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johnbuisthegreat Joined: 07 Feb 2007 Posts: 4769 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:40 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
our networks being up was critical for every mission. They would have a video feed for an unmanned plane flying over the area of operation then there would be several different groups in one room all on mIRC chat getting and giving out constant updates but I would just sit in my shop and fix the network if they called that is all |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:50 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
You can give up this line of inquiry, ALDP, because John is a pussy faggot who has never killed so much as one single person. |
Let My Love Open The Door I do God's work of raping BITCHES! Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 6666 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:53 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:00 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
That's a pretty literal interpretation of libertarian. Most would completely disagree with that assessment. |
johnbuisthegreat Joined: 07 Feb 2007 Posts: 4769 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:37 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Peter is a cock faggot who has never turned down another guys penis in him |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:40 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
I'd better be careful, he might get really mad and flash my BIOS! |
johnbuisthegreat Joined: 07 Feb 2007 Posts: 4769 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:43 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Clotho Clotho's rational faculties are not estimated to be at optimal capacity for a sapient specimen Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 1850 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:49 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
I remember that one army commercial. They had this guy going to his friends for a reunion, and basically they're asking him "have you been in the shit", he starts having these weird flashbacks of him running around in a tent filled with whirring computers and flashing lights. And, then he comes back to reality. He gets a reassuring look on his face and says "Yeah, I've been there" |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:51 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
In the last election Michael Badnarik was against public education.
I suspect that most people that vote Libertarian are pretty hardline. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:57 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
I actually probably wouldn't disagree with you there. I post on another board with the chair of the Libertarian party in Manhattan, and he tends to agree that public education is a necessity, but he takes issue with school administrations enforcing a moral code or opinions on students (as long as it doesn't interfere with the other student's education anyway). In that regard I think the issue tends to be a bit more complex than for or against public education. I think they have a tendency to dislike the current system moreso than the concept itself. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:57 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Those Army/Air Force advertisements are/were so gay.
So I was jerking off, right? And my dog comes in and starts licking my balls!
Hey, it's Clark, back from the Army! What's up Clark!
Clark, I heard all you guys did in the Army is drive robots around. Is that true?
*flashback of Clark standing on top of a mountain of dead bodies, repelling bullets and shells with mawashi uke while Berserk-murder.mp3 plays, and the camera zooms out further and further to reveal that the mountain is incalculably huge, also the sky is streaked with red and black clouds*
*Clark gets an inhumanly condescending smirk*
No Milton, I THINK it MIGHT be a LITTLE more extreme than THAT.
*Keith David body slams the Moon* |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:02 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:02 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Derek, they oppose all government services that can be 'replaced' by private ones. So they don't only oppose education, but also public postal service, garbage collection and water service.
This is mentioned in their official platform. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:11 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Arguably they make a decent claim as those services could be handled just as well by the private sector and the cost of such services would probably be cheaper in the long run. It's not like they're calling for a privatized police force or fire department.
Additionally, since all of the these except for the postal service are state agencies and under state jurisdiction a libertarian presidential candidate would hardly be in a position to influence them. In fact, by a strict interpretation of the constitution (as a libertarian is likely to give) they would readily admit these things. Additionally the amount of libertarian candidates in congressional positions needed to change such things would be staggering so all in all it's a pretty minor thing to focus on especially when you're looking at essentially the only party that enforces secularism in the government to truly secure religious freedom (and freedom from religion), believes in a strong right to privacy, opposes the war on drugs and any attempts to stifle the freedom of speech. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:20 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
I don't think libertarians believe in a strong right to privacy.
Right to privacy tends to conflict with freedom of speech, and they're far too much proponents of freedom of speech to include privacy as well.
As for decent claim, I wouldn't say that. They make a claim, but it's pretty specious and absurd. They seem to think that a competitve free market is the most efficient manner for achieving these things, when that is simply not true. There's also the fact that the US can't have a free market. It would require a revolution and a disbanding of existing corporations. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:27 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Check the official platform they're pretty heavy supporters of the right to privacy, and in a way I tend to disagree with you the right to free speech and the right to privacy have a tendency to go hand in hand.
I also have a tendency to agree with you when it comes to the free market which is essentially one of the big areas where I have a parting of ways from the libertarian party (the other being socialized health care). Another issue is there lack of any sort of environmental policy which currently is just ridiculous. In a lot of ways though I think the libertarian party is what the Republican party should be, and it would be nice to see a Republican shift in that direction (even though I know it will never happen for a variety of reasons). |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:29 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Current problems in such areas as energy, pollution, health care delivery, decaying cities, and poverty are not solved, but are primarily caused, by government.
This is such a huge disconnect from reality that it's basically a waste of time trying to talk to libertarians.
Durr, all of pollutants are a result of the government spewing it, rather than the fact that corporate short sightedness makes it 'better' for corporations to recklessly spew waste. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:30 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
Oh I don't disagree with you there. That said, there aren't very many political parties interested in protecting civil rights in the United States anymore. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:33 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
I think the difference between us with respect to privacy is that the basic privacy that the Libertarian party espouses is assumed in Canada. We don't have drug testing for employment, for example.
And free speech does go hand in hand when you think of things like anonymous speech (since that allows for free speech).
But where they don't go together is with things like Google's new street side photos (for example).
Since I already have those other things protected, I don't care so much about them, unless someone was actually trying to take them away. Whereas someone driving by, taking a picture through an open window and posting it for posterity is unacceptable to me. |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:34 pm) Reply

Re: election predictions |
I agree with you about the Libertarians and the Republicans. It's probably wishful thinking, though. |