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Vinny [00:10] How can you get an erect dick into your own ass? Joined: 16 Jan 2007 Posts: 5181 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:20 pm) Reply

Welcome to FTUW, the PREMIERE Internet wrestling league! Now that we are entering PHASE 2, these are all the things you need to know in order to get started! Yeah!
1. Pay-Per-Views
First off, FTUW revolves around its Pay-Per-Views that occur once a month. In these, our contracted wrestlers (and sometimes faceless jobbers) battle it the fuck out in all kinds of incredible matches. The FTUW Booking Team scripts all matches between player characters, taking into account all heat that opponents have accumulated for one another in the build-up to the show.
As for segments such as backstage ambushes and the killing of opponents' family members, those that affect the storyline, players must contact a member of the FTUW Booking Team on AIM, email, private message or simply posting their request publicly (but that could ruin the surprise!). The request will be reviewed and then written BY the team itself if it's decided upon.
On the day of Pay Per Views, matches and other occurrences will be posted by the booking team, one by one. There will be no favoritism and three determining factors will decide the outcome of the matches:
1) Quality: The most important one. The person who promos the best will typically win, however ...
2) Storyline: This is also a factor. We will do whatever creates a more compelling storyline if the two (or more) competitor's PROMO QUALITY is relatively close.
3) Quantity: When all else fails, we rely on who did the most. Quantity is IMPORTANT but it's the least important of all three.
Basically, think of the PPVs as the beginning of a new chapter of the ongoing FTUW Storyline. And treat all the time between the PPVs as your own STORYLINE. Feel free, at ANY TIME, to generate more heat for your upcoming match. Use your own discretion on whether your new Heat Post should be put into an already existing thread or a new one.
2. Heat
To generate heat, players will be encouraged to write their own promos and non-storyline altering segments, particularly those of which directly target their latest opponents. To avoid BULLSHITTERY and subsequent explosions of those affected by said bullshittery, you may only post a maxium of FIVE promos per day. You may only post as many promos as there are days between PPVs. Usually, this means 30 or 31 promos (unless it's February!) including the day of the actual previous PPV. On the day of the PPV you are promo'ing for, any promos posted on that day will not count for that PPV. The deadline for promos for a PPV is 3 A.M. EST of the day of the Pay-Per-View.
It bears repeating: FTUW Heat stresses quality over quantity. Don't just post one vapid promo every few days and think that that cuts it. We would much prefer one INSPIRED performance leading up to a PPV, joined by a few relatively minor retorts to your opponent (we want to see BACK-AND-FORTH SEGMENTS). Obviously, players who post NOTHING leading up to the PPV will almost INVARIABLY be jobbed the fuck out in a manner that may result in the complete annihilation of their wrestler (they'll have to make a new one). In this way, it is in some respects MANDATORY to at least cut a promo.
If your character dies from some reason and you DO NOT APPROVE (he probably only died because you were fucking SILENT, SHITHEAD), you can petition the booking team through the aforementioned means to plea with us to bring him back. Or, you could just make a new character free of charge and try not to be such a goddamn fuck-up this time.
New rules added specifically for Phase 2!
1. No ressurecting characters that died in Part 1 unless you have a really good reason. Tell the bookers what the reason is and we might consider it. We really want people to do NEW characters so that the old ones do not become STALE.
2. No using celebrities/historical characters unless consulting the booking team first. We don't want you to fuck with our shit, basically. Also, no using fictional characters from other universes. I guess you can CONVINCE us otherwise, but basically we'd rather you make up your own guy or, in special situations, turn a celebrity into a bizarre, bloodthirsty demon.
3. No using other people's characters (dead, living, or otherwise), creating relatives of other people's characters, or whatever AS YOUR OWN CHARACTER unless consulting the original creator and then the booker. This is different than the rule for promos where you can use another person's character or their uncle or something as long as you have the original creator's permission.
And that is about all that needs saying, gentlemen. We hope you enjoy your spot on the roster of MOTHERFUCKING FTUW.
3. The FTUW Wiki
It's every person's duty who reads this to add things to the FTUW Wiki, as long as is isn't stupid shit. And even then, we probably wouldn't care.
Since this is a huge project, every little bit counts!
4. Wrestler Applications
To create a wrestler for use in the FTUW, all you have to do is post an application in this thread! The template for an application is below.
Physical Description:
Signature Moves (optional and with descriptions):
Finishing Move (with description):
The best way to contact the booking team is via Private Message
The FTUW Booking Team:
Triple Life
The Other Heroes:
Yogurtman (Official Timeline Wrangler)
Big Fagot (Librarian of D'Lo Mythos)
Last edited by Vinny on Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:27 am; edited 4 times in total |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:38 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Name: Sparta
Hometown: Martinsville, VA
Height: Nick and Al: approximately 6 feet
Weight: Nick and Al: approximately 200 pounds
Physical Description:
Nick: Short blond hair, wears rags
Al: Curly black hair, wears rags
Origin: Born 1979 in a small town. Nicolas got involved with an organization called the Conner Foundation in Cuba and discovered he had a twin brother named Alessandro back in the US. They are now in hiding in America and trying to understand their past.
Only one of them can be conscious at a time, and injuries are transmitted between them, so they can wrestle as one fighter. Al has gravitic powers, and Nick has EM powers, each stemming from their peripheral nervous system. Like muscles, their powers can be used beyond their capacity, but unlike muscles, there is no feedback system to tell when the limit is reached, so it's possible to overexert and become helpless.
Signature Moves:
Name: Rockin' A Hard Place
Who can use: Nick
Description: Very simply, a blast wave in all directions that repulses any and all attackers. Requires his back to be against something to push off of. A sacrificial attack, necessitates switching to Al.
Name: Gravity Bomb
Who can use: Al
Description: Uses resonance to pour a huge amount of energy into the space around him, indescriminately destroying everything outside his body for, oh, let's say 50 feet. Like Nick's Rockin' A Hard Place, it temporarily incapacitates the user.
Name: Frame Drag
Who can use: Al
Description: He generates a gravitic field and spins, building speed. He then extends his arms and uses all his energy twisting space. Space is stirred and twisted, causing any nearby bodies to be thrown about as if in a whirlpool as well as inflicting severe internal damage.
Name: Schizo Crusher
Who can use: Both
Description: Just a spinning drill-like dropkick that's not affected by gravity. Similar to an inverted version of a certain move used by a certain boss of a certain video game.
Name: Stand
Who can use: Nick
Description: Kind of an inverse hologram; a hologram is visible but has no substance, whereas this is invisible but behaves like a corporeal body. Nick uses an artificial body to attack for him. Takes all his concentration, and transfers strikes suffered to Nick.
Finishing Move
Name: Unification
Who can use: Tandem move; any configuration
Description: Gravity and Electromagnetism combine to form a Grand Unified Asskicking. The details depend on who starts and who finishes, but the enemy is launched into the air and then suffers a spinning flying german suplex at the hands of the other brother.
Last edited by Big Fagot on Mon May 07, 2007 8:02 pm; edited 4 times in total |
Spamdini Joined: 22 Jan 2007 Posts: 1322 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:58 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Name: ???
Hometown: Coming later
Height: Something
Weight: <('-'<)
Physical: (>'-')>
Origin: <( '-' )>
Signature: (>'-'<)
Finishing Move (with description): \(^O^)/ |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:12 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Name: Axelrod Waylyn
Hometown: Unknown
Height: 6'5
Weight: 150
Physical Description: Axelrod is incredibly lanky, supposedly after years of cocaine and heroin abuse. However, at the same time he only seems to be in his mid-twenties. He wears long black pants, huge boots, and a buttoned up trenchcoat at all time. He has GUITAR PICKS for fingernails on his right hand. He also always wears a bandanna with this sigil on it: Yes. He is almost always constantly smoking, and sometimes he can be seen carrying a guitar case, but it has never been opened in public.
Origin: To be fleshed out in promos. He was basically born to an insane rapist/drug addict rocking father who when Axelrod was three, was rocking out so hard on stage that the powers of rock overcame him and Cornelius Waylyn immolated himself for some reason. Before the burns on his body killed him, he said that he had seen something beyond good and evil and was glad to die to escape it. Not much is known about Axelrod's formative years, other that he was an insane guitar prodigy, learning to play Freebyrd when he was 6. It was said that he developed a heroin addiction around age 12 and spent his teen years in the underground punk rock scene attempting to emulate his father. When the FTUW came out, he became enamored of Handsomus and his guitar playing; however, he was mad that no human had challenged the extra-terrestrial to a guitar duel. His band was going to audition to be the FTUW in-house band (Which later became Viscerape) but on the way to the FTUW headquarters, his flight crashed and he disappeared.
Signature Moves (optional and with descriptions):
Achilles Last Stand: Holding the opponent's legs in place, Axelrod then steps over the opponent, flipping him over into a prone position before leaning back to compress the legs. Once he has his opponent in a sharpshooter Axelrod then takes his guitar pick fingers and shreds their achilles tendons so that he can torture them more and even if the Last Stand doesen't end the match it will immobilize them further and have Axelrod enjoy fighting them more.
Finishing Move (with description): Heart Salad Surgery: Using the guitar picks on his fingers, he stabs them into a guy's chest and manipulates the flow of blood in his body. Although he can kill people with it, he also can do it simply to render someone unconcious or immobile.[/url]
Last edited by Magic Juan on Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:12 am; edited 3 times in total |
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:16 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Name: Super Agent Harry Underwood
Hometown: Clarksburg, West Virgina
Height: 6'5"/14'7" in bear form
Weight: 245lbs/ 2.2tons in bear form
Physical Description: Large build, Blonde hair, Green eyes. When in bear form his fur is blonde like his hair his eyes glow a badass green and he is fucking huge and awesome with kick ass claws. His Boby Mass grows a great deal In MurderFuck and his blonde hait gets longer because hey why not
Origin: Part of the Kratos project was alterd in a unknown way to make him a Super Agent. 50x better than a super soilder. His past still very unknown
Signature Moves (optional and with descriptions):
The Fucking Powerbomb, Submission is the camel clutch. When in bear form he can do all kinds of crazy Bear-jitsu. (bookers just ad bear and jitsu to something badass harry can do it example BearMegaRape-jitsu) Harry Can Now go MurderFuck we all know what MurderFuck can do. He can also GO BEAR MURDERFUCK but only in extream cases.
Finishing Move (with description): UnBEARable Pain. When in bear form harry moves at super speed knocking you to the ground then kicking you in the air only to apear above you and slamming you into the ground with such force your body implodes.
Last edited by Mautty on Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:27 pm; edited 4 times in total |
Spamdini Joined: 22 Jan 2007 Posts: 1322 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:21 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
*hi-fives all around* |
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:23 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
I was going to make fun you you guys but then A IDEA HIT ME LIKE A TON OF SHIT! |
Spamdini Joined: 22 Jan 2007 Posts: 1322 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:03 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Yogurtman Odin Joined: 03 Jan 2007 Posts: 2248 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:11 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Was this actually run past Vinny and TL, or did Jon never get a chance to read Death Race 2007? |
Action Hank Yes, I fart dicks. Dicks actually come out of my anus when I fart. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 8600 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:18 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Wasn't Ant King completely raped and murdered? |
Vinny [00:10] How can you get an erect dick into your own ass? Joined: 16 Jan 2007 Posts: 5181 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:21 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
The Ant King wasn't raped, but he was murdered. I guess Jon never read the last PPV.
We toyed with the idea of keeping the Ant King before Phase 2 would start, but we never came to a conclusion. I mean if JON REALLY WANTS to, maybe. We'll have to discuss with it |
Spamdini Joined: 22 Jan 2007 Posts: 1322 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:22 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Ant King stays. Case closed. |
Seru Custom titles are for heroes, like me. Joined: 08 Jan 2007 Posts: 11012 (Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:33 pm) Reply
Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Hometown: Castlevania.
Height: 9 foot ten (And rising! Give or take).
Weight: 500 pounds (And rising!).
Physical Description: See for yourself!
Origin: Blah blah blah. Read the fucking promos you lazy shit!
Signature Moves (optional and with descriptions):
Crescent Necrosis - A Boston Crab, except he bends his opponent's body until they resemble a crescent moon.
Quietus Gibbous - (Usually precedes Darkside of the Moon. Crack open a dictionary and learn the meaning behind the title! It's fun!) Grabs the opponent from behind in a bear hug and headbutts them in a downward arc (Since he's obviously taller than every other competitor. Think of a hammer hitting a nail!) until they're sufficiently fatigued.
Finishing Move (with description): Darkside of the Moon - Lifts the opponent onto his shoulders in an electric chair style setup. Then he puts his hands behind their neck and quickly falls into a sitting postion, effectively giving them a stunner while they're sitting on his shoulders. Then he leans back completing the electric chair and setting up a perfect opportunity for a pin.
Last edited by Seru on Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:01 am) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Now I feel dumb revealing anything about my character when I could have just said fucking nothing at all. |
Seru Custom titles are for heroes, like me. Joined: 08 Jan 2007 Posts: 11012 (Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:23 am) Reply
Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
I really just like the name Lunar Plexus.
Everything after that is pointless. |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Thu Feb 15, 2007 12:45 am) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Name: Deimos
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lbs
Physical Description: Athletic, middle aged man, missing his left arm, amputated above the elbow. He wears a Greek style helmet and armor, with black khakis and army boots.
Origin: Office worker turned greatest mercenary in New America.
Signature Moves (optional and with descriptions): ????
Finishing Move (with description): Chokeslam - He chokeslams his opponent into a portal that allows him to gain more velocity by teleporting into the air. |
Rice Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3474 (Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:02 am) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Name: Thrak
Hometown: ???
Height: 7' 11", but only if he walked upright.
Weight: 390 lbs
Physical Description: Matted, filthy, shaggy black hair. Gigantic, square jaw and flat, sharp nose. Beady eyes that shine with intelligence. Constantly haunched over. Tanned, thick, and sinewy slabs of muscle layer his body, built up from years of labor supplemented with natural giganticness. His skin is tough, leathery, and covered with scars, as if he were the veteran of several military campaigns.
Origin: ???
Signature Moves (optional and with descriptions): ???
Finishing Move (with description): ???
Last edited by Rice on Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total |
The Great Jon Joined: 05 Feb 2007 Posts: 344 (Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:04 am) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Name: Glorious Titan
Hometown: Ancient Rome
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 290lbs
Physical Description: Taller then the Average man, Huge, Just as much Muscle as their is fat, similer to Rhino's shape. Wears dark, Plate Mail Armor. Carries Both an Axe and a sword on his back, his entire body is scared from Battle.
Origin: Glorious Titan was Born from the Brutal raping of a Human Pesant woman and a Half Orc/Half Human Noble King. Glorious Titan has Rejected the ways of the evil Orc clan and has Embraced that of his 3/4 Human heritage. Though at first rejected by the People of Rome, Glorious Titan held an event in the public square, where, in front of Thousands of Romans, he mutalated the Orc Features of his body, and cortarized the wounds with hot Iron Cattle brands in the shape of the Roman empire. After this, he was accepted, and allowed entry into Rome's army.
Signature Moves:
For Honor: When his Opponent is on the ground, Glorious Titan climbs the highest peak, at which then he jumps off and lands head first into the face of his enemy.
Charge: Ignoring every element, Glorious Titan bounces off the ropes, sholder smashing into his enemy, the mob goes crazy.
Finishing Move:
Front Kick of Glory: Using all of his might, Glorious Titan front kicks his opponent, smashing their sternum into a 1000 peices. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:05 am) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
Guys, what would happen if Glorious Titan fought Deimos! |
Vinny [00:10] How can you get an erect dick into your own ass? Joined: 16 Jan 2007 Posts: 5181 (Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:03 pm) Reply

Re: FTUW ~PHASE 2~: Wrestler Applications! |
There's an insane amount of awesome promos going on. |
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