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        > Does your girlfriend hate you?
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prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/5/01 10:03 am)
New Post Does your girlfriend hate you?
10 Ways to know if she does:

-No commitment on future plans.
-She stops doing those little things.
-No longer calls you.
-She sleeps with her back to you.
-Jumps or squirms when you go to or when you touch her.
-You go on a business trip and when you get back she doesn’t want sex.
-She won’t take you or pick you up from the airport.
-You are sick and you have to go to the doctor, she says “Well tell me about it when you get back”
-Dates other men – i.e. starts going to lunch with male coworkers.
-She moves away but does not break up with you.

I find that some contradict the “sleeps with her back to you”. In other articles/reports it has been stated that sleeping with your back to your man is a sign of trust. So which is it?

Think beyond the bubble.

The Cadger
More sex than a bottle of sex
(7/5/01 10:38 pm)
New Post Sleeping...
I sleep better on my left side...he sleeps on the right side of the bed. Trust or not, I sleep. You don't come to my house if I don't trust you.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(7/6/01 2:34 am)

New Post Re: Sleeping...
But you know what the BEST side of the bed is?



prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/6/01 9:12 am)
New Post Re: Sleeping...
I don’t even care what side of the bed or if it’s in the middle, if my man is in the bed with me, I want to be right next to him. No matter if I am facing him or not, I want to be able to have my hand on him or my arms around him. Love is the only reason why I’d share my bed, making the closer the better.

Think beyond the bubble.

Official TL Slut
(7/6/01 11:11 am)

New Post Re: Sleeping...
When Chris said middle, I assumed he meant SLEEPING ALONE, Kim.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/6/01 11:46 am)
New Post Yes I suppose,
you are correct MAD. However that is his loss. There is just something about having that other person their in the bed with you. I never knew what it was like until I finally had the chance. In know way is it the same as fucking someone and sticking around for a few hours... it is indescribable unless you've actually been able to.

Official TL Slut
(7/6/01 2:12 pm)

New Post Re: Yes I suppose,
I just assumed he slept in the middle so he could be between the two kids that he happened to have over that night.

That crazy pedophile.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(7/6/01 3:12 pm)

New Post Re: Yes I suppose,
Relationships are gay.

Triple Life
(7/6/01 3:19 pm)

New Post Re: Yes I suppose,
You're gay.

"The sporting editors had also given me $300 in cash, most of which was already spent on extremely dangerous drugs. The trunk of the car looked like a mobile police narcotics lab. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-coloured uppers, downers, screamers, laughers ... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls."

-HST, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/6/01 3:57 pm)
New Post All depends on you
Relationships are only what you make of them. So if your relationship is gay, well…

Official TL Slut
(7/6/01 4:34 pm)

New Post Re: All depends on you
Anyone that thinks relationships are gay was either in a gay relationship, or has never been in one period.

I think TL and PF are correct.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(7/6/01 4:58 pm)

New Post Re: All depends on you
Relationships are gay.

Zapd Bloo
Fuck Queen
(7/6/01 5:25 pm)
New Post If it is for sleeping,
Then that is my bed and my bed only.

Chris, you have no idea how tempted I am to edit that. BUT, I am using patience. SEE? PATIENCE!

Actually, in my LIMITED experience, relationships really do suck. MASSIVELY SUCK.

Though that is probably my fault.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/6/01 5:48 pm)
New Post Your fault?!?!?!
Sometimes you don’t see the big picture! I love you, but girl remember what I’ve told you.

Okay enough of that. Yes a relationship is only what the two individuals make of it. So if it is gay, happy, angry, pleasing, annoying, whatever… it is because of what each one does. And if it is anything negative, well get the hell out because it usually doesn’t get any better. (Believe me, I am unlike Zapd in the experience part of this; I’ve been dating since I was very young and have had my fair share of bf’s.)

One last point, passing judgment on ALL relationships is just wrong. If you keep that thought that "relationships are gay" in the forefront you are going to have problems with every relationship you are in, be it a friendship or romantic one. Plus life is too short for any of that.

dargunbalzee rewlz!!!!11
(7/6/01 5:57 pm)

New Post Re: If it is for sleeping,
There needs to be another word for "relationship."


When I say "relationship" I mean that boyfriend/girlfriend mutual codependence commitment enslavement SHIT.

Unfortunately, the meaning of the word "relationship" can INCLUDE friendship depending on context.

There needs to be another word, one that SPECIFICALLY describes the tyranny of "romantic" union. I don't remember who, but there was this one comedian who suggested "Pain Land." I LIKE THAT.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/6/01 6:19 pm)
New Post Re: If it is for sleeping,
Sir I would agree with your point on a different word or terminology being needed. They are not one in the same at all. Though at times they can be! It took 24 years before I knew this to be possible. Heck I even had one recently that I thought was like that but was fooled. It ended up just like your description “codependence commitment enslavement SHIT.” Nothing that I ever, ever, ever want to go through again! Yet, I will try again and hopefully get lucky.

For each of us it is different.

The other one
Unofficial TL Slut
(7/6/01 6:20 pm)
New Post Experience,
Yeah, girly, you have had more in variety. But I got you beat in duration. AND IT STILL FUCKING SUCKED. Not ever again. Not like that.

Ugh. It is too much for a Friday afternoon of potential insanity. Too tempting to pretend it never happened.

And you want to know the sad pathetic hopeless part? I still believe that a 'relationship' can work. Just not as most people define it. Hey, how many cultural laws can you break before they string you up?

Ultra Cool Girl 
Official TL Slut
(7/6/01 9:49 pm)

New Post Re: Experience,
Dating people is stupidgay waste of time.

Official TL Slut
(7/7/01 1:44 am)

New Post Re: Experience,
You say that because you're a kid.

You'll think differently when you grow up to be a real boy.

Ultra Cool Girl 
Official TL Slut
(7/7/01 9:33 am)

New Post Re: Experience,
I'm never going out on a date.

Fascist God
(7/7/01 9:39 am)

New Post Re: Experience,
That's a given.

(7/8/01 12:56 pm)

New Post Re: Experience,
Shut up, Snuggle Ru.

The Cadger
More sex than a bottle of sex
(7/8/01 5:12 pm)
New Post Re: Experience,
I dated people that I can't remember their names. I was married for eight years, and was with that guy for ten in total. I am in a relationship know that is the best I have ever had. I am healthy, finally, and we have been together for three years. He is my very best friend. I would find it hard to get through my daily life without him. He lives to make me happy.
Expirence, I've had.

And still...

Relationships suck.....

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/8/01 7:53 pm)
New Post Re: Experience,
So what are you all saying? Is even attempting to have a relationship futile? No matter what happiness you may abstract from one, they are still worthless... not worth the work because they will all at one time or another suck?

I don't think I can agree with something like that.

The Cadger
More sex than a bottle of sex
(7/9/01 10:54 am)
New Post to suck or not to suck..
Naw not that you shouldn't try.
I'd've quit a long time ago if that were the case.
But they suck, always, no matter what, no matter how hard you try, sooner or later they suck. Sometimes more than others, but they suck.
No denying, they suck.
Once more....say it with me now....Everybody....

You can stay or you can leave, I have chosen to stay.
So far....
Do you understand, what I'm saying?

I want TL's big black cock
(7/10/01 12:46 pm)

New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..
I hope I don't become disillusioned or cynical about relationships. I'm OK right now, b/c I don't want or expect too much out of them.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/10/01 6:02 pm)
New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..
No expectations is the best way to go. Though it can be very, very difficult.

Hey Brandy - when do we get to chat again?

Official TL Slut
(7/10/01 7:24 pm)

New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..

I want TL's big black cock
(7/10/01 10:03 pm)

New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..
Ah, so I didn't bore you with the (was it 3 or 4 hours?) chat marathon? Poor Psaturn, I bore him with 2 hour chats, but the masochist keeps coming back for more.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/11/01 9:32 am)
New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..
Was it that long? Well it "seemed" to fly by :) I remember having a nice time and would love to chat again, that is if you'd like?! Of course us matching up our "online" times is going to be the next problem.

Greatest man since Jesus Christ

(7/11/01 11:02 am)

New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..
My mom kisses me sometimes.

prosthetic forehead
Slut or just enjoys sex?
You decide.

(7/11/01 11:22 am)
New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..
Thank you for sharing.

Greatest man since Jesus Christ

(7/11/01 12:24 pm)

New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..

I want TL's big black cock
(7/12/01 2:03 am)

New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..
Open mouthed, with tongue tangoes?

I met Kerry King.

(7/12/01 2:11 am)

New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..
That's a repulsive tought.


Official TL Slut
(7/16/01 12:15 pm)

New Post Re: to suck or not to suck..
And, strangly, quite arousing.

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