BunsandBurner: Uh...can you save a document to a CD-R?
EightBitOrgy: of course
BunsandBurner: How do you do that.
EightBitOrgy: same way you would to a floppy
BunsandBurner: I...uh..kinda don't know how to save it to a floppy.
EightBitOrgy: who are you?
BunsandBurner: Well, you don't know me personally.
BunsandBurner: do you save it to a CD-RW.
EightBitOrgy: oh man
EightBitOrgy: well you know how to save things into folders?
BunsandBurner: Yes.
BunsandBurner: Oh.
EightBitOrgy: its the same thing but you save it onto your CD-RW drive
BunsandBurner: Well, it says teh device is not ready.
EightBitOrgy: do you have a blank cd inside?
BunsandBurner: Yes.
EightBitOrgy: do you have windows xp?
BunsandBurner: If you mean XP as in teh version.
BunsandBurner: Oh wait...yay.
EightBitOrgy: do you know what operating system you have?
BunsandBurner: I think I did it.
EightBitOrgy: do you have a floppy drive?
BunsandBurner: Yes.
BunsandBurner: '98
EightBitOrgy: put it on the floppy drive instead
BunsandBurner: I just did.
EightBitOrgy: because if you put something on a cdr its on there forever
BunsandBurner: Oh...shit.
BunsandBurner: Okay.
BunsandBurner: Okay, how do you load things from a floppy, then.
EightBitOrgy: same way
BunsandBurner: Oh, okay.
BunsandBurner: Go to open, then floppy.
BunsandBurner: I suppose.
EightBitOrgy: save to the floppy
EightBitOrgy: just drag and drop into the floppy drive
BunsandBurner: Drag...what? The file I saved?
EightBitOrgy: yeah
BunsandBurner: Oh wait.
BunsandBurner: I got it.
BunsandBurner: Danke.
BunsandBurner: Please excuse my stupidity.
EightBitOrgy: np
BunsandBurner: I thought when the DOOM guy got bloody his teeth were gritted.
BunsandBurner: And he was looking all mad and forward.
EightBitOrgy: thats when hes getting damaged
BunsandBurner: Oh.
BunsandBurner: I havent' played it in quite a while.
EightBitOrgy: kazaa
BunsandBurner: Oh.
BunsandBurner: Well...I meant like offa site or something.
BunsandBurner: Not a file sharing program.
BunsandBurner: But I guess it'd work.
EightBitOrgy: nah, no httpserver would have it. it's copyrighted
BunsandBurner: Kekekekekeke.
EightBitOrgy: yeah
lan is at rob w00t on friday huge orgy there says:
dode we can play unreal
Blank Frank says:
i dont know if my pc can run it
lan is at rob w00t on friday huge orgy there says:
yes it can
lan is at rob w00t on friday huge orgy there says:
its esey
lan is at rob w00t on friday huge orgy there says:
im gana come get u bitch