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DVD media
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Stupid Fucking Faggot
Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:07 pm)

Post     DVD media

Totally unreliable, in general.

I've been doing some reading and I have come to understand that MOST DVD media out there is rot-prone crap.

I've also DISCOVERED that the particular brand I use is bottom-of-the-line garbage. (BUT IT'S SO CHEAP!!!!)

Luckily I'm not a big COLLECTOR/HOARDER OF STUFF like many people so I've only burned like 50 DVDs, ever.

50 is still kind of a lot though, and now I feel like I need to buy decent media and make copies of all of them.
Big Fagot
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:15 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

How have things been for you?
Stupid Fucking Faggot
Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 6:30 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

Joined: 22 Jan 2007
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:37 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

This reminds me of an article in Wired that compared the longevity of various storage mediums. The conclusion was that if you want information to survive for a long time, you're better off carving it onto a piece of stone, as that can survive for potentially thousands and thousands of years and DVDs tend to become unusable within about 50.

Obviously it was being a little wry, as it didn't take into account that digital information can simply be transfered as the devices it's stored on age. Also, the golden disk!
Stupid Fucking Faggot
Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:42 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

If you can find me a disk that will reliably hold my copy of Revenge of the Nerds for 50 years, I'll be satisfied with that.
Stupid Fucking Faggot
Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:44 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

Who the hell could know that any writeable DVDs will last 50 years?


All that shit is bullshit.

I have crap-quality VHS tapes that are over 20 years old that still play fine. The life expectancy on those is supposedly 10 years.

Meanwhile I have CD-Rs I burnt two years ago that have turned to shit.
Stupid Fucking Faggot
Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 7:48 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

Big Fagot was right about those probes.

Carl Sagan is a faggot for not putting Bugz on My Nutz on that record.

Though I guess it didn't exist yet.

Still, they should have released GOLDEN RECORD VOLUME 2 the second ICP gave it to the world.
Joined: 22 Jan 2007
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:56 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

I think the 50 year figure was optimistic, for the top-of-the-line brands.

You get what you pay for!
Let My Love Open The Door
I do God's work of raping BITCHES!
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:16 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

Another thing about DVDs is that the sensitivity of various devices is completely random, so a brand new DVD will sometimes be choppy in an expensive DVD player, and a DVD that is literally encased in dried human shit will play in a shoebox full of paperclips attached to the TV with yarn, and if you explain this to a person who is returning a copy of the Fantastic Four several days late and complaining that it got choppy an hour in, they will still address you in a manner generally reserved for parents addressing the rapist/murderer/devourer of their only child.
Stupid Fucking Faggot
Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:20 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

My $40 Apex DVD player is the mightiest reader of discs I have ever encountered.

You can put those shit-encased discs into that thing, from an RW drive that happened to be on fire when it was writing the disc, and it won't even hiccup.

"Apex" is right!
Let My Love Open The Door
I do God's work of raping BITCHES!
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:40 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

Maybe I'm just very *sensitive* right now, but it bothers me tremendously that Voyager took HEAT for their decision to include naked line drawings of a man and a woman, and were UNABLE to include photographs of same, or of a pregnant woman, due to public outcry.

I just want to whip my dick out and jump on top of those people and whip them mercilessly with my dick. I want to tie them up and show them my butt until it drives them INSANE.
Let My Love Open The Door
I do God's work of raping BITCHES!
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 9:41 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

Chris, do you remember when they sent Voyager up? What did you think of it at the time?
Big Fagot
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:15 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

Carl Sagan was a huge fan of SETI, and supposed that the dinosaurs might have been killed by a supernova.
Big Fagot
Alpha ape
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:20 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

If you were a member of a species that had evolved on Venus, and you advanced to the equivalent of modern days and developed the technology to go into orbit or else above the clouds, you would be fucking astonished to see stars and **THE SUN** for the first time in history.
Stupid Fucking Faggot
Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:21 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

We don't want to give the aliens the idea that we're naked savages!

Also, we don't want them GETTIN' EXCITED at what to a 10-year old boy amounts to masturbatable porn.
Stupid Fucking Faggot
Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:23 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

This is the kind of discussion where the ground is fallow for trolling.

I mean, Big Fagot and ALDP are here, and we're talking about Carl Sagan and aliens and stuff!

But I'll just let it be.
Big Fagot
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:30 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

If you watch U.S. Marshals and see the scene where the young operative gets shot by Robert Downey Jr., and he's on the ground looking at him and seething but unable to say anything, that's probably how Carl Sagan looked at the time of his death while glaring at an image of Uri Geller he saw in his mind's eye.
Let My Love Open The Door
I do God's work of raping BITCHES!
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:32 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

We're so gullible, Peter
Stupid Fucking Faggot
Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:32 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

I read "The Demon Haunted World" during my 19 year old spiritual odyssey.
Big Fagot
Alpha ape
Joined: 09 Jan 2007
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(Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:34 pm)

Post     Re: DVD media

The Demon Haunted World is not as good as I thought it would be.

Sagan's writing seems so dated.
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