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        > Look at how i weasel out the details.
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Utils  I can't make up my mind.
Official TL Slut
(8/5/01 1:45 am)
Look at how i weasel out the details.
SansJason: I want to have sex.
Utils2581: not with me i hope
SansJason: Teach me how.
Utils2581: ?
Utils2581: You put you hands here and you bend you legs...
Utils2581: You thrust your pelvis, *UNGH!*
Utils2581: You thrust your pelvis, *UNGH!*
Utils2581: how old are you?
SansJason: Fifteen in a few weeks.
Utils2581: come back in two years
SansJason: NO.
Utils2581: Hey shut up, you're making me feel bad for you
Utils2581: first of all, have you ever bought a condom?
SansJason: No.
Utils2581: you need to
Utils2581: have you ever bought porn?
SansJason: Bought? No.
SansJason: But I get it free on the internet.
Utils2581: NO!
SansJason: And I masturbate six to ten times a day.
Utils2581: How well do you deal with shame?
Utils2581: stupid, this isn't why i asked
Utils2581: six times a day is horrible
SansJason: I feel no shame.
Utils2581: once a week, only jerk off once a week
SansJason: WHAT?!
Utils2581: work that into once in a while
Utils2581: then work that into once in a blue moon
SansJason: I haven't gone more than four days in the past seven years.
Utils2581: guys are not supposed to masturbate somuch
Utils2581: you lose essence
Utils2581: unless you fuck a virgin afterwards it's a total waste of time
Utils2581: then apply then energy to lifting weights
Utils2581: that's what i did
SansJason: That does not lead to ejaculation.
Utils2581: you need to get a fuck friend
SansJason: I'd give anything for a fuck friend.
Utils2581: lifting weights will leave you too speant to jerk off
Utils2581: you have ANY friends?
Utils2581: and about the porn and condoms
Utils2581: you need to bear the shame of buying condoms
Utils2581: 15 and you haven't bought porn yet?
Utils2581: I'm amazed
SansJason: Why would I buy porn?
SansJason: I get everything I need online.
SansJason: And why would buying condoms lead to shame? I'd be very proud.
Utils2581: shame, pride, buy a condom tomorrow then get back to me
Utils2581: condoms should be thrown out a month after you bought them
Utils2581: YOU NEVER KNOW!
SansJason: Take a picture of your penis.
SansJason: I want to see how much jelqing works.
Utils2581: before i saw my first womanly boob i tried on a condom, be prepared
Utils2581: I'm going to ignore that
SansJason: PLEASE.
Utils2581: besides, there are testimonials at that site
Utils2581: it WORKS
SansJason: But they want me to do crazy shit with broomsticks.
Utils2581: and also, the webcams i try always suck so i return them to staples
Utils2581: broomsticks?
SansJason: I don't understand. Tell me, step by step, how you jelq.
Utils2581: no, read the thread
Utils2581: listen
Utils2581: be yourself
Utils2581: it's corny but true
SansJason: It's all so vague.
Utils2581: you think you're the only one to be horny at that age?
Utils2581: Christ, sign up for a sport at your school.
Utils2581: masturbation is fine, but understand that it's a big waste of potential energy
Utils2581: no you aren't
Utils2581: i don't know
Utils2581: you wanna be fucking some little 15-year old?
SansJason: HELL YES.
Utils2581: the pussy hasn't matured yet
SansJason: TIGHT.
Utils2581: you don't even know what your talking about
SansJason: Sure I do.
Utils2581: tight is when YOUR DICK is big
SansJason: Oh, Utils, why was I born so ugly and white?
Utils2581: and girls don't like it humongous cock anyway
Utils2581: they THINK they do
Utils2581: but they don't
Utils2581: it's like tits
Utils2581: i only did the jelq for myself, it gave me a lot of self-confidence
SansJason: BUT I'M SMALL.
Utils2581: you know, if you jelqed your self-confidence would sky rocket
Utils2581: women cum more when you use your mouth
Utils2581: at least the few that i've been with
Utils2581: they enjoy it more, that or I'm bad at intercourse ;D
Utils2581: THAT feeling never goes away
Utils2581: promise me you won't start slipping roofies or buying whores
SansJason: I want to rub my face in it.
Utils2581: don't put thoughts into my head
SansJason: I want to use it as a pillow.
Utils2581: You think you want to eat pussy now, wait till you've actually had some. You'll want it worse
Utils2581: like drugs, i guess
Utils2581: but anyway, do you have any girl friends
SansJason: I wish.
SansJason: Do you know SparkMatch?
Utils2581: no
SansJason: The site that has The Gay Test and The Slut Test, they have a Match Test. It's a dating service that doesn't take itself seriously.
Utils2581: and....
SansJason: I met someone there but she had to cancel before we had one date.
Utils2581: the same age?
SansJason: I've had one girlfriend, one date in my life. And the farthest I've ever gone is holding her in the movies.
SansJason: Yes.
Utils2581: i don't do the meet "IRL" thing
Utils2581: can't help you there
SansJason wants to directly connect.
SansJason is now directly connected.
SansJason: Last night I met a girl who gave me this picture:
SansJason: She said, although I'm not THAT bad looking, I'm not her type. So she won't come over, get drunk and high (she likes to) and fuck me.
SansJason: She also has a girlfriend. If we hooked up, I bet I could've gotten a threesome.
Utils2581: threesomes have 50/50 chance of being good or crappy
Utils2581: they almost always suck
SansJason: My first time could've been with that.
Utils2581: no one knows what to do
Utils2581: put your cherry for sale on e-bay
Utils2581: ha
Utils2581: hello?
SansJason: No one would buy it.
Utils2581: someone else did it
Utils2581: it was bought
SansJason: They were probably hot.
SansJason: And provided airfare.
Utils2581: no, they buyer had to fly their own ass
Utils2581: jesus, answer me
SansJason: NO.
SansJason: NOT A ONE.
Utils2581: aquantances?
Utils2581: you have to make start making them
Utils2581: girls make better friends anyway
Utils2581: 4 life
Utils2581: ok, you have guy friends
SansJason: No one likes me.
Utils2581: ?
SansJason: Yes.
Utils2581: maybe you should turn gay
Utils2581: have gay sex
Utils2581: problemsolved
SansJason: I'm bi.
Utils2581: .........
Utils2581: dammit, i was kidding
Utils2581: i wanted to see if you were desperate
Utils2581: well, are your guy friends gay as well?
SansJason: No.
SansJason: I hate gay porn.
Utils2581: then WHAT makes you bi?
SansJason: I enjoy sucking the penis and having something up my ass.
Utils2581: you put things up your ass?
Utils2581: there's no way you've sucked dick
Utils2581: because if you did you'de chicken out and realize you're not gay
Utils2581: well listen
Utils2581: you have to be more proactive
Utils2581: the girls won't magically fall into your lap
Utils2581: but you have to court them
Utils2581: but don't be a phoney
SansJason: I've sucked dick.
Utils2581: be real
Utils2581: I'm talking here
SansJason: I did. And I enjoyed it.
Utils2581: spend less time on the comp
Utils2581: SHUT UP!
SansJason: I REALLY DID.
Utils2581: you have to...
Utils2581: forget it
Utils2581: So...
Utils2581: Who's dick?
Utils2581: Because i don't believe you
SansJason: Believe it or not, it was a kid named Ashton.
Utils2581: Was he younger or older than you?
SansJason: Same age, I think.
SansJason: I didn't know him that well.
Utils2581: See, you're making it up.
Utils2581: Where were you and what time was it?
SansJason: He came over late October of this (or last) year. He was there to play Majora's Mask, I had just got it. Because his parents are always around, he took this oppurtunity to look at porn on my computer to look at porn. We both got horny and I talked him into it.
SansJason: He had done it before.
Utils2581: majora's mask?
Utils2581: that game is boring
Utils2581: gay porn?
SansJason: No, straight hentai.
SansJason: It was one amateur (real) site that made us give in.
Utils2581: amateurs are fake
SansJason: Oh well.
Utils2581: so what did you say?
Utils2581: WAIT!!!!!!!!!
Utils2581: you sucked HIS dick?
Utils2581: haha, loser.
SansJason: YES.
SansJason: And he-mine.
Utils2581: oh, see
Utils2581: you're getting some
Utils2581: keep it up
SansJason: It was that one time. Never happened again.
SansJason: I WANT A WOMAN.
Utils2581: you'll make a fine pedophile.
Utils2581: pester him
Utils2581: steal his toys for blowjob ransom
SansJason: I will never see him again.
Utils2581: poor baby
Utils2581: I mean him
SansJason: SIGH...
Utils2581: haha, pedophelia humor
Utils2581: Dude, did he cum in your mouth?
SansJason: No.
Utils2581: you-his?
SansJason: No.
Utils2581: You're both losers
SansJason: Yes.
Utils2581: At least he didn't cum in yours. That would be pretty disgusting.
Utils2581: This is the funniest thing I've ever heard.
Utils2581: I can't even imagine how you convinced this guy to let you suck his dick
Utils2581: not only that but you got him to suck yours afterwards
Utils2581: was he willing or did you molest him?
SansJason: Willing.
Utils2581: i mean
Utils2581: ok, one guy sucking another guys dick, fine
Utils2581: but you BOTH did it
Utils2581: WTF?
Utils2581: could you even look at each other afterwards?
SansJason: No.
SansJason: But I'm fine with it now.
Utils2581: haha, did you play videogames after that?
Utils2581: that's just wrong
SansJason: I just went into a mild panic after I realized that I just had my first oral sex experience with... ugh... him.
Utils2581: You should go to gay clubs, they like little boys
SansJason: He was ugly and not special at all.
Utils2581: funny
Utils2581: that's the word you're looking for
Utils2581: well, to be honest, it doesn't make you gay
Utils2581: girls experiment like that
Utils2581: and girls aren't gay like ace kendo wishes they all are
Utils2581: you need to take it easy
Utils2581: start talking to girls, build those social skills
Utils2581: you won't die
Utils2581: sex is sex
Utils2581: you do it and then it's done
Utils2581: no
Utils2581: eating pussy is
Utils2581: no, just kidding
Utils2581: sex is not the only thing there is to experience
SansJason: YES IT IS.
Utils2581: sky diving, i want to try sky diving
Utils2581: youngblood, you have yet to live!
Utils2581: sex should not be your goal in life!
Utils2581: and you had a taste of it anyway (no pun intended)
Utils2581: i'm not downplaying it
SansJason: SEX IS LIFE.
Utils2581: but seriously, sex is only magical if you work on it
Utils2581: like porn movies, man, people in porn movies can't fuck for shit
Utils2581: not even the dramtic ones
Utils2581: I believe that true sex has yet to be recorded
Utils2581: that's no jive
Utils2581: i have to go
SansJason: Bye.
Utils2581: don't worry so much

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(8/5/01 9:05 pm)
Luscious lips
Dear, must you get the same advise from everyone? And yet you still ignore! Maybe you should listen to the masses.

Utils  I can't make up my mind.
Official TL Slut
(8/6/01 12:09 am)
Re: Luscious lips
what advice? he bothers you people too?

Spanky Monkey Party
OF 1

(8/6/01 2:13 am)

Re: Luscious lips
Lifting weights leaves you too spent to masturbate? Bah!

I used to play soccer and basketball a few hours a day each, and I'd still have the time AND ENERGY to masturbate at least once or twice a day!

Edited by: StupidMike at: 8/6/01 3:09:59 am
Utils  I can't make up my mind.
Official TL Slut
(8/6/01 5:24 am)
Re: Luscious lips
If you do LOW-IMPACT excercise, sure.

Actually you're right. It doesn't make you less horny but at least you're putting the energy to good use. And it takes your mind off the penis for a while.

you, Mike, haven't self-control.

(8/6/01 11:58 pm)

Re: Luscious lips
There is nothing wrong with masturbating

My Head Hurts 90 
Do these pants make me look fat?
(8/7/01 12:30 am)

Re: Luscious lips
"SansJason: And I masturbate six to ten times a day."

Is that even humanly possible?

It's like a blowjob for your mind!!

I am sex.
For the men.

(8/7/01 10:09 pm)

Re: Luscious lips
Why is that filthy nigger posting that conversation everywhere?

The Cadger
More sex than a bottle of sex
(8/7/01 11:28 pm)
Re: Luscious lips
the kid said he was fifteen....who doesn't masterbate excessively at fifteen..
What the fuck else is he going to do?
He should start up a good mellow pot habbit. :)
But it doesn't sound to me like the poor guy can do anything mellow.
Too bad....Besides the fact that most of his friends are lying. they aren't having sex either. Hehehe....

My Head Hurts 90 
Do these pants make me look fat?
(8/8/01 12:02 am)
Pot is too expensive, he should start on something cheaper, like alcohol.

Edited by: My Head Hurts 90  at: 8/8/01 12:08:17 am
I am sex.
For the men.

(8/8/01 7:54 am)

Re: Drugs
There is an unlocked liquor cabinet ten feet from me and my dad's stash of pot a few rooms from me. If I had any friends I'd throw a party.

Also, I reiterate that Utils is a gay, filthy nigger.

Edited by: Weirdness at: 8/8/01 7:56:03 am
The Cadger
More sex than a bottle of sex
(8/8/01 11:58 am)
Re: Drugs
My pot habbit is very cheap. Cheaper than my alcohol habbit.

Which has nothing to do with my nun habbit....

HA!!!! That was fucking funny!!!!!

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(8/8/01 12:36 pm)
You crack me up! Of course isn't that why you are in my life? My personal comedian?!

Triple Life
(8/8/01 2:53 pm)

I guess that joke went completely over my head.

Utils  I can't make up my mind.
Official TL Slut
(8/14/01 2:35 am)
At least this fag gets more pussy than you do.

Ooooh, I know that had to hurt.

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