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Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:13 am) Reply

Final FTUsy: Homebound |
GM: Sunlight makes its way into the room and the smell of a village morning, a smell you've only come to know in the last two days, eases you into the world. You turn in your bed, lost in the moment of waking, forgetting the troubles that have hounded at your heels recently, and for a moment, feel peaceful, rested. Wooden floorboards creak outside of your room at the inn, you can hear the soft hum of voices, of community, outdoors.
Sixty-Seven: I'll get up out of my bed and check to make sure I'm at least presentable in my disheveled clothing.
Sixty-Seven: I try to listen and see if I can make out what the voices are saying.
GM: You find yourself in the mirror above the sink in your room. Your red hair is a bedridden tuft, and the brown slacks you were given sag off of your hips, just the wrong size. Your chest is bare. In the corner sits the jagged slab of metal you wield as a sword.
Sixty-Seven: I'll take the time to wrap my upper body in the bandages I found to cover up the engraving on my shoulder and also some of my chest and stomach.
Sixty-Seven: I'll pull on the torn shirt I was given that looks like a jacket thrown in a blender for some extra covering and I'll grab the slab of metal I found when I woke up.
Sixty-Seven: I take a deep breath as I get my bearings and adjust to once again trying to figure out where I am and who I am.
Sixty-Seven: And head out the door of my room into the main area of the inn.
GM: You walk down the stairs into the rustic inn of Abode Village. The matronly innkeeper at the desk smiles at you. Paintings of ships, of sea and air, adorn her walls. A fireplace is dying embers from the night before. "Good morning," she says graciously as you reach the bottom step. "Oh, pardon me, I'm getting old, dear. What did you say your name was?"
Sixty-Seven: I smile at the old woman, "Sixty-Seven, ma'am. I guess my parents were kind of odd people."
Sixty-Seven: I try not to let on that it's a completely bullshit explanation for the name.
GM: "It takes all kinds on Gaia," she says, her near completely close with the wrinkles on her plump face. "By the way, Mr. Pin came by at dawn, he asked me to ask you if you wouldn't mind helping him with the ax again. He was very appreciative last time. He should be outside."
Sixty-Seven: I nod, "Thanks, ma'am. I'll head over to see him now. If you don't mind I'm still new here, which is the way to Mr. Pin's again?"
GM: "Walk to the well at the center of town. He'll be to your right. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already at it."
Sixty-Seven: "Thanks, ma'am. You have a great day, and I'll probably be back for dinner." I smile and wave politely before heading out the front door of the inn.
Sixty-Seven: I follow the directions given to me by the innkeeper stopping at the well for a moment just to look inside for no reason other than random curiosity.
Sixty-Seven: Before taking a right and seeing if I notice Mr. Pin around anywhere.
GM: Inside the well, you see the water near the top of the rim. On its surface is a supernatural blue shimmer, from it emanating a warm, familiar essence. "Legacy," you remember it called, although you can't quite remember by whom. Must have heard it off hand from a villager, perhaps Pin.
GM: "Pretty," says the voice of a young girl behind you.
Sixty-Seven: Continuing to look at it for a moment I speak, "Yeah it's definitely eye catching. I wonder why they call it Legacy. Either way it's a fitting name at least."
Sixty-Seven: I then turn to face the person who was speaking with me and smile.
GM: You see a small child, clutching a toy Moogle. She seems startled by your appearance, and looks into your red eyes, frightened. Her mouth goes agape as though she wants to speak, and takes a timid step back.
Sixty-Seven: "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." I'll lower my head a little so my eyes are less noticeable. "I'm new here, but where I'm from these are pretty common."
Sixty-Seven: I chuckle awkwardly trying to hide my obvious lie.
GM: The girl says nothing, and a moment later you hear a man's voice, friendly, call out "Six!" You look over and find Pin, dressed in denim pants and a sweat-stained cotton tunic, clutching an ax and calling over to your with a smile. He bald, with a black mustache.
Sixty-Seven: I wave to Pin.
Sixty-Seven: "Hey, I heard you needed some help, Mr. Pin."
Sixty-Seven: I'll make my way over to where he is and away from the girl hoping she forgets all about me.
GM: "'Mr. Pin'?" he asks, slapping your upper arm. "That don't sound right." You've been helping Pin chop wood each morning since your arrival, he's been quite a fan or your ability. Beside him is a log house, with several trunks and axes beside them. The sweat is fresh on his brow.
Sixty-Seven: I shake my head and grin, "Well my parents always taught me to be polite to my elders"
Sixty-Seven: "So need more help cutting wood today I take it?"
GM: "How'd you guess?" he laughs, and holds out a heavy ax for you, nodding over to a trunk with a thick tree log already standing on it.
GM: "You remember how to chop, don't you?" he asks when you take the ax. "You roll two d6, then add your Athletics score."
Sixty-Seven: "Of course I remember. Don't you recall I'm a natural at this!" I laugh and take the ax from him. "Alright well I better get to it then and show you how it's done." I head over to the log.
Sixty-Seven: I take axe and I chop the log on the trunk.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 3, total: 5
GM: The log splits perfectly, and he sets another one for you, still laughing incredulously at how well you handle the task. Time passes, and soon you've given him a hefty pile of wood, without having broken a sweat.
GM: "I swear, you're a machine," he says.
Sixty-Seven: "Maybe..." I mumble under my breath absent mindedly at the comment before shaking my head and returning to the real world.
Sixty-Seven: "Or maybe I'm just younger than you, Mr. Pin." I smile hoping the joke draws attention away from my strange behavior.
GM: Pin smirks. "All right, kiddo, you're so energetic, how about helping out with another task for me today?"
Sixty-Seven: "Sure, you've really made me feel welcome here in town, and it would be my pleasure to repay that anyway I could. What did you have in mind?"
GM: "Well, with your help, we've been able to fill our quota in no time this month. Only half of this wood's," he gestures, "staying in town. The rest is needed at the monastery." He nods in a direction where, past the edge of the village, you can see the orange-brown form of large outcrop of buildings silhouetted by the Sun. "If you could do us the kindness of delivering it to them, I'll see that Mona at the inn makes sure you eat for free tonight."
Sixty-Seven: "Sounds like a good deal, Mona is a great cook, so I think I'm getting the better end of this deal."
Sixty-Seven: I'll grab the half of the wood pile set aside for the monastery. "Alright I'll be back in no time." I'll wave at Pin and then head off jogging towards the monastery.
Sixty-Seven: I'll make a quick pace, but not too fast realizing I might need to be a little bit more secretive.
GM: Holding the wood in a satchel slung over your shoulder, you see the Eco Monastery looming eastward. Grass crushes underfoot as the morning Sun hangs over you. Before long, however, a red-eyed rabbit spots you and attacks!
GM: Let's see how the fuck we do combat!
Drax: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjZuxAWb8a8
GM: OK, you see the animal closing in, eying you carefully. It is your move.
Sixty-Seven: I'll take the sharpened slab of metal off my back and quickly dash forward in one step and swipe at the rabbit.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 5, total: 8
Sixty-Seven: With plus three accuracy that's an 11 to hit.
GM: You slash the Leafer and a 14 appears above its head.
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 3 6
GM: The Leafer hops into the air and digs its teeth into the side of your neck.
GM: You take six damage.
Sixty-Seven: I shrug off the damage from the bite. I bring my blade down in an overhand swing against the leafer.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 1, total: 2
Sixty-Seven: hahah nice.
Sixty-Seven: That's a miss.
GM: Your sword hits the grass with a weak thud as the Leafer dexterously avoids the attack.
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 6 2
GM: The Leafer takes a step back and begins casting a spell.
Sixty-Seven: "I don't have time for this." I grumble to myself.
Sixty-Seven: I ready my blade and focus on the leafer. I make a quick step forward and use draw out dispatch against it.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 5, total: 10
Sixty-Seven: That should be 35 damage.
GM: Your metal slab clashes with the air as you heave it horizontally through the Leafer. You can feel it crack and lose its durability in your grasp, but when you look down, you've cut a poor, innocent bunny into two halves. Its blood stains the bright grass.
GM: Victory music.
GM: You gain 1 XP.
GM: Your weapon is now Broken.
Sixty-Seven: I spin my blade in my hand before placing it on my shoulder and in a smug voice say, "I guess I haven't forgot everything."
Sixty-Seven: This goes on for a couple seconds as it fades from the battle screen.
Sixty-Seven: I then once again begin heading towards the monastery.
GM: Making your way into a more barren area, you reach the sandstone steps of the Eco Monastery. A middle-aged monk greets you there. "Peace, friend. How may we be of service to you today?"
Sixty-Seven: I nod. "Just bringing the delivery of lumber in from the village."
Sixty-Seven: "Of course in my rush I forgot about the monsters in the woods."
Sixty-Seven: "I hope I wouldn't be imposing if I took the lumber in and then had a moment to rest before heading back?"
GM: The monk suddenly makes a quizzical face. "Oh, oh no, this order was meant to arrive yesterday. Oh no." The monk turns away from you and calls another to him. A slightly younger, but stronger and sturdier monk approaches from a hedge garden, his feet leaving light water prints from the pond. He looks at you.
GM: "I pray you forgive us," he tells you, "but this lumber is not meant for us. It is the stoke the fires in Serenity Hollow, where our acolytes test their endurance on the way to enlightenment."
GM: "Unfortunately, a young disciple left for the Hollow last evening. He will still be there now. During that time, it is forbidden for him to see or speak to any other member of our order."
GM: "Please, friend, would you so kindly make this delivery for us? Serenity Hollow is but a little ways east from here. You will find our acolyte there, pray you do not disturb his training. Merely stoke the fire and be on your way."
GM: The older monk at least smiles once more, "As for rest, I am afraid we cannot house you here, but I am permitted to give you these, if I trust you have a righteous soul."
GM: From the sleeves of his monastic robe come two small, shimmering blue bottles. He holds them in his palm to you.
Sixty-Seven: "Well this sounds like a simple enough favor, and it would be an honor to lend a hand and help you monks maintain your sacred traditions."
Sixty-Seven: "I'll head over there right now, and I'll make sure I don't disturb your disciple while I'm there."
Sixty-Seven: I'll extend my hand out for the blue potions, but I don't grab them I wait for the monk to hand them to me.
Sixty-Seven: "And I'm truly grateful for the assistance. I'm a stranger to these lands so sometimes I forget other places aren't quite as safe as my home."
GM: The older monk hands you the bottles. You obtain two Potions. The geometric fortress of the Monastery stands high above you as the monk escorts you from its steps and bows.
Sixty-Seven: I nod to the monk and wave before looking east to head out.
Sixty-Seven: Before leaving I realize I should take a moment and make sure I'm actually prepared.
Sixty-Seven: I take my metal slab sword and I take a quick look at it before attempting to do some makeshift repairs.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 2, total: 4
GM: You kneel down and hone the metal slab, its edges torn and warped, back to the same state in which you remember originally carrying it.
GM: Your weapon loses Broken.
Sixty-Seven: Anyway, now that my shit is repaired, I'll head east towards the hollow.
Sixty-Seven: I'll move at a much quicker pace since there's no one who can see me since it's in the woods.
GM: You come to Serenity Hollow. It is a natural cavern formed of rock and sand, its mouth hangs open with an eerie stillness, and sound seems to mute around it. Inside, you can faintly see a flickering light.
Sixty-Seven: I'll check my surroundings for a moment noticing how odd it is that the sound seems to disappear.
Sixty-Seven: I'll make my way into the hollow cautiously and head towards the flickering light.
GM: The Hollow seems to envelop you, as you enter you feel a damp coldness, although there is no source of moisture. The walls and path is black and brown rock, and you traverse it as through you were walking through the throat of some ancient dragon. The light ahead gets larger and larger, there are no other landmarks. Each footstep echoes once, and then vanishes.
GM: Finally, you find a tan-skinned boy, his head shaved, wearing nothing but simple, loose gi pants and wrappings around his lower arms, which are being held stoically in the source of the fire - a three foot wide oven of wood and coal, its lively flames licking at his arms. Every half-minute, the boy rotates his fists.
Sixty-Seven: I'll watch the training disciple for a moment, and then examine the fire.
Sixty-Seven: I try to discern if there is anyway I can stoke the fire without disturbing the disciple.
Drax: I hear the intruder approaching, temporarily breaking my concentration.
Drax: I exhale slowly as the pain of the flames reaches my consciousness and then I feel the pain fade as I re-enter my meditative state.
GM: The oven is concave, allowing you to insert a piece of wood in its corner, which will tumble into the pit. You cannot tell whether or not this will disturb or injure the monk.
Sixty-Seven: I shrug. I walk around the monk keeping my distance letting him continue his training and go to the corner. I'll begin placing the lumber into the corner to stoke the fire and hope for the best that I don't interrupt his training.
GM: The sound of the wood rolling through the dry ember carries through the cave. It hits the charcoal and ashen remnants in the center of the oven with a sad, crackling sound. There is a small eruption of flame which instantly sends a shock of pain through your arms, Drax, but you knew that this could happen.
Drax: I exhale again, more loudly this time.
Drax: The added heat is almost too much, even after all my training.
Drax: But I remember that it will pass and try to let my mind and body separate again.
Sixty-Seven: I sigh realizing I'm going to have to break part of my promise to the monks.
Sixty-Seven: "I'm sorry about that. I know I was asked not to disturb your training, but I'd rather not injure you stoking these flames."
Sixty-Seven: "I'm not a member of your order so this shouldn't be breaking any vows. I can wait until you're done if you'd like, but I know this was supposed to be stoked yesterday, and I don't to let down your fellow monks."
GM: Drax, you notice that the fire is too close to dying. No one else will be coming for you until your week here is through, and the fire won't last that long. You know you cannot remove your arms from the alcove in order to do it yourself.
Drax: I think over whether or not to say anything to the stranger, but decide to risk it.
Drax: "All I need in apology is for you to stoke these flames, stranger. You would have my sincerest gratitude."
GM: You've been tailing Sixty-Seven since he began his sojourn that day. You saw him slay the Leafer, and pass by the strange building in the center of this desert. He's led you to a cavern in the east and vanished inside. This could be it, you think. Your chance. You could have him cornered.
Manos: Oh goodness
Manos: I'll go into the cavern then.
GM: You find your man inside, next to a young boy, bald, who seems to be immolating himself by holding his arms in a pit of fire. The escapee adds a piece of lumber to the pit, eliciting a rush of sound and a slight reaction from the boy. You are unnoticed.
Manos: Oh, if it's just a boy, I'm not scared
Manos: I'll step out into the open and point at the ESCAPEE with my staff.
GM: Suddenly, a figure appears behind both of you. He is cloaked in the shadows of the cavern, yet you can see that his face is an otherworldly mask of grim metal and a cold mouth, whose emotions seems to change mercurially as the flames dance on the walls.
GM: He reaches a long staff forward, aged yet timeless, and gestures toward Sixty-Seven.
Manos: "You. I need you to come with me."
Manos: I'll wiggle my staff around in a threatening manner
Manos: wiggle
Sixty-Seven: I'll nod towards the disciple and begin placing more logs in the oven because I made a promise to the monks.
Sixty-Seven: "Well I have to finish up a task that was requested of me, if you give me a moment I'll be happy to discuss going with you."
Sixty-Seven: While doing this I'll eye the man in the mask suspiciously.
Sixty-Seven: "So who are you and why do you need me to come with you?"
Manos: "No questions. I have to take you back to Zelophe. You have to come. You must."
Manos: I'm gonna wiggle my staff some more.
Sixty-Seven: How far along am I in putting the wood in the oven?
Sixty-Seven: I continue placing it if there's more.
GM: You have a dozen more pieces of lumber, and each one must be placed individually, deliberately, so as not to disrupt the young monk any more than you have to.
Sixty-Seven: "Well that's at least peaked my curiosity."
Sixty-Seven: "Let me finish my task, without disturbing this monk, and then I'll be happy to come along with you in so far as you can tell me something."
Sixty-Seven: I pause for a moment in my speech and think for a moment while placing logs in the oven.
Sixty-Seven: "Do you know who I am?"
GM: Sensing that your man will not leave until his medial task is done, you consider doing something to interrupt it.
Manos: Hahaha, yeah, I was thinking about that
Manos: I'll knock all that shit over with my telekinesis
GM: Then, you all hear a horrible rumble beneath the earth you're standing on. Only Drax knows of such dangers in the Hollow. He knows the fire is too little, that it needs fuel, need to be hotter.
GM: And as Sixty-Seven reaches for his next piece of lumber, the makeshift pile of them scatters across the cavern, as though it were blown away like leaves in a strong wind.
GM: The sounds of wood hitting rock reverberate chillingly, and it causes the rumble below you to somehow grow more agitated.
Drax: "If you do not hurry, we will all be in grave danger."
Drax: I finally turn to face 67.
Drax: "You have no idea what kinds of creatures make their homes in this hollow."
Sixty-Seven: I nod towards Drax and then begin trying to gather the logs so I can place all of them in the oven not being concerned about disturbing the disciple's training anymore.
Sixty-Seven: I speak to the masked man.
Sixty-Seven: "It seems like it would be in your best interest to help me do this, and then we can both get out of here."
GM: The fire dies.
GM: More than the dangers of this Hollow when the fire is not lit, as the flame yields to ash and the thick smell of smoke invades your breath, you see your past months of training in order to undergo this test vanish.
Drax: Fuck, man, why you gotta ruin my test?
GM: a for effort
Drax: I hope the masters will accept that.
Drax: Outsiders ruin everything.
Sixty-Seven: I turn to the disciple.
Sixty-Seven: "So is there a way to restart this, because if not maybe we should all leave as soon as possible."
Manos: "Quiet, boy!"
Manos: I gesture at Derek's dude
Manos: "I'll tell you everything that you want to know. Just come with me."
Drax: "Yes, it would be wise if we all left. There can't be much time before they arrive."
Drax: I look around quickly before rising to my feet.
Sixty-Seven: I drop the lumber. and turn to the other two.
Sixty-Seven: "Then fine, let's get our of here now."
Sixty-Seven: I start moving towards the masked man and the exit.
GM: Suddenly, the cavern becomes noticeably darker. Any ambient light that had been coming from the outside is expunged. A grip of claustrophobia settles between you three.
GM: The rumble grows louder, and closer. A warm wind blows through you like breath.
GM: And just when there was no light at all, the walls light up, the rock glimmering with veins of red. A vibrant ruby. And the veins are shifting, contracting.
Manos: "What's this? What's going on? What did the two of you do?"
Manos: "Answer me before I turn you into ash!"
Drax: "It's too late for explanations. Prepare yourself to fight for your life or else run for it."
Drax: I enter a fighting stance and face the glowing rock.
Drax: "This is the fate of those who fail the test and those foolish enough to enter the hollow unprepared."
GM: Small beads of light appear scattered across the ceiling.
GM: Eyes.
GM: You hear an echoing screech, then another, then more. A swarm of bats descend upon the three of you.
GM: Combat begins.
GM: Sixty-Seven, before you is an uncountable swarm of Vampire Bats in the darkness.
Drax: Use your laser eyes.
Sixty-Seven: lazer dik
Sixty-Seven: I'll move and make a sweeping attack trying to hit as many of the bats as I can with one swipe of my blade.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 2, total: 3
Sixty-Seven: Haha fucking Christ my luck.
Manos: fucking idiot
Drax: Worst fighter.
Drax: Worst character.
GM: Sixty-Seven swings a sharp metal slab through the air, but misses as the batters scatter in a flurry of wings and screeches.
Drax: Fuckin' batters.
GM: Drax, the swarm reunites and hovers above you.
Sixty-Seven: Worst ever...
Drax: I jump and do and spinning kick like a badass.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 5, total: 6
Drax: Oh dang.
Drax: I don't even know what I need to roll to hit stuff.
Nomos: Meanwhile, Nomos sits in an inn hoping she doesn't get paired up with a bunch of incompetent losers that can't kill a couple bats.
GM: Drax jumps in the air as the bindings around his wrists trail behind him, swatting several of the swarm with a whirlwind kick.
GM: Some of the bats drops to the ground, dead.
GM: Manos, bats yet remain.
Manos: I can summon meteors in here, right?
Manos: I wanna fucking cast meteor
Manos: plz
GM: Yes.
Manos: Okay, I'm gonna cast meteor
GM: Manos begins casting Meteorite.
GM: The Vampire Bats swoop in and attack.
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 3 1
Sixty-Seven: I wonder who they're attacking?
GM: They descend on Drax, all fangs and howls. They tear at his skin and bits of blood appear on his shoulders.
GM: Drax takes 6 damage.
Drax: Ouch
GM: Sixty-Seven, you watch this and may act.
Sixty-Seven: I'll a quick move over to where the bats and the disciple are and I'll attack the bats.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 4, total: 5
Sixty-Seven: Wow is there going to be a one in every fucking roll tonight.
Manos: idiot noobs
GM: You slay a few bats, wingless bodies fall to the ground, shrieking helplessly.
GM: Drax.
Drax: I chop my hand through the cloud of bats.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 6, total: 9
GM: You score a shocking hit on the bats, leaving fewer yet still aloft.
GM: Manos casts Meteorite. Roll 2d6 now.
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 4, total: 10
GM: Chunks of the rock walls separate, the entire cavern vibrates.
GM: The newly formed boulders levitate in the air, then converge onto the remaining bats. Flesh pops and bones shatter under the connecting pieces of hard Earth. Shrieks fill the cave. You three struggle to keep your balance in the rumbling quake.
GM: Every bat is dead.
GM: You each gain 1 XP.
GM: Manos finds a Potion on the ground.
Manos: Oh my God
Manos: I'm so strong
Manos: I'm a titan
Sixty-Seven: gaytan
Sixty-Seven: "So I'm guessing we should leave before something else comes along?"
Sixty-Seven: I say to the man in the mask and the disciple.
Drax: "Yes, we should."
Drax: "Follow me."
GM: Then the ground trembles, quakes, and breaks apart, and you fall fathomless depths. Pieces of the ruby and black walls follow you, narrowly missing you in your mortal descent. The only thing you have to measure your fall, to provide any kind of perspective in the consuming blackness, is the bellowing you heard earlier, growing louder and louder, closer and closer. _________________ Last edited by God on Fri Apr 05, 33 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total
Last edited by Jason on Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:35 pm; edited 2 times in total |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:51 pm) Reply

Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
GM: It is yesterday evening. The sun has set and you are walking through Eco Monastery with a senior monk, Loren. Around you, other monks and disciples are in a state of relaxation. Some are eating, some are meditating, a scant few are still training, you can tell from the rhythmic noise of their fists hitting oak and straw. "Tomorrow," Loren says to you, "at dawn, you will go to Serenity Hollow."
GM: You know this. You've been preparing for it for some time.
Drax: "I believe that I'm ready, Master Loren. I hope to prove it."
GM: "This is not a kind world," Loren tells you, as he often does. "Serenity Hollow is a crucial test of endurance for our order. You will stay there for no fewer than seven days. You will remain stoic, and proud. Let nothing disrupt you. Let nothing extinguish the flame." Again, these are things you already know.
Drax: I look at Loren, wondering why he is repeating things he has told me many times in the past.
Drax: "Yes, I will do my best to honor the order. To honor the traditions of those who walked the path before us."
GM: Then Loren stops walking. You are standing in a small garden. Rocks are layered delicately at all sides, and your bare feet sink just slightly into the sand. Loren turns to you, and in the twilight it seems as though there are tears in his eyes. "Young Drax, I was among the band of us who recruited you." This is something he's never said to you before. "We found you in an alley in the Kingdom of Thieves, called there to thwart some petty business which I have since forgotten. You wore ragged clothes and dust, but there was a determination in you, which for fifteen years I have never doubted."
GM: "You are a noble boy," he says softly. "And you will be a great man." Loren bows his head to you, and you can see his shoulders shake.
Drax: I look him in the eyes, wondering why he never told me this story, wondering what his purpose is now.
Drax: Turning my head, I say, "My past doesn't matter, Master Loren. My purpose is simply to serve the greater cause of man. To protect and serve those who cannot protect themselves."
Drax: "I let go of who I could have been when I decided to join the order. Not just to repay the debt I owe my brothers, but because I believe in our mission. I will not fail it and I will not fail you."
Drax: "Even this knowledge is but a drop in an overflowing cup of what I owe you."
Drax: "But I thank you, Master Loren."
GM: Loren straightens himself upright once more, and allows a small smile to form on his thin lips. "I will see you in a week's time, Acolyte." He turns his back to you, and leaves you in the garden. The wind rustles the hedges, kicks a small bit of sand onto your calf.
GM: Roll 2d6 + Awareness.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 6, total: 8
GM: You clearly hear behind you the small snap of a branch and turn to see another acolyte approaching you. It is Mealon, a girl of your same age, and she looks up, slightly embarrassed to have been spotted. She wears traditional monastery robes, golden tan weaves of cloth cover her breasts in a V-shape. Mealon's hands are behind her back.
Drax: I smile briefly, and nod my head in greeting.
Drax: "Good evening, Mealon. What brings you here?"
GM: She collects herself, flashing a full-toothed grin back at you. "I was wondering if you wanted to share a rice ball," she says. "I think it's silly they don't feed you any more for dinner if you've just spent the day watering the hedges or if you're heading off to the Hollow the next morning."
GM: She reveals two onigiri in her hands from behind her. She holds one out to you.
GM: "Fish," she says.
Drax: I hadn't even noticed my hunger until Mealon made her offer.
Drax: I start to reach out for it and then pull my hand back.
Drax: "You are a good friend, Mealon. I thank you for your concern and your food. I only hope that you do not go hungry for my sake."
GM: She hands you the ball, then hoists herself into one of the rock plinths surrounding the garden. She sits a foot above you, and begins chewing her own onigiri. "Hey," she says, "I'm not the one who's about to fast for seven days."
GM: "The way I figure," Mealon continues, "it could only be worse with your hands in the flame like that. You'll be smelling roasting meat the whole time." She holds a hand to her stomach. "It'd make me way too hungry." She laughs, teasing you.
Drax: "Ha, if only I smelled so good."
Drax: "I'm sure I'll have more to worry about than the aroma of my fists, but you know, that's part of the test."
Drax: I laugh and take a bite of the rice ball.
GM: In the ball, you taste fish, as she promised. Moist, and well-seasoned. Better than you're generally accustomed from the slavish cooks of the monastery. It occurs to you that she may have had a hand in making it, rather than simply smuggling it to you.
GM: "I think you smell fine," she says. "A little sweaty sometimes, but fine."
GM: Then her smile fades, and she looks you in the eyes. "Will you tell me about it, about the test, when you come back?"
Drax: "Of course, if you wish it. Although I don't believe much of interest will happen while I'm meditating."
Drax: "The purpose is eliminating physical concerns and getting in touch with something ... greater."
Drax: I smile while taking another bite and chewing.
Drax: "You think too much of me, I think. But I'll try to live up to your expectations."
GM: She laughs again, but emptily this time. Finishing her rice ball, she wipes her hands clean, then rubs a palm against the back of her bald scalp. She looks down at the ground. "After the trial," she says quietly, "the next step is your pilgrimage. You're not supposed to come back until you achieve enlightenment. If you fail, they don't even let you back. Once you return from the Hollow, and before you embark, it'll be the last time I see you until..."
GM: "Until who knows when?" she says and hops off of the rock. She steps closer to you. "And you know how it is. Once a disciple comes back after reaching enlightenment... they're never really the same again."
Drax: I grab her by her shoulder and turn her toward me.
Drax: "The truth is that we all change regardless of whether we are enlightened or beyond redemption."
Drax: "I ... I want to become better than I am and I believe that this is an important step for me."
Drax: I look down at my feet and think hard before speaking again.
Drax: "Do you wish for me to leave the brotherhood? If you do, simply tell me. This isn't a trick or a test. I just want for you to speak honestly and from the heart."
GM: Her mouth opens. For a moment, all she does is blink. Then, she breaks eye contact, and says: "I could never ask you to do that."
GM: Mealon hugs you.
Drax: "There are many paths to enlightenment, Maelon. Perhaps that is mine, perhaps it is not. Time will tell."
Drax: "For now, though," I step back and loop my arm through hers, "I have one last night before the Hollow and I would be honored to spend it with you."
Drax: I bow slightly and smile.
GM: She regains herself, and smiles. "Then, let's go find a board," she says, referring to the game of glyphstones that younger acolytes play for recreation. She begins walking backward ahead of you, facing you, back to her normal self. "Is it true you're from the Kingdom of Thieves?" she asks. "I overheard Master Loren, I mean."
GM: "I'm from the Kingdom of the Rush," she continues. "If I ever make it out on my pilgrimage, I'm definitely going back there, somehow. See my parents. Tell them... you know..."
GM: She gives one last glance to ensure you're behind her, and walks into the halls of the monastery. _________________ Last edited by God on Fri Apr 05, 33 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:15 am) Reply

Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
GM: After an uncertain amount of time in darkness, illuminated only by animated flashes of crimson and ruby, the three of you plummet into a deep pool of water. It is dark, murky, and unpleasantly warm. You are all momentarily submerged and find your disorientation from the fall replaced with a disorientation in the cavern, tumbling upside down, unable to tell which way to travel in the depth.
GM: Swimming check, difficulty 7.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 3, total: 5
Drax: nooooo
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 3, total: 4
Drax: We're all going to die immediately.
Drax: Derek, you're our only hope.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 1, total: 6
Drax: nooooooooooooooo
GM: I don't... I don't know what to do now...
Manos: I guess we all died
Manos: My new character is gonna be Sephiroth
GM: Unable to tell up from down, the three of you cannot reach the surface immediately. You do notice something cutting through the water, however, and have just enough time to ready your weapons as it attacks.
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 3
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 6 3
Sixty-Seven: My new character is going to be Lulu.
Manos: I guess ANdre's new character is Chris Tucker
GM: A horned brown aquatic creature rears its head and attacks Sixty-Seven, striking him for eight damage.
GM: Drax, your turn.
Drax: Can I see this thing?
GM: Yes, by now you are all engaged with it.
Sixty-Seven: Yeah, I think we all can based on the description.
Sixty-Seven: Also this thing apparently hits fucking hard.
Drax: I guess I'll punch the fuckin' thing.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 2, total: 5
GM: Drax attempts to punch the aquatic creature, but it moves out of the way, swimming deftly.
GM: Sixty-Seven?
Sixty-Seven: Alright, I'll try to slash it with my sword.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 6, total: 11
GM: Sixty-Seven swims like a professional and slashes the entire length of the fish creature, somersaulting forward in the water as his blow leaves a hideous wounds across its side. Black blood pours out of it and dissipates.
GM: Manos' turn.
Manos: I'm gonna swing my stick at it
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 1, total: 3
Manos: WTF
GM: Manos shoots a time beam from his staff at the wounded creature, but it avoids the spell.
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 2
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 1
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 3 4
Manos: I wonder what all of these rolls mean
Manos: I bet Drax is dead
Drax: I am immortal.
GM: The monster coils up to protect its wound, creating a circular saw shape, which careens into Drax, cutting him across his chest for ten damage.
GM: Drax's turn.
Drax: Dang.
Drax: I'll try to punch it again.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 1, total: 7
GM: Your taped fist connects with the thing's exposed head; colliding with it, you feel the bones of its skull break.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll slash my sword at the beast again.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 3, total: 7
GM: You impale it with your sharpened slab and it cries out, approaching death's door. You can see it is at critical health.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'm gonna attack again
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 6, total: 12
Manos: oh my god
GM: Manos fires his staff at the creature again. This time his spell hits and immediately disintegrates the beast, vanishing it from time itself.
Manos: yes
GM: Finally, the three of you surface, and can see just enough from the water glimmering on the cavern rocks to find a handhold and climb to solid ground.
GM: (No experience awarded because it was a fail-battle.)
Drax: omg
Sixty-Seven: fuk
Manos: You pieces of garbage
Sixty-Seven: I'll grab the handhold and climb out of the water onto solid ground.
Sixty-Seven: "Well this is kind of awful."
Sixty-Seven: I'll extend a hand to help the other two out of the water.
Drax: I grab 67's hand and lift myself from the water.
Drax: "Unfortunately, I fear it will only get worse. The Hollow is home to many dangers, monsters not the least among them."
Drax: "This cave system is completely unknown to me."
Manos: I'll thrash around screaming until I'm helped out of the water by 67.
Sixty-Seven: I grab Manos's hand and help him out of the water so he doesn't drown.
Sixty-Seven: "Calm down I've got you."
GM: There is a moment of peace once you're all standing. The fierce rumbling which seemed to have brought you down here is constant, but dim. Louder is the ambient musical echo of the water in the caverns. Things are still. Your path is barely lit, but you can make out left and right hallways before you.
Sixty-Seven: I turn to Drax.
Sixty-Seven: "So since you're the most familiar with this place any idea which one leads us out of here?"
Drax: "I've never been here, I didn't even know a cave existed below the Hollow."
Drax: I look down to see which way the water flows.
Drax: "But if we follow against the current, we should be able to find the river's source."
GM: Nature check, difficulty 5.
GM: Just Drax.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 6, total: 12
Drax: Yeah, now I get a great roll.
Sixty-Seven: Time for a nature skill limit break.
Drax: *shapes the cave to lead us to infinite treasure*
GM: Drax inhales and eyes the flow of the water. It seems to be stemming in all directions, even eking its way into small, mousehole-sized crevices where the floor of the cave meets its walls. However, you are able to see quite clearly that there is a stream of Legacy, the mystical substance which powers all elements, traveling in only one direction. You sense that that is the path to follow.
GM: From here, it leads down the left corridor.
Drax: "Follow me, this should be the way out."
Drax: I start walking down the corridor.
Manos: "Why should we trust this boy??? Hmmm???"
Manos: "Are you sure this is the way to go?"
Drax: "If you don't trust me, you are free to make your own way. It is up to you."
Sixty-Seven: "Well considering neither of us have any idea I figure it is our best bet."
Sixty-Seven: "Although it might help us to work together finding a way out of here if we have an idea of who we are working with."
Sixty-Seven: "My name is uh..." I pause for a moment, "Sixty-Seven".
Drax: "Drax. Sorry if I seem rude, however, this misadventure may have cost me much."
Manos: "Cost you much? Manos is trapped down here because of you!"
Drax: "Again, I do not mean to be rude, but was it not your spell that sent us here?"
Manos: "The spell that killed those vicious beasts????"
Manos: "You would have died if not for Manos!!!!!!"
Sixty-Seven: I'll raise my hands waving for them to calm down.
Sixty-Seven: "We survived that encounter because of his spell, Drax. And Manos, you are only trapped down here because the flame wasn't kindled."
Sixty-Seven: "If anything it's my fault we are stuck in this position, but if we work together we should be able to get out of here."
Sixty-Seven: "But throwing out accusations isn't going to help anything."
Sixty-Seven: "Anyways, it's nice to meet both of you, and from my perspective, Manos, we should follow Drax he seems to have at least some idea of how to get out of here."
Drax: "You're right. We will likely need each other to survive this."
Drax: "Manos, if you can conjure fire, it may help us progress without further attacks."
Manos: "Fire will ward off the beasts?"
Drax: "The trial I was undertaking, the fire protects you from at the very least the smaller creatures."
Manos: "Conjuring flame is a simple task for Manos."
Sixty-Seven: Can I determine if this place is a safe enough spot for us to rest, Jason?
GM: It is not.
Sixty-Seven: Okay, thanks.
Manos: Jason, do I have an ether potion?
GM: You do not.
Manos: shit game
GM: You can synthesize an Ether for ten gil.
Manos: Sure, I'll do that.
GM: Manos, Synthesis check, 7.
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 5, total: 10
GM: Manos, you synthesize an Ether.
Manos: I'm gonna drink the ether
Sixty-Seven: I'll pull out one of the potions the monks gave me and hand it to Drax.
Sixty-Seven: "You took a pretty bad hit back there, you're probably going to need this."
Drax: "Thank you, but you also were hurt badly. Are you sure you do not wish to heal yourself first?"
Sixty-Seven: "Well I'm tougher than I look, but you're probably right."
Sixty-Seven: I'll take out the other potion and consume it and give the spare one to Drax.
Drax: I take the potion and drink it quickly, nodding to 67 in appreciation.
GM: OK, let me do all this, Drax restores 25% HP, Sixty-Seven restores 25% HP and loses both his Potions, Manos loses ten gil and restores 25% MP.
Sixty-Seven: Potions fucking suck.
Sixty-Seven: I'm going to buy a million when we are in town.
Manos: "Watch as Manos performs the impossible!"
Manos: *waves stick around*
GM: A mesmerizing globe of fire appears above Manos, illuminating the area. The flames swirl around it angrily.
Sixty-Seven: "Alright well now that we have fire why don't you lead the way, Drax."
Sixty-Seven: I'll get ready to follow Drax as soon as he heads out.
Drax: I point in the direction and say, "This way."
Drax: Then I start walking.
Manos: I'll follow Drax
Sixty-Seven: I'll also follow Drax.
GM: You all venture forward into the caverns. The rumbling grows fiercer as you enter the hallway. Manos' ball of flame appears to be providing some respite. Eventually, you come to another clearing. Drax, you can see the path of Legacy heading forward. The three of you spot a treasure chest.
Sixty-Seven: "Well I suppose we might as well see what's in the chest since we're down here. It might be something helpful."
Manos: "Careful, it could be trapped!"
Manos: "One of you should check it out."
Sixty-Seven: "I suppose you're right I guess I can do that."
Sixty-Seven: I'll examine the chest before opening it to see if it's trapped.
GM: Systems, 5.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 5, total: 10
Drax: nice
GM: It is not trapped. A completely ordinary chest.
Sixty-Seven: I'll open the chest.
GM: You find a bottle of Eye Drops.
Drax: Worst chest.
Drax: Morgan tier chest.
Sixty-Seven: "Well just a curative of some kind of blindness, I wonder why this is down here?"
Sixty-Seven: "I guess I'll hold onto it for now unless one of you wants it."
Sixty-Seven: "I suppose we should keep moving now."
Drax: "Yes, the sooner we escape, the better. I must resume my training."
GM: You all continue through the caves. You can't help but notice that there is a growing warmth from the fireball above Manos.
GM: Awareness check, all three of you, 5.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 5, total: 8
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 2, total: 7
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 6, total: 9
GM: Manos is the first to notice that beside his conjuration is a ball of flame which he didn't summon.
GM: Its large eyes seem curiously transfixed by the magic.
Sixty-Seven: I'll try to quietly draw my weapon and get it ready.
Drax: The flame has eyes?
GM: Yes.
Drax: Crazy, man.
Manos: I jump back.
Manos: "What is this?"
Sixty-Seven: We need someone with some monster lore skill to join us.
GM: The arcane creature is suddenly enraged by Manos' move backward and his withdrawal of the fiery sphere.
GM: It attacks.
GM: Drax may act first.
Drax: I'm going to kick the fuck out of it.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 5, total: 7
GM: You kick the thing hard, sending it reeling back into a cavern wall, damaging it.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'm going to dash at it quickly and slash it with my blade.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 1, total: 6
GM: You connect, and again it reels. You notice it shaking, however, and growing slightly larger.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'll shoot at it!
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 6, total: 12
GM: Mike, you're just cheating now.
Manos: I'm not!
Sixty-Seven: Man apparently fucking Manos the dude in robes with a staff is the best fighter in our group.
GM: Manos weaves the fabric of time in twain to envelop the beast in nonexistence.
GM: It is no more. _________________ Last edited by God on Fri Apr 05, 33 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:43 am) Reply

Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
Sixty-Seven: I turn to Manos.
Sixty-Seven: "What's someone with your kind of abilities doing out here?"
Sixty-Seven: "Drax I understand, he's doing some training, but people who can do what you can do usually aren't wandering around small hamlets in the middle of nowhere."
Manos: "It is good that you recognize Manos's strength."
Manos: "Did you see how quickly that beast died????"
Manos: "But let us escape this cave before we discuss this any further!"
Sixty-Seven: "I suppose that is alright for now, but I think I deserve some answers eventually."
Sixty-Seven: I turn to Drax.
Sixty-Seven: "Shall we move on?"
Drax: "Yes, let's."
Sixty-Seven: I'll go back to following Drax as he leads us out.
Manos: I'm gonna do the same!!!!!!!
GM: You continue forward. The caverns are hauntingly still, save the glints of light in the outcropping of ruby in the rocks.
GM: Nature check, all of you, 7.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 4, total: 5
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 4, total: 5
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 4, total: 7
GM: All three of you notice a small patch of berries growing on black vines from a stream of water, dense with Legacy.
GM: You suspect they could be used as a crafting component.
Manos: I'm gonna pick the berries
Sixty-Seven: put em in ur but
GM: Manos obtains a patch of Berries.
Sixty-Seven: Are there any left over?
Manos: Wow
Manos: No
Manos: I took all of them
Drax: This guy must love berries.
GM: Manos took the only patch.
Sixty-Seven: Alright.
Sixty-Seven: "I noticed you making a potion earlier. Could you make anything from those berries to heal us, Manos?"
Manos: PIece of shit
Manos: HOw low are you guys?
GM: Drax is at 30/37, Sixty-Seven is 13/22.
Sixty-Seven: "Not immediately, but it might be useful in a pinch."
Manos: Do I have time to make the pots now?
Sixty-Seven: They might make ethers instead.
Sixty-Seven: I don't actually know what type of component they even are actually.
GM: Yeah, you just roll Synthesis.
Manos: Okay
Manos: I'll make 2 mana and 2 healing pots
Manos: Roll 4 times?
GM: I'm sorry, it has to be four of a single item.
Manos: Oh
GM: You only roll once.
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 5, total: 10
GM: Manos takes the berries from his sack and magically crafts them into four Ethers.
Sixty-Seven: greedy pig...
Manos: stfu
Sixty-Seven: "Well I suppose we should keep moving."
Manos: I'll drink 3 of the pots btw
GM: You're back to full MP.
Manos: Oh God, yes
GM: As you continue, you can all hear an eerie sound of bone on rock lurking in the path before you.
Sixty-Seven: I'll ready my blade.
Sixty-Seven: "Seems like we might have company again, What is with these caves?"
Sixty-Seven: over.
Manos: I'll get behind Drax and 67.
Drax: Coward
Manos: "Go! Go! See what it is!"
Sixty-Seven: I'll move slowly forward toward the noise to see if I can figure out what it is.
GM: You discover two animated skeletons, rotten flesh still hanging from their larger bones. They were tattered rags and emit low, dreadful moan. As you inspect their faces, you notice that their skulls are not merely free of eyes, but the very sockets seems to have been charred and gnawed.
GM: They take notice of you, and attack.
GM: Drax.
Drax: I punch one of the skeletons.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 5, total: 6
Drax: Man, so many ones.
GM: Your fist connects with the skeleton's jaw, unhinging it. It hangs sidelong from the rest of its skull.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll smash my large blade into the one Drax attacked.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 3, total: 9
GM: The sickening sounds of cracking bone echo through the caves as its ribcage shatters. Still, it shambles on.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'll back up while shooting at the same skeleton that they've been attacking
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 5, total: 11
GM: If you roll two 6s, I
GM: jeez
GM: best mage
GM: killer mage
GM: The first skeleton disintegrates, moaning horribly. You all feel a horrible wave of tension as you sense something deeper responding to its death moan.
GM: The second skeleton attacks.
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 5
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 3
GM: The skeleton stares at you, Sixty-Seven, with its scorched eye sockets, and clacks its jaw as it begins to cast a spell.
GM: Drax.
Manos: PUnch the shit out of it, man
Drax: I'll kick the last skeleton in the face.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 5, total: 7
GM: With a dexterous roundhouse kick, you break a hole in the skull of your enemy.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll bring my sword down hard on the remaining skeleton.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 4, total: 6
Sixty-Seven: I'll reroll with my special weapon ability.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 6, total: 10
GM: Your sword slashes downward on the top of the skeleton's worn skull, breaking it into pieces. The skeleton now fumbles around headlessly, then falls to its knees, blindly swinging its sword.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'm gonna shoot the skeleton
Manos: Shoot the shit out of it
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 1, total: 5
Manos: WTF
Drax: You used up all your good magic.
GM: You aim your powerful staff at the monster, but the spell you cast misses and leaves an ashen imprint on the ground beside it.
Sixty-Seven: bout to get blown up...
GM: The skeleton gazes at Sixty-Seven, and weakens his armor.
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 4
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 1
GM: The skeleton curls up into a tight, decapitated ball, and begins to shudder.
GM: Drax.
Drax: I'll punch the skeleton really hard.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 1, total: 3
Drax: Haha, just kidding.
GM: Drax attempts to punch the skeleton, but overshoots and aims high.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll swing my blade like a baseball bat at the balled up skeleton.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 3, total: 4
Sixty-Seven: Haha, fuckin' shittiest samurai.
GM: Unfortunately, Sixty-Seven swings high too, as the skeleton remains tightly compact.
GM: Manos.
Nomos: This is like watching someone play Final Fantasy I.
GM: Valiant and promising?
Nomos: No, every second attack missing.
Manos: I'm gonna shoot it !!!!!!! !!!!
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 5, total: 10
GM: strongest character
GM: main character
GM: Manos takes aim once more, and just as the skeleton straightens itself to prepare for its ultimate attack, Manos' time beam hits it directly on the breastplate, scattering its bones across the floor, lifelessly.
***GM rolls 1 2-sided die: 1
GM: You all gain one experience point.
Sixty-Seven: I'm glad we have a screaming masked coward here to protect us.
GM: Sixty-Seven has leveled up.
Sixty-Seven: fuk yeah...
Sixty-Seven: I get an ability, two stat points and two skill points, right?
GM: With the skeletons no more, you notice a treasure chest in the room.
Drax: Oh dang, more treasure.
Manos: "Someone check that!"
Manos: "Go! Go!"
Sixty-Seven: I'll go check the treasure chest to see if it's trapped.
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 3 6
GM: It is not trapped.
Sixty-Seven: I'll open the chest.
GM: Sixty-Seven obtains a Fire Ring.
Sixty-Seven: I'll show the fire ring to the other two.
Sixty-Seven: "This ring might be useful, do which one of us do you think should take it?"
Drax: What does it do?
GM: Upon inspection, you see the ring contains the property of Fire Ward, reducing all fire damage by half.
Drax: Seems pretty cool.
Drax: heh heh
Manos: "This might be most effective in the hands of Manos."
Manos: "Don't you think so, too?"
Sixty-Seven: "Alright, you seem like you seem like you might make good use of it."
Sixty-Seven: I'll hand the ring to Manos.
Manos: I'll take the ring and put it on.
GM: Equipped Fire Ring.
Manos: "It's good that you understand how important Manos is."
Manos: I'll hold my hand up and look at the ring.
Manos: "Ahh, yes."
Manos: "Manos."
GM: Suddenly, you all hear the terrible rumbling which summoned you grow louder, fiercer. The cavern walls of solid ruby and rock by some unnatural power begin to crack. The Legacy you've been following shimmers forebodingly. The ground shakes with an anguished familiarity.
Sixty-Seven: I'll ready my blade again.
Sixty-Seven: "Looks like this isn't over yet."
Manos: I guess I'll ready my weapon.
Drax: I crack my knuckles.
Manos: I'll scurry behind Andre and poke him in the back with my stick and scream, "You must protect Manos! You must!"
Sixty-Seven: "Don't worry Manos just stay back and cover us with your magic."
GM: Then the nearest dark cavern shatters open, and in the billowing darkness of rock and ruby, encircled by boulders and skeleton bones, is the mighty All-Seeing Dragon. It spreads it wicked wings and peers down at you three with great judgment.
GM: "Who disturbs my serene lair and slaughters my servants?" it asks in a bellow.
Sixty-Seven: "Just three lost travelers trying to make our way out of this cave."
Sixty-Seven: I respond to the voice.
Sixty-Seven: "Your servants attacked us and we were only defending ourselves."
GM: "Yes," it growls. "Yes, you three are very lost indeed."
GM: It lowers its massive head so close to you three that you can see the small follicles of hair on its wrinkled, vein-ridden brow. Its head is the size of a fishing boat, and it casts a sideways glance at you, Sixty-Seven, with a titanic yellow eye.
GM: "You..." it murmurs, its breath so foul that you three grow dizzy.
GM: "I have not spied your lot for an age."
GM: It withdraws its monstrous face and rears back, exposing its proud underbelly. "You bring an ill omen with your presence. It is my honor to destroy your kind's legacy."
GM: The All-Seeing Dragon snaps forward, and attacks.
GM: Drax.
Manos: Drax, you have to 1-shot it
Manos: Roll a bunch of sixes
Drax: I'll punch the dragon.
Drax: Because I'm the best.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 5, total: 8
GM: Drax races forward and thrusts his fist, still slightly warm from his aborted trial, into the very snout of the All-Seeing Dragon.
GM: The dragon recoils, then laughs.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Drax: Man, what a dick.
Sixty-Seven: "What do you mean my kind?!?" I shout, as I jump towards the dragon and slash it.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 6, total: 11
GM: Your metal slab scratches the dragon's belly, which heaves out to push you back after connecting.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'll use my staff to make my next spell a standard action
Manos: And I'll cast meteor
GM: Roll.
GM: (It's Meteorite, btw)
Nomos: Fuckin' noob.
Drax: I hope Nomos is inside of the dragon and we set her free by beating it up.
Drax: No spoilers if true, plz.
Manos: Shit
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 5, total: 9
GM: The rocks which swirl around the dragon suddenly reset their orbit to Manos' will and come crashing down on the All-Seer's head, burning his eyes with the fiery stones.
Manos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6Lr7nRjvEk
Manos: That's playing right now, guys
Sixty-Seven: Atma Weapon's song should be for a more important boss.
GM: The All-Seeing Dragon screams so ferociously that the planet quivers. "Your kind are begot of destruction. You bring only greater calamity with your existence."
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 4
Nomos: Busting out special boss themes this early is already ridiculous.
Sixty-Seven: Like Magus's theme.
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 1
GM: Drax.
Drax: I uppercut the dragon!
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 5, total: 9
Sixty-Seven: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ozx5p3tbxAg
Sixty-Seven: That's what's playing.
GM: Drax leaps onto the dragon's body, jumping from its hind legs onto its chest until finally crouching and shooting a fist upward onto the boss' chin. The dragon roars back and a cloud of black smoke escapes its lips.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: "I don't believe you. You know nothing about me!"
Sixty-Seven: I'll ready my blade and focus.
Sixty-Seven: And use dispatch.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 6, total: 10
GM: Sixty-Seven heaves his metal slab at the dragon, and a ghostly spirit shoots forth from it, large enough to stand against the titan. His slices open the All-Seer's chest with a phantom blade, then vanishes. The dragon cries out in pain.
GM: Sixty-Seven's weapon is Broken.
GM: Manos.
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 6, total: 7
Manos: WTF
GM: Manos' time spell just barely hits the dragon, clipping its wing.
GM: The All-Seeing Dragon recovers and stares at Drax.
Drax: uh oh
GM: Suddenly, its eyes blink and a blinding wave of light hits you.
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 4 5
GM: Shit...
GM: Hold on, I need to see the rules for KO.
Drax: Man, you can't kill us on the first boss fight.
Sixty-Seven: It's more exciting if people can die.
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 6 2
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 2 6
GM: heh heh
GM: Why don't you roll 2d6, Drax.
GM: Just to make it more honest.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 2, total: 6
Drax: You just wanted to be able to blame me when I die.
GM: Drax, you're hit for 27 damage and are Blind for one turn.
GM: (Jesus!)
Drax: It's okay.
Sixty-Seven: One more hit and you can use sovereign fist!
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 1
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 1
***GM rolls 1 2-sided die: 1
GM: Man.
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 4 1
Sixty-Seven: shit dragon...
GM: The All-Seeing Dragon lifts its wing and brings down the hard edge of bone within it on Manos' back, crushing him.
GM: Manos takes 16 damage.
GM: Drax.
Manos: WTF
Drax: Dang.
Drax: Anyway, I use Chakra.
GM: Guys, I'm starting to think http://youtu.be/4CK2hx377iU is more appropriate.
GM: Drax stands back up, still blinded, and begins to cast Chakra.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll dash to the Dragon's belly and stab it with my sword.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 4, total: 8
GM: Your sharp slab impales the dragon's stomach. Simmering black pitch spews from the wound.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'll stumble around
Manos: And then fire at it again
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 1, total: 2
GM: The broken mage Manos aims his staff at the dragon, but misfires and collapses to the ground in pain once more.
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 5
GM: The dragon hides itself within its dark wings, biding its time.
GM: Drax, you cast Chakra and regain 18 HP. You are cured of Blind. You may act again.
Drax: I'll give the dragon another uppercut.
Drax: Fuck dragons.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 4, total: 8
GM: Drax leaps in the air, fueled by desperation, this time jumping straight into the rescinded snout of the dragon, punching it upward.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll leap at the dragon and stab downwards.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 2, total: 5
Sixty-Seven: I'll use reliable.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 2, total: 3
Sixty-Seven: Fuck I guess I'll take the 5
Sixty-Seven: Still an 8, but still probably a miss...
Sixty-Seven: Shit samurai...
GM: Your blade careens down the bridge of the dragon's snout, slicing it apart. On your way down, you see his eyes staring dangerously into your own.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'd drink another potion but it won't keep me from getting 1-shot
Manos: Well, just drink a potion
Sixty-Seven: Just attack...
Manos: I'll shoot the fucking dragon!!!!!!!
Sixty-Seven: Go for broke...
Manos: STFU
Manos: I was already explaining why I was probably going to attack
Manos: IDIOT
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 1, total: 5
GM: Once more, the wounded Manos fails to connect with his staff.
GM: The All-Seeing Dragon now spreads its wings open once more, and returns to the battle looking energized and quick.
Sixty-Seven: I'll shout. "I'm the one you want beast, leave these two alone!"
Manos: This song is playing while we're fighting, guys
Manos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmbT7lbiI3k
GM: The dragon snorts a derisive laugh. "None shall leave my hollow alive. You will become my slaves, a better use of life than your little souls deserve."
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 3
Sixty-Seven: Goodbye, Manos...
GM: Horrifically, what damp light there was in the dragon's lair extinguishes, and the cavern is draped in utter darkness. It is all the three of you can do to make out the vague shapes of your enemy and allies.
GM: Turn five. Drax.
Sixty-Seven: Use sovereign fist...
Sixty-Seven: DO IT!
Drax: I enter a powerful stance, inhaling deeply.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 5, total: 11
GM: Drax conquers the air and pierces the darkness, clasping his mighty fists together and slamming them down onto the very tip of the All-Seeing Dragon's skull. Its skin blisters and breaks, as the sound of splintering bone enters all of your ears. Its pain is abominable.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll focus on where the scream came from and rush towards it slashing my blade.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 3, total: 9
GM: Again you stab the dragon in its belly, rending its scales apart in a gristly manner.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'm gonna hold my staff with 2 hands and steady myself
Manos: And then shoot
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 6, total: 11
GM: Your spell somehow finds its mark in the darkness and scalds the dragon in its eye.
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 5
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 2
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 4 5
GM: The All-Seeing Dragon takes a different stance in the darkness. It drops down on all fours and arches its back like a predator. Its crimson tail shoots up.
GM: The tail comes down onto Manos with precision.
Drax: Nooo!
Manos: noooooooooo
GM: It stabs Manos through the gut. He lifts the mage into air, cackling, then tosses the body aside. Against the cavern wall, Manos lies unconscious.
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 2
GM: The All-Seer grins.
GM: Turn six. Drax.
Sixty-Seven: "Shit, I hope you're still alive over there!"
Drax: "You had better not think that you've won, monster."
Drax: I'm going to knee the dragon in its face
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 3, total: 9
GM: Your knee clashes with the snout of the dragon, one of its teeth shatters and an old Bone, yellow in the darkness, skids past you two, landing somewhere behind you.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll rush the Dragon and bring my blade down hard.
Sixty-Seven: "You won't be making any of us slaves you monster!"
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 2, total: 5
GM: Sadly, in the darkness, you sword misses its mark and hits only rock.
Sixty-Seven: shiturai
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 1 4
GM: Seeing you exposed, the dragon inhales and unleashes a furious stream of fire upon you, Sixty-Seven, burning your skin unbearably.
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 5
***GM rolls 1 2-sided die: 1
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 2 1
GM: The dragon's tail twitches once more and attempts to impale Drax.
GM: But the monk sidesteps it.
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 1
***GM rolls 1 2-sided die: 1
Drax: What a retard dragon.
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 6 5
GM: So it readies its awful tail again.
GM: This time, it hits.
Sixty-Seven: How much damage did I take from the fire?
Drax: All of it.
Sixty-Seven: fuk
Sixty-Seven: I do get a 6 point damage reduction from it.
Sixty-Seven: So maybe I only too almost all of it.
GM: The tail stabs you in the shoulder, and the agony is overwhelming. Worse than you could have ever trained for, ever prepared for. The life fades from you, and your limp body is discarded as Manos' was.
Manos: DRAX
Manos: Or maybe 67
Manos: Whoever is still alive
Sixty-Seven: No, the nig is dead...
Drax: Wait, how much damage did that shit do?
GM: Sixty-Seven, you took 12 damage and are at 32 HP. Drax, you took 24 damage.
Drax: Lame ass shit.
GM: Sixty-Seven, Nature check, 11.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 2, total: 3
Sixty-Seven: Haha fuck.
GM: Good, great.
Sixty-Seven: I'll ready my blade and attack with all my strength.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 1, total: 2
Sixty-Seven: Awesome.
Drax: Wow.
Sixty-Seven: Man I am the shit roll master this game.
GM: And so, our story ends.
GM: Sixty-Seven swings wildly in the darkness, his comrades fallen, but cannot connect with the monster.
Manos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIk-GYolEAY
Manos: Everyone play that while Jason tells us what's going on
GM: The All-Seers watches you struggling, as it bleeds from skull and belly, and laughs. "Little man. Little child of Gaia. You are truly lost and alone."
GM: Turn seven. Sixty-Seven, Nature check, 9.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 1, total: 2
Sixty-Seven: Ugh...
GM: man
Sixty-Seven: Really... twice in a row?
Manos: Actually, this one is better
Manos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0efyGLcaCX0
Sixty-Seven: "I'm sorry I've failed you Drax and Manos..." "This is all my fault..."
GM: Sixty-Seven it occurs to you that the bone of the dragon's tooth may be used to create a healing potable.
Drax: You should just stab the dragon in the brain with its tooth.
Sixty-Seven: Alright I'll run and grab the tooth.
GM: Sixty-Seven runs for the broken tooth bone of the dragon, but as he does so the dragon's tail lashes downward once more and, while it misses its target, you, it crushes the bone into an unusable powder.
Sixty-Seven: "Shit..."
Sixty-Seven: I need to learn omnislash.
Sixty-Seven: Anyway.
Sixty-Seven: I'll go for the dragon's head and slam my sword into its face.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 5, total: 11
GM: Your sharp slab slashes at the dragon's jaw, catching it off-guard while it was busy taunting you and laughing. It wheezes in pain as blood pours from its lips and another tooth flies out, landing at your feet.
Sixty-Seven: I'll rush to grab the tooth that just fell out.
GM: Synthesis (Alchemy) check, 11.
Sixty-Seven: I'll use a point of destiny for an extra d6.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 3 times: 6, 5, 6, total: 17
GM: In the thick of battle, you run to the lifeless bodies of Drax and Manos, and using the force of your indomitable will and the ebb and flow of fate, you craft four Phoenix Downs from the tooth.
Sixty-Seven: I'll use a phoenix down on each of my companions.
GM: Drax and Manos, you both revive with 1 HP apiece.
Manos: Hmm
GM: The All-Seeing Dragon, coughing from his wounds, finds you just as the party revives, and bellows.
Drax: Shoot magic, fuck bitches.
GM: Turn eight. Drax.
Drax: "Thank you, friend. I hope that one day I may return the favor."
Drax: "Dragon, your fate is sealed."
Drax: I do a spinning kick at the dragon.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 3, total: 4
Drax: hahaha
Sixty-Seven: We're all going to roll ones.
Drax: Fuck everything.
GM: Drax, still wounded, kicks the air surrounding the dragon, but cannot connect.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll leap at the dragon's head and slash my blade.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 2, total: 4
Sixty-Seven: Haha, man the dice are so brutal sometimes.
Sixty-Seven: Or all the time.
GM: Sixty-Seven attempts another attack, but again the dragon avoids it, slithering in the darkness.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'm gonna shoot
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 5, total: 8
Sixty-Seven: At least someone fucking rolled a hit.
GM: The light from your staff creates a small orb which travels toward the dragon but just grazes his brow, failing to hit.
Nomos: lol
GM: Then the All-Seer does something new, and begins to flap his wings. Slowly at first, gaining momentum, until the wind coming from them is nearly enough to knock all of you from your feet.
GM: The cave itself lets out an aching sound. Its walls begin to crumble.
Drax: We're dead as hell.
GM: The All-Seeing Dragon howls with laughter. "Pathetic, blind mortals. How dare you stand against a dragon! We are the true kings of this world!"
GM: His wings come down once more, and the caves around you break apart. The earth quakes beneath you, and you nearly get caught in the cave-in as the All-Seer begins to hover above the ground.
GM: All of you, Athletics check, five.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 1, total: 2
Drax: omg
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 3, total: 6
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 4, total: 9
Sixty-Seven: Manos is so athletic...
GM: Manos, you stab your staff into the wing of the dragon as it takes off, escaping from the cascading rubble. Sixty-Seven, you are able to leap onto the dragon's back with renewed vigor, and as you squint in the wind, you notice Drax trying his best, at critical health, to clutch onto the dragon himself, unable to get a handhold. You have only a moment to assist him.
Sixty-Seven: I'll reach my hand out to grab Drax.
Sixty-Seven: While continuing to hold onto the dragon.
Drax: I'll grab his hand.
Manos: boyfriends forever
Sixty-Seven: My holding hands with a dude skill is really high.
Sixty-Seven: So this should be easy.
GM: Sixty-Seven heaves the monk onto All-Seer's back. Manos climbs his way, stabbing holes into the thin skin of the dragon's wing, up to the top to join you. After what felt like an eternity in the darkness, the midday Sun now soaks you in its warmth, blinding you for an instant, before you look forward to find the dragon craning its neck back, staring at you. It shakes from side to side, attempting to send you off of it.
GM: All of you, Athletics, 5.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 6, total: 11
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 5, total: 6
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 6, total: 7
Manos: Manos might be done
GM: It's no use. You three maintain your balance as the dragon circles in the sky above its former lair. Its breath erupts in flame and frustration.
GM: Turn nine. Drax.
Drax: I'll punch the dragon. It's what I'm good at.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 1, total: 6
Drax: Kinda.
GM: Drax kneels down precisely where he is and punches the dragon in its spine. The ground - its skin - beneath you shakes, but you all keep steady.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll take my blade and stab it hard into the Dragon's spine.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 5, total: 11
GM: A fountain of black blood bursts forth from the dragon's back. It stains all of you, but you feel triumphant awash in it.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'll attack the fucking dragon, too!
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 2, total: 4
Sixty-Seven: This Dragon has so much fucking health.
GM: Manos fires his spell at the dragon's head, but the shot goes wide and fades into the bright sky.
***GM rolls 1 6-sided die: 1
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 1
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 3 1
GM: The dragon's tail stands upright again, poised and ready above you.
GM: It strikes Drax, leaving him with a sharp flesh wound.
GM: The three of you see an opening, watching the point of its tail hover above you menacingly.
GM: Turn ten. Drax.
Drax: I'll punch him again.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 6, total: 7
GM: Where?
Drax: In the back of the head.
GM: Drax runs forward across the back of the dragon, leaps up and comes down with a punch to the back of the dragon's head, concussing him.
GM: The dragon's tail continues to twitch aggressively.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'll move down towards the tail and slash the base with my sword.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 1, total: 7
GM: The dragon howls and screams, cursing at you wickedly. The flesh of its tail begins to tear.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'm gonna attack it!
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 1, total: 2
Manos: Haha
Sixty-Seven: Go back to cheating, Mike.
GM: Where did you aim?
Drax: We're going to die spectacularly.
Sixty-Seven: It's warranted in this situation...
Manos: I was aiming at its head, I guess
GM: Another shot disappears into the horizon beyond as your hands shakes from the height and your injuries.
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 1
***GM rolls 2 6-sided dice: 1 6
GM: The tail readies once more, then comes down toward Drax.
Drax: I'm ready to die.
GM: However, it misses, and embeds itself into the dragon's back.
Drax: Oh wow, what a retard.
Drax: Worst dragon.
Sixty-Seven: Don't say that, last time it murdered two of us when you said that.
Drax: Oh.
Sixty-Seven: Best dragon...
GM: You can see the muscles inside it flexing as it attempts to dislodge itself. The dragon's flight becomes turbulent as it loses equilibrium.
GM: Turn eleven. Drax.
Drax: I'm going to punch that hole.
***Drax rolls a d6 2 times: 3, 3, total: 6
GM: Drax punches the wound with the black tip of the dragon's tail still inside. The pain the All-Seer receives sounds terrible.
GM: Sixty-Seven.
Sixty-Seven: I'm going to slash at the base of the tail again.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 3, total: 5
GM: You cut into the meat of the dragon, and its tail rips from its body, almost entirely severed. Blood pours from the wound and is whisked away by the wind.
GM: Manos.
Manos: I'm gonna shoot at its head!
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 2, total: 6
GM: Once again, your attack misses. Its head buckles and dips with every halt in the flight.
GM: The dragon attempts once more to withdraw its tail, but fails.
GM: Instead, the motion exacerbates the wound at the tail's base, and suddenly the flesh rips in its entirety, and the tail is no longer connected to its hind, but by the tip, still embedded in its back.
GM: The tail stands straight up, then, like a sinking ship, topples over the other way, nearly falling on top of you three.
GM: It hits the dragon in the spine with a deafening boom, and the momentum finally dislodges the tip, which now sits pointed upward at you.
GM: Critically wounded, the dragon falls into a tailspin.
***GM rolls 1 3-sided die: 1
GM: Approaching the surface of the planet at an incalculable rate of descent, you topple and tumble along the back of the dragon. Distantly, past its head, you can see the coast. You soar down past Eco Monastery and Abode Village, and then the dragon crashes into the ocean, just after the three of you are sent flying from its back.
Manos: Everyone but Manos is going to die
Sixty-Seven: As it should be.
GM: You land on soft, fertile ground. Everything is dizzy, everything is painful. The terra firma beneath you provide some hollow comfort.
Sixty-Seven: "Well that could've gone better."
GM: Sixty-Seven and Manos, you eventually, achingly, get to your feet. In your blurry, concussed vision, you see a small shack just ahead, facing the coastline. Then, only then, do you notice that Drax is not standing. Beside him is the meaty tail of the All-Seeing Dragon, bleeding on the grass.
GM: Its sharp black tip sticks into his chest.
Drax: noooooooooooooooooo
Manos: LOL DRAX DED _________________ Last edited by God on Fri Apr 05, 33 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:58 pm) Reply

Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
GM: The bustle of La Venova is overwhelming before you. It is midday in the coastal city, and while you've been here before, this is your first time unaccompanied by friends or family, and never have you had such purpose: within the alleyways of the shopping district is a small store whose proprietor is said to brew mystical remedies which can cure any malady, specifically what's been eating away at your father for the past month.
GM: As you enter the city gates, passing by a few beggars staying out of the way of the guards, you are nearly run down by a truck, making its way through the populated streets at breakneck speeds.
Mimi: I catch my breath, double check my coin purse, and survey the marketplace. What stores are in sight?
GM: The major shops are easily identifiable - weapons, armor, a general goods store. The more obscure shops are further into the city.
Mimi: Despite knowing that I should hurry on towards the obscure shops that I've heard have remedies for my father, I enter the armor shop.
Mimi: I count my gil, and quickly look to see if there's anything for maybe under 150 gil that catches my eye.
GM: The store is quiet, somewhat sterile. As you inspect what's hanging on the walls, and their price tags, you see nothing for that price which would be an improvement over your current equipment. The older man working at the counter eyes you clandestinely.
Mimi: I roll my eyes at the store owner, leave the store, disappointed at the lack of options, and proceed further into the city, looking for a medicines shop.
GM: Not knowing where the shop you're looking for is exactly, you can roll either Inquiry or general Lore to ask around or suss it out yourself, respectively.
Mimi: roll general lore, over
***Mimi rolls 2 6-sided dice: 5 6
GM: Scanning the area, you find the precise location of the medicine shop you need. In a cobblestone alleyway, wet with mud, comes a rich and pungent odor from its doors. Pullini's Pharmasy, hangs a hand-painted sign in its window.
Mimi: I enter the Pharmasy, and immediately approach the shopkeeper. "Hi, yeah, I'm looking for whatever you've got that might help my dad out. He's been bedridden for a month, so anything you've got that might work. Thanks," and she looks expectantly at the shopkeep.
GM: The shopkeeper is an aged Nu Mou, standing atop a wooden stool to look over his costumers. His hair is silver and his swollen eyes look ponderously at you. Behind him brew various tinctures and potions, ingredients and viscera scattered among the pots. "What are his symptoms?" he asks.
Mimi: "Well, he's just gotten extremely weak the past year. He's always been super healthy, I barely remember him getting colds. But then, he started getting exhausted easily and not being able to pick things up or use his energy. He says he feels pain in his bones. I don't know exactly what he has, but it's gone on for too long. What do you have?"
GM: The Nu Mou leans forward toward you, his long ears drop to the counter and fold in on themselves. He seems unmoved by your plight. "What is it your father does?"
GM: "An adventurer of some kind? Bounty hunter?"
Mimi: "Well, he retired two years ago, but he lived for the military, and was a captain for 30 years. Never an issue with illness throughout his career, and now that he has a chance to relax, he can't even take advantage of it."
GM: "An old soldier, hm?" the shopkeeper asks with a cough. "For which kingdom?"
Mimi: "Oasis," she exclaimed, as if was obvious.
GM: The Nu Mou laughs.
GM: He hops off of his stool and grabs a short oak staff to steady himself, and leaves you for a moment as he goes into the interior of his shop.
GM: You can hear him moving items aside, blowing dust away.
Mimi: I try to look into the interior of the shop behind him, impatiently. While he's back there, I survey the contents of the shop, sighing and looking back in his direction.
GM: You see various components adorning the walls, as well as, hanging over the counter, signed letters of thanks from various kings and nobility from nearly every kingdom on Gaia.
GM: He returns as you sigh, and you detect a hint of perturbation from him as you do. On the counter, he places a glass bottle of warm liquid, mostly crimson but with free-flowing streaks of a dull blue highlighting it.
GM: "What he needs," the Nu Mou says curtly.
Mimi: "What is it?" she asks, eyeing the bottle suspiciously.
GM: "Your fool father was poisoned by the vile creature in the lake of Oasis. This will immunize him to the toxin and spare you his passing for another - what is it you Humes cherish - year or so?"
GM: He smiles almost imperceptibly. "One thousand gil."
Mimi: "One thousand? Just to keep him alive for another year? I don't think so, buddy. If you're gonna just insult me on top of being unhelpful, I'll take my business elsewhere."
GM: He pushes the potion aside. "As you will, girl. Pay my price, or watch your father live the rest of his short life in suffering. There is no other being who can brew such a remedy."
Mimi: "Would you accept a payment plan?"
GM: "Who is this simple-minded Hume girl to insult me so?" he asks rhetorically and annoyingly.
GM: "Pay my fee or leave my sight."
Mimi: "Wow, who is this No Muo guy who doesn't know the first lesson of business. The customer is always right." I give him a sassy look. "Ok, mister, I have 500 right now. Like, how long does it take this stuff to expire?"
GM: "My potions do not expire. But my patience does. If you cannot pay me in full for your little father's little life, go bet on chocobos like the other fools in this city." He taps an old, hairy finger on a small brass watch hanging beside him. "The races start soon."
Mimi: She looks at him for a minute with narrowed eyes. "All right, mister. I'll buy that potion," she said seriously, then left the shop and headed in the direction of the races. Over.
GM: The race track is simple to find, as you merely follow the main roads to the circuit. It is a landmark in the city, one to which you've been before, though as a spectator and not as a bettor. As you approach the alarmingly large stadium, you notice the truck that nearly ran you down earlier, parked besides a service entrance, unloading dingy yellow chocobos from its bed.
Mimi: I look suspiciously at the truck for a second, thinking. I approach the truck and look around for the driver.
GM: The driver seat of the truck is empty, although you find personnel mulling about, inspecting the chocobos, lifting up their wings, writing on clipboards. Only one man in the assortment of people seems unoccupied, as he idly watches each bird trot off the truck, tilting his head to the side as they pass him. He wears a cowboy hat and looks nearly ten years your elder.
Mimi: I look at him for a second suspiciously before marching over. "Hey, you. Is this your truck?"
GM: Cameroon, as you stand near the deposit of chocobos eying them to pick a winner, a young red-headed Hume girl in coveralls who looks to be in her late teens, approaches you.
Cameroon: I look her up and down and decide she's probably too young for me
Cameroon: "Not my truck, little lady. Why, you need a ride somewhere?"
GM: A stadium worker writing on a checklist emits a small chuckle as he overhears this.
Mimi: "Ew, no. The person who owns this truck nearly ran me over, so I'm trying to get them to help me out with these races or something. Did you see the guy?"
Cameroon: "Can't say that I did. I been too focused on these gorgeous Chocobos they just shipped in. It's fixin' to be a hell of a race today. Sorry to hear you got run down though, you gon' be okay?"
Cameroon: Even as I talk to her my eyes are on the chocobos
Mimi: "Yeah. Look, are you like, a gambler or something? I have to double my money TODAY and I've never done this, so like, either I can find this guy who tried to run me over or you can help me out." She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow expectantly.
GM: The checklist worker looks up, glances at the two of you. "Sounds like she really does need some... help, Guiles."
Cameroon: I give him a knowing wink
Cameroon: "Ain't no man knows more about chocobos than me. I can spot a winner from a mile away. Being said, I don't usually give up my trade secrets to strangers willy nilly. What's your name, girl?"
Mimi: I give a disgusted look at the checklist worker and roll my eyes at him, then address the cowboy hat guy. "Mimi Von Janssen. Look, I have 500 gil that I need to double. I'll totally pay you back later, or hey, I'm handy at fixing things up if you need repairs for this truck that I'm not convinved is not yours. It would totally be no sweat off your back."
Mimi: She crossed her arms. "I'm kind of on a deadline here."
GM: A tin voice booms from a nearby loudspeaker as the trickle of chocobos from the truck finally ceases. "Bets are now open for today's starting race. Place your bets now," it announces.
GM: Some men repack the truck with straw, others shut the service entrances. Soon, you two stand alone.
GM: Aside from the one worker, who gives Cameroon a slight elbow jab in brotherhood as he leaves.
Cameroon: "'Fraid fixin' up that truck won't do me no good seein' as it ain't mine. I gotta be on my way to the betting window right about now, so let's say you follow me, and we can work on how you can make it up to me after the race is done."
Mimi: "Ugh, fine, let's hurry up. You had BETTER be good at this."
Cameroon: "One might think a girl with such a nice name as Mimi would have a personality to match."
Cameroon: "It's this way, girl, don't dawdle now."
GM: You enter the main doors of the stadium. People and other beings crowd around teller windows in the lobby, as above you hangs seven large monitors, all draping thick cords flowing with electrical Legacy. Six of the monitors display chocobos, those who will race in the forthcoming match. It is a live feed of them in the stables, alongside their names and win-loss records. There is shouting, trash scattered on the floor, and music blaring.
GM: The stadium is wrought with the musky scent of chocobo.
GM: Cameroon, you inspect the six monitors. New birds, ones that just shipped in. A rookie race. One is called Thunder Clap, the second is Air Speed, the third is Windswept, the fourth is Unbroken, the fifth is Daring Justice, and the sixth is Cactus Killer. They have no previous racing experience. The seventh monitor displays the odds. Air Speed is the favorite. Cactus Killer is the long shot.
GM: Cameroon, your instincts tell you to bet on Thunder Clap. It's a safe bet.
Cameroon: I inhale deeply through my nose and go "mm-MMM!"
Cameroon: I also go to the teller windows
Mimi: I follow him to the tellers, marching slightly ahead authoritatively.
Mimi: "All right, what bet are we making?"
Cameroon: As I approach the teller, I turn to Mimi. "Alright, now just do what I do, girl."
Cameroon: I turn my attention to the teller
Cameroon: is the teller a guy or a girl?
GM: Girl
Cameroon: ok
Cameroon: I lean in close to the window. "Well hello again, miss. Always a pleasure to be in your presence. I got 500 gil here that says little Thunder Clap is gonna take home the gold today. Would you mind hangin' onto it for me for a few minutes?"
Cameroon: I slide the gil into the window
GM: The teller takes your gil and prints off a small ticket for you. "Good luck, Cameroon," she says.
Cameroon: I show Mimi the ticket so she can see I bet on Thunder Clap
Cameroon: and wait for her away from the crowds
Mimi: I watch what he does and approach the teller. "Hi. Thunder Clap for 250, please?" She smiles sweetly and puts her money on the counter.
GM: The teller smiles at you politely and takes your money, handing you another ticket.
GM: The crowd begins to clear as it is announced that the race will be starting in three minutes.
Mimi: "Thanks." I take the ticket and catch up to Cameroon. "I didn't want to spend it all so I did 250. What happens next?"
Cameroon: I laugh
Cameroon: "What's wrong, you don't believe in me? Come follow me down to the track, girl, I'll make you a believer yet."
Cameroon: I head to the bleachers to watch the race
Cameroon: Take my usual spot in the front row
Mimi: I follow him and sit next to him. "Just playing it safe, you could be wrong, and then I'd be broke."
Cameroon: I obnoxiously holler my praises for Thunder Clap
Mimi: I look weirded out by Cameroon.
GM: You both sit in the front row, inches away from the circuitous dirt track. The bleachers become thick with all manner of folk, but the noise of the crowd soon subsides on its own in anticipation of the race. Chocobos feistily peck at the bars in their pens. For just a single second, the entire stadium is silent.
GM: Then a gun is shot, and the race begins. _________________ Last edited by God on Fri Apr 05, 33 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:32 pm) Reply

Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
GM: Sixty-Seven and Manos look down at their wounded companion. Unsure of what to do.
Nomos: kiss therapy
Sixty-Seven: I'll run over and check to see if Drax is still alive.
GM: Nomos, you were simply sitting in your humble shelter, boiling tea, before you heard a crash outside and climbed the ladder to the second story of your home, overlooking the charred and barren patch of land that had once been your birthplace, to find a maimed, titanic dragon crash into the sea. The earth quaked when it landed, but then grew silent as it sank. Now, all you can hear are a pair of voices outside.
Sixty-Seven: "Manos, go see if anything in that hut can help."
Sixty-Seven: I'll examine the tail and see if I can remove it without killing him.
GM: Healing check, nine.
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 1, total: 7
GM: You cannot tell how deep the tip of the dragon's tail is stuck inside Drax, and fear to touch it.
Manos: I'm gonna float over to the hut and check it out
Sixty-Seven: Not sure of what to do, but knowing I can't leave him there. I'll pick up Drax and follow Manos.
Manos: Also, I no longer need to walk because my sick disgusting farts allow me fly around.
GM: Manos, having grown stronger from the fight with the All-Seeing Dragon, now levitates off of the ground and flies toward Nomos' Shelter. Nomos, you can see two figures approach from your window.
Nomos: I quickly wrap my face with a nearby scarf, pull my hood down low.
Nomos: I grab the heaviest tome within reach and open the door cautiously.
Nomos: Please describe what I'm seeing.
GM: You see first a cloaked being, impossible to discern gender or race, hovering some feet off of the ground. Its face is a strange metallic mask of indeterminate expression. Its robe blows in the wind.
GM: Beside him, a strange-looking man with unnaturally red hair and eyes, standing upright but for a bronze-skinned young boy being kept carried by him, his arm draped over the man's shoulders. The boy is conscious but incoherent and delirious, and there is a severe wound in his chest, something has impaled him.
Nomos: I cast a weary gaze over the group and open the door wide.
Nomos: "My, aren't you a miserable looking lot."
Nomos: I turn to look at the brutalized bronze boy.
Nomos: "Oh, splendid, and one of you is a corpse."
Nomos: "Bring that thing in here, just keep the blood off my carpets."
Nomos: I point at a bench in the corner with feigned disinterest.
Nomos: "Dump it there, if you would."
Sixty-Seven: I'll give the woman an odd look before doing what she says.
Manos: Do we know NOMOS is a woman from her voice?
Manos: Isn't she all bundled up?
Nomos: Nope.
Sixty-Seven: "I don't care about the attitude just do whatever you can to help him."
Sixty-Seven: "I'm used to... odd individuals."
Sixty-Seven: I'll glance at Manos as I say that and place Drax on the bench.
Manos: Okay, I'm gonna go inside the hut/shack/whatever.
Manos: I'll just float in the corner somewhere, I guess
Nomos: I lean over the bloodied monk and examine the wound.
Nomos: "This is a nasty bit on business."
Nomos: "Removing this...thing...is delicate work."
Nomos: "Costly work."
Nomos: "I trust you have gil on you?"
Nomos: What condition is the dying man in exactly?
Nomos: I'll slap him once to see if he's conscious.
GM: The place is rustic and wooden. Books of spells and arcane items scattered about. You can merely tell that your host is tell and slender.
GM: Nomos, as you look closer, you can see that the boy's wound is toxic. While you can resuscitate him and remove the violating instrument, it is beyond your inventory here to bring him back to full health. When you slap him, he stirs. His eyes open slightly, revealing whitened pupils.
GM: There is only one healer you know of in this area of the continent that can cure this dragon toxin, and his shop is in La Venova, the city north of here.
Sixty-Seven: "I take it you're a healer then."
Sixty-Seven: I'll grab my wallet, money pouch whatever, remove it's contents and hand them to the strange person.
Sixty-Seven: "This is all I have, just do what you can to help him."
GM: Nomos, the man, dressed in brown pants and whose modestly muscular torso is wrapped with tape, hands you a pouch of what you count to be 500 gil.
Sixty-Seven: don't forget my shitty shitty torn shirt.
Sixty-Seven: That's definitely an important detail.
GM: He is also wearing a torn shirt.
Nomos: I absentmindedly shake the pouch and sigh.
Nomos: "It's a start, I suppose."
Nomos: I throw the pouch back to the man in the shitty torn shirt.
Nomos: "And yes, I'm a healer. I don't wear these white robes to be fashionable."
Nomos: "Unfortunately for this thing, I can't do much more than close the wound."
Nomos: "The toxin will be problematic."
Nomos: "I know of someone that can help, though it will be pricey."
Nomos: I'll begin treating the wound.
Nomos: "Help me with this."
Sixty-Seven: I'll follow their instructions and help with treating Drax's wounds however I can.
Sixty-Seven: "Will he survive a trip to this healer?"
GM: Sixty-Seven, Healing check, 7.
Manos: Drax is gonna die
Manos: Derek gonna roll snake eyes
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 6, total: 8
Sixty-Seven: I actually thought I was...
GM: You competently assist this stranger in any capacity you can, never becoming obtrusive or a burden.
GM: Nomos, with some ointment and a couple cure spells, you soon have the tip of the dragon's tail removed and the wound closed, but it festers still.
GM: Drax, you are returned to 75% full HP, but cannot heal beyond that until you find the necessary remedy.
GM: Nomos, the Dragon's Tail Tip, drenched with blood, is in your hands.
Drax: I cough up blood.
Drax: "What happened?"
Nomos: I casually place the Dragon's Tail Tip in the boys hand.
Nomos: "That."
Nomos: "Worth some gil, I imagine."
Nomos: "Your friend here offered me 500 gil to pull it out."
Nomos: "Unfortunately for you, I don't do business that way."
Nomos: "You're on the hook for this, boy."
Nomos: "I won't collect until that toxin is out of you."
Nomos: "I suggest we make haste."
Nomos: "Another 500 gil each day I keep you among the living."
Nomos: "Deal?"
Nomos: I smile, though no one can see it.
GM: Drax obtains Dragon's Tail Tip.
Drax: The offer is clearly outrageous, but I wonder if I can afford to not accept.
Drax: I know my order demands selflessness and detachment from material concerns, even life and death, but ...
Drax: I can't die yet, not without seeing her again.
Drax: "I will pay your price, witch. You have my word, on the honor of my order."
Sixty-Seven: "Well then I suppose we should make haste to this healer."
Sixty-Seven: "What do we call you stranger?"
Nomos: I grimace slightly.
Nomos: "Feh, honor."
Nomos: "Not worth much."
Nomos: I turn to address Sixty Seven.
Nomos: "And you, rather ignorant of the world are we?"
Nomos: "Best to introduce oneself before demanding a name."
Nomos: "A name known to most."
Nomos: "Nomos the Undying."
Nomos: "Nomos the Unconquerable."
Nomos: "Nomos the Indomitable."
Nomos: "Nomos of the Red Eye."
Nomos: "All fanciful monikers without tangible value."
Nomos: "Nomos the Well Paid would suffice."
Sixty-Seven: I look down nervously after the comment about being ignorant of the world.
Sixty-Seven: I gain my composure and address Nomos.
Sixty-Seven: "I apologize for any rudeness on my part, Nomos. I am called... Sixty-Seven. My young friend there is Drax a brave monk, and the strange floating one is Manos a powerful spellcaster.".
Sixty-Seven: "Unlike you I have no interesting titles, as far as I'm aware."
Sixty-Seven: "I hope you don't mind my dropping the formalities and referring to you as Nomos. I'm new to this part of the world and it's customs are odd, and I think it might be a bit tasking to use your title every time I address you."
GM: Manos, you alone recognize the name of Nomos. A preeminent, nomadic white mage, innovating new healing spells yearly, and according to some rumors, resurrecting the dead. However, this stranger is neither physically similar to what you've heard of Nomos, nor do they bear the same gracious disposition.
Nomos: "Call me what you like. It's inconsequential."
Nomos: "Now, do either you or that thing floating in the corner require my assistance?"
Nomos: "100 gil per cure."
Nomos: "We must head north to La Venova so you will want to be at your best."
Nomos: "A shame your winged friend can't fly us there."
Nomos: "Make whatever preparations are required of you, I'll be gathering things on the second floor."
Nomos: I start to climb the ladder to the second floor.
Sixty-Seven: I pull out 100 gil for Nomos.
Sixty-Seven: "When you're prepared I do have minor wounds that need tending."
Sixty-Seven: "Other than that I'm ready to leave as soon as possible. I can't speak for my companions though."
Nomos: How often is MP regenerated?
GM: Only when you rest.
GM: Or use an Ether, off course.
Nomos: What do I have in my house?
Nomos: It terms of consumables.
Manos: u aint got shit
GM: Yeah, you can't start with anything.
GM: Assume you used the last of your consumables on Drax.
Nomos: o no
Manos: Man, what a waste ...
Nomos: Cast cure on Sixty Seven.
GM: Sixty-Seven is back to full HP.
Nomos: I hand the gil back to Sixty Seven.
Nomos: "Keep this until our paths diverge."
Nomos: "I'll keep track."
Nomos: Finish going up to the second floor.
Sixty-Seven: I look at the gil knowing I'm going to regret this somehow.
Sixty-Seven: "Very well, thank you for your kindness, Nomos."
Manos: Manos suddenly darts over to Drax and 67.
Manos: "How is Manos still alive?"
Manos: "That creature outside killed Manos!!! What happened?"
Sixty-Seven: I address Manos looking at him puzzled.
Sixty-Seven: "Don't you remember what happened?"
Sixty-Seven: "I was able to use the Dragon's tooth to revive you and Drax and as the battle continued the dragon took flight and we grabbed hold."
Sixty-Seven: "We ended up here and Drax was injured. The kindly Nomos healed him but was unable to cure a poison from the dragon's tail."
Sixty-Seven: "All in all it was sheer luck that we ended up here as we did."
Sixty-Seven: "It's strange that you don't remember any of this..."
Manos: I place my hand on 67's shoulder.
Manos: "You ... you saved Manos?"
Sixty-Seven: "Of course, I wouldn't let anything happen to either of you. It was my fault we ended up in that mess, and it was my responsibility to make sure you both made it out safe and sound."
Sixty-Seven: I look down.
Sixty-Seven: "I was just trying to keep my mistake from getting worse."
Manos: "Manos must think on this."
Manos: I'll leave the hut and wait for them to finish PREPARING
Drax: "You did as well as you could, we were in a very dangerous situation."
Drax: I slowly sit up, grimacing.
Drax: "That is all one can ask for."
Sixty-Seven: "Thank you, friend."
Sixty-Seven: "We should get you to that healer as soon as possible."
Sixty-Seven: "Let us hope our friend Nomos is ready soon."
Sixty-Seven: I'll wait patiently for everyone to finish their preparations,
Drax: "Yes, we must hurry."
Drax: I remember the incomplete rite that I was in the middle of when all this began.
Drax: The monks must think that I've died.
Nomos: "A friend, am I? Such saccharine sentimentality for a person you've know for less than an hour."
Nomos: I overhear the conversation as I descend the ladder.
Nomos: "Healing is my trade. We are business associates at best."
Nomos: I extend my hand to Drax.
Nomos: "Seal the deal with a handshake, yes?"
Nomos: "Honor demands it."
Nomos: I let out a quiet chuckle.
Drax: I give a dirty look to Nomos, delaying the handshake so IT knows I do not approve of IT.
Drax: "Yes, honor."
GM: Upon shaking, the three of you exit the small residence and find Manos standing outside, gazing at the grass.
Drax: What a homo.
Manos: u guys dont even know wut im looking at!!!
Manos: cuz of my mask!!
GM: Gazing in the direction of the grass.
Manos: "Are all of you ready to depart???"
Manos: "Manos has been waiting."
Sixty-Seven: "Yes I think we're finally ready to go."
GM: Under the bright sun and beside the blue water of the coast, you four begin your trek toward La Venova. As you exit Nomos' Shelter and travel northward, you can see behind you the nearby ruins of the Acrimon Root, a once-famous habitat of Viera, now destroyed. You'll soon be coming up on Abode Village.
Sixty-Seven: I address the group.
Sixty-Seven: "Should we stop for supplies or head straight for the city?"
Sixty-Seven: "I'm not sure how much the delay will affect Drax's wound."
Sixty-Seven: "As a healer do you have any idea, Nomos?"
Nomos: "He will be a great deal more weak and ineffectual, that is a certainty."
Nomos: "Though considering the shape he was in when you brought him to me that was already an obvious issue."
Nomos: "If you'd like to tangle with more dragons it would be best to get this set right."
Nomos: "His life is not in danger, however. More importantly, I could use an ether or two."
Nomos: I give Drax a passing glance.
Drax: "I can continue, no need to stop for my sake."
Manos: "Manos insists that we continue!!!!"
Manos: "There is no need to stop at this hole."
Sixty-Seven: "Well I'm sure with the four of us nothing should be too dangerous."
Sixty-Seven: "I'm fine with continuing on."
Nomos: "Such brave me..."
Nomos: I stop to look at Manos.
Nomos: "Individuals. Quick to action, quick to the grave."
Nomos: "Press on then."
GM: The four of you continue on and soon pass through the city gates of La Venova. Sixty-Seven, memories comes adrift in your mind of passing this way one week ago, being turned away. Now you walk by the beggars on the city outskirts, cognizant and aware. Nomos, you lead the party into the city, knowing precisely where to lead them. _________________ Last edited by God on Fri Apr 05, 33 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:25 pm) Reply

Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
GM: La Venova stretches before you. A bustling city. In the far distance is a racing arena, the street through which you entered is lined with shops. Nomos, you were last in the city three years ago, meeting and patronizing a sage Nu Mou to whom your master originally introduced you. Drax remains conscious and mobile, but injured. Sixty-Seven follows the young monk helpfully, while Manos floats behind you all in thought.
Nomos: I'll lead the group to the Nu Mou sage because I'm the best leader of all time.
Nomos: "Follow me," I say, sounding like the greatest leader in history.
Sixty-Seven: I'll follow Nomos trusting her to take use where we need to go.
Sixty-Seven: I'll try to avoid drawing attention to myself while following.
Sixty-Seven: Hoping no one recognizes me from my previous visit to the town.
Manos: I'm gonna follow, too!!
Nomos: I hope we don't run into trouble!
GM: You approach a small shop, smelling it earlier than you lay eyes on it. A small storefront advertises it as Pullini's Pharmasy. There are clay pots of colored tinctures in its windows.
Sixty-Seven: "So I take it this is the place?" I ask Nomos.
Nomos: "Your gift for stating the obvious is unmatched."
Sixty-Seven: *sixty-seven explodes*
Nomos: I open the door of the store and casually walk in, waving for my companions to filter in behind me like the sheep they are.
Nomos: "Pullini? You here?"
GM: As you enter the store, you glance a frustrated, young red-headed girl exiting the shop in a hurry. She walks by the group of you brusquely.
Nomos: Somebody punch her in the face.
GM: A weary Nu Mou stands on a stool looking over his countertop. His gray hair falls in front of his old eyes. He is holding a glass bottle when he sees you. "'Pullini'?" he says, with a curious tone. "Yes, yes. If it isn't the fabled 'Nomos,' come to pay an old friend a visit?"
GM: "And you've brought some no-doubt bold and intrepid companions," he adds with a joyless smile.
Nomos: I glare at him dead eyed.
Nomos: "Too bold."
Nomos: I grab Drax by the shoulder and shove him forward.
Nomos: "Show him your trophy, boy."
Drax: I look back at Nomos, annoyed by her rude behavior.
Drax: She's a total tsundere bitch.
Drax: I show the nu mou guy my chest wound.
Nomos: N-n-n-nani?!
Manos: showin' dudes his chest
Manos: some kind of fag?
Nomos: "And the claw, fool."
Drax: I show him that thing too.
GM: A wrinkled cackle escapes the Nu Mou's muzzle. "Off hunting things you had no business hunting, then?" He beckons you forward, Drax.
Drax: I toss the tail onto the counter and step forward.
Drax: "Can we complete this transaction with a minimum of theatrics? We have no time for foolishness."
Manos: Is this guy like the alien wizard thing in Your Highness that smoked tons of weed and only helped out heroes if they gave him hand jobs and stuff?
Drax: Wizards always smoke weed.
Nomos: "Your foolishness is what landed you in this situation."
Nomos: "At the very least you owe this old fool an introduction and and run down of the events that transpired."
Nomos: "Just do it quickly."
Nomos: I snap my fingers.
Nomos: Also, I'm Franziska von Karma.
Sixty-Seven: "There's no need to be rude." I say to Drax and Nomos.
Sixty-Seven: I turn to the Nu Mou.
Sixty-Seven: "We got pulled into a battle with a dangerous beast and unfortunately my companion ended up impaled on the tail you see before you."
Sixty-Seven: "MY name is... Sixty-Seven. We met Nomos after the incident and she lead us to you."
Sixty-Seven: "I'll give my companions an opportunity to introduce themselves."
Sixty-Seven: I'll gesture to Drax and Manos.
Drax: I try not to get frustrated by my companions.
GM: "He can keep his name to himself," the Nu Mou says of Drax. He reaches down for the tip of dragon's tail, setting his glass aside to lift it. It's larger than his head. "Impaled by a dragon's tail? Nomos," he says caustically, "the tales of your healing skill do not do you justice, to save an idiotic monk from such peril."
Drax: I look over a Manos, recalling his spell that caused all of this.
Drax: "This ... mage," I point towards Manos, "cast a spell that opened a cave beneath us and trapped us inside. We were forced to fight a dragon."
Manos: "The dragon was no match for Manos."
Drax: "I don't care how you feel about this situation, but if you cannot heal me, then let us move on, you ridiculous creature."
Nomos: I hit Drax over the head with the knuckle of my index finger.
Nomos: "That will suffice."
Nomos: "I saved him because he was worth more alive than dead."
Nomos: "I know you can help him, so let us get straight to the point."
Nomos: "How much is this going to cost?"
Nomos: "I'd prefer if it not cut into my profit margin."
GM: The Nu Mou places the Dragon Tail Tip back onto his counter, pushing it toward Drax. "It so happens, fool boy, that I can fix your wound. In fact," he says, stretching to reach the glass bottle he had put aside, "this is the thing to do it."
GM: He holds the bottle outright; in it, a dark crimson liquid sits, highlighted by animated streaks of blue.
GM: "A priceless commodity in this age of adventurers," he smirks.
Manos: Do I know what the potion is by looking at it?
GM: Manos, you cannot recognize the potion.
Manos: "What is that potion? What does it do? Manos does not recognize it."
Manos: "Manos has some experience with alchemy and he has never seen anything like that before."
GM: Eying you suspiciously now, Manos, he says "A potion of my own devising, its ingredients are for myself and my far distant grave. Your friend need only concern himself with the fact that it will remove the paralytic toxin of a dragon, which you have so ably slain, I trust." He exhales. "What are you hiding under there, anyway?" He studies your mask.
Manos: !!
Manos: "This mask aids Manos in his spell casting. It was gifted to Manos by his order."
Manos: "Manos has nothing to hide, fool. Tell the boy how much the potion is going to cost him."
Nomos: "Nothing is priceless, after all. Even your tar covered head on a spike would fetch a few gil to feed the birds."
Nomos: "Enough with the meandering drivel."
Nomos: I put a hand on my hip to increase my level of sass.
Sixty-Seven: "I would assume the tail will be used to cover the cost of the potion?" I ask the Nu Mou.
Sixty-Seven: "A tail from that mighty beast seems like it would be worth more than it's weight in gil."
GM: "You know little and less," the Nu Mou says to you, Sixty-Seven, "but I would be willing to reduce my price if you offered the tail, yes. To a mere thousand gil."
GM: He smiles.
Drax: "Let us leave. This is obviously a waste of time."
Drax: I turn toward to the door.
Nomos: "If you prefer the life of an invalid then that is a fine choice."
Nomos: "We'll pay half that."
Nomos: "And not a gil more."
Nomos: Negotiation, baby.
GM: This is Mercantile, not Negotiation.
GM: "This is the only potion on Gaia which will remedy you, fool," he calls softly. "And once it is sold I cannot brew more for some time. Longer than I predict your little life will last."
GM: "It is in such high demand, that the young girl who left my shop just as you arrived was seeking the very same brew as well. She couldn't pay either. Go bet on the chocobo races, I told her," he laughs.
Sixty-Seven: "Sir, wouldn't it be more beneficial to heal my friend so that he can sing your praises to others?"
Sixty-Seven: "As you say this is an age of adventure, and helping an "adventurer" for a fair price can only benefit you as a businessman."
GM: Nomos, while your attempt to negotiate the price fails, an idea does spark in you. While you don't know what makes the potion that 'Pullini' sells, you do know that it won't take the entire bottle's quantity to heal the monk.
GM: If he is telling the truth, and the girl returns to buy the thing, she would have potion to spare, and it would be her coin getting it out of the Nu Mou's hands.
Nomos: pretty sneaky
Nomos: I will sigh with intense exaggeration.
Nomos: "Do any of you possess 1000 gil?"
Nomos: "That is rhetorical, of course."
Nomos: "The clothes on your backs couldn't cover the cost."
Nomos: "I should know, many people have given me their boots for healing."
Nomos: "We may want to think about a bit of gambling ourselves."
Nomos: "Until next time, old man."
Nomos: I turn and walk out the door signaling for the rest of the party to do the same.
Sixty-Seven: I give my 500 gil to Drax.
Sixty-Seven: So that the Nu Mou doesn't see.
Sixty-Seven: And say quietly to him.
Sixty-Seven: "I owe you for the danger I caused you. This should cover the potion if you need it."
Sixty-Seven: "If you want to lower the price fine, but don't throw away your life over some money."
Sixty-Seven: I then follow Nomos out of the store.
GM: "'Sing my praises,'" the Nu Mou mutters contemptibly to himself, "for of course all those bald geese from the Eco Monastery are renowned for their skills as chapmen." He looks Drax and Manos in their eyes.
GM: "My prices are firm as your resolve is weak and infertile. Pay it or take your leave."
Drax: "I shall take my leave."
Drax: I take my leave.
Sixty-Seven: Poor Drax is going to be poisoned forever.
Drax: Man, I don't even care.
Sixty-Seven: But I gave you the money.
Sixty-Seven: Just buy that shit and get it over with...
Drax: Nah.
Drax: You can't reward douchebaggery.
Nomos: Plus that's totally my money.
GM: The Nu Mou looks squarely at Manos, remaining in his shop. "What order is that, that you mentioned, by the by?"
Sixty-Seven: I can respect that Drax is a principled dude.
Manos: "The Gaian order."
Drax: the gay order
Manos: "They will not be too pleased when they hear about your attempts to swindle us."
Sixty-Seven: the gayman order
GM: A cold, dusty laugh. "Let Zelophe send as many old corpses to my shop as he likes. It still won't win him what he truly desires."
GM: Then the Nu Mou hops off his stool and, staff in hand, brings the potion to the back of his store, leaving you alone.
Manos: I'll leave the store and see what the others are doing.
Nomos: I move a respectable distance away from the shop and wait for everyone to gather.
Nomos: *everyone gathers*
Manos: i gather
GM: You all regroup on the main street, leaving the alleyway of the Pharmasy.
Nomos: "I apologize if I seemed brusque in there. That one is as stubborn as I remembered. No amount of lip service will be enough to get him to budge."
Manos: "Manos thinks we should take the potion and burn the shop to the ground."
Manos: "Did you see how that fool spoke to Manos???!!?!?!"
Nomos: I smash Manos in the face with a brick.
Drax: Daaaaamn!
Nomos: j/k
Nomos: "There are, however, better way to procure what you need, boy."
Nomos: "You were right to refuse him."
Nomos: "You only need to ingest a small amount of that swill he brewed."
Nomos: "And better yet, if you convince the girl from before to purchase it and let you take what you need you'll be able to pay me my fee."
Nomos: "With interest."
Nomos: "Should be a simple matter to play on her sympathies."
Nomos: "Women have weak hearts, after all."
Sixty-Seven: "You can afford it with the gil I gave you Drax."
Drax: "A swindler seeking to swindle a swindler. I see we made a find choice in using you as our guide."
Drax: I give 67 his gil back.
Drax: "I have no need for it. Life is a transitory state. Death is temporary. Whether I live or die is of little importance."
Sixty-Seven: "Well, at the very least it's worth talking to this girl. If Nomos is right, then all parties could benefit."
Sixty-Seven: I turn to Drax.
Sixty-Seven: "And you shouldn't be so quick to throw your life away. You have memories and loved ones that care about you."
Sixty-Seven: "I understand your pride is important, but you should fight to hold onto those things."
Sixty-Seven: "They mean more than you might think."
Drax: "Then I suggest that we kill the apothecary."
Drax: "End this foolishness."
Nomos: I pick up a small rock and throw it at Drax.
Nomos: "That is for calling me a swindler."
Drax: I am immune to rocks.
Nomos: "I provided you a service and I expect fair compensation."
Nomos: "Most recognize that as business."
Nomos: "We have been provided an opportunity here."
Nomos: "Everyone gets what the want and no one needs to suffer."
Nomos: "Save for you if you continue to try my patience."
Nomos: "But yes, by all means, murder the old fool."
Nomos: "And deal with town guards yourself."
Nomos: "I doubt these other two are that loyal."
Drax: "You speak of business and, yet, you have failed to deliver your promised service. But, as I promised."
Drax: I throw my gil at Nomos' feet.
Drax: "Farewell."
Drax: I start to leave the town.
Sixty-Seven: "Wait, Drax."
Sixty-Seven: I call out trying to get him to stop.
Sixty-Seven: "This is my fault, give me the opportunity to fix this."
Sixty-Seven: "Let's try speaking with this girl as Nomos suggested."
Sixty-Seven: "You are an honorable man. If so then allow me to keep my honor by getting you healed."
Sixty-Seven: "It is the least I can do."
Sixty-Seven: "And remember you made a promise to Nomos. I know he is a bit harsh, but he has been trying to help us."
Sixty-Seven: "I think it's just his way."
Drax: "Do as you will. If you succeed, you know where you may find me."
Drax: I leave town.
Nomos: "It might be better to simply let him die."
Nomos: "People like that seem to crave it."
Nomos: I pick up the dusty gil.
Nomos: "Now then, let's see if we can triple this."
Nomos: "Coming?"
Nomos: I motion to the other two.
Sixty-Seven: "I'll come, but we are going to help Drax."
Sixty-Seven: "You promised to get him healed, and I owe it to him."
Sixty-Seven: "Despite your demeanor, I trust that you have his best interest at heart."
Sixty-Seven: I'll then follow Nomos.
Manos: I'll follow the two.
GM: The three of you leave Drax as he exits the city and make your way to the amphitheater race track. The crowd is funneling into the stadium and there is still some activity among the service entrances, offering access to the backstage areas of the place.
GM: As a group, you recall that the Nu Mou potioneer claimed to have sent the girl off to the chocobo races when she couldn't afford his price. While the four of you each know next to nothing of gambling, you do realize that you could, in some capacity, ensure that she walks away with enough gil to procure the anti-toxin.
Nomos: I'll look around for a bit trying to spot anyone with red hair.
Nomos: With my awesomely powerful eyes that I didn't mention until now.
Nomos: Triple eagle eyes.
GM: You cannot locate the girl who passed by you earlier.
Sixty-Seven: "Maybe we should try where bets are placed?"
Manos: "67, why do you want to help Drax so badly? Are you two friends?"
Manos: "Manos is curious."
Sixty-Seven: "I don't know. I guess I feel responsible for his injury."
Sixty-Seven: "I don't know much about this world, or even who I am, but I do know that I don't want to be the reason he loses his life."
Sixty-Seven: "If I hadn't failed the monks none of this would've happened and his life would be the same as it was before."
Sixty-Seven: "I don't want my only mark being the death of some boy."
Sixty-Seven: "I would do the same thing if you had been the one who was poisoned, Manos."
Nomos: "Guilt is often more toxic than what is coursing through him now."
Nomos: "Like all monks he a simple man with simple beliefs."
Nomos: "I doubt he bears you any ill will because it's not in him to do so."
Nomos: "You're wasting your time."
Nomos: "That's the only lesson you need to learn from all this."
Nomos: I amble over to the area where bets are being placed still looking for the girl.
Sixty-Seven: I contemplate Nomos and Manos's words as I follow Nomos to the betting area.
GM: Only a few still remain in the betting lobby, inspecting tickets, chatting with tellers, a few workmen. Seven large monitors, held aloft by metal and running thick with electrical cords humming with Legacy static, display six chocobos, the seventh reading that bets for the current race are now closed and showing a countdown to the next race. Idle tellers face you from their windows.
Sixty-Seven: I look around to see if I see the woman we saw earlier.
GM: There is no trace of the red-headed girl.
Nomos: "67, ask the tellers if they've seen a girl with red hair."
Nomos: "If they want to know why tell them she's your sister."
Sixty-Seven: "Alright."
Sixty-Seven: I'll walk up to the betting booth.
Sixty-Seven: "Excuse me, have you seen a young girl with red hair. She's my sister, and I'm afraid she ran off to the better tracks ahead of me."
GM: "Your sister?" the teller asks. "A teenager, in overalls? She was here, but ..."
Sixty-Seven: "Oh great, she was here. Do you know where she went off to?"
GM: "Well, your sister, sir, she was accompanied by Cameroon. He's a regular around here, and, well, a nice enough man, but not the sort of person I'd want my sister associating with." The teller gives you a wary smile.
Sixty-Seven: "I see, well this is what I was worried about. Do you know where this Cameroon usually hangs out during races so I can go over there and get my sister out of trouble."
Sixty-Seven: "I'd hate to think what my mother would say if she knew I let my sister run off with some sort of scoundrel."
GM: "They already took their seats, but you're not allowed entry into the bleachers without a betting slip, so I'm afraid I can't let you in after her."
GM: Nomos and Manos, you overhear a small commotion around the side of the building.
Manos: Yeah, Manos will check it out, too.
Sixty-Seven: "Is it too late to purchase a betting slip?"
GM: Beside a nearby metal double-door, you see that two employees of the stadium, with clipboards tucked under their arms, have accidentally dropped a palett, spilling several crates of hay and greens. They curse and begin picking it up, leaving the service entrance open behind them.
GM: "I'm sorry, sir, bets are closed," she says, motioning to the monitors above her.
Manos: I'll shrug and enter the service entrance.
Sixty-Seven: "Can't you make an exception just this once. Oh my poor sister, some scoundrel is going to take advantage of her. What will mother and father say. Oh dear..."
Sixty-Seven: I start to breathe heavy as if I'm having a panic attack.
GM: Manos, roll Stealth, 5. Sixty-Seven, Acting, 14.
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 4, total: 10
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 4, total: 9
Sixty-Seven: I failed.
Sixty-Seven: Sixty-Seven is the worst actor...
Sixty-Seven: shitty-seven
GM: "Again, I'm sorry, sir. I can't. I can't risk you causing any trouble in there, the races are quite secure," the teller says.
GM: Meanwhile, Manos floats by the two workers and into the service entrance. You see signs offering direction to the chocobo stables, to the loading area, to the stands.
Sixty-Seven: "Alright, I understand. I'll just figure something else out."
Nomos: I'll snap my fingers to get Sixty-Seven's attention.
Nomos: Then I'll smoke some echo herbs out of an awesome looking pipe.
Sixty-Seven: I'll then walk over to Nomos.
Sixty-Seven: After hearing her finger snap.
Nomos: "Well?"
Nomos: I blow a smoke ring in Sixty-Seven's direction.
Sixty-Seven: "No luck, she's already in watching the races."
Sixty-Seven: "She's with some gambler named Cameroon. The person at the counter seemed to imply he was well known and liked around here if a bit of a scoundrel."
Sixty-Seven: "Someone of his skills might be able to help up make the money we need."
GM: Nomos and Sixty-Seven, you overhear the workers as they're reassembling their crates:
GM: "...young girl, not usually his type, but how else is she gonna repay him if he doubles her gil?"
GM: The other laughs. "I don't know, I saw his bet. He'll be lucky to cop a feel during the race."
Sixty-Seven: I walk over to the workers.
Sixty-Seven: "Are you talking about the man who my sister ran off with!"
Sixty-Seven: "That scoundrel got her to bet all of her money."
Sixty-Seven: "Oh no that was supposed to buy medicine for father."
Sixty-Seven: "Mother will be furious!"
Sixty-Seven: "What bird did the man get my poor sister to bet on?"
Sixty-Seven: "Maybe I can get him to reimburse her."
Sixty-Seven: I look down feigning worry.
Nomos: I'll continue to smoke and look disinterested in the proceedings.
Nomos: While looking super cool.
GM: The workers look up at you, Sixty-Seven, quizzically. "Your sister? What, did your mother get knocked up by Ifrit?" he says, motioning toward your hair. The other worker laughs, "Hey, pal, that 'scoundrel' didn't do anything. She was hot for him the moment she saw him looking at the birds."
GM: The first continues: "Good luck on getting any reimbursement. He spent his whole wallet on Thunder Clap. Thing doesn't have a chance."
GM: The second agrees, "I would not wanna be some out-of-towner at Ynx's Bar tonight."
Sixty-Seven: I chuckle nervously at the comment about my hair and then regain my composure.
Sixty-Seven: "My mother is a saint, sir!"
Sixty-Seven: I walk off pretending to be infuriated and head back to Nomos.
Sixty-Seven: I quietly mention to Nomos.
Sixty-Seven: "It seems they bet on Thunderclap. We need to make sure that bird wins."
Nomos: Can we still get into the back or are those dudes in our way?
GM: The stealth roll is harder now that you got their attention. You could also attempt some sort of distraction.
Nomos: "Hm, all right. Thunder Clap was it?"
Sixty-Seven: "I'll distract the workers, and you go see what you can do."
GM: Manos, have you taken any action?
Nomos: jerkin it
Nomos: fuckin chocobos
Sixty-Seven: usin haste to fuk at super speed
Manos: I'll wait a few more minutes to see if the other 2 are going to follow me in.
Nomos: I walk over to the teller.
Nomos: "I'd like to place a bet."
GM: "Bets are closed... sir?" she says inspecting you. "You can see the time to the next race on the screens above." She smiles curtly.
Manos: What a fucking bitch
Manos: Use your limit break on her, man!!!
Sixty-Seven: I walk up and whisper to Nomos.
Sixty-Seven: "I'll distract the workers, and you sneak in and see what you can do."
Sixty-Seven: "I'm sure if we tell this Cameroon about our help, he will feel obliged to aid us."
Nomos: My eyes narrow to thin slits.
Nomos: "Get away from me, boy."
Nomos: Is there a counter in front of me?
GM: Yes, the teller window has a small platform extending from it for you to pay gil and receive your betting tickets. The teller herself is behind glass.
Nomos: I'll slam my mighty TOME on the counter as loudly as I can.
Nomos: Dude, I'm not fucking done!
Nomos: I murder Sixty-Seven.
Nomos: "NOW, I said I'd like to place a bet."
Nomos: I drop the dusty gil on the counter.
Nomos: "THERE, GIL. Satisfied? Five hundred gil on Thunder Clap."
GM: Negotiation, 14.
***Nomos rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 5, total: 7
GM: The teller gives the other teller standing beside her a helpless look before returning to you, Nomos. "I apologize, but as I said, the bets are closed. You're welcome to bet on the next race once this one has finished."
Nomos: "Is that right?"
Nomos: I'll back away from the teller a few feet.
Sixty-Seven: gunna flash sum sweet titties
GM: Athletics, 5.
Nomos: -_-
Nomos: To throw a book for the sake of distraction?
***Nomos rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 5, total: 7
GM: Your book flies toward the teller window, cracking the glass. She screams reflexively and suddenly there are two men in guard uniforms coming at you, unsheathing their swords.
Sixty-Seven: I'll use this opportunity to sneak into the stables.
Sixty-Seven: Now that there is a sufficient distraction.
GM: The workers outside hear the shouting and run past you, Sixty-Seven, to investigate.
GM: You are able to enter the service entrance undetected.
GM: There, you find Manos hovering inconspicuously in a corner.
Sixty-Seven: I nod to Manos.
Sixty-Seven: "We need to make sure Thunderclap wins."
Manos: "Uhh, is that who the girl bet on?"
Sixty-Seven: "Yeah, she was convinced to bet on that one by some gambler named Cameroon."
Sixty-Seven: "Apparently everyone thinks it's a long shot bet and a sure loser."
Sixty-Seven: "Unfortunately I'm not really sure how we go about fixing that."
Manos: "You must have an idea or a plan."
Manos: "Perhaps we should head to the stables."
Sixty-Seven: "Well now that I know you're in here, we might be able to use your magic to help."
Sixty-Seven: "But you're right let's check and stables and we can figure something out when we get there."
Sixty-Seven: I head over to the stables.
Manos: I'll follow 67.
Nomos: Oh, and I'll let them throw me out or whatever and wait for them outside the entrance.
Nomos: Unless you want to send me to rape jail.
GM: You both follow the signs to the stables. A few dozen chocobo sit in individual pens, pecking at the wood paneling, kwarking. As you enter, you see a wide door labeled as the way to the race track, and inside of it sit six antsy chocobos.
GM: Nomos, the guards ask the teller what's happened and she exclaims "This strange person is trying to bet and threw that book at me," motioning toward your tome.
GM: One guard steps toward you, saying "I'll need you to leave, now." Your tome and Drax's bag of five hundred gil remain at the ticket window.
Sixty-Seven: I'll examine the chocobos and see if I can tell which one is Thunderclap.
Sixty-Seven: And I guess I'll use nature to see if I can determine some way to give it an edge.
Nomos: I'll pull my scarf off and bring down my hood.
Nomos: And pinch my thigh to force tears to well in my eyes.
Nomos: "I...I'm sorry...I just...I don't know...I needed gil..."
Nomos: "Please just, just let me gather my things and I'll go."
Nomos: "Don't you know what it's like to be in a desperate situation?"
Nomos: I look directly at the woman.
Nomos: "Forgive me."
GM: Sixty-Seven, you recall from the monitors in the lobby that Thunder Clap is in the first position, and you find the pen labeled number one. The doors to the raceway haven't opened yet, so you must work quickly.
GM: Sixty-Seven, Nature, difficulty 7. Nomos, Acting, difficulty 7.
Nomos: kill all chocobos
***Nomos rolls a d6 2 times: 6, 3, total: 9
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 5, 1, total: 6
GM: The guards lower their weapons. Pityingly, one tells you: "All right, miss. Take your things and just stay out of here. This isn't the place for you."
GM: Sixty-Seven, you consider the idea that you may not be able to make Thunder Clap any quicker, but perhaps the other chocobo could become slower. Perhaps they could be overfed or simply injured.
Sixty-Seven: "Quickly, feed all the other ones not besides thunderclap as much greens as you can."
Sixty-Seven: I point to the one that's Thunderclap.
Sixty-Seven: And then I start feeding greens from the stable to the other Chocobos.
Nomos: "Yes, thank you. I've always had a bit of a temper. Sorry, sorry."
Nomos: I pretend to nervously fumble with the gil, grab my tome and pull my scarf and hood back into place.
Nomos: Then I head to just outside the entrance and blaze my sweet pipe.
Manos: "Manos isn't so sure about this plan ..."
Manos: "Really? Just feed them as much as we can before the race?"
Manos: "Alright, Manos will trust you, 67. Let's see how this works."
Manos: I'll start feeding the chocobos, I guess
GM: Sixty-Seven, you look around for greens in the stables and find small piles of them in each pen, occupied by other racing chocobos.
Manos: And snickering the whole time
GM: Both of you roll Nature, 7.
Sixty-Seven: "It's either that or injure them, and I don't hurt them, I just want them to lose the race,"
***Sixty-Seven rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 5, total: 6
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 5, total: 6
Sixty-Seven: copying my roll...
GM: Nomos, outside you are discovered by the two workers from earlier. "Should've known you were a Viera," one says, "with a body like that. You know, if you're so hard up for gil, I could think of some ideas to help you out."
GM: Sixty-Seven, you gently steal away handfuls of Gysahl Greens from the penned chocobos, delivering them to three of the birds preparing to race. Manos, however, attempts to retrieve some greens himself, but the chocobos take an instant dislike to him and begin kwarking and pecking at his hands.
GM: From the sounds outside, you are nearly out of time. Three of Thunder Clap's competitors are hastily eating, distracted, but the last two on the end remain poised.
GM: Nomos, the workers continue to box you in, one standing on each side of you.
Nomos: I'll take a long draw from my pipe and blow smoke toward the direction of the two workers.
Nomos: "I charge 100 gil for each broken bone I mend."
Nomos: "How much do you gentleman have on you?"
GM: "Only got the one bone," the second worker says to you, Nomos, and bumps his groin to your hip. "It ain't broken, but I've been known to break it off." They both laugh at you, their breath cutting through your pipe smoke.
Sixty-Seven: I try to feed and distract the last two chocobos.
Manos: I'll throw my hands up in the air and give up.
GM: It's no use, Sixty-Seven. You've fed all the greens you could to the first three, and the remaining chocobos still in the stable are now overprotective. There must be another way to influence the race.
GM: Manos, roll Lore (Magic), 7.
***Manos rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 2, total: 3
Sixty-Seven: Use destiny!
Sixty-Seven: DO IT@EGN$#GIH
Manos: Alrighty, I'll use a point of destiny
***Manos rolls a d6: 1
GM: Manos, you consider the absurdity of Sixty-Seven's plan and decide to simply use some intuitive time magic to slow the competitors.
Manos: Okay, I'll use time magic to slow the chocobos.
Manos: I'll slow as many chocobos as I can.
GM: Manos holds his staff out and alters time around the two remaining chocobos to slow not only their bodies but their perception of time itself. They look behind them in confusion with blank eyes.
Nomos: I guess I'll attack these bitches.
Nomos: Nobody grinds their boners into Nomos.
GM: Nomos, meanwhile, grips her tome and shoves it into the stomach of the second worker as he confronts her, doubling him over in pain, then quickly revolves to deliver a massive hit to the side of the other's face, knocking him to the ground. They both struggle to their knees and feebly attempt to run away.
GM: Sixty-Seven, you distantly hear a voice counting down seconds until the race begins. You and Manos must leave.
Sixty-Seven: "We should get out of here before the race starts.
Manos: Okay, I'll sneak out of the stables and ...
Manos: I guess back to where Nomos is?
Sixty-Seven: I will sneak out of the stables as well.
Nomos: Attack the knee of bonerchamp.
Nomos: With venom and fury.
GM: You all reunite outside of the stadium, finding Nomos beating the leg of one of the workers you both snuck by with her giant tome. You distantly hear music from inside the racetrack and can only hope that your plan was a success. _________________ Last edited by God on Fri Apr 05, 33 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:26 pm) Reply

Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
GM: Nearby, a stand of musicians breaks into the recognizable anthem of chocobo races. The air smells of greens and beer and food. The chocobos take off as their pen doors slide open and the one on whom you've both bet, Thunder Clap, takes an early lead.
Mimi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZef9qRwXag
Cameroon: "HOO-EE go girl!"
Cameroon: I pound on the wall of the barricade in front of me and clap and whistle and laugh.
Cameroon: I point Thunder Clap out to Mimi
Cameroon: "That's our girl right there!"
Mimi: I adjust my glasses and look at the chocobo in the lead, and nod approvingly. I watch the race for a moment, then get bored, and survey the crowd.
GM: Mimi, you observe various races of beings in the stands of the race track, but primarily Humes and Galka. Most seem totally invested in the race, but as it progresses, you notice more and more becoming agitated, re-checking their betting stubs, beginning to talk amongst themselves with dubious looks in their eyes.
GM: Cameroon, Thunder Clap maintains its lead as the race passes its halfway point.
Cameroon: I turn to Mimi. "Alriiiiight! She's halfway through and she ain't lost the lead. Mimi, I think you just might be good luck girl!"
GM: Cameroon, roll Nature, difficulty 9.
***Cameroon rolls a d6 2 times: 1, 6, total: 7
Mimi: I inch away from Cameroon. "Great, good, there's still a bit of race left though..."
GM: Cameroon, as the race progresses, you can't help but detect that the other racers are underperforming based on your earlier appraisal of them. Thunder Clap was your pick, but it shouldn't have been this easy of a race, and an anxiety builds as you wonder whether or not something's amiss.
GM: Mimi, as you inch away, you make accidental contact with a large Hume sitting beside you, and your eyes drift to a holstered gun on his hip. He doesn't seem to take notice of you.
Mimi: I inch back towards Cameroon and say under my breath, "People around here are pretty hostile, huh? Looks like some disappointed fans..."
Cameroon: I turn to Mimi, "What's that, girl?" As I shift my attention away from the racetrack I take a moment to discreetly survey my immediate surroundings.
GM: Cameroon, you notice the usual folks in the bleachers. The makeup of the crowd doesn't seem unusual, but there does appear to be more than the expected amount of disgruntled perturbation among the high number of apparent losers.
GM: Thunder Clap approaches the finish line.
Mimi: I cheer for Thunder Clap, while nudging Cameroon and gesturing with a head nod in the direction of the big guy with the gun.
GM: "Rigged!" comes a call from the stands.
GM: "What is this crap?" says another voice.
Cameroon: I move my hand over my BOOMERANG GLAVE as the race nears its end. With my other hand I lightly touch Mimi's back and whisper to her, "get ready to leave soon as you see 'em cross the finish line."
Mimi: "Ok, got it boss," I say quietly and I stand up, politey clapping and putting on a big smile.
GM: The big man beside Mimi stands up now. He hollers angrily toward the track just as Thunder Clap wins the race. More and more bettors are standing now, and some are checking various accessories on their person, and inspecting their weapons.
GM: A commotion grows as the crowd begins to head toward the betting lobby.
Cameroon: "Hurry now girl, no time to celebrate."
Cameroon: I guide Mimi toward the betting lobby, my other hand clutching the boomerang
Cameroon: still in its holster
Cameroon: I walk briskly
Mimi: I follow along
GM: You two reach the lobby quickly, a mass of people swelling behind you. The tellers are talking quickly, to themselves and to their earpieces.
Cameroon: I powerwalk to the closest window
Cameroon: I remove my hand from the glave and gesture toward the window to Mimi
Cameroon: "Ladies first."
Mimi: I roll my eyes and march up the window and put my ticket on the counter and smile sweetly.
GM: The teller is distractedly speaking to her earpiece, saying "Yes sir, yes sir, I understand," repeatedly. "They're already coming," she says.
Mimi: "Hi, yes, I'd like to cash in my ticket now, thank you."
Cameroon: I take the window next to Mimi's
Cameroon: I make a tsk tsk tsk sound. "Another day another first place finish. I do hope you'll do me the kindness of cashing in this winning ticket, miss."
Cameroon: I slide the ticket to the teller *smoothly* with one finger
Cameroon: I try to look cool while I glance over my shoulder at the approaching crowd
GM: "I'm sorry," the teller says to Mimi, "it looks like there was a problem with the race. We currently can't honor any bets placed." In an instant, Cameroon, your teller says the exact same to you. More angry gamblers are packing into the lobby, and in the corner of your eyes you see the guards gripping the hilts of their swords.
Cameroon: I lose my cool demeanor as I curtly jerk the ticket back.
Cameroon: "Now how do you mean, there was a problem? Race looked just fine to me." I laugh nervously as I remember the underperforming chocobos
Mimi: I lose my cool, and exlaim a little too loudly, "Are you for real? THAT WAS SO MUCH MONEY." I turn to Cameroon and stamp over to him. "They're not honoring the tickets, I KNEW this was a bad idea!"
GM: "The hell they're not honoring tickets!" shouts a booming voice from the crowd.
GM: "Yeah, that whole race was crooked," says another, nasally voice, "two of those birds were slowed!"
GM: And then large metallic double doors open at the back of the lobby, previously idle. They separate to reveal the interior of an elevator, and a man in a dark suit with dark beard stubble steps outside of it, two more stadium guards beside him.
GM: "People, please," he says commandingly.
Cameroon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSAjNWypykQ
Mimi: I look at the guy, then slightly approach. "Look mister, this is my first time doing this, and the teller isn't honoring my ticket. Can you please get me my money back?" and look at him sweetly, hands clasped pleadingly.
Cameroon: I scowl at the teller and suck my teeth. "You gonna at least give me my buy-in back, girl?"
GM: Humanity and otherwise swarms around you as you approach the man in the suit, Mimi. He catches your eyes and says, "I'm sorry, miss, but bets are non-refundable." He then raises his voice to address the hot, belligerent crowd. "Now, if you are all wondering if something in that last race was technically askew, I'm afraid it was. We're still working on determining what happened but there is evidence of unauthorized entry in the pens."
Cameroon: Do I recognize this man?
GM: Someone else cries that the chocobos were slowed, prompting the man to deny any use of magic. Then, from the crowd, a gun is fired. The guards immediately brandish steel. Cameroon, your teller speaks to you quietly, muffled in the roar of the oncoming chaos. She's placed gil on the counter. "Look, Cameroon," she says, "here's your bet back. And the girl's. Get her out of here. Her brother was looking for her."
GM: Cameroon, you don't know him personally, but you can recognize a member of the cadre that run the races.
GM: Then a loud voice, from a being taller than you, Cameroon, shouts from behind you: "Hey, this guy's getting paid!"
Cameroon: I grab Mimi's hand
Cameroon: "RUN!"
Cameroon: WAIT
Cameroon: before I do that tho I grab the gil and shove it in my jacket pocket
Cameroon: ok
Cameroon: "RUN!"
GM: Mimi, there is shuffling behind you, and someone grabs your hand from behind.
GM: You hear Cameroon's voice shout to you.
Mimi: I turn to look at Cameroon and run. "I AM SO MAD!" i shoud while i run
Mimi: shout, and look around for an exit
GM: Both roll Escape, difficulty seven.
***Cameroon rolls a d6 2 times: 2, 3, total: 5
***Mimi rolls a d6 2 times: 4, 1, total: 5
GM: Hands locked, Cameroon leads you through the screaming, fighting mass that's erupted in the lobby. Behind you, distantly, the sounds of swords, of guns, and an elevator closing. Cameroon dodges a flown fist, Mimi sidesteps a small swipe of a dagger. Most guards and bettors are engaged in the chaos, but some gamblers are distinctly chasing after you as you escape into the streets.
GM: Cameroon, you look around for a place to run, and consider the nearby Ynx's Bar, whose owner you know and tends to keep trouble out.
Cameroon: I run toward Ynx's
Cameroon: "Stay with me, girl"
Cameroon: My duster flaps in the wind like Ocelot's
GM: sweet
Mimi: i also run in that direction and try to race ahead toward the entrance.
GM: Looking behind you, there are still a half-dozen unsatisfied bettors chasing after you. You see blades, and muscles. One Bangaa's ears fly backward in the wind with his speed. Cameroon makes it to the door of Ynx's, a brown, wooden half-oval, and Mimi reaches it a moment later. Passerby on the street stare.
Cameroon: Alright, I run into the bar
Cameroon: and look for the owner
Mimi: I go in as well and attempt to look composed.
GM: The owner, Ynx, a tall and fat Galka with copper hair and a slow voice, sees you, Cameroon, and asks "What's your hurry, friend, so desperate to be drunk today?"
GM: "Ah, and your little lady too," he says smiling, polishing a glass mug. There are a few denizens at the bar, a couple more at tables, a surly assortment of midday drunks. Drapes from Ynx's homeland hang on the walls and the place is sweet with a rum-smell and rustic wooden walls.
Cameroon: "You know I do enjoy a good midday drink Ynx but truth be told the reason I come running in here on such a tear is 'cause I gotta rip hog like nobody's business. So you mind if I use your men's room right quick?"
Cameroon: ooc god this is dumb
Cameroon: I run over to the owner to tell him I gotta piss
Mimi: ooc look sometimes you just need to rip hog
Mimi: I look weirded out by what he said, and exclaim to the owner, "I am NOT his little lady."
GM: "You know where it is," Ynx says, nodding to the back of the bar. "Unleash a torrent of piss inside so that I can fill you up again once you're out."
GM: Then Ynx beckons you, Mimi, and says "Of course. You are no one's little lady but your own." He slides a bowl of salted nuts toward you. "Please, accept my apologies and my Carob Nuts," a small laugh from him.
Mimi: I look skeptically at the nuts and sit down. "I'm good, thanks though," and keep an eye on the door.
GM: "Does something trouble you?" he asks bartenderly.
Cameroon: I briskly walk to the bathroom
Cameroon: When I go in, I lean against the door and open it just a crack, watching the entrance
Mimi: "Uhm, well, #1. some stupid little potion master is trying to rip me off; #2 I go to this race, this guy" she points at Cameroon's direction, "gets me to put half my money on a chocobo race, then that whole thing blows up, some creep shows up and everyone was saying the game was rigged, and he wouldn't give anyone's money back, then some jerks chased us into this bar. So YEAH. I guess I'm a little troubled."
GM: Cameroon, the bathroom is foul, and from one of its three stalls you hear a flush and the door swings open. "Woo," exclaims the man, "I just took a solid gold chocobro of a dump."
Cameroon: noooooo
GM: "Chased into my bar?" Ynx asks with genuine concern. "You and my friend Cameroon?"
GM: He slams down the mug in his large, hairy hands and says "No bathroom will do to hide you. Please, wait in my office upstairs. I will send these jerks of yours away if they come."
Mimi: "Really? Wow, thanks!" And I stand back up and head up the stairs.
GM: "Hey, Cameroon?" says the man who left the stall, slapping you on the shoulder. "You back from the track already?"
GM: Cameroon, you recognize him as the service worker from earlier, laughing as you first met Mimi. One half of his face is welted and bruised.
GM: Mimi, you head up the stairs and find a second story to the bar, where at a windowside desk, a small, round Moogle flutters above the chair he should be seated in, going over a large ledger with a quill. He notices your entrance and turns around. "Kupo," he says with a boyish voice, "patrons are not allowed up here."
Cameroon: ahhh kawaii
Mimi: I squeal in delight at the Moogle, clasping my fists together. Then I coughed and composed myself, and said "Aw am I bothering you? I'm sorry, but, the bartender owner guy told me to wait up here."
GM: The Moogle shrugs. "If Ynx says so," he says, fluttering. With one white paw, he nudges another bowl of nuts beside him. "Help yourself to a Kupo Nut, kupo."
Mimi: "I'm set," I say, looking at this bowl suspiciously, wondering why everyone at this joint is trying to offer me their nuts, then proceed to wait patiently, standing near the window.
Cameroon: ehehehehe
GM: The Moogle returns to his work.
Cameroon: "Bah gawd, you look like a goddamn truck hit ya buddy. What the hell happened in them stables?"
GM: "Didn't happen in the stables," the worker, whose name you recall is Dephon, "some crazy Vie-brah knocked the hell out of me and Sim. I swear, she's lucky I didn't go full-on limit bro-ke on her."
Cameroon: "A Viera?"
Cameroon: "Was she pretty?"
GM: "Aren't they always?" he says wistfully. "Those bunny bitches just do it for me." He regains focus and adds: "Hey, speaking of getting wet, how'd you make out with the little brosefina from before?"
GM: The mention of Mimi guides your eye back over to bar, Cameroon, where you notice she is no longer sitting.
Cameroon: I roll my eyes and groan
Cameroon: "She ain't my type. I'll see you around Dephon, go find a steak somewhere for your face."
Cameroon: I take my leave from the men's room and go back to the bar to talk to Ynx
GM: "Friend," Ynx says as you approach, "the little lady informed me of your predicament. Please, stay in the office, hide, I will ensure no scalawag harms my favorite patron."
GM: Cameroon, you see no sign of Mimi, determining she went upstairs as Ynx says. You do see another man dressed in the chocobo stadium's uniform, clutching his stomach and nursing ale.
Cameroon: I walk over to the man in the uniform
Cameroon: "What a day huh? Stadium's a goddamn madhouse."
GM: Sim glances up at you, then turns away and says coldly: "My shift's over."
GM: "Vieras," he mutters. "So touchy."
Cameroon: I lean in closer to Sim
Cameroon: "Did you say Vieras? I love Viera stories."
GM: "Let 'em all go fuck their Roots or whatever," he says. Then turns back to you. "I was just flirting with this one and she goes crazy. Meanwhile her friends are sneaking around the stadium doing who-knows-what, but does anyone stop them, stop her? No. It's all just clean the birds, check the birds, blah blah. I'll give them a bird."
GM: You hear Ynx clear his throat, loudly and fully.
Cameroon: I look up at Ynx
Cameroon: then at the door
GM: Through windows beside the door, you see the group who had chased you in confrontation with another few. You can't hear them, but it sounds like things are getting hostile.
GM: "You should be hiding now, friend," Ynx says, "I think."
Cameroon: I knock the bar with my pinky knuckle a couple times
Cameroon: "Take it easy, Sim."
Cameroon: I head upstairs
GM: In the office, you find Ynx's co-owner, the Moogle Kupon, working at his desk, fluttering in the air. Beside him stands Mimi, restlessly.
Mimi: when you enter the office, I stomp over to you and push you, saying, "You big idiot! I lost half of my money today because of you, and now I'm hiding in some sketchy bar!"
Cameroon: I put my hands up
Cameroon: "Relax! I have your money."
Cameroon: I pull the gil out of my pocket and toss her share in her direction.
Cameroon: "And this bar is the safest place we're likely to find right now, girl."
Mimi: I pick up my gil and put it back in my coin purse. "Well, at least something is going right for once. UGH. What do we do now?" I approach the window and look down at the street.
GM: Just outside the bar on the street below you, a fight has broken out. It's difficult to discern who's involved.
GM: "Sheesh, kupo," says Kupon, "how'd you two end up together?" _________________ Last edited by God on Fri Apr 05, 33 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total |
kakarot52 Joined: 30 Mar 2012 Posts: 941 (Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:03 pm) Reply
Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
Do people actually read this shit? _________________ To continue is power -Shitbeast |
Fagzilla Got lost in another dimension for a couple months. But seriously, we will actually update the site within the next couple of days. http://www.bandzwiki.com/ Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 10111 (Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:22 am) Reply

Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
Haha, seriously!!! |
Seru Custom titles are for heroes, like me. Joined: 08 Jan 2007 Posts: 11012 (Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:53 pm) Reply
Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
Nomos was really going to let loose in session two. You would be compelled to read every bit of brilliant dialogue. |
Mike Dunn Joined: 24 Jan 2007 Posts: 3549 (Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:22 pm) Reply

Re: Final FTUsy: Homebound |
Hey Derrick, now that it's been 8 months are you ready to continue this game? Cameroon had so much more to contribute! |
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