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anal lube
Official TL Slut
(11/28/01 12:57 am)

So, I've been abstaining from alcohol and herb for about 2 weeks and a month, respectively. It felt really nice to be without synthetic stimulation for a while. In the last week I managed to go on vacation with my best friend, my self-righteous sister, my homophobic brother in law and my good friend's ex-husband-to-be and had a good time while I was at it. It was truly wonderful. However, tonight I have managed to smoke more quality herb and drink finer port wine than ever imagined while having a jolly good time reading my ex-religion's over-zealous website without puking from my disgust. It was fun and I was at peace with the world. This leads me to believe that having impure minds and bodies will lead us to a better, most holy future.

Does this count towards hours?

Legal and Willing!
(11/28/01 1:08 am)

Re: 144,000

Zapd Bloo
Ma Petite Salope
(11/28/01 1:17 am)
Anal Lube
Hey honey, Um, maybe you should step away from the bong. Easy there, go slowly. Oh, and I don't want to alarm you, but you have a spot of church on your shirt. You might want to get some cold water on that before it stains.

OH! And where can I get some more of those snap tins? Time to start collecting!

Matthew Outland
I've lost my _______!!!
(11/28/01 8:29 pm)
Re: Anal Lube
Do you know each other or does this board just naturally attract church rejects?

Zapd Bloo
Ma Petite Salope
(11/29/01 3:43 am)
Re: Anal Lube
Yes, we know eachother. Though not in a biblical sense.

HE started it. I was just
an innocent victim.

(11/29/01 11:02 pm)
I KNEW IT!!! HA!!!!

"This leads me to believe that having impure minds and bodies will lead us to a better, most holy future."

OH no, don't start with this "SENSUAL PLEASURES make you happier than spiritual ones." The sensual pleasures are fleeting, empty, addictive and TEND TO BE self-destructive.

Of course, I'd think it would be impossible to derive any sort of spiritual pleasure from life when one is a Jehovah's Witness, so I can't blame you.

Why is it always the ones raised to be religious who end up being the most physically-oriented?

Matthew Outland
I've lost my _______!!!
(11/29/01 11:28 pm)
Re: beh

Tasty, er, Tastefyl!
(11/30/01 12:44 am)
Re: beh
Well, there are Buddhist-Christians.

Matthew Outland
I've lost my _______!!!
(11/30/01 1:05 am)
Re: beh
You mean hippies? Or orientals that switch religions just to fit in with teh white guys?

Zapd Bloo
Ma Petite Salope
(12/5/01 12:06 am)
Re: beh
I meant to get to this earlier, but I got distracted. Religion has little to do with the physicality of us ex devotees. Abuse. And that doesn't' just go for us. Most people who show an excess of physicality do it because of abuse, whether it was physical, emotional, judicial, verbal, whatever. Porn stars? Abused. Strippers? Abused. Sluts? Well, all the sluts I know suffered some form of abuse. Not that the only result of abuse is extreme physicality, sometimes it manifests in other ways. More likely, the physicality is a result of trying to deal with and heal. Whatever. Its all Fucking stupid anyway.

prosthetic forehead
Presumably perfect.
(12/5/01 12:09 pm)
Sounds like I'm picking on you but I'm not really.
I think it is impossible for you to speak of an organization that you most likely know little or nothing about. I was raised a witness and still to this day have so much that I do not know. Your basis of finding no pleasure (be it spiritual or physical) while being a JW is preposterous. For the greater part of my 25 years of being alive I have been around nothing but witness. In that time period I was actually very happy. The people were good, honest and rarely did I have to worry about false intentions. Criticizing an organization when upon greater examination you find that it is a single or small group of humans that are responsible is an area you should be leery of going. When referring to those who have posted on this board, you would find that the actual circumstances show what I just stated. Though each was very different, there was one common denominator, that one man who has taken his power and authority to an extreme.

As a whole I feel Jehovah’s Witnesses are people that I would very much like to be associated with. Though I may have areas in which I am lacking in faith, I can still see the big picture. You of course can choose to believe what you would like. Just make sure you have very researched and contextual opinions.

Oh and on the physical part. I am going to be physical be it I am a devote lover of God or not. The only difference is who and how many.

Anal – would you really turn the time in, even if you could?

The Prince of Primates
(12/5/01 1:39 pm)

Re: Sounds like I'm picking on you but I'm not really.
I'm a Discordian.

HE started it. I was just
an innocent victim.

(12/6/01 4:35 am)

Re: Sounds like I'm picking on you but I'm not really.
No matter how out of my ass I try to talk, I am always taken seriously.

I UNDERSTAND THE MISUNDERSTANDING, but put as much weight into whatever I say as you would put into Outland.

If I'm serious, I'll clarify.

Edited by: ChrisPsaros at: 12/6/01 4:37:52 am
Zapd Bloo
Ma Petite Salope
(12/6/01 11:14 am)
Cracking ourselves up to pieces.
Chris. You write in complete sentences with correct grammar and spelling. And you are coherent. Makes you worth answering, if not taking seriously.

The Vinny Mac
(12/21/01 3:36 pm)

Re: 144,000
You're all a bunch of fags.

The Prince of Primates
(12/21/01 7:59 pm)

Re: 144,000

Probably Zapd
(12/22/01 12:45 am)
Took Vinny 15 days to announce that we are all a bunch of fags.

Quick Somebody call Oprah while Vinny is sharing his enlightenment. Next thing you know he might announce that Chris is Greek, or TL is Black.

(1/2/02 12:07 pm)

Re: Heh


Official TL Slut
(1/2/02 9:10 pm)

Re: Heh
as i was goin over the farfenkerry mountains
i met with captain ferrel and his money he was coutnin
i first produced my pistol
and I then produced my rapier'
said stand and deliver
for you werea bold deciever

i counted out his moneuy
and it made a pretty penny
i put it in my pocket
and took it home to jenny
she said and she swore
that she never would decieve me
but the devil take the women
for they can never be azy

i took into my chamber
out far to take a slumber
i dereamt of golden jewles and for sure it was no wonder
but jenny drew my chagers and filled them up with water
then she sent for captain ferrel to be ready for the slaughter

it wasearly in the mornin
just bfore i rose to travel
upon me was a footman and likewise captain ferrel
I first produced my pistol
for hed stolen away my rapier
but i couldnt shoot the water
so a prisoner i was taken

now theres some that take the light
and the carriages a rollin
and other take the light into hartely and the bollin
but i take the light and the juice of the barely
and courting pretty fairmaids in the early of the mornin

if anyone can aid me
tis my borther in the army
if i can find his station
and conquer in Kilarney
and if hell go with me
well go rolling in Kilkenny
Im sure hell treat me better than me old misportin Jenny

this is a thread for gay fags who watch anime and think it is so cool and are gay and

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