixth, Uncalled for? I think that is my decision to make. I think, considering what has transpired since, it was not only called for, but should have been continued. You are one dense little bugger. Ah, and DON'T EVER TELL ME WHAT TO DO. I flame for fun. Your arrogance, condescension, and apparent psychic powers are giving me more temptation than I can resist right now. I am being nice. But I don't want to. LASTLY. I do not threaten. I warn. This is your last one. Drop it. It gets good from here on out, Z.B. |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Do these pants make me look fat? (7/29/01 11:16 pm) ![]() |
![]() Flame for fun? Zapd, that is pathetic. Insulting without rhyme or reason isn't exactly intelligent. And yes, I will stop posting because I am arguing with an egomaniac. Insulting people just to satisfy yourself is low. You have my pity. I don't know if malt liquor and fried chicken go together. |
zb Probably Zapd (7/29/01 11:42 pm) |
![]() And executioner. For someone who claimed to be so familiar with the MPP board, you are turning out to be quite a hypocrite. I think it is safe to say in light of your last comment that you didn't know that board at all, making your original comment moot, and proving that you only continued this because you had hurt feelers, or you think you always have to be right. Pathetic? Pathetic is not knowing what you are talking about and yet still talking. Intelligent? Intelligent is placing your thoughts coherently, paying attention, and working your way through conflict. Egomaniac? Yes. Low? If it gets them to think and apply themselves to something besides video games or masturbating, then I can't consider it low. Learning how to stick up for yourself, how to support yourself is never low. Pity? Well if you want to waste it, go ahead, I guess. I don't want you to stop posting. I just want you to post intelligently. According to the spirit of the board, and with the understanding that you are not morally or intellectually or emotionally superior. There is no point to it if you are the only one who is right, and everyone else is in 'denial'. But if you want to consider the option that maybe somebody else has a point, then you are welcome to stay. Oh, and fellow egomaniac, this isn't me backing down, it me saying this has served its purpose. Ya dig? |
Ace Kendo The GAY Teletubby (7/30/01 12:18 am) ![]() |
![]() Head Hurts, please, give in. I beg you to stop. You are making too many classic blunders, and it hurts to watch you post. Your use of inane logic to disprove something doesn't work, and just looks dumb. I know from experience. Give in, lick your wounds, and talk about sex. That is all I will say. Nothing like hard nipple pressed against your stomach. Forever yours, |
Zapd Bloo Fuck Queen (7/30/01 12:27 am) |
![]() Pressed against your nipples.
Brandylion I want TL's big black cock (7/30/01 12:48 am) ![]() |
![]() MHH, why even bring up MPP in a sex forum that has absolutely nothing to do w/ it? Yup, you are definitely displaying ignorance about the purpose & unspoken rules of flame boards. Anyway, without MPP around anymore, I think that Zapd has the right to slake an occasional feeling of bloodlust on newbies who display idiocy at HER FORUM. |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Do these pants make me look fat? (7/30/01 12:56 am) |
![]() You rightly assume I never went or was even familar with MPP, since I claimed that flaming is pathetic and yet mourned a flame board in the same thread. AND further more you tell people a blatantly untrue comment that I think everyone but myself is in denial, which is unreasonable because only I am psychic and only I can make blatantly untrue comments. Want more B.S. from Zapd? Ok. Zapd thinks that buy (my shoes, my shirt, my cigarettes, oh wait, I don't smoke em, I just hold em between my lips and pretend that I am cool) attacking people they will,"Do something else besides video games & masturbating" excuse me but I did not know you were a psychic, because my psychic powers were inhibited by my new foil hat and what was the definition of psychic again? Do you perhaps think that a person's live is deeper? No? Well that's ok because I'm the retarded one seeing as I not only didn't get the point, but think that if I hide my little snide ass flame comments in a bunch of bullshit that the stupid girl won't notice. That's right my wacky lack of logic can not standup to those kind of statements. Yes I bow to your infinitely superior wisdom like a good bitch should. FINE. ZAPD YOU WIN. Goddess, leave me alone and go about your hypothetical ways. I just can't compete with the way you made your facts into complete sentences and ideas. Edit: Brandylion if sarcasm = idiocy in your book well I'm sorry because I am terrible at the first, but the second fits me like a love glove. Edit: I fixed some spelling errors for you, and took out the typo. You can thank me later. I don't know if malt liquor and fried chicken go together. Edited by: Zapd Bloo at: 7/30/01 1:16:50 am |
Brandylion I want TL's big black cock (7/30/01 1:04 am) ![]() |
![]() Really now, your comments did make me assume that you were not very familiar w/ MPP too. |
My Head Hurts 90 ![]() Do these pants make me look fat? (7/30/01 1:07 am) |
![]() Really? What comment? |
Ace Kendo The GAY Teletubby (7/30/01 1:10 am) ![]() |
![]() I recommend a good bit of good Kentuky Bourbon and pepper-grilled catfish. Forever yours, |
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