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8 bit orgy There's no fucking way Obama will win FL and NV. There's like to democrats to speak of anywhere here. Even the younger adults are voting for McCain. Honestly, I never even met a democrat in Florida, period. Joined: 27 Apr 2007 Posts: 2888 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:32 pm) Reply

Well I'm sure SOME of you remember my unfamous UFO sighting. After 2+ years of research, desperately trying to find ANY explaination of what I saw, I finally stumbled across SOMETHING that gives me SOME sort of explanation.
From “Sight Unseen” (pg. 71-73)
“In the Plasma Zone—The few physicists and other scientists who have investigated the UFO phenomenon have long inferred from reports, photographs, and film that UFOs are surrounded by a zone of ionized, excited molecules—a plasma sheath. Depending on the speed and environmental conditions, the plasma may either blur the solid outline of the craft or allow the observer a clear sighting of a hard-edged object. Witnesses often say: “I couldn’t see a distinct shape, but I’m sure the object was solid.
In our own technology, we find other familiar applications of this principle. For example, when a space capsule reenters the earth’s atmosphere, it is the plasma shield surrounding it at that point that causes the temporary but total communications blackout. Aeronautical research scientist Paul Hill used a small model experiment to reproduce UFOlike flight in a wind tunnel. The photo of the experiment shows a nearly invisible model of a craft traveling at a high speed, sheathed in its excited, ionized plasma. It bears no small similarity to eyewitness reports of a certain kinds of UFO sightings.
Witnesses at night or twilight report that the ionized zone seems almost like a multicolored neon light. If the craft s in a low-power state (hovering or moving slowly), it will give off the colors red and orange, which take the least energy to excite. But when a UFO is either traveling or getting ready o head into high performance, we see the colors that take the most power to excite—blue and blue-white.
For people having close-up night sightings, the plasma may blur the edges of the vehicle—at times even completely concealing it. When the plasma zone is thick and intense, then we’re looking at “invisibility.” Why? Because there is a critical thickness or density beyond which a ray of light cannot penetrate. The excited molecules, on these instances, might absorb any rays of light radiated by the surface of the object. It reradiates that light in random directions that don’t reach the eye or the camera lens.”
Thoughts? |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:44 pm) Reply

I'm kind of jealous of you, to be honest. |
8 bit orgy There's no fucking way Obama will win FL and NV. There's like to democrats to speak of anywhere here. Even the younger adults are voting for McCain. Honestly, I never even met a democrat in Florida, period. Joined: 27 Apr 2007 Posts: 2888 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:52 pm) Reply

No, it really, really fucking sucks. It's like living your life through a broken windshield. Everywhere you go, everything you see, you see it like everyone else, except that you have to look through a smashed up fucking windshield. And people, when they look at you, are like, "why don't you just fix that windshield, weirdo." And that's what I wanna do. If there was any rational explaination, at all, I'd use it, and live the rest of my life without so much as thinking about it ever again.
It's really, truly a horrible curse. It doesn't unlock any mysteries of the universe. It's just a sighting. Neutral, pointless, but nonetheless without an answer. I kinda miss my nihilist days where I didn't have to believe in shit and I could live my life without complications. I went from a life of no questions and all answers, to no answers and ALL questions.
But now it's different. I think, "holy shit, if this UFO shit is real, I see how and why humans are totally ignorant fools." |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:56 pm) Reply

Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:57 pm) Reply

this post edited due to unbelievably gay content
Last edited by Stupid Fucking Faggot on Thu Jul 05, 2007 7:04 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Rice Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3474 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:59 pm) Reply

I saw a UFO once but it doesn't interfere with my life. |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:00 pm) Reply

Also, answers are for the weak.
Reality is completely insane and incomprehensible, but it takes balls and honesty to accept this. |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:05 pm) Reply

It's great that Chris is actually a POSER of this kind of insanity.
You have someone like Frank who hates the fact that he actually did experience something tiny and gay, and then Chris is like I CAN SO RELATE TO THAT, even though he can't, not in his wildest dreams. He's like a little thirteen year old BITCH listening to TOOL and going YEAH, YEAH, I UNDERSTAND *MOTHERFUCKER*
Fucking baby. |
Rice Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3474 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:07 pm) Reply

Your personal picture is so fucking great. |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:07 pm) Reply

My phone just rang, and it's Utils, and he's talking to my answering machine right now, talking and talking just to see how long the recording will go.
I don't know what to do!
I'm just glad I didn't pick up the phone. |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:09 pm) Reply

Oh, it stopped.
I'll talk to you one of these days Utils.
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:09 pm) Reply

It wouldn't be the same without completely IDEALIZING Frank's shit too.
durrr I might as well make contact with some kind of insane shit, because my connection to humanity is absolutely fucked and broken anyway hrrrr
Yeah, UH HUH. And you tell me you're no different than the twelve year old who thought Japan was the land of INTELLIGENCE AND REASON AND LOGIC. |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:13 pm) Reply

Here's the thing: if I get my cherry popped, in terms of paranormal experiences, that really tends to open things up. The mind becomes more receptive to non-mundane levels of reality. You have to defeat the Doubting Thomas/skeptical side before that third eye will really open.
What I said about humanity was gay.
All I meant is, I've got nothing to lose, whereas a lot of people do, because they're wrapped up in things. I'm not wrapped up in anything. I've got no attachments. So it's not going to "interfere with my life" because there's nothing to interfere with. I am receptive, I am open. I am waiting! |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:16 pm) Reply

God, you don't understand anything.
I don't care that you think you're DISCONNECTED FROM HUMANITY. You're an immature little hermit manchild, of course you feel that way.
What is PISSING ME OFF is that fact that Frank is COMPLAINING about all this, and you are groping on his dick like YEAH, YEAH, THAT MUST BE SO AWESOME - because you have nothing going on in your life that you have idealized this so damn much.
I know there's a proper ANALogy here, and I was close with the Tool and Japan stuff, but I can do better. |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:20 pm) Reply

I... I, gay. |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:21 pm) Reply

Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:22 pm) Reply

My personal picture is from right where he says "Well I'm not surprised."
I hope a lot of people see that, and understand, because I know that if I didn't know of the video, I'd be getting pretty enraged by this dick-faced faggot that's in every one of my posts. |
Rice Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3474 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:25 pm) Reply

Haha, his voice is so gay! |
Vinny [00:10] How can you get an erect dick into your own ass? Joined: 16 Jan 2007 Posts: 5181 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:26 pm) Reply

Well, that dick-faced faggot suits you very well, Jason. |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:27 pm) Reply

That's just for that song, Rice, dammit! |