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        > Feelin Frisky
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Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(6/23/01 3:38 am)
Feelin Frisky
Tonight my plans got fucked up. Hey, K girl, it is all cool. Feel better, ok? So anyway I sat at home and decided that it was time to update the pic thing that I am apparently so notorious for. SO HERE THEY ARE.

Ace, I will be getting back to you shortly with the complete list for the Girls of Triple Life page.

Oh, and thanks MAD.

Triple Life
(6/23/01 4:12 am)

Re: Feelin Frisky
The second one is too sexy.

"The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-coloured uppers, downers, screamers, laughers ... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls."

-HST, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Official TL Slut
(6/23/01 4:13 am)

Re: Feelin Frisky
I kinda figured you looked good, Zapd, but damn you're hot.

Ace Kendo
The GAY Teletubby
(6/23/01 10:35 am)

Re: Feelin Frisky
that forces an emote. . . *waits in anticipation*

Forever yours,
Ace Kendo

Official TL Slut
(6/23/01 4:52 pm)
Re: Feelin Frisky
Damn, you're quite the attractive woman, Zapd.

The girls of TL are all pretty good looking. You'll have people sending you emails, requesting nude photos and such. Probably all five of your non-forum visitors.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(6/24/01 8:22 pm)
Hey Zapd... why don't you show them the OTHER pics?

Yes I know, you will kill me later. ;)


Edited by: Zapd Bloo at: 6/24/01 8:27:23 pm
prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(6/24/01 8:33 pm)
Quite the contrary
I know exactly what I was talking about. ;)

You know that time we were at the beach and you got a shot of me without my shirt on?

Edited by: Zapd Bloo at: 6/24/01 8:34:19 pm
prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(6/24/01 8:40 pm)
Yes I remember
However at least I was wearing "something". :)

I do think the boys could be very interested! We could take a vote and see what they say? That would be pointless we know what they would say. Anyhow, don't get any ideas of cutting and pasting my face to some body... ;)

I want TL's big black cock
(6/24/01 9:52 pm)

Re: Feelin Frisky
"The second one is too sexy." You mean there's such a thing as too sexy, TL?

Zapd's breasts are the models for all of Jared's drawings of big boobed women.

Triple Life
(6/24/01 10:01 pm)

Re: Feelin Frisky
You're right, Brandy.

I will never say "too sexy" again.

"The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-coloured uppers, downers, screamers, laughers ... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls."

-HST, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Official TL Slut
(6/25/01 12:46 am)

Re: Feelin Frisky
Those "other" pics sound very interesting.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/25/01 3:22 pm)

Re: Feelin Frisky




dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/25/01 3:28 pm)

Re: Feelin Frisky


dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/25/01 3:33 pm)

Re: Feelin Frisky
There's no use fighting it any more.


Ace Kendo
The GAY Teletubby
(6/25/01 7:01 pm)

Re: Feelin Frisky
Hey, were are the pictures you promised, Zapd?
I check my e-mail each day in anticipation. . . and yet none have come.

Forever yours,
Ace Kendo

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/25/01 8:29 pm)

Re: Feelin Frisky
I believe Zapd has some German heritage.


The Cadger
More sex than a bottle of sex
(6/25/01 8:40 pm)
Nice, nice. Where do you get your hair done.....teehee...

Official TL Slut
(6/25/01 9:53 pm)

Re: Oooooo!!!!!
These pictures only show how much of a loser Chris is.

I mean, who could turn down a girl that hot?

Answer: Loser Chris.

Triple Life
(6/25/01 11:15 pm)

Re: Oooooo!!!!!
Cadger, stop giving yourself compliments.

It's unbecoming of a fine, young lady.

"The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-coloured uppers, downers, screamers, laughers ... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls."

-HST, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(6/25/01 11:18 pm)
My hairdresser is this totally hot chick with good taste, BUT I will need to schedule a DE PINKING appointment to prevent any confusion between me and Gwen Steffani.

Yes, Germanic heritage. Swiss, German, English.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/25/01 11:35 pm)


Fascist God
(6/26/01 1:05 am)

I've shed a tear for your manhood Psaros.

Or lack of.

Otaku Monkey 
Bad Head
(6/26/01 8:32 am)

Re: Feelin Frisky
Very fine. Not just fine, but very fine.

Till Next Time Anime Fans..... KUSO BANZAI!!!

The Cadger
More sex than a bottle of sex
(6/26/01 11:43 am)
Re: De pinking
Pf told me you were having that problem...We'll take care of it.. I still say black...Any votes?

TL Sometimes, if you don't complement yourself, You get NO ego strokes....surely you know how it goes....*wink*

Ace Kendo
The GAY Teletubby
(6/26/01 6:02 pm)

Re: De pinking
So, when is this lovely hairdresser of yours going to become a girl of TL?

Forever yours,
Ace Kendo

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(6/26/01 7:04 pm)
Excellent question
Hay Prof. Cadger... what do you think? Do we get to post pics of the redhead lion herself?

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/26/01 7:36 pm)

Re: Excellent question

Those lips...

Someone post more pictures of Zapd. PLEASE!

I'm wearing those other two out.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(6/26/01 7:44 pm)

Um Sir
Print new copies.

Of course that is only a suggestion.

Into the belly of the beast... And out the demon's ass.

Official TL Slut
(6/26/01 9:04 pm)

Re: Um Sir
Leave it to Chris to go from a wimpy fag to a dirty pervert in a few posts.

Official TL Slut
(6/26/01 11:18 pm)

Re: Um Sir
Sometimes he does it all in one.

He's sick that way.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/27/01 12:08 am)

Re: Excellent question

I am merely admiring this WORK OF ART that nature has created.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/27/01 2:04 am)

Re: Feelin Frisky

I want TL's big black cock
(6/27/01 11:14 am)

Re: Feelin Frisky
Aaaw, how sweet, Chrissy!

I can see how she can be your Muse. Zapd is beautiful & sexy!

Edited by: Brandylion  at: 6/27/01 11:28:02 am
Ace Kendo
The GAY Teletubby
(6/27/01 12:55 pm)

Re: Feelin Frisky
It seems that Chris needs Zapd in animated form to finally handle her.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Forever yours,
Ace Kendo

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/27/01 1:29 pm)

Re: Feelin Frisky
Some things are off (the nose is... really really wrong), and it doesn't adequately capture her essence, BUT I WAS SO MOVED! I HAD TO EXPRESS MYSELF SOMEHOW!

Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(6/27/01 2:29 pm)
Very impressive. I like it. Thank you.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(6/27/01 2:44 pm)

Is that all Zapd???
Well we are truly grateful that this was the way you chose to express yourself. I was a bit worried about your use of her pictures, especially when you stated: I'm wearing those other two out.

Into the belly of the beast... And out the demon's ass.

Ace Kendo
The GAY Teletubby
(6/27/01 2:45 pm)

Re: Impressive.
I just find this so sweet.

Come one, Chris, you know you want her, just go for it.

Forever yours,
Ace Kendo

The Cadger
More sex than a bottle of sex
(6/27/01 4:00 pm)
Poor chris....
a lot we have all admonished Chris, has anyone thought that theres more to a relationship than a keyboard and monitor. Perhaps he can't handle anything more.. Perhaps she can't..
Perhaps that is what we are all here for...The fact that we feel better on the end of a wire than face to face??? The ability to be whatever we want, instead of who we really are?

For instance, I've been told that I'm a lot nicer here than in real life....what about the rest of you?

I am too old to post pics on the net. It's not cute....

Official TL Slut
(6/27/01 4:14 pm)

Re: Poor chris....
Or perhaps you're just a washed up whore.

The Cadger
More sex than a bottle of sex
(6/27/01 4:24 pm)
Like that chic you fuck once a year....
Cos no one else will have you. You little ass clown.

I expected a bit better than that. It seems that you are feeling the need to lash out at me. Is it because I came alittle close to home. Eh, Cum stain?

Official TL Slut
(6/27/01 4:35 pm)

Re: Like that chic you fuck once a year....
I once fucked a whore, but didnt wear a condom.

I expected to die of AIDs anyday or have my balls fall of from some strange whorish reason.

I'm not sure what my comment has to do with it, but it seems appropriate thing to say here.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/27/01 5:02 pm)

Re: Like that chic you fuck once a year....
For some reason, I don't believe a word of that story.

Official TL Slut
(6/27/01 6:47 pm)

Re: Like that chic you fuck once a year....
Why would you think I would want to PROVE that story?

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/28/01 12:34 am)

Re: Impressive.
Well, let's get back to what is important here. Namely Zapd, and the fact that she approves of my humble drawing.

Official TL Slut
(6/28/01 11:00 am)

Re: Impressive.
And the fact that you.......wore them out.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/28/01 1:08 pm)

Re: Impressive.
People read too much into that statement.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(6/28/01 1:50 pm)

Re: Impressive.
Did we?

Into the belly of the beast... And out the demon's ass.

Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(6/28/01 2:57 pm)
K-girl, YOU DID.

Really now. Is this any way to behave towards our guest?

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(6/28/01 3:14 pm)
I suppose not.
However wasn't the rule of the house... Guest upon the first visit and after the first visit, you are no longer a guest?

Augh no matter... the more important fact is that we have strayed from the original topic. We need to go back to giving our attention to you, the one and only "Fuck Queen" (or your so called prefered version:"Supernicespecialperson"). So if it isn't about Zapd and how incrediably sexy (SMART - her version - whatever!) she is - I will either edit or delete.

Thank you all - so long.

Edit: You forgot a comma.

2nd Edit: Back to the original, more or less.

Into the belly of the beast... And out the demon's ass.

Edited by: prosthetic forehead at: 6/28/01 3:45:37 pm
Ace Kendo
The GAY Teletubby
(6/28/01 3:33 pm)

Re: I suppose not.


Forever yours,
Ace Kendo

Official TL Slut
(6/29/01 12:19 pm)
Re: I suppose not.
Chris, that drawing is pretty good, I never knew you liked to draw and such.

I agree with Ace, more pictures would be great.

Triple Life
(6/29/01 3:57 pm)

Re: I suppose not.
I drew a picture too, but I was unsatisfied with the results (her eyes didn't come out right after countless minutes of work) so no one will ever see it.

It was still better than Chris'.

"The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-coloured uppers, downers, screamers, laughers ... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls."

-HST, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(6/29/01 5:37 pm)
Not even me?

Triple Life
(6/29/01 5:50 pm)

Re: Nobody?
MAYBE, but I don't know if I'll scan it. It's in pencil and you know how that goes.

"The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-coloured uppers, downers, screamers, laughers ... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls."

-HST, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(6/29/01 8:04 pm)

Re: I suppose not.
"It was still better than Chris'."

Ha. Don't sing it, bring it.

It makes me insanely jealous that you would draw her, however. It takes away from the specialness of mine.

Triple Life
(6/30/01 5:25 pm)

Re: I suppose not.

They eyes are too high and the nose is wrong. And the face isn't wide enough.

But I tried.

Better than Chris'. I only did this to steal your thunder.

"The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-coloured uppers, downers, screamers, laughers ... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls."

-HST, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Edited by: Triple Life at: 6/30/01 5:28:25 pm
Ace Kendo
The GAY Teletubby
(6/30/01 5:43 pm)

Re: I suppose not.
no reply.

(edit. . .okay, you really capture her essence)

Forever yours,
Ace Kendo

Edited by: Ace Kendo at: 6/30/01 8:12:20 pm
Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(6/30/01 6:19 pm)
No Reply?

That is excellent, TL. I like how I look buff and busty at the same time.

Thank You.

Official TL Slut
(6/30/01 8:34 pm)

Re: I suppose not.
She sure looks manly in that drawing.

Official TL Slut
(7/1/01 12:22 am)

Re: I suppose not.
Note to self: Visit more frequently.

Zapd, you are extremely hot.



prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/1/01 2:33 am)
I think both portrayals of you are awesome! If you keep it up the rest of us ladies will just be rose petals that have fallen at your feet.

EDIT: ICKICKICK. Dammit girl, That is just TOOO GAY.

Edited by: Zapd Bloo at: 7/1/01 2:51:26 am
I want TL's big black cock
(7/4/01 12:28 am)

Re: Kudos
Yah, I feel like chopped liver now. :(

Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(7/4/01 12:54 am)
For chopped liver. FAR TOO BEAUTIFYL.

Ignore the previous post BRANDYLION, she was just being SILLY. SILLY LIKE A MONKEY.

Greatest man since Jesus Christ

(7/4/01 2:51 pm)

She's in my pants.

Edited by: StupidMike at: 7/4/01 2:51:56 pm
Greatest man since Jesus Christ

(7/4/01 2:53 pm)

Re: She's in my pants.
I don't know. This thread reminds me of this webpage that I once found that melded Dungeons and Dragons with WWF gay wrestling.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/4/01 3:57 pm)
The best pic yet!
Great portrayal of her boobs!

Hay Zapd let Cadger turn your hair black, with red streaks and shorter! Just so I can see what it will look like all spiked. I bet that will get some attention at the bars ;) That and your maroon tank top!

Think beyond the bubble.

Official TL Slut
(7/4/01 4:03 pm)
Re: The best pic yet!
I too appreciate Mike's patient artistry.

Edited by: Zapd Bloo at: 7/4/01 6:19:02 pm
Greatest man since Jesus Christ

(7/4/01 4:04 pm)

Re: The best pic yet!

Edited by: Zapd Bloo at: 7/4/01 6:50:10 pm
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