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Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:25 am) Reply

MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
This is MAFIA.
It takes place in the urban slum of Pizza Precinct in 2009.
It is the story of two warring groups of players: Citizens and Others.
The two teams are out for one another's blood. Every Day, the group as a whole elect to kill one of their own in an attempt to reduce the number of Others. Every Night, the Others assemble in secret and pick off the Citizens, one at a time.
Citizens earn victory when all of the Others have been exterminated. Others earn victory when they are equal in number to the Citizens.
Days last for exactly forty-eight hours. As soon as a majority vote is reached in that time, the accused will be lynched immediately. If he is a Citizen, the Sun immediately sets and Night begins. If he is an Other, the Citizens can continue to confer for the remainder of the forty-eight hours, and potentially kill another with a majority vote. There is no limit to the amount of lynching the Citizens can do within the forty-eight hours, provided that they successfully lynch Others each time.
If Day ends without a majority vote, whoever has the highest number of votes is killed. In the event of the time limit expiring while two players have equal votes against them, the largest number of votes becomes the winning number, so to speak, and the first player to have reached that number is who is killed.
Once Day is over, Night begins. At this point, Others are able to deliberate and tell me which one of the Citizens they want to kill. Night has a time limit of twenty-four hours. If the Others reach a unanimous decision in that time, the victim is killed and Day begins. If there is no unanimous decision, a victim with a majority vote will die. If there is no majority vote, no one will die. Others are allowed to vote in advance, before Night officially begins.
Activity is required. The solid rule is that players must vote (even if it is to abstain) every Day, and anyone who misses two Days will be killed for inactivity. Others must also be active in their Night kills. Any Other who is absent two Nights will be killed for inactivity. Furthermore, however, I reserve the right to kill at my discretion if I feel that a player is intentionally remaining inactive, despite voting (often if he simply votes without giving reason). I will warn the player of his impending death and he will have one more Day to improve. If he fails to do so, however, he will be killed. Do not sign up if you do not want to play.
Once a player is dead, he is allowed one ghost post. Any other posts will be deleted immediately. However, the player may continue posting in the ghost thread. The player's role will be revealed upon death.
No form of game-related communication between non-Mafia players is allowed. If I get a whiff of it, the player who does so will be immediately killed and banned from the next game. The same penalty applies to the use of screencaps and video. This also applies to dead players - if they are caught communicating they will be banned from the next game. They may post in the ghost thread, and that is all. This game is made to be deliberated in conversation during the Day - keep it that way and it will be fun.
There is one special role, that of the Psychic. Every Night, save only a Night he is chosen by the Others to be killed, this Citizen may ask me privately the identity of one player and will receive a true answer.
Welcome to Pizza Precinct. Let's begin.
Last edited by Jason on Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:18 pm; edited 5 times in total |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:02 am) Reply

June 8, 2009. 2:25 AM
"Pizza Precinct is a fucking shithole," says a dark voice in an alley. The sound of the voice is accompanied by two pairs of footsteps, and the usual scurrying of rats. The rotten pavement is wet with heavy rain, splashing whenever the two men carelessly step in a puddle. There are no lights, but they know where they're going.
"Pizza Precinct is a prison," the other man replies.
This slum has no order, no civility. No laws. No police. No mayor. It's the seedy back end of a major east coast city, left on its own in the hope that it will one day wither and die without causing any problems for the people on the upper crust.
"It's not a prison," the first man says. "We can walk around, go anywhere we like."
"Not everywhere."
"No. Not everywhere. But at least I'm not stuck in some cell."
There are no cells in Pizza Precinct, true, but there is no escape either. The vermin born here are the vermin that die here.
"Way I see it, the only difference between this place and a prison," the second man says, "is that there are no guards."
Pizza Precinct is its own cell. Its own private nation of anarchy. There's no one to maintain order, true, but there is also no one here to protect you.
The two men finally hit a lone streetlight, allowing them to look at one another and laugh. Covered in blood, it's caked in the crevices of their face, under their fingernails, matting their hair down. It's ghastly, and they laugh.
"That ought to do for tonight," one says, and they walk out of the light, shrouded in darkness once more. In the distance, they can hear the first person to find the body, and to call for help.
No guards. No one can protect you here. You can only protect yourself.
1. Peter is... Black Eye Jones, thirty-nine. In another world, Jones might have been a crime family boss. He commands the respect of one, holds his ample weight like one. He got his nickname, though, from his ass. Poor hygiene and diet gave him a pock-marked, stained anus, a black eye where most people would have brown. No one quite knows who exactly got this close to Jones' ass to come up with the name, but not a few people expect that whoever it was didn't survive long enough to apply for a trademark.
2. Calvin is... Q., forty-nine. An aging black man, his eyes are sunken, his head shaved, his ears cauliflowered. Word around the city is that he's a veteran of war, although no one knows who exactly he fought for, or when. He is the greatest shot that most men have ever seen, though, and his quick reflexes, combined with his quiet, psychotic demeanor and worn appearance, make him an intimidating presence.
3. Seika is... Sein Kant, twenty-one. Pale, with hair so blond it's nearly platinum. A child rapist, who keeps to his bare home and his collection of dolls. A physically weak man, his sexual perversion is a manifestation of his desire for power, preying on the weakest people he can find. He's never killed anyone before, but he is growing increasingly sadistic with his victims, and when he wakes in the morning and looks at his reflection in his cracked mirror, he fears the day might soon come, the sexual compulsion scratching at his door like a beast.
4. Andre is... Cray Ray, thirty. Born Andre Romb, he adopted the mic name of Crazy Rayzy ("ray" coming from the second syllable in his first name) during the mainstream breakout of hip hop in the early nineties. Producing one album which briefly charted before being outclassed and greatly overshadowed by Nas' Illmatic, Cray Ray unsuccessfully tried for a few years to get back in the limelight before finally becoming fully enveloped in the world of drugs. Beginning first as a dealer, he soon got addicted to crack and would smoke his own supply away in a matter of days. Never truly recovering, three years ago he emigrated to Pizza Precinct and has been suffering a long, slow withdrawal ever since.
5. Derek is... Hulk, thirty-five. A four hundred pound alcoholic, he stunned doctors some years ago when he became the first person in history to drink his liver into a unique type of jaundice. Whereas normally jaundice sufferers' skin turns yellow, his turned green. As jaundice comes from the French word jaune, meaning yellow, his affliction was subsequently dubbed vertice, from the French vert - green. He lives alone with his younger brother, speaking only to him, and obsessively playing with his long, tangled black hair.
6. Mike is... Pain, eighteen. Brother to Hulk, and his conduit to the city outside as his older sibling never leaves their home. Pain looks vaguely Asian, and keeps himself closely guarded, as if dealing with some unexplained trauma. Paine is actually fairly attractive, one can intuit that he is the product of prestigious genetic code, though he never speaks of his family history. He is genuinely close to his brother, though, and takes pride in caring for him.
7. Potatoes is... Potter Saulfield, sixty-three. No one quite knows what to make of Potter, the paralyzed senior, most often seen in local brothels. He has lost both of his arms and is confined to a wheelchair. His facial hair is long, gray and coarse. Unwashed, along with the thinning hair on his head. He is quiet mostly, but when engaged his lungs fill with air and his voice carries into the night. When he orgasms with a whore, particularly a Vietnamese, nearly the entire slum can hear him.
8. Stefan is... Jesus Perseus, fifty-five. Homeless, and covered head to toe in burns. Disfigured horrifically, he is never seen during the day, taking cover anywhere he can, and only wanders out at night to wail for change. The citizens of Pizza Precinct are thankful for this, that Perseus only calls out while in shadow, for it's told that the fire that nearly killed him took his eyelids, and that he never blinks. No one knows if he is blind, or forever crying, but there is not a soul in this world who would dare to look him in the eyes.
9. Psaturn is... Bullshit, forty-seven. B.S. for short, Bullshit is known as one of the only men in this slum to believably claim to have held a respectable job, a professional psychiatrist. He is intelligent and articulate enough, and those who know him well often find themselves shocked at how deeply empathetic he is. Yet gifts like his are not held in high regard in Pizza Precinct, and he quickly learned to shut up and keep to himself, never arguing when some insecure failure calls out that there's no way some fancy psychiatrist could ever end up here. Bullshit, they say.
10. Clotho is... Chuck Nickels, nine. One of the many orphans of Pizza Precinct, Chuck spends his days stealing from any place that he can, to find food or things he can sell. He's been caught more than once, and caned, and beaten. The shop owners don't have to answer to any orphanage, much less any parents, so he is theirs to do as they wish. Chuck limps permanently, as one particularly furious salesman broke his leg, which was never given medical attention. Still, Chuck never stopped running.
11. MADali is... Mecca, fifty-three. Ghostly underweight, Makkah stands five foot seven and weighs just under ninety pounds. No one has ever seen him eat more than bread and water. He is a profoundly religious Muslim, adopting his name from the holy city in Saudi Arabia, which he has never seen with his own eyes, but dreams of every night. He operates one small church, barely even a hovel, constantly vandalized. More than once his place of worship has been lit aflame while he slept, and he has build it again every time, though with each passing one, it grows smaller, and weaker. And so does he.
12. Jay is... Jack Ashton, twenty-five. Scratching at his rugged beard stubble, Jack makes his way across the slum as a male prostitute. Unlike the women with brothels to keep them safe, men like him are left to fend for themselves and Jack has had to make some quick getaways when customers became too abrasive. Still, it's all he knows, and his massive penis is the only gift God has given him. He's willing to do his best to please anyone, male or female, but night after night has taught him that Pizza Precinct is home to some bad men, who need to get their way.
13. Brian is... Justice, thirty-nine. No one knows his name, no one knows his face. His identity is cloaked in mystery, but everyone in this slum knows him. A vigilante by night, he kills the worst of the worst without mercy. He slaughters them. Displays them. He's the only force of "justice" at work here, but just like a passing shadow, he can never be taken for granted. He can never be counted on.
All players have had their roles PMed to them.
Day One has begun and will conclude Tuesday, June 10, 5:00 AM. The majority is seven, out of thirteen.
Player List:
1. Black Eye Jones (Peter)
2. Q. (Calvin)
3. Sein Kant (Seika)
4. Cray Ray (Andre) - 1 (Stefan)
5. Hulk (Derek)
6. Pain (Mike)
7. Potter Saulfield (Potatoes)
8. Jesus Perseus (Stefan)
9. Bullshit (Psaturn)
10. Chuck Nickels (Clotho) - 7 (Peter, Seika, Andre, Derek, MADali, Calvin, Psaturn)
11. Mecca (MADali)
12. Jack Ashton (Jay)
13. Justice (Brian)
Last edited by Jason on Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:24 pm; edited 9 times in total |
Servbot Overrated faggot Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 9020 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:13 am) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Yeah! |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:05 am) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
We should probably kill Jesus just to put him out of his misery.
Really, every character probably would be better off dead. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:43 am) Reply
Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Gosh, it's like the cast of Twisted Metal Black in this mafia game. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:33 am) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Chuck Nickels (Clotho) |
SuperPsaturn SuperPSaturn Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 2111 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:09 am) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
I guess I'll abstain for the first night as I don't really want to kill anybody off before they have the chance to do something awesome in one of Jason's updates. |
Servbot Overrated faggot Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 9020 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:21 am) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
If no one dies, how will anyone do anything awesome? |
Seika Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 1353 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:11 am) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
As long as someone gets at least one vote, someone is going to die, BS.
Besides, refusing to lynch someone just because it's the first Day is stupid. At best, we hit a Mafian; at worst, we narrow down the suspects. |
SuperPsaturn SuperPSaturn Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 2111 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:15 am) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
That sounds like Others logic to me. |
Seika Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 1353 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:25 am) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Oh, you would know all about that, wouldn't you? |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:31 am) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
I was thinking Seika was just dumb but he probably is a Mafian (let's make it a word, guys). I guess we'll get him after Clotho.
If you're wondering why I'm killing someone on night 1 before anything's happened while chastising him for arguing the same thing, the reason for lynching someone blindly is enjoyment and excitement! |
Servbot Overrated faggot Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 9020 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:30 pm) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Murdering Clotho (the weakest link) is probably the best thing to do on the first night because no one really wants him around and he'll be easily railroaded.
I mean the guy hasn't even defended himself yet! |
Seika Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 1353 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:37 pm) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Makes sense to me.
Clotho |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:57 pm) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Servbot and Peter are both Mafians. |
Servbot Overrated faggot Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 9020 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:29 pm) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
You're a nigger. |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:31 pm) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Crazy Ray. |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:35 pm) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Fuck you, Jesus! |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:02 pm) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
This is obviously going nowhere so I invite you both to vote for Clotho. |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:10 pm) Reply

Re: MAFIA V: My Own Private Hell |
Sure, I'll vote for Clotho. |
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