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Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:00 am) Reply

Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
That slut bitch sucks dicks. |
kakarot52 Joined: 30 Mar 2012 Posts: 941 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:16 am) Reply
Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
Oh yeah theldorrin is like this cumwhore who isn't very attractive |
MADali Basically, someone like me is the friend who is watching from afar and shaking one's head. Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 6740 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:44 am) Reply
Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
Oh look at this fat coward who didn't dare insult Theldorrin when he was alive and waited for a few months to be sure he won't come back before he starts insulting him |
Bladtman Joined: 14 Feb 2007 Posts: 614 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:23 am) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
Theldorrin really wasn't that good in GunZ and I probably whipped his faggot ass a bunch of times.
Then I beat him at Go and the pussy ass said his computer glitched |
FancyMichael A lonely fellow who couldn't bag a CHICKEN! Joined: 08 May 2007 Posts: 3694 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:14 pm) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
You're shit, bladtman. |
Bladtman Joined: 14 Feb 2007 Posts: 614 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:31 pm) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
Go back to roleplaying with your faggot friend Jason you irrelevant bitch |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:24 pm) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:35 pm) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
Guys, Theldorrin isn't actually back. Yogurtman is officially FTU's lowest scum. Get ready to stop comparing people to Clotho! |
FancyMichael A lonely fellow who couldn't bag a CHICKEN! Joined: 08 May 2007 Posts: 3694 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:47 pm) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
Wow, that's pretty terrible! |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:50 pm) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
(10:30:46 PM) Yogurtman: It's going to be really awkward if he isn't dead and he comes back to find out that I jacked his account.
(10:30:51 PM) aldp: He crawled to his computer to make his post and fell over before he could even put Gimp Mask away
(10:30:59 PM) aldp: OMG
(10:31:00 PM) Yogurtman: That will probably be the day FTU is destroyed.
(10:31:07 PM) aldp: So that WAS you?
(10:31:15 PM) aldp: Man
(10:31:28 PM) Yogurtman: Yeah.
(10:31:37 PM) aldp: You better make a fucking post, you dipshit
(10:31:43 PM) aldp: What on earth is wrong with you?
(10:31:49 PM) Yogurtman: That's why I'm here!
(10:31:56 PM) Yogurtman left the room (Kicked by aldp (aldp)).
(10:32:11 PM) tsj: rofl
(10:32:20 PM) aldp: If he doesn't come back, it was never meant to be
(10:32:21 PM) Yogurtman [] entered the room.
(10:32:47 PM) aldp: Everybody who isn't in this chat right now is doing cartwheels over Theldorrin being back
(10:32:59 PM) tsj: on the other hand
(10:33:08 PM) tsj: fuck almost everyone who isn't in this chat right now
(10:33:10 PM) Yogurtman: But, isn't everyone who doesn't join the chat basically a bitch anyway?
(10:33:23 PM) aldp: This isn't something you can PLAY with you miserable dog
(10:33:27 PM) Yogurtman: That is why I joined the chat to convey that information instead of posting it.
(10:35:34 PM) aldp: You have made a grave miscalculation, Blanners
(10:35:58 PM) Yogurtman: I see.
(10:36:21 PM) aldp: I gave you an opening in the thread
(10:36:22 PM) Yogurtman: This is presumably why necromancy is generally defined as evil.
(10:36:44 PM) aldp: It was right there for you to nip this in the bud
(10:37:19 PM) aldp: And you JUST JOINED THE CHAT to say this!?!
(10:37:25 PM) aldp: As in you didn't join the chat earlier
(10:37:43 PM) Yogurtman: I did.
(10:37:45 PM) Yogurtman: You weren't here.
(10:37:49 PM) aldp: When?
(10:38:03 PM) Yogurtman: noonish
(10:38:12 PM) aldp: Unacceptable
(10:39:52 PM) Yogurtman: Alright, posting as your friend who is probably dead was tasteless and I apologize.
(10:40:00 PM) tsj: <TL>So, is Theldorrin the real deal?
(10:40:00 PM) tsj: <Jason>No.
(10:40:00 PM) tsj: <Jason>(9:08:31 AM) Yogurtman [] entered the room.
(10:40:00 PM) tsj: <Jason>(9:08:55 AM) Yogurtman: I can't decide what is more upsetting
(10:40:00 PM) tsj: <Jason>(9:09:10 AM) Psaturn: well shit. yogurtman comes in here now? I really have been ignoring this place.
(10:40:00 PM) tsj: <Jason>(9:09:15 AM) Yogurtman: The fact that I tastelessly resurrected zombie Theldorrin, or the fact that it DIDN'T FUCKING WORK and Gimp Mask is still free.
(10:40:00 PM) tsj: <Jason>(9:11:15 AM) Psaturn: i'd be more upset about zombie theldorrin. Let that guy rest in dorky peace.
(10:40:02 PM) tsj: <Jason>(9:12:23 AM) Yogurtman: Yeah, that would probably be for the best.
(10:40:03 PM) tsj: <Jason>(9:34:23 AM) Yogurtman left the room (quit: Quit: ).
(10:40:33 PM) aldp: You are the worst person ever, Yogurtman
(10:41:04 PM) TL: Man, I got sad all over again when Jason crushed my hopes.
(10:41:19 PM) TL: It's kind of dumb how often I think about Theldorrin now that he's dead.
(10:41:26 PM) aldp: I'm not even gonna kick you because you deserve to be here with people who know you are the worst person on earth
(10:41:28 PM) TL: I feel like a real idiot sometimes.
(10:41:44 PM) tsj: nah
(10:41:47 PM) tsj: i miss theldorrin a lot
(10:42:02 PM) aldp: It would be dumb if you didn't think about Theldorrin all the time, TL
(10:42:27 PM) TL: Man, I've never had a friend die before.
(10:42:31 PM) TL: It's weird.
(10:42:39 PM) tsj: like, the same way that you would pal around with thel and talk about shit like one piece with him that nobody else was really in to, i'd chat to him about finance and computers and work
(10:42:58 PM) tsj: theldorrin filled an important chatting role
(10:43:10 PM) TL: Now we have to deal with Jason's dumb friend doing dumb shit.
(10:43:12 PM) TL: It's not the same.
(10:43:24 PM) TL: Thel would have shut that shit down.
(10:43:26 PM) aldp: Hey, man
(10:43:29 PM) aldp: Thel would have loved that
(10:43:50 PM) aldp: Thel would have loved talking shit about Jason's friend, and we would have all loved him doing it!!!!
(10:43:54 PM) Yogurtman left the room (Kicked by aldp (aldp)).
(10:43:57 PM) TL: Yeah, I guess that's true.
(10:46:45 PM) aldp: I wouldn't normally want to stifle Yogurtman's already marginal presence but god damn it
(10:47:10 PM) aldp: That fucking imbecile went to bed and woke up and thought this should be an inside joke
(10:48:11 PM) TL:
(10:48:23 PM) TL: I felt so good last night when I saw that.
(10:48:30 PM) TL: *sigh* |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:52 pm) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
The innermost quoting in that is basically unreadable so here is it minus Trevor:
<TL>So, is Theldorrin the real deal?
<Jason>(9:08:31 AM) Yogurtman [] entered the room.
<Jason>(9:08:55 AM) Yogurtman: I can't decide what is more upsetting
<Jason>(9:09:10 AM) Psaturn: well shit. yogurtman comes in here now? I really have been ignoring this place.
<Jason>(9:09:15 AM) Yogurtman: The fact that I tastelessly resurrected zombie Theldorrin, or the fact that it DIDN'T FUCKING WORK and Gimp Mask is still free.
<Jason>(9:11:15 AM) Psaturn: i'd be more upset about zombie theldorrin. Let that guy rest in dorky peace.
<Jason>(9:12:23 AM) Yogurtman: Yeah, that would probably be for the best.
<Jason>(9:34:23 AM) Yogurtman left the room (quit: Quit: ). |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:27 pm) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
Guys, for what it's worth, I still believe that Theldorrin is alive somewhere in the morass of the Canadian health care system. It would take a long time for him to get shit done and it would take a long time for his tiny body to heal and I can't imagine he would interact with FTU in any capacity while whacked out on painkillers. |
Roy Joined: 28 Jan 2007 Posts: 1605 (Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:46 am) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
What if Theldorrin gets addicted to painkillers and becomes Gimp Mask? |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:50 am) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
I would be cool with that as long as it happened before April so I could visit his drug den and do drugs with him like I always dreamed about. |
Clotho Clotho's rational faculties are not estimated to be at optimal capacity for a sapient specimen Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 1850 (Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:56 am) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
You just want to take cialis with him and suck his dick |
Fagzilla Got lost in another dimension for a couple months. But seriously, we will actually update the site within the next couple of days. Joined: 25 Aug 2008 Posts: 10111 (Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:06 am) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
This ruse was diabolical. |
MADali Basically, someone like me is the friend who is watching from afar and shaking one's head. Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 6740 (Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am) Reply
Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
Man, even I wouldn't have done something so shitty. |
ALDP Joined: 25 Jul 2009 Posts: 4412 (Mon Feb 25, 2013 2:12 am) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
My theory is that he didn't want Gimp Mask to know he had caged him, and he somehow thought that people would be slow or apathetic enough not to lose their shit in the meantime, or something. I don't get any sense that he comprehended what a monumentally shitty and moronic thing he was doing, so I guess as long as he keeps paying for this place he is welcome to continue posting once a year and just having it followed by volleys of abuse now. |
Roy Joined: 28 Jan 2007 Posts: 1605 (Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:30 am) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
I just now realized the severity of this Yogurtman heel turn. This is like a pro wrestler jumping into the ring dressed as the Blue Blazer, leading everyone to believe that Owen Hart actually survived the fall from the ceiling and has returned. Then he rips off his mask and starts insulting the city's football team. |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:29 am) Reply

Re: Theldorrin (pain be upon him) diss thread |
I'm sending Theldorrin all my ki and chakra so he can at least have a ghost of a chance of withstanding Satan's torture. |