GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:30 am) Reply
This is Chris psaros at the dinner table after a particularly difficult day in which he has told Lexy they are filing for bankruptcy and are applying for welfare to keep a roof over their precious Stephanie's head, who was instead of gentle explanation such as railroad tracks mumbling about slavs while ambling naked w/erection was subjected to a wondrous gift of just click on this
This is Chris's responses when Stephanie sniffles "this boy at school said anthropogy is the kind of job that doesn't really exist except in the mindeses of grown ups who wanna say they got them selves a college dahgree and when I said that's not true daddy said anthropogy is a 'portant part of history and the boy laughed an said you don't know nuthin' your just a disenchanted big child"