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Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)
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What's your favorite anime/manga!
 32%  [ 8 ]
Fist of the North Star
 16%  [ 4 ]
 32%  [ 8 ]
Grappler Baki
 4%  [ 1 ]
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
 4%  [ 1 ]
 4%  [ 1 ]
20th Century Boys
 0%  [ 0 ]
 0%  [ 0 ]
Hajime no Ippo
 0%  [ 0 ]
One Piece
 8%  [ 2 ]
Total Votes : 25

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Big Fagot
Alpha ape
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(Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:06 am)

Post     Re: Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)

1. Fist Of The North Star
A textbook for authors of action manga.

2. Berserk
I've never been so afraid of a story being ruined. I hope the ending was one of the things he planned before he started, but I don't think so.

3. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
I'm putting this above Baki because because it is the progenitor of its style. The author also takes all his personality traits to the extreme.

4. Grappler Baki
It doesn't accomplish any higher purposes. It's just entertaining and cool. No other manga has ever made me stop reading a chapter because I was disgusted or uncomfortable, but the part where the guy is ripping out Baki's nerves accomplished that.

5. I don't care
Naruto or DBZ or something, I guess. I don't have anything left that I really care about. I'll just say DBZ is awesome since the tone of this thread is such that saying so is socially useful.

Last edited by Big Fagot on Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
Matthew Outland
The sum of all the arguments Theldorrin makes for not having children.
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(Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:41 am)

Post     Re: Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)

Ocean dub better?

Im pissed and I actually liked that shit!

The voices were good but everything else was gay. fuck you rice. That and the 2 main characterrs (goku and vegeta) had worse voices, though still good voices.

Even if you think the series is a POS (youre not new in that regard) the movies and OVAS are good.
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(Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:22 pm)

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I think the movies are point of sale too.
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(Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:51 pm)

Post     Re: Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)

I know you're trolling, but I don't think DBZ sucks, I just think parts of it(the anime) move too shamelessly slow. It was only apparent to me after watching other, faster paced shows and trying to watch DBZ in large amounts at once.
Matthew Outland
The sum of all the arguments Theldorrin makes for not having children.
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(Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:51 pm)

Post     Re: Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)

HAha, theldorrin was too stupid to know I was saying piece of shit!
Joined: 21 Jan 2007
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(Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:16 pm)

Post     Re: Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)

I never understood why Gutts was so insanely injured for days on end when he had access to 2 fairies w/ magical omni-healing dust.
Ryoko's Biatch
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(Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:19 pm)

Post     Re: Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)

You mean getting stabbed in the soul by an omni-demon isn't a good reason to be hurt?
Custom titles are for heroes, like me.
Joined: 08 Jan 2007
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(Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:24 pm)

Post     Re: Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)

Slan gave him an ASTRAL WOUND.

She stabbed his soul!
Action Hank
Yes, I fart dicks. Dicks actually come out of my anus when I fart.
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(Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:38 pm)

Post     Re: Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)

1. Berserk: honestly, there is nothing that approaches the level of storytelling and art in Japan. This transcends manga and comics and is really a great piece of fantasy literature. Its The Lord of the Rings of manga and is a hundred times better than my number two. This is the only thing worth reading from that terrible terrible country. At times its brutal and gore-filled, other times its sweet and touching only to become brutal again.

Also the only manga I've read more than two times (and the other one will be on this list and probably surprise and piss people off). And the pacing isn't quite so bad when you read it all at once. It just takes so painfully long for him to produce one fucking chapter that the pacing feels off. Really, only like 20 or so chapters have passed since Guts got the Berserker armor, and that seems like two years ago.

People who hate Berserk don't deserve their eyes.

2. One Piece: this is really just a fantastic and funny manga. Has the ridiculously long fights ala DBZ, but retains the humor Dragonball lost as it progressed. Luffy's reactions to things is 100 times more intense than Goku's.

3. Fist of the North Star: this and Vampire Hunter D are my first introductions to Japanese anime/manga. Now being able to read the entire ridiculous thing is awesome. And its the only anime series that I actually own on DVD, albeit bought illegally in China. (I also have Berserk on my computer. I should buy it now that I have lots and lots of money).

4. DB/Z/GT: I've never read the manga. I've missed most episodes, but when I was 18, this was so awesome. That was back when Toonami was Johnny Quest and the Herculoids. Really, I have nothing else to say that hasn't been said besides that I have never felt more pain (and glee) watching the worst paced tv series of all time.

5. Akira: Fuck the anime. The manga is what's awesome. I've read it two or three times (so I lied above, but whatever) and it still amazes and astonishes. Its one of the best written, thought out, and executed mangas I've read.

I also like Baki.
Swimmin' in a Magnum
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(Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:38 pm)

Post     Re: Favorite anime/manga (in short, summarized poll form)

I haven't read any sizable amount of manga besides DBZ, although I did download Baki when BF told me to. I'm busy though.
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