If you wish to submit a link to me, please e-mail me with the URL
and I'll consider it. However, you have little chance if your site
is an anime site since most usually suck arse. I do have a special
place in my bosom for fellow translators though. Basically, if the
site makes me laugh or not leave in less than five minutes, it'll
probably be put here.
Chandler's lovely site that went down for a while earlier this year.
With the demise of Mr. Popo's Palace, The Facade is back in action.
The site also contains lovely comics in which I am a character. I'm
The best darned place to get anime in Montreal. This is where I buy
all my anime videos, models and Hong Kong films. There's also an online
store where you can buy anime, manga and model kits. Support him dammit!
Space Coyote's page. It has manga written and drawn by Space Coyote as well as other artwork.
Check it out!
A scanlation group that translates Ping Pong Club which is a touching story of love and drama. And a boy who lets his dick hang out of his shorts to distract opponents.
Heart of Madness
Fansubbed Fist of the North Star anime. I also borrowed (stole) the scans for the later books from their IRC channel. And people actually seed the torrents here (how novel)!