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Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(6/2/01 2:16 am)
Lesson DAMN IT.
From time to time, even the most accomplished lover gets the big nasty. YES, the rejection. And it sucks in the same way that someone running over your dog, laying its carcass on your front porch, ringing the doorbell and running away sucks. We are talking massive vaccuum here.

BUT there are ways to handle rejection, and ways to prevent it. AND I am not going to talk about either of them. Instead, I am going to tell you what I do about rejection.

Now I will be honest. Most of the time when I am rejected, and it happens a fucking lot, I don't really care. Men are ridiculous beasts who wouldn't know a good lay until it is sucking their cock like it is the straw to the fountain of youth. So if they want the 'shorter' female or the 'younger' girl or the 'chick with the long hair', I get over it.

BUT if the bastard leads me on, then he is playing another game. And in this game, my goal is to cause the penile pain. That feeling you get when you have been way too aroused for way too long with no opportunity for relief in sight. The kind of pain that can only be truly relieved by a solid night of excellent fucking. Which he can't get from me due to the unfortunate REJECTION.

So what do we all learn from this? Don't piss of the horny bitch. And rejection is mean. Very mean. Now, I am going to go put on something seductive and watch Disney flicks until I run out of Vodka. Even us fuck queens get the blues.

Official TL Slut
(6/2/01 12:19 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
I will come over and comfort you, teacher.

Official TL Slut
(6/2/01 1:33 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
Who could turn you down, Zapd? They would have to have some form of mental instability, or be extremely GAY.

Official TL Slut
(6/2/01 2:15 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
I would've said that, but it sounds like a line.

Official TL Slut
(6/2/01 3:36 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
That's what I'm here for, to say the things others won't.

Also for the free sex talk.

Official TL Slut
(6/2/01 3:52 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
Yes, I'm here for the sex talk as well.

And because I'd sell my soul and left nut to eat Brandylion out.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/2/01 10:58 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.

Greatest man since Jesus Christ

(6/3/01 12:41 am)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
Super faggot!

Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(6/3/01 2:25 am)
Tonight I went out to relieve my rejection blues by finding a little booty. Instead I got hit on by two butch lesbians and a fourth grader. FORTUNATELY, I have a sense of humor about these things. And I caught the cute bartender looking down my shirt. Which strangely enough made it all better.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/3/01 3:13 am)

Re: Update.


Official TL Slut
(6/3/01 8:50 am)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
Hmmm... they're both in California...

Chris, how can you reject Zapd? Not young enough for you?

I want TL's big black cock
(6/3/01 2:16 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
I don't believe Zapd is referring to you, Chrissy. I see no evidence of her being truly pissed off at you & trying to cause penile pain.

Weirdness, I want only the best! So I may consider granting your wish if you graduate w/ honors.

Official TL Slut
(6/3/01 3:55 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
Yes, yes. I will be valedicktorian. (rimshot)

Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(6/3/01 5:33 pm)
Mr. Psaros,
May I take this as an indication that you wish to enroll in our fine learning institution?

While I have no idea what you are going on about, I sympathize with your apparent agitation. If you want me to kiss it and make it better, well, you know where I am.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/3/01 6:37 pm)

Re: Mr. Psaros,
"May I take this as an indication that you wish to enroll in our fine learning institution?"

Um, no thanks.

No offense to any of you, but this is just about the gayest thing to hit the Internet since the Rugged Bar. Plus, it's rather icky.

I want TL's big black cock
(6/3/01 6:47 pm)


Official TL Slut
(6/3/01 7:13 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
He's just not comfortable talking about sex. Seeing as how every girl, remotely close to his age, scares him.

Official TL Slut
(6/3/01 7:32 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
If I'm like Chris when I'm 24, someone had better shoot me.

Or him.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(6/3/01 8:04 pm)
Chris, Chris, he's our man...
if he can't do it - NO ONE CAN!

Brandylion, excellent idea. I think we should all invite Chris not to join the school persay but to have him sign on as the team mascot. I do believe the Beaver costume is made in his size...

What do you all think?

If he refuses then shall we chant our new school mantra "FUCK U"?

I think so!!!

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/3/01 10:27 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
Oh, come ON! I love you folks, but if this little role playing game of yours was about anything but sex, you would all be howling "GAY!!!!" at the top of your lungs.

And I'm sorry if I don't place sex at the center of my existence.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/4/01 1:30 am)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
Never mind. I'm a hypocritical faggot and you should pay no attention to me.

But I'd still feel really gay doing this. "I WNAT TO BE TEH PRINCIPLE OF ANEL SEX!!1!!!"

I mean, really. Why don't we bop the Freeza bop bag and get in line with the Shyguy Alliance while we're at it.

Edited by: ChrisPsaros  at: 6/4/01 1:32:55 am
Official TL Slut
(6/4/01 5:29 am)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
I never understood why the Shy Guy Alliance had to leave us...

Ace Kendo
The GAY Teletubby
(6/4/01 1:42 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
No one shall mention the bopping of freeza bop bags unless it is a lesson on S&M and torture. Thank you.

Forever yours,
Ace Kendo

I want TL's big black cock
(6/5/01 4:47 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
Have y'all heard of Asian Ball Busting? Seriously, it's a real fetish.

Official TL Slut
(6/5/01 7:47 pm)

Re: Lesson DAMN IT.
Everything's a fetish in Asia.

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