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Donk Fuck, or something |
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I wish the Confederates won the war so I could buy you a drown you in an Austin based water treatment plant |
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GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:08 pm) Reply

Sho-kular! |
In english, show killer.
Also in english, me.
Last edited by GimpMask on Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:12 pm; edited 36 times in total |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:33 pm) Reply

If I was not crippled and managed to stick to my original plan of roaming America, living off of relief, I would definitely choose Wisconsin. I don't know if it is just in Greenbay, but I would pack necessities such as a Chicago Bears Jersey with a custom back labled. "A-RODG. LUVS COK", several liters of rotgut, a months worth of speed and goofballs, a blank hat with "My mind is fucking blown" sharpied on the front and live the life of a strung out waster on the fringe of Wisconsin bordertown night life
I would go by the moniker Jalen Rose |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:56 pm) Reply

Magic Juan, I had a pretty attractive female stick me in the ass and fill me with juice
It's probably not as fun when a sweaty naked Guy does it after roleplaying that one rammstein video
This is workable, as my narrow view on stuff (at the moment I am only concerned with Chris bosh photobombing Chris Paul.at allstar MVP Interview, Wisconsin. And the one time jalen rose stole Patrick Ewing d TV) |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:03 pm) Reply

There really has to be any state in America that isn't bordering Florida or Alabama where you could get better welfare and better everything. That's like what Florida is famous for! |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:35 am) Reply

I dunno, I've never been there. Its all a moot point because of the fact it is not possible for me to get a state ID, or social security card, leaving me stuck in a position of nursing home or homelessess, and my messed up body permits the placing in a nursing home, which is good and bad. A sleazy motel filled with low+down dopers, living off of a couple bowls of ramen as the days meal with no medical assistance, and I think.I'm.about to enter the realm of homelessness |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:18 am) Reply

Wisconsin has the highest amount of heavy drinkers proportionate to the overall population highest incidence of binge drinking, DUI's, and is the only state in which driving drunk for first-timers is a mere traffic violation. Those under 21 are allowed to drink in the presence of a parent or guardian. It is heavily influenced by the heavy amount of German immigration and a long-standing proud tradition of of of Polish heritage, in my uneducated opinion due to the national music being Polka Pole land supercedes the other European immigrants in regards to where they stand, but like it should be everywhere, Germany reigns supreme in regards to cultural influence.
They have the most country music festivals in the united states, and has more water than all but Michigan Alaska and of course, Florida. They were the first state with workman's comp as an official product of their governing bodies, and had the first feasible unemployment program.
Its sort of sad that the state is based around cheese cheese cheese I AMN SO WSATRD 1, which is probably a cover -up to the waster bordertowns where the only way up is down
I don't know the ideas behind their radical welfare reform, but I don't like a state with many Republicans focusing on the words "radical ", "welfare" and "reform" , I wonder if is trying to cover up the auspicious origins of said Night City-esque bordertowns.
Perhaps I shall sell a lobe of my liver to a black clinic as the amount of wrecked livers must be high, though I doubt they understand the anti-septic properties that are so very important in backalley surgery. |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:35 am) Reply

I dare anybody to find a better state animal than the Florida Cracker Horse, or something called "Horse Conch"
It's like they grabbed a manimal from Jacksonville that beat up horses as a way to keep himself strong when he finally gets a chance to wrestle Shamu (rapples was unavailable though, Bea Arthur, I fucked her, Ohhhh!!!) and then was promised that he could keep the crayons he would be supplied with if he developed several sketches and gave them namesfor state mammals
I can't believe my second girlfriend was a state mammal (Bea Arthur, I fucked her, ohhhhh!!!!!) |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:43 am) Reply

I liked Sons of Anarchy. Of course when you've quite literally nothing else to do and your pain killer is all like "duder, if you move too much you will kick my potential high out of your system" then I guess it's going to be *clicks "Like"*, I wish I knew when there is going to be a new season, or has there already been one? It is sort of crappy some of the time, but there's lots of violent facial scrunching followed by intense bloodshed. |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:10 pm) Reply

My selection was two faint albums, on my daily near 1000mg I'M
Yes, 1000mg Intramuscularly injected, daily
I would not suggest mk-801, but methoxetamine is a somewhat creative disassociative and legal and easy to find. DXM you can find in powdered form and if you stagger it right you can hit plateau sigma, for many people the most frightening experience they'll ever suffer. I've been in plateau sigma and it's really impossible to describe. Of course you'd have to go through a process, dex alone tablets might work better as eyeballing dosages of even 350mg is not easy. Man, I gave a girl a big line of ketamine, she never associated with me or rapples again. Apparently she hit a monster k-hole. I was wandering around Clearwater on ketamine, with latex gloves, alcohol pads, IM and IV hypodermics, and I cooked a batch of about 3 grams up.
I saved a girl from being raped because it was new years and he was trying to gently date rape her, but she was still lucid to say no and try and push him off. I was on the moon, but looking back it was fucked up how Frank was leaning forward licking hos lips, wanting to witness forced intercourse. And then ... everything went right. He had walked in on me givingg myself an injection from God, I fucked up outlawctarl by spiking his drink, and he was watching Training Day during the PCP scene (Training Day was kingly after a couple moderate dose shots seperated by thirty minuted.
Anyway he ignored me because I started rambling about what this wad of crystals I had was and walked off convinced it was coke. He got the girl to do a line that was huge, probably on the erowid scale an extremely heavy dose for a non-freak like myself. She became terrified and lucid and locked herself away from the Guy as it hit her what he was doing and I probably scared the fuck out of her, but better than being raped by a shitbag.
Frank I gave an injection once of 160mg as it is weight dependent and he was 170ish.
Oops. He called it the most terrifying thing that ever happened to him.
I also liked ambling down railroad tracks, which there are many of and many Slavs, in the state of Wisconsin. Amphetamines and benzodiazepines are a gift from God. But very few people consider haRDKore disassociative use as, being the most powerful drugs known to man, their rec drug of choice. Mk-801 is something I could not with good concious recommend, but PCP and its many legal analogues are super, Matt, with a little searching you could find MXE, totally legal and the most user friendly of the class that are somewhat coming. Nitrous is good as an add-on, DXM can be a nightmare or pleasing, and if you hit sigma (this cannot be done with the pure form of its major metabolize, DXO, which h is more mundane and is about 65/35 ratio), be prepared.
Ethyl ketamine is like twkoce as less potent, but order some 6-APB. , a legal party drug that is an acceptable substitute for MDMA. Some people.may find it preferable than the E in theirv area.
Ether isn't very fun, ketamine and methoxetamine are the user friendly big time disassociate iatives.
You could try the 25MBiO series, (I screwed the name up), of research chemicals are a delight! |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:06 pm) Reply

Aldp, why erase your reply from The Abstract Asylum (that's my video game level name today)? I mean, this is my thread, all are welcome to indulge in their most twisted fantasies
I hardly get the chance to handle business due to total lack of privacy and immensely low sex drive (circulation and such I'm sure is an issue)
Ha, I'm going to leave that error there. How BALLS TO THE WALL NUTS would IR have been if that was my listed meatbeat manifesto?
A lot of them are my type of girl |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:17 am) Reply

Where is the new Naruto coming? I mean, shit fellas, mangapanda used to have a good English translation by 2 AM TUESDAY, now Wednesday up to late afternoon.
What is this fuck? |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:55 am) Reply

And should be the end of the story. Madara having a psychopathic snap. Not a momentary break. Not an instant (or fairly long stretches) of Gaara chuunin exams insanity. A slow crumble into the abyss, realization that he was a pariah amongst,, his own people from the Uchihas that did have the right idea tha1àt Tobirama would have reduced the clan of the Uchihas and while he did NT have much to fear from Tobirama on battle level, he would watch hid clan that ostracized him be slowly buying d
surely destroyed by being pushed to a war they could not win.
Because Masada would not. Be there, nor would Hashirama.
Useful flashbacks, but that should be the end of it, though I could see the writer dragging out most of next weeks to wrap things up here |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:35 pm) Reply

I am finally proud of my German heritage. Primal warfaring beasts that ended up initiating the worst war (besides the war on drugs, which I believe has much to do with anti-German sentiment as they are single-handedly responsible for most awesome drugs, often times the awesome drug being a derivative or analogue of a drug Germany devolped/synthesisized, including most every drug I am taking) of the history of modern man, and one which was really unbelievable in the atrocities (which is okay, Jews are not good people, though Hitler didn't have to have them killed, they could have had them March down the railroad tracks mumbling about Slavs, and the Slavs matching next to them could start mumbling about how they had finally developed magical rubies but the Germans stole them and developed a vaccine for every form of cancer ever but it died with hitler, to uhler which h would.become a sovereign nation and I'd be king now), all because of expansion, madness, and not enough drugs
You're welcome |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:26 pm) Reply

The Heat are going to lose.
Quickly, Dark One, utilize all of that time training in your basement and perform an Instant Transmission to Chicago, and announce the Chicago Bears are being traded for the Kansas City Chiefs and they are signing Kerry Collins, releasing Alex Smith and signing Jeff George! |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:56 pm) Reply

Yeah! *bobs head back and forth* |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:43 am) Reply

*lAyfT1n wAytES*
So brown, ya know, I stack up on the carbs and I got Super Athletic AminoMAXXX before and after my work out, 'scuse me *rubs towel draped over meaty shoulders under arms and then on face, dilated pupils shimmering as I open up straps on Duffel bag, takes a preloaded syringe and finds a spiked vein instinctively without looking* oohhhh shiittt, Fuck!!! *eyes widen as penis throbs visibly due to John Stockton shorts, face turns pink with the beautiful feeling of whatever I just shot myself up with, irises disappeared within 30seconds* oh shit, ever hear the expression if God made anything better he kept it to himself? *takes a swig from squeeze bottle * Yeah, well I think its more if Balcony Biochemical Brute made anything better he kept it from God, to be the man you gotta beat the man, WHOOO! !! *magic Juan backs away after glancing at Duffel bag filled with ampoules and hypodermics of all different names, some nefarious, some he'd never heard of, but he decides he should not be in an empty locket room with this disgusting menace *
"SHIT MOTHERFU KER OH MY TALK ABOUT AN INJECTION FROM GOD TO BE THE MAN YOU GOTTA BEAT THE MAN, WHOOOO! !!!!, oh hell I don't know what that is but THATS how you finish a workout! What's wrong? You know shrimp *suddenly aggressive and leans in close, penis ripping right through the seams, I don't notice* you don't look like you got your shred on, hey, what's your Max bench" *MJ opens his mouth but nothing comes out*"huh? You mocking me you spineless jellyfish of a man? I bet I could bench your dead body right about no*gulps down another swig of GHB. And uses barbell to smash in MJ'S skull, then I benchpress it until I stroke out screaming to be the man you gotta beat the man WHOOOO! !!!*
~fin |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:02 am) Reply

*archaic GIF of a Burke on top of a DONK BLOGn Burke in crotchless spandex old-timey weight lifting outfits going bro style jumping a sand dune while their rubbed penises spurt ejaculate on top of a NOS propelled ATV* |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:25 am) Reply

Vinny, have you preordered Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers?
Apparently it is the domestic release from a SMT spin-off game released for the Sega Saturn in 1997. It has a few elements that were incorporated into Strange Journey (top 25 game ever) with a world not dissimilar to a splicing of Neuromancer and Mona Lisa Overdrive. Considering it will undoubtedly be one of the best games released in the past few years, with SMT DS 2 being one of the best games ever made (original Devil Survivor in my top 25 games same with strange journey), I am pretty pumped and the last game I was pumped about was my rebuy of SMT. DS 2 and code of princess, which would be considered disappointing though still very good, so I am confident that this is like the one time Wisconsin and Florida used the white coin earrings and became a superpower |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:43 am) Reply

You're right, Roy.
Well, I rarely dealt with a dealer dealer, so for the most part is was a shark-sneer as they thought I was retarded and didn't know I was paying 70$ for a 45$ bag of weed and was getting skimmed half a gram along with their middle-man profit. I actually was just retarded and saw that was the only game in town so I just payed what they put forth as a price so I did not have to deal with them. I can only deal with a fucked up "that's a faggot straight up yo, straight outta Holiday
The direct dealers I dealt with on occasion were pretty quiet and just handled their business, no speaking for the most part.
I dealt with big time well known about twice and one was a messed up colored who had his brother gone, as he was schizophrenic, killed his ex and their baby, chopped them into chunks, and went to the police station and dumped a portion of their bodies on the floor. He later pulled his eyeball out and ate it, saying the Bible says eye for an eye. As. In the same jail I was in, but years previous; while waiting for trial in the jail I'd have been sent to I was told, a single cell place for the criminally insane /extreme mental illness, he ripped his other eye out. He was clearly beyond insane but he didn't have money or indeed realize what universe he was in and he was guilty of premeditated murder, as somehow the prosecution pulled off with anecdotal evidence that he was in the stratosphere because drugs caused his mental illness. Prolonged mental illness is not psychosis from drug use, as even if he smoked tons of PCP a day and smoked all the crack in Florida up in one hit, its reversible if actual psychosis triggered solely from drugs, but its a lot different than short-term, or drugs being the jumpstart to schizophrenia, and he was crazy before he could have possibly fucked his DAT transporters and dopamine receptors solely due to drugs.
That Guy sold some good weed.
I hope I don't develop a psychosis because I was on high doses of anti-psychotics and I went to a sensible doctor and stopped taking them, as there is evidence in clinical trials that could trigger permanent psychosis.
Uh, this was an informative post :-/ |
GimpMask My daddy ate my eyes. Joined: 12 Feb 2007 Posts: 15034 (Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:09 pm) Reply

I can't find a fucking thing on television, it's upsetting, like if my penis with three different tears of varying severity and I wiped my ass and beat off and used a paper towel on this shitty rag and rubbed the anal lube all over my opaque-magma slimer and and three days later I awoke screaming as huge pustules filled with light pink cream covered baki. And it literally fell off, alimony down my leg like a gooey duck, the pustules blowing open on my foot as some fucking idiot tried to tell me I suffer from no conditions and it hit him in the eye and they formed tomoe shaped blood vessels and his eye went wine red and I was like "wouldn't it be awesome if peyton Manning killed his crippled fucked up brother and stole his eyes and had the eternal mangekyou sharingan and he was always one step ahead cause of that?" And the Guy was shrieking and people were gaping at my ghouls that can also throw satchel penis I dragged and I went I can't believe I fucked a ten year old who was somebody's daughter and totally got away with it! |
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