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Super Paper Mario
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Joined: 21 Jan 2007
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:41 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

I can't believe I'm considered the fat asshole who hates everything when Derek's around.
Derek Payne
huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke*
Joined: 20 Jan 2007
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:13 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

Maybe I'm not as much of an asshole?
Let My Love Open The Door
I do God's work of raping BITCHES!
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:14 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

No, it's definitely just the board being set in its ways.
Derek Payne
huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke*
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:30 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

I don't really hate everything. I'm just much more vocal about the things that I hate. Talking about things you enjoy is kind of gay and it's much easier to complain.

Also, it's not my fault Super Paper Mario is a mediocre game.
My Head Hurts 90
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:34 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

The whole Paper Mario series is pretty boring, save for whenever he goes down a pipe.
Big Fagot
Alpha ape
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:14 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

The Thousand Year Door is an incredible game.
Derek Payne
huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke*
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:24 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

It really is.
Joined: 04 Jan 2007
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:33 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

Someone explain these Paper Mario games to me.

They seem like they're 2D platformers from the ads, but what else is there to them?
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:39 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

They're basically Super Mario RPG with more platforming and less gay faggot characters like Mallow and Geno.
Joined: 04 Jan 2007
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:41 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

Ok, so what was Super Mario RPG like?
I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours.
Joined: 20 Jan 2007
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:43 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

It was gay. Like any one who played it.
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
Posts: 1353
(Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:53 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

It was like a 3D platformer, except when you encounter an enemy it goes into a seperate battle screen. Also, you could make certain attacks stronger by pounding the attack button (fire flower) or hitting the button at the right time (jump).

Paper Mario was more 2D and made you do more shit to power up attacks like pull the control stick back.
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:54 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

Mautty loves PSP.
Let My Love Open The Door
I do God's work of raping BITCHES!
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:58 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

That's like saying "Mautty loves to get laid"
Joined: 20 Jan 2007
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:08 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

mautty is such a spic faggot
I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours.
Joined: 20 Jan 2007
Posts: 3224
(Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:11 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

I dont love the PSP you faggot. I dont even think Ive botherd to chrge the thing this year. Rice is Twinky that got sick eating a rice based food.
Derek Payne
huhhhh *puke* huhhhhhuh come on mike save the game *puke*
Joined: 20 Jan 2007
Posts: 4743
(Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:17 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

The Paper Mario games were the Nintendo take on a Mario RPG (I'm not going to explain much about the original suffice to say it's a Final Fantasy game with prerendered graphics that introduced a mechanic of using timed button presses to improve attacks).

They had some platforming elements and maintained the timed button pressed (or controller actions) to strengthen your attacks. 1000 year door took this a little farther and added a stage where succesful timed attacks (and I believe special taunts during attacks) would increase the crowd size and Mario's popularity (with the stage getting progressively bigger as the game progresses) which affected certain attacks, boss fights (one boss for instance eats the audience to get hp back) and the ability to charge star power. During battle Mario can also perform defensive moves such as jumping (which can allow Mario to counter) or swinging his hammer if I remember right.

Level ups provided one of three things, more hp, more badge points (allowing you to equip badges) and more flower points (mp for badge attacks). Mario's basic attacks consist of a hammer attack and a jump attack both of which get upgraded throughout the game. Badges allow you to further upgrade attack power, raise defense, hp, or obtain various special attacks (essentially they're the games' equipment). Mario also recieves star power attacks by generally by completing each chapter which basically are the games' spells.

As has been mentioned they have platform elements such as jumping platforms hitting coin blocks and such with the games being in slight 3d (similar to say calling Final Fight 3d). Mario also learns various movement abilities to progress often relying on the theme of paper such as rolling up like a newspaper or being folded into a paper airplane.

Mario also recieves party members one of which can fight with Mario during battle. They grant Mario a new platforming ability such as a bob-bomb to blow up blocks, a koopa who can shoot his shell for puzzles, and the first character a goomba who gives Mario hints to progress. They also have their own abilities in battle, and they do progress in strength, but rather than leveling up with Mario you have to find special blocks to power them up (by the end of the game they are easily on Mario's level of damage some being superior). Only Mario has hp and can be attacked though so they can never die meaning that success depends entirely on Mario staying alive which certainly simplifies healing.

The game usually consists of 8 chapters. New areas are centered around a hub town (Mushroom Kingdom in the first game the port town in the second game), and you usually find the entrance to the next area using the platform abilities you found in the previous chapter. You can also search around town for various badges and partner level-up blocks with these (as well as return to old areas to do this, and you will also be able to unlock pipes that allow for fast travelling to the town found in each chapter). You also recieve mail from previous character providing hints or just whatever nonsense in general, and you can deliver letters (at least in the first game) to unlock secret shit.

There are also sections where you play as Peach and they are similar to something found in an adventure game and they usually involve solving a puzzle. 1000 year door had sections where you play as Bowser that are just like the original Super Mario Brothers. Luigi also shows up in 1000 year door and you can learn of his own ongoing adventure that occurs at the same time (much of which seems like the basis of the plot for Super Paper Mario).

Super Paper Mario is basically an extreme simplification of this. Badges are gone, and so are flower points. Timed attacks are no longer important. Battles are in real time like a Castlevania game. Party member are replaced with Pixls who do infinitely less. The pseudo 3d is replaced with 2d (which could have worked) and the overused fipping mechanic. Puzzles are simplified (especially since the majority of them just involve flipping). Star points are gone. Level-ups no longer provide customization options. There is very little reason to even try and find the secret shit as it usually amounts to a cooking disk (cooking is somewhat pointless since the game throws healing items at you anyway) or an extra Pixl that is useless. Basically the developers took Paper Mario dropped everything that was interesting or fun, made the game real-time, and made it excessively easy. Oh yeah, there's also some faggy card thing where you can collect cards that allow you to do double damage to that card's specific enemy if you need to make the game even easier.
Magic Juan
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(Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:29 pm)

Post     Re: Super Paper Mario

Fuck check out the nerd oh shit nigga he playin fuckin Madden for PSP GADDAYM!
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