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Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu May 31, 2007 6:54 pm) Reply

Skillz |
I just started making a list about "subjective" skill vs. "objective" skill, so please contribute to it IF YOU WOULD.
Uh, this is what I mean:
There's some stuff where one can be deceived about his own skill level, where there is a gulf between perceived ability and actual ability based on factors inherent to the activity:
- Poker (short-term luck)
- Sex (unreliable feedback)
- Acting (subjectivity of what is "good" or "bad" acting)
- Writing (general complexity of defining the skill of writing due to wide range of skills, different writing styles, etc.)
Stuff where skill is more objectively evident:
- Music playing/singing
- Games like Chess or Go (there is no luck involved)
- Drawing (at least in the technical sense)
- Dancing/gymnastics (uh, dik?)
More please! |
Action Hank Yes, I fart dicks. Dicks actually come out of my anus when I fart. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 8600 (Thu May 31, 2007 6:55 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Vinny [00:10] How can you get an erect dick into your own ass? Joined: 16 Jan 2007 Posts: 5181 (Thu May 31, 2007 6:57 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Super Smash Bros. (with items on)
Super Smash Bros. (with items off) |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Thu May 31, 2007 6:59 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Chris is wrong about all of the things he listed as subjective and it's probably just because he's bad at them. |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:04 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
There is ABSOLUTELY a tendency for people to overestimate their skill at all of the things I mentioned, because of the gulf phenomenon.
You can't easily delude yourself into thinking you're good at playing chess if you face regular competition, but you can DEFINITELY think you're better at poker than you really are!
And sex? Forget about it. EVERYONE thinks they're better at sex than they really are. |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:06 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
I'm going to find Janie and seduce her and post images of her licking her breast here. |
Let My Love Open The Door I do God's work of raping BITCHES! Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 6666 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:07 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Music playing is subjective as acting and writing. |
Stupid Fucking Faggot Stupid 30 fuckbag who likes DBZ Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 7037 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:07 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
It's also possible to UNDERestimate your ability at those things too, so I am including that.
And there's definitely some subjectivity in the things I listed as objective. You can't really "grade" a pianist, for example.
However, you can't just sit down at a piano and start playing something that sounds good unless you have some technique. That's why it's in the objective category. You can't fake it.
Any shithead can sit down and write a novel though and think that it's good, when it's actually terrible. |
Jason At ten I shaved my head and tried to be a monk, I thought the older women would like me if I did. Joined: 28 Feb 2007 Posts: 7600 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:09 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Then, Marina. |
Captain PUNisher Joined: 22 Jan 2007 Posts: 1103 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:11 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Well, I like plenty of vocalists who can't sing well.
But I guess the sing well part is objective. _________________ Said the Captain PUNisher. |
Let My Love Open The Door I do God's work of raping BITCHES! Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 6666 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:11 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
The criteria you're basing your lists on is idiotic. |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:15 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
What the hell is "subjective" skill? |
Let My Love Open The Door I do God's work of raping BITCHES! Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 6666 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:16 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
People can't "fake" piano (although it's probably happened), but they can fake singing and, I dunno, whistling. People can have an intuitive grasp on rhythm and melody without any formal training. |
Let My Love Open The Door I do God's work of raping BITCHES! Joined: 22 Mar 2007 Posts: 6666 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:17 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Don't ask Chris, Magic Juan! He doesn't know either. |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:18 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
I can't dance but I have a very good sense of rhythmn in terms of picking stuff up on bass with little formal training. |
Derek Payne huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke* Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 4743 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:18 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
A skill where you can clearly be better at it than other people but mitigating factors would affect a performance or game. Such as poker with luck or acting with a script (there's nothing a phenomenal actor can do with a horrendous script). |
Theldorrin Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 19724 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:20 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Musical instrument playing is only subjective in the upper levels.
Anyone can write a poem, and it will be of subjective quality, but if you task the same people with playing a composition some people will fail utterly. |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:21 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Derek, how does anything you just described relate to that being subjective? |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:21 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
Instrument playing being only subjective at higher levels is bullshit. |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Thu May 31, 2007 7:22 pm) Reply

Re: Skillz |
I mean yes, it is MORE NOTICEABLE, but that's about it. |