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GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:45 pm) Reply

Re: Out loud my posts sound like Frank Caliendo's Jon Gruden |
I think I have prostate problems. My flow is weaksauce, and when. I DO masterbate (and tell you 'bout it -_-) I have extreme difficulty reachinv orgasm and it weakly released thin ejaculate, though I have great porn.
I beat Tales and I should have never traded in about 530 grade and worked over a h fights with Dice equipped so I could buy 10x experience.
Im going to finish Devil Survivor, but the battles are slow bereft of exciting moments. I gotta free battle to get two of those Komouten guys. I like the fact I'm going to become Satan and kill God. SMT2 is way too insane, no way I'm beating Polaris. |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:21 pm) Reply

Re: Out loud my posts sound like Frank Caliendo's Jon Gruden |
Well, time to beat Belbirith, and I'm going to guess it will summon Bel and Ill have to defeat him for true power and playtime will be over
Then I face God inside of the hot Shomonokai priestess. Or I don't fight Bel at all, fuck up God, and I hope I get a chance to choose if I want the demons to go on a killing spree
Israel has had this gay sense of entitled power, so I'd really love to send an army of Garudas, Laksmis, Odin's, Cereberuses and Shivas
I have no clothing but tight booty shorts, and a dead mans collection of awful t-shirts |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Wed Feb 06, 2013 6:59 pm) Reply

Re: Out loud my posts sound like Frank Caliendo's Jon Gruden |
The first hokage has a jiraiya like personality in some ways, and early Naruto Izuna reactions to things. His brother is a pragmatic bigot, the fourth acted a bit sheepish, and the third was really the only serious, wise one, then again, he was dead before anybody realised what Orochimari was and exactly (what was) THE DEAL with the Uchiha matter and too much time was taken up. I want to see these guys brought out to the battlefield though that'd be a mismatch, madara and obito would be slaughtered, and I guess Naruto would have to fight sasuke, it would be something if at the last minute in a moment of weakness orochimaru started to take obitos body and sasuke ran him through with susanoo's blade of tokusa right when he did, and Sasuke would have Obito's and orochimaru sealed away. |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:34 am) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
As a matter of fact this was the coolest chapter where zero happened and a lot happened. I might read it again. You got to see that while immensley powerful the first was a dork, the second is a little more "fuck off child" than I thought, the thiird is the third, and the fourth is like a million jumpy sheepish anime heroes
And ororchimaru is fucking awesome, as per usual. And Sasuke is past a gay Goth with wings and now more a brooding homosexual vampire from the Twilight books, which I regrettably have read, well the first one, because I was in a psych Ward with a loud stupid negro and AA, and idiots that think they're drug addicts because they went on a week+long drinking binge after their imaginary girlfriend died and.they smoke pot once or twice a week. |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:09 am) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
Huh, what the hell? There's a pill-selling business that is a bit surreptitious about their wheeling-and-dealing. You see, they'll sell "beauty products" and "jackets" which have product numbers that are the imprints of the pill (like M357, which is for a mylan Vicodin " or the official NDC number (457-01-0415 or something for a bottle of 100 2mg Ativan) and you'd order this high quality thickly padded "jacket, and get something in the mail, with 119.99 out of your PayPal account for 60 1mg Rivotril (the brand name many countries dispense for clonazepam, brand name quality without the 400-500 gald price tag of Roche (I wish I lived in Canada ;_ .
Now there are these Japanese fashion bag sellers popping up as new members instead of Indian cyclists who happen to sell Levitra.
I wish I had been born in 1977, as I'd have hit the market to buy 100 grams of 5-meO-DMT with no problem and sell it to a tiny clientele as a legal product for 10$ a hit and that'd be like 50 mg and it'd cost me nothing as ID already made a big profit after5 grams. GHB was totally legal and worth and you can freeze that shit. Could've ordered 300grams several times, 2CB, one of the most revered pheynlthalamines was legal, and 22.5 mg was a good hit and worth a lot, I could've ordered a five times a month supply and enough to make huge money the same, all legal
*sighz @ day komputer* |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:18 pm) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
If I could possibly get away with it I would order some methoxetamine or MK-801--the latter being a chippier ketamine some say and the latter tested on animals and its main effect was violent psychotic behavior, though a long acting highly serenity filled absolute sense of disassociated psyche is way up my alley -- but instead for like 20$ with shipping I can order 99.8% phenibut, which is basically GABA which crosses the BBB, kinda like gabapentin but not a gaba analogoue which utilizes an amino acid to cross the BBB.
Its very commonly used in Russia for treatment of stress, anxiety, muscle relaxation, and I read a few grams drank down causes mild pleasant relaxation a stress relief, but do to the nature of the drug tolerance builds up within a few doses, but as a once every few days dose would be good for people that don't want to--or have the insurance --to try high dose gabapentin or finding a doctor willing to prescribe lyrica off-label for anxiety, as it is proven to be effective in symptom relief of GAD, but that would be purely dependent on the severity of the case. A mild case with a SSRI that works could be effective at the Max dose (suggested 150mg twice a day, and it helps a bit to combat pain in conjunction with my 7 different medicines, but not really anything for anxiety, as I have a couple anxiety disorders on a Kage-level scale), and benzos are probably the worst addiction besides barbiturates in the world, as they're prolonged in w/d, which is terrible and very dangerous, so unless you've got a long history of use and obvious need for long-term treatment, best to stay away, lest you have trouble sleeping and social anxiety and are thrown onto 6mg of Xanax a day with 15ng restoril for a year and a half, you move, and the next Guy up is like no, way too much, lets try effexor and Ill give you.5mg of ativan three times a day for three weeks while the effexor (might) take effect.
Welcome to the wonderful world of detoxing in a dilapidated psych Ward, known to hell asto the non-mentalky interesting.
Shit I gotta find somethingvto do ... |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:22 pm) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
Pat, this thread is for gay news. |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:20 am) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
This is my journal thread I created upon return, so its more like a thread for gay soapbox-rhetoric and Shin Megani Tensei. I am replaying, with Madara (hero) starting with an ametarasu and bishmon. Atsuro has a Shiva and Mizakuchi. Yuzu has a Garuda and Kouchmon. I have a remiel, Barong, cheap Rangda for later fusion, and some mitama which I am about to fuse. I think a magikal Ruby one.
I'm going to be the white night this time, and become Jesus, so I can break bread with the atheist's, like Jesus would. I have a feeling that the powerful anti-God overtones of the game will cause this to be a disastrous move, but Ill get rid of a bunch of stinking nips that stole our jobs and conquered technology due to all the aid and rotary telephones and diesel generator technology we gave them after they forced us to unneededly annihilate due to killing my pappy when they japped us at Pearl Harbor ... ! |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:55 pm) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
I am officially retiring my penis. There was blood stains in my boxer shorts, looked like my dickhole had a dadgum menstrual discharge. I beat it good as I have quality pornographic videos on my phone, though I cannot use volume, which I really want to. Anyway this bitches pussy was getting mashed to a pulp, and I had it in me for another flood, but it hurt too badly as I ripped open three fresh wounds. I'm too desensitized and I'm doing this buisness in the open, so screw it.
I must keep my stomach alkaline with non-acidic urine, but its difficult. I need a box of baking soda.
This issue of naruto sucked, except it's revealed the hokages are near full strength. Tobirama almost took on Sasauke which would've been somewhat unfair, as the second at near full-strength has the advantage. Hashirama revealed his strength with one word, and the chakra was so great it overtook the room. Minato sensed that Naruto and Kurama are working as teammates, and I have a feeling though Madara is stronger than before, and the first is not full strength, that they're going to go out with Minatos flying thunder God and wipe the fucking floor with Madara and obito. The third will assist the fourth with Tobias and 10-tails, and the first and second will take on Madara, with Sasuke tipping the scales way in their favor when things ate their most bleak.
Then sasuke and naruto ... and where does Orochimaru fit in all of this? |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:39 pm) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
I wonder if Soul Eater would be fun to read. Its not like Naruto where I had a pretty solid handle on things, as I've been reading ever since Sasuke became a gay Goth with wings, though I missed all the way up toaround 596, but know what occurred.
ID be slowly starting from chapter 1 in soul eater. I'm better off staying up till 1:30am on Saturdays as its starting up this weekend from the start. I hate staying up so damn late, bored and blank ... I wish I had full autonomy over every aspect of my life |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:06 pm) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
I'm level 31 and I'm not even near the Beldr fight. I just take Amaretsu and Garuda super-charged to handle bidness, only using Madara for free (HARD) battles, and I level up sometimes twice a battle. I'm aiming for 36 before Beldr and just enough macca to start using Mitamas so I can totally beastmode my lovely Amaretsu, or make Cut Culain relevant in a fusion. I need a Saki Mitama, and Ill drop physical amp for life surge. |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:06 pm) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
All right, with immense regret I fused my level 71 Amaterasu, with the regret allieviated with an anti-most, life surge, and physical drain, making her nearly unkillable. I NP longer need the Remiel, and I lost my 24str 20mag 22vit 27agi with mabufudyne deathbound and diarahan anti-most Pierce life surge and my 27str 28mag 24vit 26agi Shiva but they're replaced just fine with a megiodalan equipped assurance, who is basically a super charged Shiva, with inferior ago, which two kusi mitamas will rectify, and my assurance hama sna aid and unbelievably high HP. I apparently need higher level demons that fit fusion to acquire the right to summon any demon higher than 66 |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:16 pm) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
I at least can say I would make a good villian in Naruto. I've latent talent in the understanding of multiple jutsus, with an nearly tailed beast level of chakra, I'm incredibly relient and partially immune to most elements. I'm a quick thinker with unpredictable strategies in skirmishes. I have a fairly high level of intelligence and have moderately powerful genjutsu, strong yet unrefined taijutsu ability, with sheer stamina and pain threshold and stubbornness giving me an advantage over even talented taijutsi fighters, my ninjutsu is of incredible potentcy, and my kekka genkai is is the ability to take mastery over any summon, even if one not my own, instantly and store them within me. Therefore addition to two tailed beasts I have four different summoned beasts I've taken control of, able to summon and control many simultaneously while being fully able to use my entire arsenal.
I'm a damn nerd |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:52 pm) Reply

Re: I can believe I'm having sex with my daughter! |
Damn it, I cannot get completely over that I must fully accept my lot in life.
I need to get out of here for a bit, and have a two day long vacation. I can find proven legal dissassociatoves such as 3-MEO-PCP or mk-801, sparingly using amphetamines to stay afloat, as day one I could utilize a 6-APB/MDAI, combo, and late into the night use a AMT analogue, sleep till late noon, and go MK-801 (usually triggers dangerous psychotic reactions but gotta dose it right, and as it wear to the early morning speedball my way through and finish matters with a high dose of potent cannabis, and a moderate couple of doses of 4-MA and a large dose of 3-meO -PCP and take a couple adderall and 75mg oxycodone and take a three saved restoril 30's to sleep until it becomes groundhog day.
Perhaps I will be able to find out a this.g or two with the mk-801 following 6-APB/AMT analogue, and soak in it, refresh myself, with about 3 days of wonky after effects
If not, this one legged cowboy went for one last ride! |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:14 pm) Reply

Re: Pimp!Gangster!Don!Godfather!He got em all!DISCOUNTED! |
I want a Dan le Betard personal picture. It would lower my status to a cute psychotic girl without eyes that espouses verbiage in a literary - malformed gregarious fucking stupid God damn animal ghouls the hatchets but can also throw satchels to a slow-witted shit for brains living meme that has a personal picture with no be awesome switch
I changed my mind, I don't want to be nicksss or Rorschach |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:35 am) Reply

Re: LeBron's enslaving the of NBA in The Rape Chamber |
I could see Soul Eater being something pretty good once they start powah ... UHP. The girls are really erotic adorables that pleases me. And their was a witch that was an Adorable cat and so sexy. She made that face and pawed at the air, though the tease of the nude soul for some gut with a fag name was extraordinary in "I want to gently take her virginity and swaddle her and stroke her bangs" |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:31 pm) Reply

Re: I can't believe you're *DONK BLOG* my *ASSLESS CHAPS*! |
Lucifer is fucking impossible.
I'm in my second playthrougof SMT DS and my demons end at 66 with a single 71
SMT DS2 is too long for me to slog through with a mere Loki and some garbage pail demons. Also, Polaris is indeed fucking impossible. |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:44 pm) Reply

Re: I can't believe you're *DONK BLOG* my *ASSLESS CHAPS*! |
grate thread |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Mon Mar 11, 2013 3:15 am) Reply

Re: I can't believe you're *DONK BLOG* my *ASSLESS CHAPS*! |
Hello, today there will be little posting as the effects of the residual effects of a wartime Russian-mycotoxin will make themselves very prominent near nearly the entire upper northern quarter of the shantytown Aqualung. There will be several hospitalizations as widespread panic will cause a small scale riot near *DONK BLOG*.
10:00 am: In the Worst Place on Earth a man will grind away enough to purchase Satan and Kali, along with a Zacht. Gou before preparing to go through. Al Sadiq and his desirrb for an entirely fresh start with a world molded by
Have a NICE. DAy |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:43 pm) Reply

Re: My impartation of wisdom of the day thread |
You never know who has a blade. |
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