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ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:17 am) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
Wow grate episode. This show sure has a lot of crazy people. It seems like Van Alden should lose his job, even if he's revealed to have awesome proof that his partner was corrupt (which doesn't seem likely). Obviously his craziness is powerful enough for him to still do crazy stuff as a vigilante, tho! I also hope Harrow gets to fulfill more of his promise as a super powerful badass, even though it probably won't be by killing whole families like he suggested.
I'm pretty excited about the season finale. It takes all my self control not to just go on wikipedia and spoil all the historical storylines. |
Fagzilla Got lost in another dimension for a couple months. But seriously, we will actually update the site within the next couple of days. Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 10111 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:28 am) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
What happened to "yous" and "YOU'RE GONNA _____, SEE??" and their ilk? They don't exist anymore. Why??
There's a whole 20s gangster lingo/accent thing that seems to have sprung into existence instantly and disappeared just as suddenly.
People didn't talk like that before that, or after that, and yet there it is!
It's weird! |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:37 am) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
What is your authority on that? Have you even been to New Jersey? |
FancyMichael A lonely fellow who couldn't bag a CHICKEN! Joined: 08 May 2007 Posts: 3694 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:42 am) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
No, but he's been to your mom's house so he's probably got to meet nearly every man on earth. |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:16 am) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
I've definitely heard somebody say "yous" before and saying "________, SEE?" was a trademark of gangster characters played by Edward G. Robinson and subsequently used whenever there is a gangster in a cartoon.
Chris, why do you keep making these statements insinuating you have extensive knowledge of historical trends in American English? So far you haven't demonstrated actually knowing anything on the subject. |
Fagzilla Got lost in another dimension for a couple months. But seriously, we will actually update the site within the next couple of days. Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 10111 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:36 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
Now you're just harrassing me! |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:52 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
No, I'm genuinely curious why you keep doing it. Is this something that was touched in one of your classes in school or something? |
Fagzilla Got lost in another dimension for a couple months. But seriously, we will actually update the site within the next couple of days. Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 10111 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:52 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
You are imagining an insinuation that I am not insinuating.
I am NOT speaking from a position of authority, didn't phrase anything I've said as if I were, and its insane for you to read the posts that way.
I'm like "hm, WTF? This is interesting. I'm interested in this. What's going on here?" and you're like "WHAT MAKES YOU SUCH A LINGUISTICS EXPERT?" |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:00 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
You said black speech has changed "more" than white speech since the 1920s, and you said that gangster-speak emerged and disappeared spontaneously. You were emphatic in both cases. |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:02 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
You seem oblivious to what a blustery asshole you are. |
Fagzilla Got lost in another dimension for a couple months. But seriously, we will actually update the site within the next couple of days. Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 10111 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:32 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
Jesus Christ, like that isn't fucking true of you?
You are about ten times more annoying than I am, especially in the last year or so, and especially in the realm of "blusteriness."
Every time anyone (who you don't like and have a history of disagreeing with) makes any kind of broad claim or assertion, no matter how casual, conversational, tentative, open-ended, or knowingly flippant, you immediately jump on it and subject it to your unbearableness.
Do you really think I walk around every day thinking I'm some kind of expert on this or that and that I'm not just making conversation at FTU? I may be right about the stuff I said, I may not, whatever. I'm not nearly as dug into this as you seem to think I am.
People don't generally construct their sentences with phrases like "I'm not sure that back in the 20s black people actually talked like CHALKY talks" when they're making serious, "emphatic" statements of their deeply-held convictions about a topic, or conclude those statements with the phrase "It's weird!" |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:24 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
You made like 4 or 5 posts on the topic of Chalky sounding like a modern black person, as if that means something. What do you think is the timeline of the development of the gangsta persona that you know from rap music and gangsta characters in movies and TV shows from the past 20 years? Do you figure all black lowlifes in the 70s were pimps, and all black people in the 60s were Black Panthers?
And in your other post you reiterate your stupid imaginary observation about something disappearing like 10 times.
You're a shithead and you're full of shit, die bitch |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:27 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
You talk like somebody who is constantly full of shit and constantly saying annoying things and will never realize how full of shit and annoying they are. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:38 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
I like how ALDP always gets Chris' goat. _________________ @}-,-'- *~*~* Member of the FTU Elegant Tea Party Society *~*~* -'-,-{@ |
Fagzilla Got lost in another dimension for a couple months. But seriously, we will actually update the site within the next couple of days. Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 10111 (Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:10 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
Well, I'd say the goat-getting is a two way street. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:16 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
You would say that, because you're trying to save face. _________________ @}-,-'- *~*~* Member of the FTU Elegant Tea Party Society *~*~* -'-,-{@ |
Fagzilla Got lost in another dimension for a couple months. But seriously, we will actually update the site within the next couple of days. Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 10111 (Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:16 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
I clearly AROUSE HIM emotionally!
Otherwise he wouldn't scream at me, would he. |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:05 am) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
OK, go on not explaining what you meant by any of the stupid shit you said! I'm comfortable assuming that what you meant about black people is exactly what I described. |
Fagzilla Got lost in another dimension for a couple months. But seriously, we will actually update the site within the next couple of days. Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 10111 (Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:07 pm) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
It is what I "meant," at least in as much as it was merely tentative, off-the-cuff skepticism.
Black American speech/culture HAS evolved a great deal in the past 90 years. This is not an outlandish, foolish statement. You are pushing this hard, but you can only do so much more twisting and exaggerating to make it seem like it is.
Chalky's speech/timbre/intonation, in particular his use of the term "muthafuckas" struck me as anachronistic. His first appearance, at least. I don't think it was unreasonable to be doubtful, anymore than I would be if Kunta Kinte had called his master a jive turkey [with a certain rhythm and tone that I can't convey here because we're arguing on the Internet and you can't hear or see me] in an episode of Roots.
I don't know exactly when or how the term "jive turkey" or [this rhythm/tone] evolved into existence among black people, I just know that it DIDN'T exist in the 1860s.
Me knowing this does not rely on some cartoonish stereotype of black people that I have acquired from movies and rap music, and it doesn't have to, but so what if it did anyway? is there something wrong with obtaining information about culture from culture?
I know there was no "jive turkey" in the 1860s the same way that I know that white people didn't say "Um, yeaaaaah... not so much!" in 19th century England, and that this specific thing is a product of modern American English.
You don't have to be a linguist, or white, to know this. It's just basic sociocultural literacy that comes from being alive in the Western world, from an aggregate of thousands of sources, whether books, movies, conversation, life experience, logical inference, whatever.
How exactly you know, or why things like this can intuitively feel "off" to you, is not easy to specifically quantify. It's largely unconscious. And that's the feeling I got: "this is not 1920 somehow." I'm not going to try to academically back it up because it was only ever at the level of a feeling.
Back, specifically, to "motherfucker":
fucking NEW YORK MAGAZINE wrote: | Viewers will also be struck, in episode three, hearing Chalky White, one of Nucky’s business partners (played by Michael K. Williams, Omar of The Wire) say “motherfucker.” According to Winter, it was a Civil War–era term used as a very literal epithet inspired by a horrific breeding practice (plantation owners would mistakenly pair a son with his mother). |
Wait a minute, we will be "struck"? Like, it will be so surprising to our ears to hear this term in a 1920s-era show that we will question it? Like, it's a normal-enough reaction that New York Magazine will specifically bring up that very thing as something that the writer of the show researched?
I thought only pseudo-expert fucking idiots like Chris Psaros would do that.
It makes me very happy to have found that, because it shows what a bullshit tree you were barking up, the same kind that you will surely bark up again with your shrill, obnoxious voice the next time me or MADali or someone else says anything about anything. |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Tue Dec 07, 2010 7:49 am) Reply

Re: More Cock? Yes Sire |
I can't believe you took a whole screen to say all that nothing. You're some kind of windy bitch, you know that? |