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Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:12 pm) Reply

(#23) 'S A TRAP |
Part 2: Fate
Chapter 1: Return
In the early hours of the day, on top of the former FBI building in Washington, DC (I assume that's where it is), a gang of goons has one of their members singled out and surrounded.
A large goon, their leader, emerges from the crowd. It's George Tenet, former chair of the FBI! He has a mohawk, naturally.
"It's a capital crime to kill an ex-pig boss of the FBI!" he proclaims.
"Yes!" says a goon with a black hood pulled over his head.
"Ahh, yes."
"The penalty ..."
George Tenet cocks his head at his subordinate.
"The penalty is death!"
The hooded goon places the surrounded goon's head between his legs, hooks his arms, and jumps backward off the edge of the building. Falling whatever number of stories is accurate for that building, the executioner slams the condemned's face into the ground. It is a Pedigree, but they don't know that; the G-Men have simply learned this technique through trial and error, and found that it gives a quick and efficient kill.
The rest of the gang walks to the edge; George Tenet holds up his fist in triumph, and the G-Men cheer. Then, they hear a sound they haven't heard in three years: that low frequency thumping that can only be a helicopter.
Near the horizon, just on the near side of the Black Wall, hovers a chopper silhoutted against the rising sun. As they watch, the door slides open and a man emerges. He hops out; the helicopter bounces upward, suddenly relieved of a huge mass. As the intruder falls to Earth, the aircraft turns and heads back to sea.
Roulette stands at the gate of his city in Pussy Central, welcoming the Sparta brothers.
"It's good to be back among peace loving people after participating in that bloodbath for that animal Caligula," spits Nick.
The aptly named city of Divot is carved into the side of an Appalachian peak. Inside a concavity in the stone base, an entire city, protected by the power of Roulette, goes about its peaceful business. Between its mighty defender and its defensible location, Divot is one of the safest places in Post-America. Only No Man's Land has fewer goon raids, and Divot is certainly preferable to that.
"You won both your matches!"
"I've got it just as bad again next time, except I won't even get two wins recorded for it. I don't think they understand the family dynamic ..."
"Forget about that," says Roulette, still standing under the gate to the city. "Let's walk and talk. How about a stroll around the mountain?"
If you want Nick to walk around the city wall, go to chapter 2.
If you want Nick to prefer staying within the walls, go to chapter 3.
Last edited by Big Fagot on Wed May 09, 2007 10:18 am; edited 1 time in total |
Action Hank Yes, I fart dicks. Dicks actually come out of my anus when I fart. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 8600 (Sun Apr 29, 2007 3:31 pm) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Let them go out this evening for pleasure. The night is still young. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Tue May 01, 2007 10:38 am) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Chapter 2: Xenon
"We ... we fought against ... horrible creatures," says George Tenet. A stake pierces the back of his head and pokes out of his eyeball.
Roulette closes the gate to the city of Divot. Nick tosses his brother, repositioning him on his shoulders. His sharp exhalation is not from the exertion of lifting his twin, but from the vicarious shoulder in the gut it gives him to do so. They walk to the right, counterclockwise around the city wall.
Roulette begins. "What do you know about Sinijj Kasparov?"
"Looks like they've ventured outside."
"What do you think?"
Two shadowed figures standing at the edge of a wood are watching from a distance.
"Their stores of food and water are unparalleled. The leader is strong; those other two guys haven't been around long, but they've been fighting in Caligula's bloodsport. We need to take our best opportunity to ambush them."
"It doesn't matter what we think," says the second figure. SUDDENLY, WE SEE A HORDE OF FIGURES BEHIND THEM! "It only matters what they think."
PAN UP TO THE TOP OF THE FOREST. There are two men perched on top of the trees!
"Damn," says the smaller one. He is skinny and hunched over, alit on top of a conifer. "It would have been better if they'd gone inside. There's no way to ambush when they're in such an exposed place!"
"No, you're wrong," says the other. His body is large and wide. He stands with two feet on two separate trees that are bent toward each other. "With them outside, there's no one to come for help, and nowhere for them to hide. It's a rare, perfect chance. Now is the only time to attack!"
"No, no, let's just wait a bit for them to go inside. I guarantee victory if I fight inside their village! We'll overwhelm their population and defeat their leader at the same time."
"We can defeat the leader now while there's no one to complicate things. Without him, it'll be no problem to take the village."
"We have to wait. There's no way I'm fighting outside the village walls." The smaller man sniffs.
"Fine. See you later," says the larger figure. He jumps down to earth. The tremor of his impact shakes the trees; the smaller one, still at the top of his tree, has to hold on and watch him walk toward the village.
The men on the ground stay behind, unsure how to proceed. "What do we do," whispers one of the shadowed men who were talking earlier.
The small man at the top of the forest hears the whisper as clear as if the speaker were beside him. "Let's wait," he whispers back. "He may not be handling the situation wisely, but he's not bluffing when he says he can beat all three of them. We'll let him do the hard part, if he wants it so much."
The shadowed figure on the ground nods once and watches the large man slowly amble toward the city of Divot.
"All that's known," says Roulette, "is that he's a military man who flourished in Soviet Russia; he's employed by the Conner Foundation; and he's somehow connected to Beta Force."
"Beta Force?"
Roulette stops.
"What's wrong?"
Roulette looks toward the city gate, finally in view as they've made their way around the wall. Roulette's eyes squint. "That sapling," he says, staring at a minuscule green plant near the gate that's been flattened by a boot. "It wasn't trampled before."
"I'm sorry."
Nick and Roulette spin around and find themselves face to face with a massive hulk! Much of his body shines with metal armor. On his chest is an embossed plate bearing two letters: an uppercase X and a lowercase E.
"I was careless. I didn't mean to harm your plant." His voice is smooth and calming. The muscles in his face are relaxed and kind. Even in this nightmarish world, he instantly gives the impression of being a friend. He moves his arm to put his hand on Roulette's shoulder. Roulette's natural reaction to move away is delayed for a fraction of a second.
Rather than resting his hand on his shoulder, the interloper wraps his fingers around Roulette's throat! He squeezes firmly; it seems like lightning compared to his previous slowness. With his other hand, the large attacker reaches back and makes a fist. Something about his motion looks less like winding up a punch and more like the innocent action of reaching behind oneself to grab a bottle off the shelf.
The man swings his fist forward, but it doesn't connect! Before he can strike Roulette's head, two feet hit him: one is Nick's heel striking him in the face; the other is Roulette's Sledgehammer hitting him in the metal plate around his midsection.
The attacker releases his grip and takes two steps back. Al, who had been floating a foot above, drops back onto Nick's shoulders.
"Who are you!?" demands Roulette, straining not to wheeze.
The large man smiles, baring a pair of fangs on his upper teeth! "I'm going to drink your blood, and drink the blood of your village after that," he declares. He points to the plate on his chest bearing the letters Xe. "I am Xenon!"
Nick's eyes shoot open. An elemental vampire!
Xenon stands tall, taking no stance. "Come," he says.
If you want Nicolas to attack, go to chapter 4.
If you want Alessandro to attack, go to chapter 5. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Wed May 02, 2007 9:32 am) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Chapter 3: Arsenic
Roulette seals the gate behind him as Nick walks uphill toward the center of town.
"So," says Roulette, "What do you know about Beta Force?"
"Beta Force?"
"They were the ones you described encountering in Cuba - the ones with missing arms." Nick remembers. The stealthy operative; the pilot; the sniper; the foot soldier.
"There was another military figure involved," says Nick. "A general."
Roulette isn't listening. "Tab! What are you doing?"
An eight year old boy is lying face down in the dirt street before them! Roulette rushes to him and turns him over.
"Tab! What happened?"
The boy speaks. "I was ... training ..."
Nick looks over at the device the boy was using to train. A drum sitting on the ground holds hundreds of grey stones. A few feet above is an empty drum. The bottom of the top bin, which swings freely open, is attached to a paddle.
"I see," says Nick. "By hitting the paddle, you open the top drum and dump the stones into the bottom drum all at once." He sifts his hand through the stones; one of them is red.
"There are three red ones," says Tab. "I was trying to grab all three." He opens his hand; sitting in his palm are three grey stones.
Nick pushes the paddle, expecting it to give, but it holds fast. He hits it with the back of his fist, but it still stays shut. "It takes a pretty stiff blow to open it."
"I wanted to combine power and speed," says Tab. "But I couldn't keep going ..."
"Tab! You were training to fight!" says Roulette. "You must never do that!"
"I know, I understand the ways of Pussy Central ... but if something happened to you, our village would be defenseless ..."
"This boy ..." says Nick.
Roulette perks up. He looks around. "Keep back, Tab," he warns. From all directions, dark figures begin to show themselves. They're surrounded! Nick and Roulette stand back to back with the boy in between.
"Who are you!?" demands Roulette. He gets no answer.
No answer except an explosion! The door of a nearby house bursts into splinters! A person moving too fast to be seen darts out at Roulette and swipes at him! The leader of the city of Divot barely jumps out of the way. A cut on his cheek bleeds, of course.
"Good dodge!" The attacker stands up straight, or rather only mildly slouched. He is skinny and unhealthy looking. His clothes are all purple. He looks like the executioner with the chain from Berserk. An embossed plate on his chest bears the letters "As".
"What's going on?" asks Roulette as he wipes his blood from his face. "Who are you people?"
The one who attacked him stares off into space, listening to a voice that no one else can hear. "Stay back," he whispers, barely audible. "Make sure no one else can approach." He turns to Roulette. "Thank you for asking!
"In 2007, I was a bum. I lived on the streets of San Francisco, if you can call it living, using rats as pillows. I had more diseases than the pigeons. My life was like walking across an old rope bridge: everything I saw or heard or felt, every creak and wobble, I couldn't help but think it was a signal of my death. The only way I could deal with constant fear of death was to lose the capacity to feel it.
"Then ... that event came. What ended the lives of so many people rebirthed me! I met that man ... the man who rides the crystal horse ... and he showed me another way to live. Do you understand what he taught me? A rock can hold its place in a river, but a fish can swim upstream! A bum will always be a bum because he uses all his energy staying alive. That is not how I will exist!
"I started a farm after the apocalypse, but it wasn't enough. A farmer is just a bum! I used my strength to get men to follow me. I began attacking cities to gain power! This city will provide the means to go even further." He licks his lips. "Even though I'll suck your life's blood, I won't say thank you!
"Oh, and there's one more thing," he says slyly. "Before settling in San Francisco in my old life, I traveled to many cities. I even lived in the South. Do you know why I ran away to California? It was because I had made a child."
He points at Tab.
The pause is pregnant. Then Roulette speaks. "That's quite a story."
"I know," says the intruder. "Too bad none of it's true. I just needed to stall you long enough for IT to take effect!"
Roulette feels something and looks down at his hands. A rash is spreading over his fingers! He watches as it moves onto his hands!
"Roulette ..." says Nick ... "your face!"
The rash shows up on Roulette's nose and ears, then spreads across his face! He rips open his shirt; the skin on his chest is turning red!
"My name is Arsenic," says the intruder, grinning and showing a pair of fangs, "and that part is true. Have you figured out what I did to you yet?"
Roulette falls to his knees, wheezing. "A virus ..."
"Yes! An engineered virus!" Arsenic holds up his hands; purple metal claws are on the end of each finger of both hands. "Nanobots! The apocalypse can't take them from you if they're in your blood! Arsenic is a poisonous element, and I, Arsenic, am a poisoner!"
Nick's eyes shoot open. An elemental vampire!
Arsenic turns to the Sparta brothers. "He's dying," he proclaims. "Who will save him? You?"
If you want Nick to run away, go to chapter 6.
If you want Nick to stay and fight, go to chapter 7. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Wed May 02, 2007 9:54 pm) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Chapter 4: Standoh
"Fine," says Nick. He sets down his brother against the wall and walks toward Xenon.
"Wait," says Roulette, stopping him. "If he's going to attack my city, he's going to deal with me!"
Xenon stands firm and offers no response.
"Die you bastard!" Roulette runs at Xenon! As he approaches, Xenon puts up his right arm to block.
"Nice try, asshole!" Roulette attacks with a right hook, but Xenon's left arm slowly moves up to block that too! Roulette shoots a lightning fast left roundhouse kick that hits the block that Xenon put up initially!
He ... forgot about that block? puzzles Nick.
Roulette's arm slowly moves to block an attack from below as Roulette launches two attacks that hit his left block. Frustrated, Roulette fires an uppercut that hits his downward block!
What's going on? He knew he was blocking there! How can Xenon repel all his attacks when Roulette is moving so much faster?
"Dammit," thinks Roulette, "his blocks are so telegraphed! There's no reason for me to be hitting where he's blocking when most of him is wide open!"
Moving smoothly, Xenon puts out his left arm in front of him with his forearm crossing his body, as if he were holding a shield with it. As Roulette fires off dozens of blows, they all rain down on his arm as he moves it slowly and smoothly up and down! With his right arm, Xenon cocks his elbow back ...
"ROULETTE! GET AWAY!" screams Nick.
"There! He's open!" thinks Roulette, attacking a weak spot. Xenon moves slightly and he finds himself punching his elbow.
"No ..."
Xenon suddenly explodes forward. First his hips twist, then his shoulder, then his arm flies forward. His motion is 100% straight, no twist, no sway, like a robotic piston. The sound is like a sniper rifle's report. The index and middle knuckles of Xenon's right fist impact Roulette's mouth and chin, sending him flipping backward.
When Roulette gets to his feet, Xenon is standing normally and flexing his fingers. Sunlight glints off the jointed metal armor stretched over his hand.
"Xenon," says Xenon, "is an inert gas. Its outer electron shell is full; it needs no electrons, nor does it spare any. It is one of the most boring substances in the Universe!"
"My life," he continues, "and my fighting style, are modeled on the quiet dignity of Xenon. Power is not maintained by constant assault. I will win because you must fight me, and I will not fight on any terms but my own!"
"It makes no sense," says Roulette. "You move so slowly and I still can't land a punch. Two or three or four consecutive hits are blocked without changing position. How can you prevent me from throwing attacks where you leave yourself exposed?"
Xenon does not answer.
"I'll tell you why," spits Roulette. Turning to Nick, he declares, "He's using hypnosis!"
Xenon smiles. "That is not entirely incorrect."
"And there's something else I know," continues Roulette. "Your trick won't work now that I understand it!" He charges forward four steps and then jumps into the air. He tucks his body into a cannonball.
"Swiss Army Knife!" says Nick.
Xenon puts up his hand, as if challenging someone to arm wrestle.
"A stupid trick," thinks Roulette, watching him from the tiny crack in the shell his arms and legs make around him.
He flies closer.
"With this attack, I can strike from any direction at any part of your body," he thinks. "All you can defend like that is a tiny fraction of yourself!"
The distance decreases even more.
"I can strike your head, your legs, your stomach -"
Even closer!
"No! He's about to move! He'll block those parts! I need an open spot!"
The cannonball bursts open! A right straight comes flying out!
Xenon catches it, having not moved at all!
"He ... he attacked the only spot he was defending," says Nick, dumbfounded.
"I ... did this?" thinks Roulette. Xenon slowly lifts his free hand and throws a punch.
"I can't dodge!"
Roulette finds himself looking at Xenon's fist. The punch missed!
"Of course," says Nick. "The momentum he borrowed to use the Swiss Army Knife, it had to be reversed! The Universe itself moved him out of the way!"
"Looks like I have another chance! SLEDGEHAMMER!" Roulette throws an uppercut! Xenon moves his elbow slightly and deflects it! He lifts his leg to throw a kick.
Roulette dodges right into the path of the kick! All he can do is look down as it connects with his stomach and chest. For the second time he is sent flying back. He gets up, holding his stomach and gritting his teeth. Nick, returning the favor from earlier, stops Roulette from advancing.
"Leave this to me," says Nick. "I think I can beat his trick!"
Nick stomps the dry ground repeatedly, kicking up a fog of dust. Xenon looks on as the cloud rises and then settles. But when it's come and gone, something is different!
"Wow ... can you actually use this?"
"I've never tried before."
Standing in front of Nick is a sphere, about two feet in diameter, made of dust! No, not made of dust - it's a spherical, invisible shell, containing some of the dust he just kicked up to make it visible! The ball floats up, squashes, stretches, and moves around.
"Let's try it!" Nick runs forward, keeping the ball about 15 feet in front of him! Xenon puts up an arm to block, leaving his body open - and the ball smashes him in the stomach!
"I was right!" exults Nick as Xenon's eyes bug out. "Whatever the mechanism, your trick operates in the visual part of the brain. It relies on your imposing body being right in front of your enemy. If I move just a few feet away, you're just plain slow!"
Nick moves forward and pushes the orb toward the vampire. Xenon puts up both hands and firmly pushes it back, then slams his fist into it. The orb shrinks back and Nick staggers. He coughs and shakes his head.
"Alright faggot, let's do this!" Nick slams the orb into Xenon's body! Xenon puts his arms up across his face to block and Nick hits him in the stomach! The vampire positions his arms to guard his body, and Nick smashes him on top of the head!
"You're defenseless!" The orb takes on a human shape, albeit smaller! The tiny stand pounds at Xenon, moving about him freely! Xenon is too slow to keep up! Xenon puts up his shin to guard his body! Nick's stand hooks him in the face! Xenon pushes the stand out of the way and approaches Nick!
Oh shit-
Nick ducks! From behind comes Roulette! It's the Swiss Army Knife! Roulette spins up and slams both of his feet into Xenon's face! Xenon is crushed mercilessly. He staggers back. Nick looks over his shoulder to check and see that the outer wall of Divot is behind him. Roulette gets the idea and runs away. Xenon's face tilts back forward.
Nick Sparta explodes. The wall behind him craters; Xenon's humongous, metal-clad body is sent back mercilessly. Feeling like he has thousands of needles piercing his body, Nick falls to the ground.
Al Sparta stands up; amazingly, a moment later, so does Xenon.
If you want Al and Roulette to attack in tandem, go to chapter 8A.
If you want Al to use Frame Drag, go to chapter 8B. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Fri May 04, 2007 11:15 am) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Chapter 5: Fighting blind
Before Roulette can do anything, Nick throws his brother at Xenon! In midair, Al awakens and extends his hand toward the giant vampire. Xenon falls forward helplessly as Al prepares to kick him in the face!
However, when Al's foot touches the ground, his other leg is clutched in Xenon's meaty fist!
"How ... his movement was so slow!"
Xenon rears back to throw a punch!
From the side comes Roulette with a flying sidekick! Xenon, moving with unsettling smoothness, parries the kick. In the same motion, he turns and grabs Roulette by the face! With brutal curvilinearity, like a tsunami that swallows a house without stopping, the vampire smashes his head into the ground.
Xenon then turns back to Nick and reaches to grab him, but quickly retracts. Nick jumps back, then realizes his opponent had predicted his escape. Roulette jumps to his feet and moves away, wiping blood from his mouth.
"He moves so slowly!" says Roulette.
"Haven't you figured it out?" says Al. "Different parts of your brain are used for different things. For example, the fusiform gyrus is used to recognize faces, whereas the inferior temporal gyrus is used to recognize non-human objects."
Xenon smiles.
"His movements," continues Al, "by appearing non-threatening, satisfy some primitive mechanism used in detecting danger. Threat detection is pushed onto a less powerful part of the brain, increasing his opponent's reaction time."
"Learning this style required me to sacrifice speed," admits Xenon. "But it's worth it, because anyone who sees it becomes all but immobile!"
"On top of that," Al adds, "he can overwhelm some mechanism used in making snap decisions, causing us to decide in an instant what we know is false: that our attacks will connect if we hit where he's blocking!"
Xenon speaks loudly and confidently. "Your insight is impressive! But nothing you just said can be overcome by insight alone. Even if you know what's happening, you have no chance as long as you have to look at me!"
Al is already walking toward him. He comes within striking distance, then puts up his fists and closes his eyes!
"I see," says Xenon brashly. "So you think you'll be safe if you're fighting blind? You're only making it easier for me!" He puts up one arm to prepare to block, and reaches out with the other one to grab Al's throat!
Al, with his eyes still closed, kicks Xenon in the knee!
Xenon clumsily repositions his weight and swings a hook! He feels his body pulled backwards, causing the hook to miss! Al's fist slams into his face!
"How ... how can you fight with your eyes closed!"
"You're on my spiderweb," says Al with his eyes shadowed in a way that's cool and you just need to accept that. "The space around me is filled with minuscule spikes of gravitational potential - too small for you to notice, but serving me like the whiskers of a cat! My mind's eye sees you without giving you a chance to fool my eyes!"
Xenon makes some sweaty goon face, showing that he's nervous.
Xenon moves his body forward to grab Al Sparta with both arms, but Al gives him a left-right combo in the stomach! As Xenon staggers back, Al hits him in the chin with an uppercut! Xenon swings both fists at once, forcing Al to block with both arms! The giant's sheer force is crushing him! He can't get away!
Roulette shatters the vampire's cheek with a punch! Al causes him to fall backward with a sudden gravitational field! By the time Xenon is on his feet, Al is in position to give him a dropkick!
"This is it! SCHIZO CRUSHER!"
Al Sparta floats forward, cutting through the air with his feet! His body spins wildly! As Xenon looks on helplessly, Al's feet smash into his face, blasting him onto his back! Al lands on his feet next to his brother.
After several seconds of struggling, Xenon manages to climb to his feet.
If you want Al to let Roulette fight, go to chapter 8C.
If you want Al to take his brother and flee to the city of Divot, go to chapter 8D. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Fri May 04, 2007 9:57 pm) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Chapter 6: Dead end
"Come on, Tab!"
Before he's even done it, Nick asks himself why. He should grab his brother, or at least Roulette; but in the half second it takes him to act, the person whose wrist he grabs is Tab, the boy. They both run away.
Tab runs behind him, barely keeping up, as they flee the vampires. Nick has no time to turn around, no chance to slice all their heads off; they'd be on top of him in an instant.
Nick Sparta hasn't lived in Divot long enough to know the layout very well, but he knows the general direction of the thing he's looking for.
"Wait!" pleads Tab. "This way is a dead end!"
Good, thinks Nick. He rounds a corner and comes to a 100 foot cliff in the middle of the city! Dragging Tab behind him, he jumps off!
The vampires don't follow. Nick and Tab fall the whole distance and land softly, as if on a 30 foot thick marshmallow.
A moment later, Arsenic lands silently at the bottom of the cliff but finds no one there. He looks around and sees no trace of Tab and Nick.
His lips move. "The one he left behind," he whispers. "With the black hair. Cut him."
Somewhere in a dark place, Nick feels a knife piercing his thigh. He tightens his lips to prevent any sound from escaping; his hand paws at the phantom wound as the skin cells undergo rapid apoptosis. He cups his hand over his mouth and nose to muffle his elevated breathing.
Arsenic treads lightly through the empty region of the city. Walking past a two story stone building, something on the ground catches his eye: a drop of blood! He looks up and smirks.
Suddenly, Arsenic jumps up in the air! "I know you're behind this wall, Nick Sparta! You're mine now! DIE!"
The wall explodes! Nick Sparta is hanging upside down from the ceiling behind it! Arsenic's body is showered in invisible needles, spraying blood everywhere!
Arsenic falls to the ground as droplets of blood fire at Nick. Rather than striking him, they hit an invisible barrier and fall. Nick drops and lands on his feet, looking down at Arsenic.
"You ... were too fast ..."
"Cool the shit, Hudson," says Nick. "You were trying to get your blood to splash on me. The virus isn't just on your claws - it's in your blood, and that transparent play tells me I need to watch out for it!"
"S-sugoi," says Tab, peering out from a nearby window.
"You're very perceptive," says Arsenic, standing upright. "But I only need to cut you once and watch you die slowly!" The vampire darts forward and slashes over and over again! Nick parries his hits and slams his fists into Arsenic's face over and over again! The movements are too fast to be seen! Wherever Arsenic's claws go they meet an electromagnetic field! Arsenic's face is showered in punches! DSHVOIUDSHTPOSDHVPOISUTH
When it's over, Arsenic is on his back with his face totally broken. "Shit, this is bad ..." he says. Then he spots something that changes his mood. Through swollen lips, he speaks. "Heh heh heh ... I got you!"
"Shit, this is bad ..." says Nick. On the tip of his index finger is a tiny laceration, smaller even than a paper cut. It's not even bleeding. Then, to his horror, a drop of blood squeaks out.
"You're infected! This fight is over! GUHUHUHUHUHUHU!"
"I feel faint ..." Nick swoons and lands face down on the ground.
Arsenic walks over and looks down at him. He grins. "He died so quickly! My virus is truly beautiful!"
It dawns on him, too late to do anything. He looks up and sees Al Sparta coming down at him from above! For an instant, gravity more powerful than Jupiter's crushes him against the ground, damaging his body intensely! Al rolls to his feet and stands between his unconscious brother and the poisonous vampire.
"Wow," says Tab.
If you want Al to use Schizo Crusher, go to chapter 9A.
If you want Al to take Nick and hide again, go to chapter 9B. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sat May 05, 2007 10:35 am) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Chapter 7: Gravity bomb
"Yeah," says Nick. "I'll be the one to save Roulette."
I don't know how, though. Nick launches himself into the air and flips forward! While still in midair, he punches straight down at Arsenic! Arsenic dodges just before a giant imprint of Nick's fist appears in the ground! Nick lands; Arsenic appears in front of him! The vampire swipes with both claws, forcing Nick to backflip to dodge.
It's the people of Divot! Several square jawed, ruggedly handsome peasants carrying farming instruments attack Arsenic's men!
"Kill them," whispers Arsenic, "and call them bugs!"
"GET OUT OF MY WAY, YOU BUGS!" scream the vampires as they slaughter the villagers! The fruit of the villagers' effort is just one destroyed minion, caught in the head with two pitchforks simultaneously.
Arsenic wheezes almost imperceptibly. Nick eyes him curiously, then turns his attention to his minions. "You're going to pay for that!" he screams murderously, then charges into the crowd. As he swings his arms, invisible blades decapitate their stupid asses!
"FOOL! Never show your back to me!" Arsenic runs up and slashes Nick in his defenseless back! The impact of the swipe sends him flying! In midair, Nick turns around, his face a mask of pain. Before he falls off the cliff from the previous chapter, he notices Arsenic wincing and grabbing his left shoulder.
"He's infected," says Arsenic. "So forget about him. Kill the rest of the city and their resources will become ours!"
"You won't have that chance ..." Al Sparta stands up!
"Ah, yes," says Arsenic. "I forgot. Do you hope to achieve what your brother couldn't?"
"My brother discovered your secret!" shouts Al, pointing at Arsenic! "We saw you giving orders with a whisper that could barely be heard. Your voice is transmitted to your goons using your nanomachines! I don't know or care what you did to make their bodies accept your virus, but all your men are infected with your virus!"
"Guhuhuhu! You think that tells you how to defeat me?"
"That's just the beginning! We tested you by killing your men, and you couldn't hide your pain! A good leader should empathize with his men, but your pain is purely physical. When they die, your nanobots suffer! I could just kill you, but why bother when I can kill all your men instead!"
Arsenic looks flustered and anxious. "You'll die by your words! Kill him!"
Dozens of vampires leap at Al Sparta.
Sometime when you have a tub, or a bucket, that's filled with water, get some sort of round object, like a racquetball or an apple. Let the object sit at the surface of the water, and push it down a bit. The water level should dip a bit at the center. When the water rebounds, lift the object back up. Then push it down again as the water goes down. If you keep pushing and pulling in phase with the movements of the water, you should find that pretty soon the water is splashing out of its container!
Resonance is a means of adding energy to a system. If you move together with the body you're influencing, whether you're talking about a man pushing a child on a swing or a bridge being destroyed by wind, you can slowly add energy each cycle, pushing it a little further each time. Before long, you can exceed the limits of the system and cause destructive effects.
"Looks like I'll have to use that technique!" says Al Sparta disinterestedly. As the vampires close in, he bends space and pushes them away!
Then, he pulls them in!
Arsenic is confused.
The vampires are pulled in and out, in and out! Each time, the motion becomes a little more violent, and the range extends a slight amount! The attack grows and grows! Vampires are smashed against the ground and against walls! Spatial fields tear out their hair and rip their clothing! Walls collapse! Limbs are broken and torn off! Internal organs shred! Arsenic, retreated to a safe distance, weathers the storm as space itself expands and contracts! As the violence reaches its pinnacle, Al yells:
Dozens of vampires are torn limb from limb! Their distorted screams pulsate in the ears of nearby listeners, including Roulette and Tab who by the way happened to be far enough away not to be killed! As Al relents and the attack damps and dissipates, blood and torsos rain down like a fucking Mortal Kombat fatality.
Al immediately falls to the ground, shaking. His brain is not in control of his muscles; the means for transmitting commands, his nervous system, is overloaded. He is at Arsenic's mercy ... but wait! Arsenic grabs his chest with both hands and staggers around while taking gasping breaths! As Al sits on his hands and knees, a perfect target for the most rudimentary attack, the vampire leader is in too much pain to take advantage! Arsenic falls off the edge of the cliff, leaving Al to recuperate. Arsenic's subordinates are too afraid to approach!
Slowly, Al crawls to the edge of the cliff and looks over. Arsenic is on his back, looking up. His body is motionless, but his eyes are wide open, and his teeth gritted. It is a countenance of frustration and hate.
Al Sparta pulls himself over the cliff and lands like a feather at the bottom. He manages to stand up straight as Arsenic struggles to his feet.
If you want Al to make sure Roulette and Tab are alright, go to chapter 9C.
If you want Al to destroy Arsenic, go to chapter 9D. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sat May 05, 2007 10:36 am) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Chapter 8: Surprise guest
Al and Roulette's eyes meet, but before they can move, Xenon speaks, stopping them.
Proceed to chapter 8E.
Al takes a step forward, but something Roulette says makes him halt.
Proceed to chapter 8E.
Before Al can say anything, Xenon interrupts him.
Proceed to chapter 8E.
The vampire opens his mouth to speak before Al can do anything.
Proceed to chapter 8E.
"Xenon," he sputters, "is a Noble gas. It is one of the least exciting substances in the Universe. Of all the elements that can combine and recombine to form endless compounds, it is one of the few that has no possibilities to ever be anything else. The chemists who discovered it knew that it could not be combined under any circumstances." He holds up his metal clad hand in front of himself. "However, this isn't true. When enough pressure is put on it, even Xenon can become reactive."
Al and Roulette watch, not understanding the situation and wisely choosing not to move.
"The last two fingers on a human hand, though lacking in power, are dexterous and useful for fine manipulation. For a fighter, they are indispensible! They are called upon when wielding weapons, climbing, holding onto an opponent's clothing, or any other number of movements. But there's one technique for which they're dead weight!"
He slams his fist into his palm.
"The last two fingers, by their tiny weight, slow down a punch imperceptibly! And so, Xenon sheds its electrons!"
Xenon grabs the last two fingers on his left hand! Accompanied by a sickening melody of pops and tears, with great expenditure of effort, he rips them from his body!
Al and Roulette cannot and do not hide their shock. As Xenon pulls at his severed fingers, tendons that reach all the way to the elbow drag behind them! He wiggles his remaining fingers curiously.
"There is a certain compound that burns on contact with organic materials. At 77 degrees Fahrenheit, it explodes! It is extremely dangerous to any living thing!"
Xenon grabs the last two fingers on his other hand and tears them off as well! Casting them to the ground, he shows Sparta and Roulette what two three fingered fists look like!
"I am Xenon Trioxide!"
He fucking bounds into the air and comes down on the two men! Al grabs his brother and then both dodge to either side as Xenon Trioxide's mutilated hand craters the ground! Without stopping, he jumps up and runs to Roulette! He throws a right straight! Roulette ducks! Xenon's fist hits the city wall, shattering it! The vampire takes one of the large stones from the wall and hurls it at Roulette! Roulette swats it out of the way!
"Schizo crusher!"
Xenon dodges with considerable speed! Al spins face up just in time to see the giant's bloody fist coming down on his face, knocking him out of the air!
Xenon spins around to get Roulette's artificially weighted fist in his face! Without stepping back, he returns a blow of his own, knocking Roulette off his feet!
Al Sparta jumps onto his back and puts him in a sleeper! Xenon charges backward to slam him into the city wall! Without releasing the hold, Al inverts his body, floating above the giant's shoulders! Straining against the upside down arrow of artificial gravity, Xenon Trioxide throws Sparta over his shoulders onto the ground! Xenon leans forward to crush his face with a punch, but Al's gravitic field tips him backward just enough!
Just then, Roulette's Swiss Army Knife hits him! It's a flying sidekick to the face! Xenon is smashed up against the city wall with his arms out helplessly in front of him, like the Baki author always draws to show that a guy got hit full blast.
At this point Al has gotten to his feet. Incredibly, after being hit in the face with that blow, Xenon immediately attacks! The vampire grabs him by the shirt and spins around, throwing him fifty feet! Al hovers a few inches above the ground and spins himself upright, then barely manages to dodge as Roulette fires a dropkick that shatters the city gate!
Al hits him in the chin with an uppercut, but Xenon, unfazed, smashes him in the face, sending him to the ground! Xenon waits, breathing like an animal, for Al to get up.
"Looks like I only have one chance," says Al, checking over his shoulder. For some reason even though it makes no fucking sense Nick is behind him on the ground.
The vampire charges at Sparta! Roulette is too far away to do anything! Al just stands and lets him approach! Suddenly, Al drops to the ground! He sits INDIAN STYLE with his arms crossed across his chest for support! He doesn't even bother to look up at Xenon!
An intense gravity wave carries the giant's huge body up into the sky! Nick wakes up and runs at his brother! Putting his foot on his back, he jumps off his shoulder! At the peak of Xenon's trajectory, Nick collides with him and grabs on, carrying him even higher! Their bodies both fall to earth headfirst!
Nick Sparta german suplexes Xenon Trioxide's head into the ground! Rather than cratering or softening like dirt should, it's hardened, like cement, by some unseen force! Xenon's head smashes against the earth as though the ground were made of titanium! Nick Sparta gets up! Xenon Trioxide does not!
As Nick stands over him, Xenon moans and spits blood. "Kill you ... kill you ..."
"Looks like you've lost, brother."
Nick looks up to see a new enemy! A lanky man with a slouch, dressed in purple with claws on his fingers!
"Arsenic," pleads Xenon, "help me ..."
The other figure smiles. "Not a chance." Just like that, he slices off Xenon's head with his claws!
Suddenly, new opponents begin to pop up all around Nick and Roulette. It's an ambush!
Nick's face is incredulous. "It's you!"
Arsenic laughs. "Do we know each other?"
Suddenly, he becomes aware of a shadow coming from behind him! He turns around to see a fucking inhuman giant! Without hesitating, Arsenic swipes at him with his claws! The intruder puts up his right hand to guard, taking the slash on the back of his hand. He then reaches out with his left and wraps it around Arsenic's neck. As he sucks the infected blood from his wound, the left hand squeezes mercilessly, crushing the vampire's throat. The new arrival spits the blood onto the ground and drops Arsenic's ruined body. The neck is like an ergonomic bicycle handlebar, with flesh squeezed out in between where his fingers gripped. The other intruders surrounding Sparta and Roulette all clutch their hearts and fall to the ground.
Roulette adopts what could be a fighting stance, except it basically consists of shrinking back in fear. His arms are across his body the way a child would hold them. "You're ... here!" he chokes.
The man standing over the dead bodies of the two vampires is General Sinijj Kasparov.
If you want Sparta to use Unification, go to chapter 10A.
If you want Nick to give Roulette an opening, go to chapter 10B. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sat May 05, 2007 11:51 am) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Chapter 9: Not so surprising guest
Al is about to jump into the air when Arsenic stops him.
Proceed to chapter 9E.
Al has no chance to grab his brother before something Arsenic says makes him stop.
Proceed to chapter 9E.
Al is about to yell up the cliff to Roulette and Tab, but Arsenic interrupts him.
Proceed to chapter 9E.
Al can't do SHIT because the VAMPIRE is TALKING.
Proceed to chapter 9E.
"Arsenic ... was often used in old detective stories ... as a poison," he says, pulling himself up. "They would put it in the victim's food, and once it was inside his body he didn't have a chance."
"Well, this Arsenic," he declares, "doesn't need to be inside you to be dangerous!"
Without a second though, using the claws on his right hand, he severs his left! The hand falls to the ground! Blood squirts freely from the wound!
"You're too fast for my claws ... but claws are not the only dangerous thing!"
Arsenic darts forward and catches Al off guard! He swipes twice with his right claw, then punches with his left stump! Poisonous blood explodes wildly! Al augments the Earth's gravity to make himself fall faster, ducking under the spray of blood.
Al gets back up and the vampire swipes laterally, spraying blood everywhere! Al jumps up and floats over the attack. As he does, Arsenic swipes his claws upward, nearly nicking Al!
Shit, he thinks, there's no counter to this self destructive offense! I can't do anything but defend!
"This is it, Sparta! Die with my virus inside you!" Arsenic pulls back with his stump and prepares to fire blood all over Al's face!
"Your blood ... it smells!"
A beet red hand is clasped onto his stump, clamping shut the blood vessels! Arsenic looks up. The hand belongs to Roulette!
"You ... you're dead!"
Roulette tugs on his arm and pulls him into a super violent sledgehammer punch! Arsenic flies a hundred feet and smashes through the city gate! Roulette collapses, having no strength left in his body.
"Sparta ... finish him quickly ..."
Al makes a gravity assisted jump in the direction of Arsenic, then goes unconscious in midair! Nick jumps up and sprints under his brother toward the poisoner! Arsenic is struggling to his feet as he approaches! Nick tucks in his legs and slides Indian style toward Arsenic on his ass with his arms crossed across his chest!
An invisible uppercut smashes Arsenic's jaw! The vampire flies high up into the air! Suddenly, Al reawakens and lands perfectly on his brother's back! Using him as a springboard, Al jumps up after Arsenic and grabs onto him! They both descend together! Arsenic realizes he's falling much faster than normal. He's about to smash into the ground when the ground itsef retreats from him!
It would have been better for him without that momentary reprieve. The greatly intensified local gravity has compressed the soil a few inches, hardening it almost into a solid block of stone! Arsenic has a fraction of a mote of a sliver of a moment to consider his fate!
Al Sparta german supexes Arsenic headfirst into the ground! Rather than being submerged into the soft soil, the vampire is brutally rebounded off the hard rock! Al rolls and lands on his feet. Arsenic doesn't get up. Al collapses; Nick stands up.
Nick looks down at his skin; the rash from the infection is abating already. "Your virus is weakening," he says. "You must be half dead already."
"Die ... must die ..."
A shadow is cast over Arsenic; he slowly twists his head to see where it's coming from. A giant clad in iron stands over him!
"Xenon," sputters the defeated vampire. "Help me, please ..."
The new arrival gets down on one knee with a bizarre smoothness. He kindly places his hand down over Arsenic's heart, then balls his hand up into a fist and presses down, mercilessly pulverising the contents of his ribcage! Arsenic dies a horrible death.
Nick's face is incredulous. "It's you!"
Xenon laughs. "Do we know each other?"
Realizing something is wrong, he turns around to find himself face to face with a rare man who can meet his eye level. If anything, the man before him is even wider, more muscular. Xenon reaches his hand up to the man's face, looking like a mother lovingly caressing her child's cheek. He positions his thumb over the intruder's eye and prepares to gouge it out when he stops.
He has to stop, because there is a fist partially embedded in his face.
A shockwave rattles Nick's eardrums. The intruder pulls back his hand; Xenon collapses into a lifeless heap.
Roulette approaches in disbelief. "No ... this can't be!"
The man who stands before them is - well, why don't you guess who it is.
If you want Nick to decapitate General Kasparov, go to chapter 10C.
If you want Nick to sweep out his legs, go to chapter 10D. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sat May 05, 2007 6:39 pm) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Chapter 10 and beyond next cycle! |
Spamdini Joined: 22 Jan 2007 Posts: 1322 (Sat May 05, 2007 7:54 pm) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Spamdini Joined: 22 Jan 2007 Posts: 1322 (Sat May 05, 2007 7:54 pm) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sat May 05, 2007 8:48 pm) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
Signature move:
Name: Gravity Bomb
Who can use: Al
Description: Uses resonance to pour a huge amount of energy into the space around him, indescriminately destroying everything outside his body for, oh, let's say 50 feet. Like Nick's Rockin' A Hard Place, it temporarily incapacitates the user, and if I forgot to write that then I'm very sorry but I'm not changing it.
Name: Schizo Crusher
Who can use: Al, or now that I think about it Nick could too
Description: Just a spinning drill-like dropkick that's not affected by gravity. Similar to an inverted version of a certain move used by a certain boss of a certain video game.
Name: Unification
Who can use: Tandem move, any configuration
Description: Gravity and Electromagnetism combine to form a Grand Unified Asskicking. The details depend on who starts and who finishes, but the enemy is launched into the air and then suffers a spinning german suplex at the hands of the other brother.
I think that was all. At this rate a typical match will be nothing but special moves. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sat May 05, 2007 10:00 pm) Reply

Re: 'S A TRAP |
No, I did forget one.
Signature move
Name: Stand
Who can use: Nick
Description: Kind of an inverse hologram; a hologram is visible but has no substance, whereas this is invisible but behaves like a corporeal body. Nick uses an artificial body to attack for him. Takes all his concentration, and transfers strikes suffered to Nick, so it's not like he can control minds or anything. |
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