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kakarot52 Joined: 30 Mar 2012 Posts: 941 (Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:25 pm) Reply
What an overrated pile of schlock
PSaros was like (it's OK to do reboots anime does it! ) yeah but we
commend the japanse for their artisanship; notsomuch their
originality. By being a reboot this ws nothing more than 21st century
hollywood schlock and we've only gotten started.
This movie was crap even compared to "in to darkness;"" because
Cumberbatch did more to save that movie than Nimoy did to save it's
prequel (not to rail too hard against nimoy there is only so much he
could do.)
None of the actors were good. The plot was poorly fleshed out (even
if better written than I am letting on); the villain was boring and
they didn't do a good job (Yes they explained it all blah blah this
movie colored in the lines a bit more than I am letting on but the
story is still shit.)
There was nothing fun about this movie (It was
neither original, well acted or casted, or IMO well written even ifa
bit better written than I Am letting on.) Aside rom a few
highlights; this was boring and IMO nto even a pleasant refresher the
way in to darkness could be. The cahracter are not original and the
plot is not good enough to make up for it. The dialogue is shit (not
the best measure of a film or anything else; but qutite a noteworthy
one. This movie made fucking Mass effect 1 look like a magnus opus of
writing; and a lot of people don't seem to realise that.
series ROme had perhaps overrrated writing; but a lot better than
this; because Rome had good actors and settings and ad times even story; just perhaps overrated writing particularly by the 2nd season). Mass effect 2 was a much more poorly written game than often
realised; yet at least had somewhat original characters like Mordin.)
This movie falls apart once you realise it made mass effect seem like a literary masterpiece (not that Mass effect wasn't pretty darn cool but it's writing got a lot campier after the first one.) I'd even go as far to say it wasn't as well written as "the future war" though that may be pushing it.
My biggest problem with this movie is not just that it's shit; but
it's becuase it's often hailed as Abrams best movie when it was
actually his worst (his other movies could at least be mistaken for
good movies ), critics are not just nit-picking; Abrams basically
makes shit movies masquerading as good or at least passable ones.
Ridley Scott may make overrated movies; but that does not IMO make him
a hack director (I don't think gladiator or any of his other movies
were very good but he is IMO less obviously a hack than JJ abrams.
I'd even go as far to say Scott is more original has better premises;
just overrated execution.) I don't even like Top Gun yet nit-picking
that seems more pretentious than nit=picking Abrams; because Abrams is
basiclly saccharine saturated shit.
Abrams makes shit movies that can be mistaken for good movies; and
this movie is not only not the exception; it's actually the best
example of it. IT is only fear of my own pretentiousness (And OK I
Was also piss drunk while watching this movie) that I give it a 5.
5/10 _________________ To continue is power -Shitbeast |
Potatoes Joined: 06 Jan 2007 Posts: 3037 (Tue Nov 09, 2021 12:32 am) Reply
Star Trek Beyond? It was okay. Like the 2 movies before it, after watching I thought 'eh, it's okay, not good, not great, just kind of okay.' Then I stopped seeding the torrent file and deleted the movie from my hard drive. I did enjoy Siman Pegg in the movies he reminds me of a poor mans Limmy, but funnier in a certain jen a se qua way. Uh truth be told I'd rather watch the newest Red Dwarf episodes when it comes to enjoying brits in space. |
kakarot52 Joined: 30 Mar 2012 Posts: 941 (Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:13 pm) Reply
No, I am referring specifially the first JJ abrams star trek movie; the one made before in to darkness (which sucked yet was IMO a lot better; because it actually had more than one good actor and beause the cast and production crew was a lot more experienced.)
I can see why one would mistake JJ abrams movies for being good; but after about 3 or 4 movies it ought to be made clear that he is a hack director
I find Ridley scott to be pretty overrated; but I'd still say he has better premises and actors in his movies (like Alien and so on) _________________ To continue is power -Shitbeast |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Wed Dec 22, 2021 12:36 am) Reply

Finally someone willing to take JJ Abrams down a peg. |