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Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:19 pm) Reply

(#21) Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
Harold Hector Underwood
Born July 4th, 1976
Accepted to Navel Academy on July 5th 1994
Served 2 years On USS Mcharris
Was recuted to Us Navy SEALS on October 12, 1996
Super Agent Underwood then petty officer Underwood was awarded the Red spade a secrect medal awarded to elite soliders how served in black opts opperations. Reason for Red spade honor Top Secret.
December 24, 1997 was recuited to NSA.
June 28, 2007 Agent Underwood reported MIA by NSA.
June 30th, 2007 Confermned sighting of Underwood In Old Las Vegas.
This is all the intel I could get. I hope this info is of some use but Sir with the USA gone and this part of the world falling apart what in the world would you do with this info? Contact me again through the usual channels.
end trasmission |
Magic Juan Joined: 10 Jan 2007 Posts: 8709 (Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:28 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:41 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
Ill fix all the spelling and crap later if I feel like it. I dont know why I should fuck you fuckers. |
Action Hank Yes, I fart dicks. Dicks actually come out of my anus when I fart. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 8600 (Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:13 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
You may want to change the AWOL time to some point after 2008. |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:15 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
The American government ceased to exist in 2007, so if he disappeared after that, it wouldn't be recorded. |
Action Hank Yes, I fart dicks. Dicks actually come out of my anus when I fart. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 8600 (Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:22 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
I was thinking about the New Las Angeles thing. |
Ryoko's Biatch Joined: 04 Jan 2007 Posts: 9255 (Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:10 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
You mean Old Las Vegas? |
Yogurtman Odin Joined: 03 Jan 2007 Posts: 2248 (Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:13 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
It's always exciting when Mautty starts a thread and then doesn't make the most insane/terrible typos in it. |
SuperPsaturn SuperPSaturn Joined: 21 Jan 2007 Posts: 2111 (Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:59 am) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
Whenever I see the word Rogue I think of Rouge and get turned on. |
Action Hank Yes, I fart dicks. Dicks actually come out of my anus when I fart. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 8600 (Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:38 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
Fucking hell. |
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:27 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
Like you guys know who is watching agent underwood. Also if the time line is correct my dates are perfect. |
Yogurtman Odin Joined: 03 Jan 2007 Posts: 2248 (Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:41 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
Yeah, you're good. Ace is just retarded. |
Action Hank Yes, I fart dicks. Dicks actually come out of my anus when I fart. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 8600 (Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:45 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
I am. |
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:54 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
On the border of Rapealachia and Jew York at 6:22am.
Two man dressed in all black carrying assault rifles and on a scout mission. 4 hours earlier Underwood was sighted in the woods just out side of Jew York. They have been sent to apprehend the super agent. They are agent Mike and Agent Rick
"I don’t understand why red necks would make there land so far up north. I mean arent red necks southern" agent Rick says as he looks through his binoculars at a what looks like a camp sight.
"I don’t dip shit why is Jew York city like 300 miles away from New York. Maybe they got a good deal from the Indians. Anyway shut the fuck up we are on a smash and grab and we don’t want to give away our 20" Says the older agent.
Mike and Rick used to be CIA ops for the old USA. They have more than 10 years combat experience and are experts at hand to hand and taking care of unwanted threats.
All of a sudden the two men hear a twig crack. Rick looks at mike and motions for him to flank around the left they thing they have him. WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN A FUCKING BEAR LEAPS OUT A GOD DAMN TREE AND STARTS ATTACKING AGENT MIKE!! The more was more than 10ft tall and must have been well over a Ton.
"JESUS FUCK MIKE THATS A GOD DAMN BEAR SHOT THE FUCKING THING" Agent Rick screams as he is runs towards the attack.
The Bear having surprised Mike has pinned to the ground and is starting to lick his face. Surprised that his face has not been ripped off Agent mike reaches for his buck Knife.
"I would not do that if I where you son. I have that bear trained to kill. Right now he is just playing. But if he feels danger he will eat you" a voice booms out from the trees. A tall red neck in a overalls and no shirt jumps from the branch of the tree and lands next to agent mike and the bear.
"I would also tell your friend to stand down. That is unless you want to be Bear shit tomorrow" The man tells agent mike
“Fucking stay were you are man this bear will fucking eat me. Come on mister get this fucking bear off of me.” Mike cries
“Yeah let him up or the minutes that bear looks like he might attack Ill fill you and him full of lead pencil dick” Agent Rick demands
With speed so fast niggers around the world would say DAMN the man rushes agent Rick and snatches his gun out of his hand and bend the barrel with his teeth. He grabs agent Rick with one hand and holds him up in the air.
“Looks like we got our selves some kind of badass honey, Looks like I might have ta teach these boys a lesson. Looks like grackkkk grujkljlkagjsjk……” In the middle of red necks speech a fucking arrow hits the man in the neck. He drops agent Rick and in the commotion THE FUCKING BEAR STARTS TO EAT AGENT MIKE. When out of know ware the bear flies across the woods. STANDING OVER AGENT MIKE IS SUPER AGENT UNDERWOOD WITH A KNIFE IN ONE HAND AND A BOW IN THE OTHER.
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:32 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
That made me so happy. |
Mautty I bet my wife supports a bigger deadbeat jackass liar than yours. Joined: 20 Jan 2007 Posts: 3224 (Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:12 pm) Reply

Super Agent DEATH. |
The sun shining off his golden hair, his sweat glistening, the insane emptiness of his emerald eyes Super Agent Harry Underwood was a sight to behold. Dressed in black combat fatigues he has a Desert Eagle 50 cal in his holster. The 50cal is not his standard issue sidearm M1911 colt 45 (being in special ops he chose this over the weaker M9). It was taken off his first kill as a NSA agent. His stance is a standard defensive stance. His breathing is still calm; he is cool and collective all ready with his next move planned. He is just a little too cool for a man that just front kicked a fucking bear.
With out making a sound the bear gets to his feet and looks over to ware Underwood stood. But to the bears surprise no one is there not even the man he was going to snack on. Just when the bear was thinking that maybe that kick did more damage, something out of know ware lands on his back. The bear thrashes and shakes his massive 2000lb body. But whatever is on his back won’t come off. Sharp pains shoot from his shoulders and with a large crack the bear feels his neck snap. A second later the bear is lying on the ground dead. Underwood standing on the bear with his bloody knife in his hand, He snapped the bear’s neck with his own two hands.
The whole thing lasted little more than 30 seconds, from the arrow to the bear getting pwned. Agent Rick is standing shaking; he has never seen any thing move like Underwood. The speed and efficiency that he displayed was almost inhuman. Rick who has seen more than his share of death and combat was stunned.
“Your partner is behind that tree follow me or die in the woods, its not safe anyware in this god forsaken country” Harry tells Rick.
“Yes sir….are you Super Agent Harry Underwood” Rick asks with a shaky voice
“Yes but you can call me Death son because that’s what I do”
Last edited by Mautty on Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:59 pm; edited 2 times in total |
Big Fagot Alpha ape Joined: 09 Jan 2007 Posts: 10545 (Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:26 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
My dick is raw from jerking off to these promos. |
Roy Joined: 28 Jan 2007 Posts: 1605 (Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:55 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
Mautty is so great. It's like, "I can barely speak English but I have an awesome idea for a story anyway". |
My Head Hurts 90 Joined: 19 Jan 2007 Posts: 3445 (Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:29 pm) Reply

Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
"LETS DANCE BEAR" is a ridiculously awesome thing to say. |
Seru Custom titles are for heroes, like me. Joined: 08 Jan 2007 Posts: 11012 (Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:28 am) Reply
Re: Super Agent Harold Underwood: status ROUGE |
Seeing that pwned really ruined the moment for me. |